Cassardis.... Home.
Cassardis.... Home
>found the "secret" clothing shop
Nice one user
me with best boy
>You will never live in a seaside fisherman village
why even fucking livE
>OG DD screenshot
I just want to be a fisherman
Mercedes's thigh.... Home
Why is this game so good bros
because only the good die young
Is hard mode worth it?
Oblivion tier graphics at 1/10 the gameplay quality. Just admit that you were 12 when you played this for the first time.
Yes if only to get mega gold bags dropping out of every enemy
If you survive early game it quickly becomes not hard
more gold, more exp, more discipline points
>backwater fishing village is almost as big as the capital city
This shit was always weird.
Be quiet retard.
Game arrives in 2 days.
Post webms please
Knockback/stagger skills stop being fun. For example, strider has to use his wires twice on an early game bandit for it to work.
And fun is the most important thing about this game.
If you are playing on PC, you should install experience mod. It does make the game considerably more challenging, but doesn't break mechanics even more.
comfiest video game village by far
I like it, though it fucks the early game/early BBI hard since you straight up can't break enemies' stagger threshold without some hard cheese.
Are there any other mods worth playing? I just did my first playthrough + bbi but still hungry for more. Currently going through hard mode.
We postin that vintage?
Pic related, me Bob Ross and my Amazonian bitch
Just a reminder that we could have go to the moon
What the fuck are even trying to say?
>doesn't know about moon level
It isn’t
Don't lose hope lad, Itsuno's gonna take us home in the sequel.
Endgame area for DD was going to be the moon.
She was a good pawn to hire.
What is it with japs and their endless fascination with the moon? Are they aware there are thousands of discovered planets infinitely more interesting than a fucking planetary satellite.
Guys, I installed the Dangan menu screen mod and it cuts off right before the song gets going. What kind of sadistic fuck designed this mod?
>he doesn't know about DD's concept art
>he doesn't know just how big in scale DD was planned to be
What could have been...
Until some ghost bitch appeared at the wharf.
Meant for
>> it cuts off right before the song gets going
lol, fucking blue balled
Because we kinda can GO THERE, even more so """easily""".
>Finally i get to kill this goblin asshole
>Jumps out the window before i can kill him
what the fucking deal with the jester cunt
Gran Soren was at least twice as big as Cassardis, larger still including the castle, it's just weird since it's the only other actual proper settlement.
He's a sneaky little shit who was colluding with Julien and selling out the Duke, and he's best girl.
i cant be bothered to finish that mission where you guard the serpent head through the valley. the game is so fucking boring lol
Do you mind posting the link to the mod?
just the one thigh?
OG PS3 5FPS Master race
Nice, I got my US import last night becuase no physical release in europoo ;_;
I only have two webms that I made
they aren't very good
>play Hard Mode in the start for moneybags and fast xp
>switch class when I get to where all roads lead
>switch to normal after
This one always makes me feel bad becuase he just leaves his wife for you without any mention of her and she is just there alone in the store
I don't know what's up with all the DD threads lately, but I'm totally ok with it.
Can you play as a cleric in Dragons Dogma?
Not really, unless you mean heal/support slut. Then yes, but it's probably the worst way to play.
Yes and it sucks.
You can also play as a paladin, if that's more the kind of "cleric" you mean.
>not being smol and follow him through the tunnels
I meant more along the lines of casting holy/light spells but if thats the case I'll probably just play a mage
A mage can do a few of those, but you'd get more from playing a mystic knight with a shield and staff, since their shields have some thight holy spells.
So I finally tried a proper perfect-blocking mystic knight and it's been pretty cool so far. Holy riposting into a cannon is as satisfying as people made it sound.
I wonder how my pawn is doing, was he hired? Was he a good combatant, did he honor my teachings? I didn't think i'd suddenly find myself so attached to him after all these years.
Mystic Knight is what youre looking for then. There's not a ton of holy themed spells, most are elemental. Mage is what I meant with probably the worst way to play. Don't play mage. Switch to sorcerer or mystic knight as soon as you hit Gran Soren.
This. I think he's probably not that well trained, but I did my best. Might check on him later today.
Mystic knight can enchant weapons and their shield with holy. Holy repost is one of best attacks in BBI and really good if used well in main game.
They can also create whats called a cannon, its a floating orb that fires out projectiles when hit by anything, it can take on the element of the casters weapon including holy.
This class is also the reason for all the slideshow memes this game had on when it originally released on PS3 and 360. Hopefully this is back in the switch release for me killing the FPS its half the fun of playing Mystic Knight
Plateau is the best from my experience.
yo i'm playing with the same mod right now. Does it actually work that well? I'm sort of feeling it but I'm still only early game where everything oneshots you anyways.
I've always figured around level 50-60 was what the endgame was balanced around so plateau seemed like the right choice to me.
What you mean by "secret" her shop is in the fucking Gran Soren.
3 custom pawns
It keeps you underleveled for a fairly long time, so you get to enjoy some challenge both in the main game and in BBI.
Hard mode is fun for a first few hours but it quickly makes you too rich and too overleveled, while plateau is easier but keeps the game interesting for much longer.
Someone made a mod for that?
Would be awesome to have 3 main pawns.
you could just family share with spare accounts, make (& cheat if you want) pawns, have them on friends list and then hire forever
I do love Mystic Knight, but it's still so slow to what you can do with Assassin and MA
what’s worth more, ferocity (core skill damage +10%) or clout (strength +20%)?
Are the servers still fucked on Switch?
core attacks are basic light/heavy attacks, not named skills, so unless you use those very frequently, clout
>Imminent Triumph is epi-
is this a meme? The class felt really slow and low-damage to me. Mostly just spamming the homing arrows. What are the best moves for him?
Literally setting yourself on fire. Also ricochet in BBI hallways.
Anyone here bit the bullet and tried DDO? Main theme is pretty great if anything.
MA bow in Gransys suck. Wait till got BBI MA bow, then every bow skill will deadly.
>MA bow in Gransys suck
Fake and meme.
What fake? You means Gransys bow good enough or you means BBI bow not good?
>playing on hardmode
>get to everfall
>remember it being a bitch on normal mode
>everything just dies almost instantly and nothing oneshots me
>guess ill farm the remaining vocations to 9
>no problem clearing rooms and just swapping vocations when at lvl 9
what the fug now im lvl90
My pawn a cute
I played a bit. It's fun enough but didn't keep my attention for long. If it had a dedicated Western release so I didn't need to worry about the translation mod breaking every other week I'd probably put more time into it.
She looks like she eats a lot of large nuts
Someone help me. These wolves are kicking my ass, is there anything they're weak to?
what is that fucking HP even when I was 171 I was around 4k. But ya no shit you can slaughter everything in BBI at that level in one skill.
fire arisen
Why does DD look so fucking muddy?
Maybe I should hire her...