Is there any other Bullet Hell game that you'd recommend other than 2hu? Preferably on Steam.
Is there any other Bullet Hell game that you'd recommend other than 2hu? Preferably on Steam
Other urls found in this thread:
*sniff* *sniff*
Devil's Engine, it's a good entry-level Bullet Hell
I honestly don't like the movement in tuhu
I much prefer mushihimesama, dodonpachi, crimzon clover and danmaku unlimited
I would recommend sticking my dick in her butt.
All you can smell is salt water
Big fat Reimu ass.
eXceed 3rd
what is 2hu? is it worth watching?
I wonder what it feels like getting an umbrella shoved up your ass.
yeah its the best now seasonal anime
dude that's NOTreimu
Of course it's worth watching, it's the anime that changes depending on who uploads it. It has a really unique perspective for an anime, nobody even talks it's all in subs. Short seasons though, and the manga has higher quality being in a traditional setting.
Overall 8/10, would let asian judy hopps sit on my face
it’s not an anime it’s a comic series you fucking retard
enter the gungeun is ok
>asian judy hopps
Reisenanon is that you?
I love ____Tewi!
good taste
gonna need to try harder with your bait
Crimzon Clover WORLD IGNITION was pretty fun and it's 80% off right now
Yeah there are lots of them. Would you like me to list them or is this just a stealth lewds thread?
Most likely a stealth lewd thread
Shucks, I wanted to shill Psyvariar Delta.
this game's bretty fun
I didn't make the thread but it's the same picture used to start a fat thread yesterday so I can only assume it's being used for the same reason
Double Action fucking when you lazy cunts?
I want RU to sit on my face while she wears her swimsuit cosplay
a man of taste
Having a chick in a swimsuit grinding on your face is pretty great let me tell you
Sorry im playing QP Shooting while i made the thread, yeah post a list
why you faggots will never show gameplay of the game you talk about? no you show newfag garbage like this
Fapping to danmaku is degenerate.
Because this is supposed to be ass thread, you faggot
where are all the asses then?
He's a retard
Then where are the asses you piece of shit faggot cunt? nigger
You post em
I'm only here to jack off and waiting just like you
god damn, you've been browsing Yea Forums for hours. so have I.
Yea Forums has a pretty shit filesize limit
post RU
Do they need to be loosely vidya related?
Ass banquet coming right up
That's not Reimu though
Yeah okay but post big tiddy Reimu
Rabi-Ribi. It blew me the fuck out with expectations.
they are back on your general
based and cavepilled
How does the 360 version of Radiant Silvergun compare to emulating it?
>posts big tiddy Reimu a minute before I ask for it
God bless, user
I don't remember Reimu being this thick.
Post anything you have
There is no rule in ass thread, we're free
check out Exceed
Because that's not Reimu, that's a voice actor from some voice drama videos.
Still hot, though.
except the one where we don't post shit from failed franchises
No, just post em
>you'd recommend other than 2hu?
Why the fuck would trust the opinion of someone who would recommend that garbage?
Those are some nice stockings.
I still unconsciously think Shimakaze has a dick due to overexposure to doujins
Why franchises matter when they are all hot?
If you like ass we are brothers
What's bad about touhou when looking at gameplay?
raymoo makes my dick hard
This thread has a more stimulating content than anything else on Yea Forums right now
The gameplay is garbage.
The girls are the only thing that matters.
>the gameplay is garbage
But why?
"Garbage" isn't actual criticism
Is this a acceptable reimu?
post scores fag
no I'm not that guy
"Acceptable" is not an adequate description of this Reimu.
She is the gold standard all Reimus should strive for. Or would be if she lost a little off the waist and stomach.
It's just the same thing over and over.
Why do you come to a thread meant for posting lewds? Shut up.
Not bullet hell but
So it has consistant gameplay.
Why is that garbage?
So where's the actual criticism? You haven't given any
Apparently it's bad when Touhou is the same thing over and over, but in cave games its ok
I never knew I liked touhou so much.
I don't care, nigger
Post lewds or fuck off
But why don't you care?
He has no actual argument, another NPC that goes "2hu is bad"
i want to rub reimu's tummy
Most 2hufags don't play the games.
Why is it such a surprise to you?
Play Touhou.
Yeah it's pretty annoying people judge things by their cover.
His hand is probably busy.
If you've played the games and are so knowledgeable you should be able to tell us why they're bad
I only like the girls
It's the only good thing about 2hu
I'm not even playing video games
I'm not manchildren
Oh it was bait, got it
Yeah but why is it the only good thing about 2hu?
>there are people in this thread right now that wouldn't want to bury their face in 3DPD reimu pits
Because cute girls win over autistically memorizing patterns.
Looks too old for my taste.
But why?
But that's wrong, because I've already autistically memorized these anime butt patterns. It's the same thing.
Because our instinct to reproduce wins over our instinct to dodge a big number of phosphorescent projectiles.
Autistic memorization isn't required to enjoy anime butts
Do you also have pictures of Sananana (SNNN) and other Cookies?
Only a filthy secondary can't memorize anime butts.
Okay, I'm convinced.
Reimu is for making babies with!
Show me more patterns to memorize, user.
But we can't reproduce with 2D girls, I don't see that as a valid reason.
Can you name them all?
touhou is reclining
play HellSinker
Go back to /reddit/
What makes it worth playing?
Our instinct can't interpret that the butt making us all hot and hard isn't real though. Our dick wants to breed it regardless of that being possible or not.
Reimu, reimu, reimu, thick reimu, reimu, reimu and me in the middle.
But why does this make touhous gameplay bad?
bullet hells are for ADHD autists that always need the screen filled with all colors of the rainbow. play a real shmup like darius
Because I can't dodge the projectiles well if I'm too busy fapping.
But what does that have to do with the gameplay?
An element of the game is getting in the way of your ability to reliably play it.
But you say only the girls are worth fapping to but the girls only show themselves during cutscenes where no shooting is going on, the only other time you see them is just their backsprites which are 3% of the screen
I want a gameplay where I can shoot semen on anime girls with Yea Forums
why HellSinker is ChadSinker
- a metric ton of scoring options, rank mechanics and difficulty settings, allowing a broad spectrum of playstyles that goes from scaredy-cat ASPIRANT afraid of unnecessary battles to fearless ADEPT that kills fucking everything
- many quirky shot types and attack options, among them a charge sword slash that deals at least 50% of a boss bar when you charge it for multiple minutes
- really frantic action along the esoteric but phenomenal soundtrack, see
- batshit lore and haunting atmosphere
In short, the best doujinsoft shmup
Well that sounds awesome, although I hated Gareggas ranking bullshit. Does Hellsinker do that?
If you are on a thread whose purpose is to post touhou lewds it means playing with the girls was sexually arousing in some way for you.
not really, the rank can be easily controlled with the "stella" items dropping from enemies and it doesn't have a very high impact on difficulty anyway.
Okay but why does that make Touhou's gameplay bad?
Pill me on these different types of Reimu
eww gay
You just have to play better STGs to understand. Touhou games are like the store brand version of them.
I'm gonna cum to this ass!
What's gay about shooting semen on girls?
They are voice actors that become meme celebrities on Niconico.
They all voiced Reimu in some voice drama videos, that's why you shouldn't refer them as Reimu but instead.
That's not an explanation.
It was meant to reiterate my earlier point.
Thanks for the info friend
Enter the Gungeon is a good game, but it's a weak danmaku.
what is this image from?
where can I find more images like this one
please help friends
Just remember that OP pic is "RU" which is the short for Reu, not actually Reimu.
I hope that clear things up.
But the existance of this thread or your opinion doesn't affect the gameplay of Touhou. Can't you objectively explain why it's garbage?
Really makes me think.
No one want to explain shit
But why?
Because this is a lewd thread and no one cares about games
I didn't said it did, you didn't understood the point user.
not that guy, but while it's true that 90% of the reason why Touhou is hated is because of the cute girl look, quite a few players aren't fond of the gameplay because it lacks staples of the genre and replaces it with other stuff.
There's hardly anything in terms of destructable background objects/boss parts that was loved by fans of Rayforce/Donpachi/Kamui etc., in Touhou there are the IN slaves, boss minions and very occasionally destructible bullets. Stage design is rather anemic too (why system11 fags say that Touhou has no level design), like with the "touhou has no walls" argument: at best there's shit like the MoF waterfalls or UFO wallfairies which isn't good enough for shmupfags.
Many Wise man in this thread
Definitely fucking Crimzon Clover. Check that shit out.
Because he's a secondary that more than likely found about Touhou through either porn or music, decided to try the games, sucked at them got confused why a series has similarities, now he's on Yea Forums posting butts while making empty claims about he isn't even good
There, that's your answer
>Crimzon Clover
The person who made the first post calling the game bad and the one ''arguing'' with him now aren't even the same person. Anyone autistic enough to want to have a discussion about the game on a thread like this deserves the shitposting treatment anyway.
You are right about all of this except I never tried the games and I'm only on this thread because the OP had a sexy anime butt.
You play Touhou, so you already have shit taste and low standards, so literally any bullet hell is up your alley.
Hello shitter!
I know it's hard not being able to get past stage 1, but with practice you can do anything
Touhou fags have no right to call anyone a shitter.
Is /shmupg/ a good place to discuss shmup?
touhou is the most braindead shmup that you don't need to think at all
Hahahahahahahah oh god user, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH holy shit let me get my breath AAAAAAAAHAHAHHAHAAHHAAHAAHAHA OH MAN
No. /shmupg/ is fucking awful and by far the worst general on Yea Forums
>worst general on Yea Forums
Bold statement.
It is, visit there, view a few of the previous threads and see.
For a start none of them actually play, they gossip about e-celebs constantly, shit talk people who actually practice and do something like speedrunners, they think JRPGs caused the downfall of humanity, they think FF 7 was the first JRPG.
They're mentally ill
I can already tell there are /shmupg/ plebs here that don't actually play games and just parroting what others said.
Finally, some actual arguments, thank you.
And I can agree with most of them. Touhou certainly isn't the cream of the crop but it has its own charm with the music and lore and stuff. But yeah if you only experienced Touhou for the shootem up genre I would highly recommend expanding horizens and exploring other shmup series.
It's a shame too, there's literally nowhere good to discuss shmups without those faggots. They also have a gigantic victim complex, as soon as you point out their faults they seethe
Try not to make a thread with a bait image and maybe you won't attract so many people who aren't interested in the games.
So no more big tiddy Reimu?
what is this "R U" meme
Autism scared lewd posters off.
Well what am I still in this thread for then?
RU is not Reimu
She is just like BNKRG, KNN and SNNNN
You are unconsciously hoping more cute anime girls are posted.
wish people wouldn't lewd reimu
>shit talk people who actually practice and do something like speedrunners
It's time to stop posting and start dilating.
Anime girls exist to be lewded though.
Yep, /shmupg/ faggots are here.
One thing is they shit talk everyone else for not playing shmups, but if you play longer than 5 minutes you're addicted
based chadsinker poster
She's 19
all t*hous depicted in this thread are 18+
Play Monolith, it's a roguelite/shmup so I guess that counts
*lewd anime girls, and very consciously.
How is the PC port compared to arcade?
i need some basic strats please
do i look at the bullets or do i look at the enemy?
does gungeon count as bullet hell?
probably not but im gonna recomend it anyways because its a ton of fun.
99.99% accurate except missing slowdown in one of tlb pattern ultra mode, you will not get there anyway
>I finally get the answers I could never get out of shmupfags in a thicc raymoo thread
Amazing. I will try ChadSinker just for you user
If you head over to /shmupg/, RIGHT THIS INSTANT there's
>People saying fighting games are "cringe", almost certainly because they're shit at them
>Going off about Andalucian immigrants
>HRT and Trans people
>Girlfriend ugliness
You'll notice a distinct lack of shmup talk
don't mix RU or other meme nicovideos celebrities for reimu
it's a recepie to make every japanese touhoufag triggered or just naming cookie, never a good idea
I think there area tutorials on YT, or you can read Full extend of the jam
e-celeb faggotry is cancer no matter where it's from
Not just shmups, it's simply that any topics can be derailed easily by 2hufappers
When is the faggot spamming Touhou lewds going to be banned?
I don't get the bottom part
Ok but still, where are you supposed to look? Are you supposed to switch between all 3 zones at once?
probably never unfortunately.
Green area, if you see you're going to be fucked switch to yellow
The window image is analogy if you keep focusing on red area all the time.
I thought it was a joke, like the worst place to look is outside
You guys remember that game on the xbox 360 i think it was called Otomedius Excellent was that any good?
Devil Engine is trash, just emulate some Taito shmups
I wanna sniff and lick a sweaty girl's butthole
This but girls (male)
Nuclear throne
the level of braindead to bash Touhou games for being "entrylevel" but then praising Crimzon Clover, Ikaruga, and random ass garbage like Devil Engine is hilarious. /shmupg/ crossboarders really stretching to hold on to that contrarianism.
>30fps on a fast paced game
Only one user said ikaruga, and he said nothing against touhou.
I think ikaruga's easier cause it's got more mechanics to circumvent the bullet hell aspect. No clue on the others cause frankly I don't like shmups all that much.
Touhou is not bashed for being entry level, it's bashed for being bad. Big difference.
literally my goal in life
Fucking troglodyte m8 but ill admit you got me abit mad with that ironic "yikes".
For the game tho just dowload the 60 fps patch
also git gud you utter plebian bet you cant even reach the throne let alone kill it
Crimzon Clover is God's gift, it's a miracle it exist
Ikaruga is overrated desu
The kind of intelligent discussion "hardcore" shmupfags have lmfao
It's even worse if you consider that they're comparing """high budget""" games made by teams of multiple people to a series 100% made literally by ONE PERSON
>Novice is so piss easy you can probably beat it going in blind
>Normal is a hysterical nightmare
I feel like some of these games have some balance issues.
>Escaped Jap noxious work culture. Just has to release a rehashed game every 2 years to keep fans happy
>Could have been a millionaire, decided just buying his own brewery was enough because he fucking loves beer
>Married, 2 children, his wife is basically Aya
>His series has arguably the most fanmade content in the internet
Will I ever make it as much as ZUN did?
Astebreed was a fun one.
Muh one man indieshit is not an argument. From my perspective, it's about how I'm spending MY TIME -- playing some shoddy amateur product or a solid shooter with a budget.
Yeah I wouldn't want to play some amateur shoddy garbage, that's why I avoid caveshit
Cool. From MY perspective, you're a massive faggot
more like these
>3DPD lover
Your kind isn't welcome here, fuck off.
imagine the smell
What's the difference between a wall and a bunch of mostly static lasers?
is this Hikage?
It's getting a big dlc expansion soon btw
wew lad
I have zero interest in playing your danmaku trash. I'll be here playing proper shmups instead.
Original game was developed for arcade that means it supposed to be coin eater.
IMO Novice isn't easy too if you're going for Ura loop (2 loops + TLB).
>Proper shmup
Cave shmups are trash too.
Shmup fans are fucking insufferable desu
Name them proper shmups, tough guy
They're alright but sometimes they're the worst I've ever encountered
Based Touhou "fans"
Amerimutts are mentally ill
What do you think about spats, Yea Forums?
Crimzon Clover. Cheap and fantastic in every way.
Only thing you need to know is that there's a bug on modern windows (8/10) where you might have to restart your computer from time to time since "turn off" isn't actually turning off your computer, and lead the game to go to 58/59 fps (thus not counting your scores as legit)
Loli + spats + my face = yes
Why is Reimu so fat?
still too small
Look at Alice’s boots. You can almost see the steam lines coming out from them.
Definitely this, doesn't seem like a bullet hell at first but bosses and later areas quickly turn the game into one
No thanks, I'm a Psikyochad
Lmfaoooooo, these are the dumb cunts pretending to have taste
>Recommendation thread turn into an ass thread
It was planned all along
OP is patrician
better taste than danmaku trash
Ah, so you're garbage at these games. Got it