I very slightly ripped my BOTW cover

Am i retarded for caring about this? it's bugging the hell out of me.

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Idk why you are opening and closing it repeatedly, let alone care that it tore slightly, dont you keep your games in a case with your switch?

Yes, you're absolutely retarded. We permanently damaged the plastic on my copy of RDR2 because my stupid ass friend kept digging his long fingernails into the game case. I still don't give a shit.

Yes, you are.

Why even take a picture of something that insignificant and then make a thread out of it?


i don't have one

Best to just kys OP

you ruined it. good job retard

>Why even take a picture of something that insignificant and then make a thread out of it?

This is more video game-related than most of the garbage posted here.

That's nothing. I accidentally tore through the actual plastic when trying to get the shrink wrap off of Brawl. Basically fucked over my own casing forever.

looks like you'll be holding The L on this one buddy

Just move on, you might just forget about it and not care

You're fucked, man.

Nintendo can detect this and you’ll be banned.

My brain doesn't work that way..

On the bright side, this has been my most successful thread in recent memory, so at least I have something to be thankful for.

man, and I thought my OCD was bad. best of luck to you, OP

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Do you think you're obsessive compulsive? I'd recommend seeking therapy for it. That shit completely consumes you from the inside out if you don't fight it, I'd know.

I used to carve symbols into my GBA Pokemon games so I would know they were mine. I called it "modding".

You're retarded.

LMAO how will you ever recover?


Have sex

This is Yea Forumstendogaf. Why wouldn't he?

I don't know if I actually am, but I certainly get irrationally upset over any sort of obvious blemishes on anything I care about, I almost always save twice in games, and I'm always thinking about small fuckups.

Is that legit OCD?

Buy a copy for storage, keep it shrink wrapped.

Use the ripped one for playing/spreading the gospel.

I'm not spending $60 on a game I already own for a system I already own it on just for some paper. I'm stupid, but I have standards.

Then gtfo.

Your just ocd


If you are really that bothered just print a replacement.


Why not just order a new empty case on ebay, people sell them all the time for like super cheap

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>buy switch
>buy botw
>buy... umm...

I don't understand. Isn't the switch the storage case for botw? Why would you need to remove the game and store it in something else?

Just flip the cover. The other side looks better anyways.

>Buying physical copies of videogames

No, you are retarded for posting about it though

Am I the only one who can see what the fuck the problem is? Is this a newfag bait thread?

No, it's just really awful camera quality and such a tiny, minor thing. I'm autistic.

I honestly don't even know what the switch cartridhe looks like

Idk what to tell you op.
Im like that too, I even washed cardboard boxes of controllers because it looked like they had dust from shipping.

We have a mental illness. The feeling that “the things you care about” define you and your value.
Maybe you’d love to have a collection of those things you care about (can be anything, not only videogames), but you also say you have standards (you wouldnt but botw twice).
But let me ask you this:
if tomorrow you’d win 1billion dollars. Would you re-buy botw?

You have OCD. Get help.

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have sex

I wouldnt say it makes you retarded, but you surely have lots of the 'tism.

Maybe you should just take the L

That's nothing,years ago almost every game that got delivered to me had a cracked case