Should i start BP with Dante or Nero

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Do it with Nero first for the challenge then Dante for the style.

Died on level 40, why are the Bosses harder here than in SoS


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Ahem as I was saying....
For more enemies bring back the arrow shooting spiders from DMC3 and make them have cousins also.
Another enemy could be like A really fast centipede based demon that would basically have spikes all over it and have big pincers for biting and sharp pointy claws.

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Nero's is more straightforward but Dante has the biggest toolkit including RG to make things way easier.

less gay thread

Reminder that 4fags hate V's gameplay because they are literally too stupid for it despite him only having DMC1Dante levels of depth

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Is it gay if they're lesbos

Not even a 4fag and i hate V gameplay. Its not deep or hard, just boring

strongly agree

Guys we need to come up with a team name for this thread.
I recommend we call ourselves :
The Players
and our motto is :
Let's be motivated

The fuck

It’s pretty balanced 2bh
>4 has vastly better level design in line with the rest of the series
>in return, the entirety of Dante’s path is back tracking
>5 has bad level design and this can’t really be debated
>but there’s no backtracking and there’s 4 missions that are pretty good, better combat mechanics too besides V

Vfags hate their favorite characters gameplay too, that's very smart of them.

I thought this was the no cancer thread.


has vastly better level design
Even though I think 5's isn't the best, I still think the Qliphoth levels are better than 4's levels on almost every aspect.
God I fucking hate 4's levels and I have since it came out

V levels are basically the noob gate. AOE works well on lower difficulties which is why lots of casuals like it at first but doesn't hold up as you move onto harder or more complex things.

Go away

>4 has vastly better level design in line with the rest of the series
>go straight from a town to sudden blizzard world

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Its straight fucking boring dude, he has a very unpolished gameplay

I want motha fuckin dragon based demons

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Well yeah, that's what I meant. The base moveset is fun to play but the fact that you have to wait for your familiars to attack from you and don't have precise control over their positioning means it's basically impossible to consistently pull off combos on the level of the other characters.

I found one of the vujos on twitter that come here and posted about their trip to the er. And of course she's a sjw and dmc 5 is their first.

Wasn’t this explained by the hell gates distorting time and space or something
And that’s world design, I’m talking about level design. 4’s levels felt much more like labyrinths like the rest of the series, meanwhile 5 was corridor simulation

>stalking randos

>dmc 5 is their first
That's fine if it gets them to actually go back and play the older games, unless they're just in it for V because they got bored of the Detroit Twink.


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>comments on the poll
>public profile
You don't need to talk in third person blogchan

>4’s levels felt much more like labyrinths
I think your memory is fucked up mate.
Discount the genuinely terrible "puzzles" that make you go through the same exact rooms 3 times with no change before you can progress, and DMC4 is even more linear than DMC5.
Mission 15 in DMC5 has more branching pathways than DMC4 in its entirety

Retweeting fujoshit speaks for itself no?

talk gameplay or go shit on your carpet

I find this argument kind of silly because every summon has moves that exist for the sake of positioning them.
The stinger on Shadow, Flank and the AOE bubble on Griffon, Double Check on Nightmare etc.
The summons will also teleport/run straight to the enemy you're targeting if you stop attacking for literally one second, which I think is what trips people up because they just want to unga mash through it all.

Are the DMD level enemies in 5 BP actually DMD-tier or do they have lowered hp/damage but able to DT?

Would you guys want beowulf back for vergil with new moves or something else entirely?

Prefer something new or find an excuse to slap V moves onto him but with a way to switch out after you get bored.

BP DMD is psuedo-DMD
I think it's about SOS with enemy DT

both Beowulf and something else entirely.

If Beowulf is the only way for him to have some sort of hand to hand combat, then bring them back. Otherwise give him a different weapon but with the same fighting style.

I wanna be able to fly super fast and I want to use my tail and not to mention run super fast too and have a dopple ganger
I want to switch styles whenever I want too.

Should the tail count as a different weapon?

I did it first with nero because it felt easier desu
Then dante but it wasnt that hard either though even if some spell caster fuckers killed me on my first run on like floor 95
still havent done it with v

>vergil fills his concentration gauge by reading his book
Griffon could be a pair of gauntlets. I wonder if they'll do something with his airplane autism mode

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You sound like you want Sanic.

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You sound gay, you should cut that shit out.

>Three dmd furies
fuck this shit i'll use super dante

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No can do

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If/when Vergil becomes playable, I hope they do something with the fact that he can seemingly control Qliphoth tentacles now, like when he made the chair.
Something like fist weapons made out of tree roots or something

That drawing is so autistic, you made that yourself?

You cannot kill me

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Furies are actually pretty simple to lock down.
With Balrog you can hold attack after a single jab and it'll dodge, so the timing on a parry with it is pretty lax and you get a safety net.
or you could just Ice Age for maximum ezmode


Yes you can do, want me to help you?

>tfw realizing the Platinum is a pipedream
I think I'm gonna stop with this shit. No way I'll ever be able to S Rank all of Hell and Hell.

Prove it sanicfag
woah woah

You have until dmc 6 to do it. Do it for itsuno.

Just dropping by to say that I'm playing through the series for the first time and I never expected Dante to be a master of improv theater in DMC4

This fuckin' guy

Is Nero hated? I kind of like him.

That or reading his book becomes a part of his idle animation.

Nero is very much Hate-Loved


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At this point ,ost people are cool with him aside from a vocal minority who reeee at him just because he's not Dante. If there's any other complaints about him it's probably over how he was back in 4.

>part of his idle animation
Either that or him just twirling yamato like we saw in mission 20

I was hoping his DT would look more like Red Dragon since that's the only other thing about William Blake I know.

>Do it for itsuno.

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But I like that Nero is angsty and doesn't take his devil side as well as Dante and Vergil did

His parallels with Vergil and needing more power for his girl is kind of sympathetic, too

Good user.

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What's the lore on red dragon?

Requesting a drawfag make a version of this with a strawberry sundae and Dante

Well it's more known because of the Hannibal stuff, but it's basically supposed to be a painting of Satan. You know, THE devil.

Make it DT Dante while you're at it

>why does such a weakling have my sword

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as expected of my kin.

Nero fixed it with his devil powers but would it be possible for a non-Spurdo to use Yamato?

Don't see any reason why they couldn't, beyond being physically incapable of handling its size.
They probably can't use its demonic shit though. It'd just be a real big real sharp katana for a regular human

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Vergil looks so good in this, I just want to play him. Why is capcom bullying us

5 > 3 > 1 > 4 > DmC > 2
3 > 5 > 1 > 4 = DmC >>Reboot's story is laughably terrible but 4's is such a nothing filler story so that's why I put them as equal.

Refute my objectively subjective opinionated factual rating

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>what is SDT Dante and Vergil

>putting reboot in the list

Anything interesting in the new Capcom Confidential?

Does anyone even listen to those anymore?

When do they release them?

The released one today. I don't think they have a set schedule.