What games do fujos play?

What games do fujos play?

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Objective answer is Devil May Cry

visual novels

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Unironically RE

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Persona series. They want faggotry social links, but they never get them. Get fucked fujo scum.

Don't forget Ace Attorney and Sengoku Basara.

Capcom is fujo-core.

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kingdom hearts

Persona 2 tho

>Shinji so starved for attention he’s willing to go after the first person who shows him positive emotions and love
Lmao that kid was fucked

Breath of the Wild

Chris is too manly for fujos though, right?

Fire Emblem

Unironically the Tales of series. They're half the reason why Yuri and Leon are banned from popularity contests

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What are some games with art that you can hardly believe is official?

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I mean, user, it's real.

I want to kiss Shinji's pubis

Tales of, Pokémon, Persona, Zelda, FGO, Animal Crossing.

Final Fantasy (especialloy XIV)

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I like the danganronpa series, sims games, mahjong, and my fav VN is Lamento. Also, i don't really believe it's a fujoshi opinion to think shinji x kaworu because there were some serious love vibes coming off of them, and they contrast so nicely especially in the manga that they would be cute together even if you hate gay people

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>tfw fujo girls are always my favourite

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I like that you can just look at the artstyle of a manga/VN and go "yeah thats BL", it's so handy.


Legend of Zelda
Final Fantasy 7

Just about any game that has bishounens as major characters