GMod sells peoples data to amazon now

The new garrys mod update uses "analytics" to send information collected to 2 IP adresses.

The first address, is owned by Amazon.
The second is Facepunch themselves.

Their new EULA is something that wont surprise many, containing your average "We can now ban you for whatever we damn please"

Heres the update page:

Majority of players seem rather unhappy about this change, including myself. This needs to be more heard of, it probably wont do shit but atleast its worth a try.

at the least I guess you could add it to the list of "companies wanting to be facebook"


Attached: gmod.png (225x224, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:


gmod hasnt been good since hl2land

bullshit, can't i just block any uploads to the amazon address?

It's May 2019, who the fuck still plays GMod

Funnily enough, yes. yes you can.
You can straight up delete the analytics for the time being.

The file path is:

god im a fucking retard and forgot to click but just read what I said before .

That just sounds way too simple to work

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Whoa thanks for bringing this up. I never would've guessed something like this would happen

Garry is pretty retarded so he probably didnt think about it, I think its pretty simple too but ill do it I guess.

Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever signed up for a Facepunch account when playing Gmod. wouldn't this just affect you if you're a frequent poster on their forums?

Are you sure they send data to Amazon itself and not to Amazon hosted server?

It records your analytics and sends them.

how would amazon benefit from a 12 year old gmod users information?

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Pretty sure that's against GDPR

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exactly what information is being sent to amazon

why would they need to collect the data of retarded 11 year olds smashing props against the ground in a poorly created anime playermodel

>was just getting back into darkrp on the mexican border wall map
We really can't have any fun can we?

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the link says that you can email them if you're in the eu so that they'd delete your databut ask too many times and you'd get denied

>post yfw you get to Watch them get sued
>post yfw you get to Watch this happen with tf2

There are profiles about you regardless of whether or not you have a face punch account. These are generally called shadow profiles from my understanding.
A more complete model of your habits allows them greater accuracy in their statistical models used to predict when and what you'll buy or how they can influence you .

>"We can now ban you for whatever we damn please"
What happened to Garry? Didn't he used to have a laissez faire attitutde regarding what went on in the game? I remember raids where people would scream heil hitler in chat and greif as much as possible and at worst those people just got banned from the server.

i hate how anonymity is a thing of the past, we must all be stripped of our privacy so we can be coursed into buying useless shit. really makes me wanna live in the woods off the grid

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>what's AWS
Retard OP

Now that Half Life 2 roleplay is dead, what reason is there to play Garry's Mod?

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Thanks for the heads up. I'll be making a video shortly to inform my subscribers.

Thanks again Yea Forums.

Every website you've ever logged in to since the dawn of time has logged every IP adress that has entered it, and your entire search history is also available and logged by your ISP. The only real difference now is that the data is sold to companies for various studies and personalized ad's.

There has never been a time where you ever were truly anonymous browsing the web, at least not when you're browsing the in conventional sense.

youre right i just dont like that my infos being sold to mega corporations

Very Wrong if true, butmore important issues are, why do people keep playing it? Why does Garry keeps updating it? Why is Amazon targetting about 1k people that still play a decade old game?

Hey genius. Gmod's servers are on the same network amazon and mutiple other huge sites use. It's a DDOS protection thing.

couldn't you empty it and then set it to read only so it cant me regened?

>hey amazon I'll buy from your site if you fix the shitty layout and add functional filter settings
>hmm i dunno, how about we just keep trying to manipulate you
God I fucking HATE Amazon and I fucking HATE normies who enabled it to get this big

t. Garry

OP is a samefagging reddit cuck trying to fearmonger people. He's been trying to post this all day on every subreddit and site he can to try and cause misinformation. Probably samefagging in here too. He had multiple posts auto-deleted from a few subreddits from IP issues because of him being samefag in presumably this or other threads.

>Their new EULA says "we can now ban you for whatever we damn please"
Sorry, is this something new? The only thing new I'm seeing about this thread is you. People have been banned from Garry's Mod in the past for many reasons, some of them even being illegal monetary gain from use of copyrighted assets nearly getting facepunch in serious legal trouble. It's not their fault if you didn't read the EULA when you first launched gmod whoever the fuck knows how long ago.

>Majority of the players seem rather unhappy about this change, including myself.
Well yeah no shit, thats what happens when you start fearmongering a fanbase of the average age of 12 about their security, privacy, and the potential of being spied on for saying racist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive things. You know, the thing that comprises 60% of the speech functions of a 12-year-old. Though I'm sure you're already well aware of this as this is what you've been trying to accomplish all day across Reddit, Discord, Steam, and now fucking Yea Forums.

Go the fuck back to your daycare, you sniveling piece of shit.

>decided to open Gmod for the first time in months today after this update
Now I REALLY want to keep playing!

you type like a reddit tranny

Also, you're just as bad as the reddit shitstorm that nearly killed Redshell for providing developers with the ability to see "oh hey this ad worked by redshell looking at a useless cookie left in your browser when you clicked an ad."

You say in the title of your thread "Gmod sells peoples data", except you lay no citation, examples, reference, or any kind of tangible fucking way of proving this at all. It is, and you are by extension, fearmongering.

>t. Garry
5$ amazon gift card has been added to your account.

nice try gayrry

If you're on Reddit enough to know all that, you should go back there.

Is Garry even an actual name?

>SUMMARY. We will store your information in the Europe where possible. We will do our best to keep this information secure. No information security system is perfect so please remember to be careful.
How am I supposed to be careful? You collect my data, it's not like I giving it to them. Just stop collecting it, this will be the most secure. Is facepunch retarded?

Gary? Gary!!! Gaaaaaaaarryyyy...

>OP is a samefagging
>reddit cuck trying to fearmonger people.
>He's been trying to post this all day on every subreddit and site
How the Fuck do you know that? Go back PRnigger.
>he can to try and cause misinformation.
Damage control.
>Probably samefagging in here too.
I failed to see it.
>He had multiple posts auto-deleted from a few subreddits
How the Fuck do you know that?
>from IP issues because of him being samefag
Bullshit. What is nap, what is same network. Even Reddit is not enough retarded to do that.
>in presumably this or other threads.
Hold on. Did you just called Yea Forums a subreddit? Go back PRnigger.
> Sorry, is this something new?...
From gmods rabbit:
>say anything unlawful, racist, harassing, threatening, abusive, hateful, xenophobic, sexist, discriminatory, abusive, defamatory, obscene, invasive of the privacy of another person or otherwise offensive. This includes in any chat or other communications with users. Facepunch reserves the right to monitor the content of any of your messages and prevent your use of any such chat or other communication systems for any reason
Aka ban you for misbehaving using new tracking tools.
>It's not their
>Well yeah no shit, thats what happens when you start fearmongering a fanbase of the average age of 12 about their security, privacy, and the potential of being spied
>yes goy, please give me information!
>on for saying racist, homophobic, or otherwise offensive things.
>You know, the thing that comprises 60% of the speech functions of a 12-year-old.
>Though I'm sure you're already well aware of this as this is what you've been trying to accomplish all day across Reddit, Discord, Steam, and now fucking Yea Forums.
>Go the fuck back to your daycare, you sniveling piece of shit.
This entire post is damage control from PRnigger. Go back faggot.

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We really have reached a new generation of users on Yea Forums when I see this thread. Is there nobody left that remembers the latter half of what Garry said here? Is there nobody still around from the days when we used to boycott Steam's mere existence because it was seemingly just a piece of DRM and invasion of privacy? Everyone here is really quick to jump on an uninformed and allegation-based attack on security concerns meanwhile they all sit there running Discord, Steam, and if you're an extra faggot, Origin.

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t. garryjewman

>Its ok Bro now I gather data with amazon
>meanwhile steam still continues
No reason to change if not for monetary gain

This is not reddit, buddy. No one is going to fell for this.

fuck off gayrry

That's not how GDPR works, someone that cares more than I do could get them into some shit.

Literally gayrry

>We can now ban you for whatever we damn please
Their game architecture doesn't allow that though; they can't stop a person with the game client from connecting to a game server, and they can't stop a server from accepting a client.
Server owners can block clients very easily but the game doesn't have central authentication/authorization that would allow facepunch to shut down users.
You'd have to ban them from Steam.

>ddos protection

I haven't played Gmod since GMT shut down so the devs could shill their DOA Towers Unite.

I'm still mad.

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you don't know what you're talking about. a game developer can ban anyone they want from playing their game, they don't even need a real reason. look into the game bans. it has nothing to do with banning someones entire steam account. they can also block the steam id from their servers.

With the consistent industry-wide effort to ban people for inconvenient facts (aka ""racism"" and ""harassment"") across damn near every discussion website on the planet,
these various pro-thought control (""diversity"") faggots are intentionally colluding to shut down dissent against their agenda.
Arguing that since using a corporation's services is voluntary, they aren't counted under 1A protection.
Well, if 90% of the corporations on the fucking planet are in collusion to all restrict the same speech, then using one of those corporation's services is no longer voluntary.

This is a blatant attempt to attack free citizens' right to advocate for their own self-interest and protest against policies which would subject them to economic hardship, crime, or replacement,
by shutting down every single goddamn channel of communication with which they could use to advocate or protest. Sure it's not the government, but it doesn't have to be. Communications are mostly privatised. That means if enough private companies all collude together, they could hold your utilities ransom unless you agree with their bullshit thought control.

Right, this shit's gone too far. Who do I assassinate?

>>post yfw you get to Watch this happen with tf2
TF2 is owned by Valve, not facepunch.

what map ?

Lol his malware tracking is not available in Yorup
Guess Gary can fuck himself if he wants my Data. GPDR is awesome :3

dont remind me
>macdfaggot shutting down fan servers too

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When did it all go so wrong?
Garry, come home.

Cringe and bluepilled
Fuck off back to r*ddit

Dear lord, this is the most rebbit post I've seen all year.

That only happened in 2009+ , when normalfags started being the norm and companies realized the internrz is a money machine

uninstalled and deleted everything

game I will never touch again

I knew there was something fishy with that new EULA... went to their facepunch terms and services page and saw that analytics section, I thought the collected data was just for troubleshooting. The "We can now ban you for whatever we damn please" was already a thing before that and pretty much never happened because every single interaction in this game is made in private servers. You have to be extremely fucking edgy to get something banned from the workshop, and most of times when that happens you don't even get banned but your addon gets sent to the "incompatible section"

I hope Amazon enjoys my scientist-killing contraptions, I guess.

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When shill appears in thread you know this is true.

Can I request a refund for them stepping over my rights?

whi cares


I havent played Garrys Mod in years and the last time i did it was still a fucking shitshow of autistic children, shitty game rules, power tripping admins and meme addons.

Why on earth would you still be playing this?

Um. Isn't facepunch hosted by amazon's servers?

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The only thing ive ever brought from Amazon was a Nintendo Switch, i proceeded to tell them that the box was empty and i got a full refund.
Amazon can have my information all they want, im not about to buy shit from them.

Unless you live in Australia or EU, I don't think so.
You can remove the spyware thing by removing Garrysmod\garrysmod\bin\analytics.dll. Doesn't come back unless you reinstall the game or check data integrity in Steam.

For me is just the perfect game. Pic related.

Attached: ANYTHING.png (236x258, 6K)

>source engine

It ain't the best but it can do a lot of things

>AI improvements mods
>compatible with other modded npc's too
Now i only wish for sandbox to not be dead so i can dick around with my addons

Attached: Punished Sultanate.jpg (1100x797, 214K)

Sandbox isn't the most popular gamemode but there will always be some servers in your region, let it be vanilla, building focused or random toybox

looks like you're part part of the 42%

Anyone else think of Glassjaw when they saw that image?

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why would i trust garry -- someone known for being a spiteful and malicious cunt -- with analytics? why would i trust that he's "only" collecting the analytics he says he is?

Oh no! Poor data collecting company!

>Majority of players seem rather unhappy about this change
why can't I find any other place where this shit is discussed, besides this thread?

Based valve

Is the first IP address Amazon AWS? that could still just be Facepunch.

Sad to see what happened to thsi game but with Garry being such a retard: I'm not too shocked

developers shouldn't be bound down by retarted privacy laws, only bolsheviks believe otherwise

you can be sure amazon collects anything interesting passing through its servers. analytics on analytics, if you will

that's not the point anyway. it's analytics, it can gtfo. garry is a twat.

>making money is retarded
lol, stay poor retard

That I agree with, fuck the analytics system.
I don't play Gmod anymore but I'm glad you can just delete it.

both me lol

>t. entitled peasant

When's the last time an ad conveniently popped up for something you needed and lead you to a specific website, upon which you felt the irresistible urge to place an order for said item? I don't understand how this shit is even remotely effective and leads me to question if there may be some sort of truth behind the whole NPC meme. It's fucking heinous shit, nonetheless, and has no right being a thing. I just have a hard time believing it amounts to fuck all.

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Here's a mod post I found on this
tl;dr: Yes okay it's spyware and it's looking at what games you have installed and what your background applications are but don't panic because we changed the privacy policy so anything we do to you is perfectly legal

Attached: spyware.png (1453x458, 140K)

>t. seething poorfag


Trying to change an existing product to 'make more money' without even telling your userbase that you're going to do it is scummy, fuck you retard bootlicker.

>pirates pirate games
>devs devise other methods to make money
>pirates buttmad because they don't own everything they steal
how does that evolution taste to you loser?

Shocked the mod straight-up comes out to say "You don't own the game", what a PR nightmare.

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your "userbase" is only worth as much as the money you can make from it

I'd love to see GDRP slap their shit in. No matter what bullshit they say GDRP makes it so this kind of cancer is OPT-IN, not opt-out like they're doing.

Garry's Mod used to be one of the best selling games on Steam for years. How does your slowly fading game taste, Garry?

>let's put our trust in the EU
>EU: yeah, about your human rights

>Now that Half Life 2 roleplay is dead, what reason is there to play Garry's Mod?
Fuck, is it really? SRP was the best on this stupid game (besides peaceful sandbox building servers with wiremod).
I still remember LemonPunch/ Nebulous Cloud being the last bastion of serious HL2RP, is it also dead now?

also, never forget Bob Good

"4.2. Will we ever share any of your information with other parties?

We will never share your information with third parties for their own marketing purposes without first obtaining your consent.

We may engage third party service providers in the course of providing the Facepunch Services to you (e.g. data storage, server hosting, customer and technical support, game analytics etc) which may require them to access your information on our behalf. We will ensure there are appropriate contractual arrangements in place with any such third party service providers to protect your information. Those third parties may also collect some information directly from you (e.g. IP address, unique identifiers etc) subject to their own privacy policies.

We may share your information within the Facepunch company group for the purpose of providing the Facepunch Services.

In the unlikely event of a reorganisation or merger of Facepunch we may transfer personal information to an involved third party who will protect this to at least the same level as we do in this Privacy Policy.


SUMMARY. You have the option to share your own personal information with others parties, in which case it will be governed by those parties’ own privacy policies – make sure to take a look at them.

Please remember that any communications you have via the Facepunch Services may reveal details about you. Also, any information you post publicly will be publicly available to other people. We are not responsible for your use of any otherwise private personal information which you make available, or the activities of other users or other third parties to whom you give or make available your information or content. The Facepunch Services may, from time to time, contain or connect you with third party content or services. Our Privacy Policy does not extend to external sites or companies, so please refer directly to their privacy policies.

OPs entire post reads like a "concerned redditor recruiting FOR CHANGE"

it's not like he has any obligations to the users of the product, god you people are stupid

You realise Amazon is one of the biggest cloud computing providers on the planet, right? They're likely just using Amazon servers to store the analytic data.

How does this affect pirates? They'll just delete the file and continue like normal.

until you look at the faggots defending it

Yes he does, in fact he has legal obligations to the user of his product.
You're fucking retarded and probably never read steam's developer TOS before. You type like a modern Garry's Mod user.

>PLZ take away more of my freedoms based big government, as long as my useless and worthless "data" (whatever that is, but it sounds dangerous) is protected!
And thus fell cuckrope into a dark age.

meaningful posting

Admitting to using Reddit and discord in public.

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it's just the first iteration of the method, eventually there will be so many algorithms in the code that it collects info from that you won't be able to disable them all

If you still play Garry's Mod (I don't but if you do) You could easily counter this by having everyone pick a specific date in the next week for every single user who is angry about this to Email facepunch support and demand they delete their analytics database on them.
When they can't actually keep up with the demand (they require 'reasonable time for compliance'), file a GDPR complaint.

Boom, problem solved.

Once again internet zoomers are fucking illiterate retards without an inch of understanding.
>WHAT INFORMATION IS COVERED? >SUMMARY. We may collect certain information when you use the Facepunch Services such as your name and email address (more information below). We do not receive or store your payment details. Please also read our Cookie Policy ( 2.1. What information might we collect from you? When you sign up for, download, use or play the Facepunch Services then we will collect certain information from you. The information that we collect varies depending on the particular Facepunch Services used, but this may include: A. Technical Details. When you use, play or access the Facepunch Services we or third parties on our behalf may collect technical details about the device you are using, including: internet and/or network connection (including IP address); MAC address, any console device identifier; device events; your operating system, browser type/language or other software; and your hardware or other technical details.

if you have friends in the right places you also can get them to make exceptions, who cares you lose tis round

who literally gives a shit about this retarded ass videogame?

>it's just the first iteration of the method, eventually there will be so many algorithms in the code that it collects info from that you won't be able to disable them all
You say this with everything, from DRM to Windows spyware. How is this different?

>why can't I find any other place where this shit is discussed, besides this thread?

Attached: huh...png (256x256, 56K)

maybe you should have read the thread, zoomer

how is he wrong? the trend in data collection is overwhelmingly proving his assertion correct


thanks user

Shrinkwrap contracts aren't valid in most of the modern world except America, and they're not valid in several states in America either.

Literally one person taking him to court would end this. His EULA is akin to toilet paper and changing the TOS after you've bought a product means it doesn't apply to 100% of users who bought it before the change went into effect.

I know you're ten years old, but please at least pretend to google this before you say retarded shit about it, simpleton.

Also reminder: This isn't "Garry's analytics" This is Redshell.

Remember them? Remember when RDR had to remove them because they were too intrusive?
Expect Garry to bend the knee.

Attached: redshell.png (629x236, 36K)

isn't redshell the program that used to be a keylogger and sent screenshots to a publicly browsable database?

Kys ASAP you fucking disgusting r*dditor, this is the worst fucking post I have ever seen on Yea Forums, I’ve been here for 10 years

I stopped playing and giving a shit about garry's mod like 10 years ago.

Why would I give a shit now?

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those laws are anti capitalist, they suck

That's exactly correct, fellow user. That's on your computer now if you download the latest update.

If you downloaded the new Gmod update be sure to search your steam directory for "REDSHELL*" and see if anything pops up.

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Protip. OP is a redditor by the name of frankglass123, an indian r/the_donald user screaming about "immigrants", and also a frequent 8ch /pol/tard. Google it.

99% of "data" is 100% useless. That's why gathering data and analyzing that data for the fraction of a percent of useful information are two completely separate fields. It doesn't matter what the data is, someone out there wants it because he can sell it to someone else who thinks he might be able to make an extra thousandth of a cent off it.

I googled it, and just found a thread by the guy who posted it in reddit. How do you know that's OP and not someone who saw that and came to make a thread about it?


Facepunch is a fucking retarded company anyway

Kys reddit

This tranny is also this tranny

Do these deflections
seem organic and natural and not a typical 8cuck strategy?
Literally no u'ing everyone

Also reminder: Garry himself doesn't actually know what was implemented. He's not involved in the development anymore:

Try not to out yourself so much, discord redditor cuck.

>seem organic and natural and not a typical 8cuck strategy?
Does using '8cuck' seem like a natural and organic deflection? Because it doesn't. It seems like the work of someone trying way too hard to fit in.

based pc gaming

You need to go back to plebbit you desperate semen guzzling, corporate dick sucking cuckold. You don’t fucking belong here and neither do your effeminate ilk

samefag, lol
I hope you get paid enough.

At least we can remove the spyware. This is standard part and parcel for a console.

>redditor calling others reddit
Incredible, what’s your favorite subreddit?

>an indian r/the_donald user screaming about "immigrants"
So he's more based than you are?

You have way too much faith in humanity. Donald Trump was elected president of the United States by millions upon millions of retarded Americans, and you have a hard time wrapping your head around the idea that most people are indeed stupid enough to fall for advertising?

You've probably never considered yourself to be highly intelligent or superior to others because you were raised to believe that the "average" intelligence was much, much higher than it really is. The internet makes it nearly impossible to ignore just how stupid the average person is, and that the standards are actually so low that even being smart enough not to fall for a clickbait article headline puts you far beyond the mean. You might as well be a fucking genius compared to almost everyone around you.

>gmod in 2019

Attached: KL7zcqK.jpg (500x333, 24K)

So this is the legendary Yea Forums, huh? The supposed bastion of gamers.

All I see is redditrannies trying to stop us from destroying corruption. Fucking hell how sad, and people said you actually vere smart and would stand up to innocent gamers being taken used of.

Embarrassing cucks, all of you. You have no honor or dignity, like trannies. Kys niggerfaggot, ur killing the gaming culture. But we will stand proud and hang you 42%s.

Attached: c6b.png (1000x1000, 177K)

>He's been trying to post this all day on every subreddit and site he can to try and cause misinformation. Probably samefagging in here too. He had multiple posts auto-deleted from a few subreddits from IP issues because of him being samefag in presumably this or other threads.
A tranny that browses every subr*ddit calling other posters r*dditors? Are you just trying to get (you)s?

Almost never, but that's the reason they do it: Out of 99.9% of people who don't click them, that tiny, tiny fraction of people that do are the reason they work so hard to try.
If they can increase that by even .00000001%, they'll do it.

We need to fight this evil lads. We must unite into a private army. Even if u don't care about gaming, than do it for epic lulz, like the great oldfags of old.

Sure do, odd folk is making fine money, and this is the perfect way to make a name in the reddit community to recruit more redpilled gamers to our discord.

Is this "i am just pretending to be retarded" stage?

Well I fixed my car engine that way since I was looking at the wrong parts.


Nothing retarded about telling folks about games stealing ur sensitive data

Is this it? Does the fire rise? Are WE finally rising up?

(You) are trying too hard.

Never seen so many crossboarders and tourists in a thread this year.

charge the laser

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Analytics isn't that cut and dry anymore. it's not longer about 'Click this thing to see a product'. That died with banner ads, which died with the widespread use of Adblock plus.
It's now about trying to understand a user's behavior to sell them a product that they inadvertently didn't know they needed.
For instance, that 'things you might like' ribbon on Amazon? Analytics. The 'Other videos you might enjoy' tab on Youtube? Analyics. The 'Here are some things you might also like' section on Netflix? Analytics.

Online advertising has simply tuned from being opt-in to being mandatory. You cannot escape analytics because the very act of connecting to a web site is saying that you are interested in a certain type of product. The very act of making a Yea Forums post is sending analytics to Google, because we have to fill out a captcha in order to post. (Yea Forums gold members need not apply)

This is considered 'more profitable' than advertisements because we can't adblock plus them away and we can't opt-out. The best we can do is get noscript, ABP, Ghostery (but I hear THAt shit has anaylitics in it as well, now) and uBlock origin and just hope for the best.

Stay cucked than, discord tranny basedboy

It's a Garry's Mod thread on Yea Forums, what do you expect?
If you play Garry's Mod in 2019, you are braindamaged. The game died when Spacebuild stopped updating and the rise of gay RP servers took over the game in the early 10's.

You have to explicitly agree to any data you are letting someone track about you. That needs to be stored in the EU and sending it outside of EU borders is illegal. Unless it explicitly tells you what they track and you agree with it, it's against GDPR

>reddit spacing almost eradicated the last half year
>everywhere in this thread
And they said they weren't obsessed with us anymore.

Sorry but that's a lie. Gmod community is alive and well on r/gmod. That's why we know about this fucking breach of privacy and trust.

>There are zoomers right now who are playing Garry's Mod without knowing the glory of Spacebuild
feels sad man

Attached: 4000_screenshots_2013-02-23_00001.jpg (1920x1080, 327K)

The best part is that OP has no understanding of Yea Forums mentality and culture. And will inadvertently ruin whatever private army he's recruiting all the way until his threads get banned on sight.

Your community is a dying shadow of its former self. At one time Gmod was one of the most played games on Steam, and then you idiots decided "Hey you know what's more fun than building wondrous works of architecture and incredible machines?
Pretending to be a jew bunnyhopping around the streets of Nazi Germay. Wow, I'm so glad we changed the focus of our game to RP instead of embracing one of the most innovative things the community made that no other game could replicate."

>Still using Facepunch after 2015

Did they ever fix the mesh melding shit?
Any ship bigger than 3 plates were a janky mess of vibrating suicide plates when I played. Also is there still only one map?

>not being a frequent facepuncher
Know how I can tell u don't belong here?

Facepunch has been pointless for years now, specially after TF2 became irrelevant and after Garry fucked up the forums

>Did they ever fix the mesh melding shit?
They made a workaround, called 'Multi Weld'.
they figured out that the Source Engine didn't parent props to one another unless you parented every single prop one at a time to every other prop. So they just made a tool to do the welds and that seemed to do the job for the most part. The actual mesh melding project they never got running on multiplayer.

>Also is there still only one map?
I haven't played in years and I still have 10 spacebuild maps. The problem, and the reason I don't think a lot of servers played more than 1 or 2 maps, is that they were resource hogs and probably still are today.
I hate Gooniverse but I do admit that it's way better than Spacebuild_v3.


Attached: facepunch.jpg (1393x893, 148K)

Was there a time he hadn't fucked up the forum?
I remember only going there to grab luas and stuff and saw that like 99% of the posters were banned at any time

I really miss old-new Facepunch

I would love a Garry's Mod recreation in Unreal but I realize that's just Space Engineers.

But IMO Space Engineers sucks compared to Spacebuild. Doing anything in that game takes for-fucking-ever and there is no 'drop in and play' because of it. The time investment just to make one simple ship is akin to pulling teeth and most of the time you're required to build along strict angular limits because they don't have the physics gun implemented.

why are forums so gay about necroing? Just fucking delete old threads if you don't want them bumped.

no idea, seems handy to keep all the information in the same thread.

What happens if you open a thread, find the solution 6 months later and decide to share it with people having the same problem?

Oh right you cant cause facepunch is ran by an autistic 12 year old