Remember when games had a story?
Remember when games had a story?
They sure don't make VNs like they used to.
the BETA wars just weren't the same
>tricked into reading tgis for robot action and political thrills
>it was just a waifu quest with the apocalypse as window dressing
Imagine being this dumb
I can't believe Meiya fucking dies.
>Game is called Muv Luv
>Tagline of game is "Save In The Name of True Love"
>"wtf this game was a love story?"
Where the HELL is TSF Forefront??
Imagine the nausea
>we are gonna be forever and ever
Takeru got more than he bargained for
Dead and a bigger meme than Duke Nukem Forever before it was released
I want a shooter game set in Alternative so bad. Fuck the BETA
If the BETA only recognised the will of silicon-based lifeforms then why wasn't robo-Sumika able to command them?
the only reason im even remotely interested in this game is because of the back story, scifi elements and military politics
>why wasn't robo-Sumika able to command them
Why should she be able to? Their only directive is to not mine/attack silicon-based lifeforms.
the high-quality VN writing we've all come to know and love
So what was the point of Sumika even being a robot in the first place? I thought for sure when the 'queen' mentioned they only saw silicon based life forms as alive, that MUST mean that Sumika being a robot has some significance. Turns out, it doesn't go anywhere.
Also more to your point, didn't the BETA specifically seek out to destroy high tech equipment earlier in the game? So, what was even the point of saying 'they don't see humans as alive' if they were going to systematically destroy things they recognized as 'life forms' anyway? It doesn't even matter at that point.
>So what was the point of Sumika even being a robot in the first place?
Their goal was trying to somehow communicate with the BETA but apparently it didn't work out and all Sumika got was all the layout of all Hives on earth.
>didn't the BETA specifically seek out to destroy high tech equipment earlier in the game?
Only because it was rich in rare materials they wanted, I don't think they really had it in their concioussness that it may have been built by life.
Also pic related, the Hivemind on earth knew something was strange so they picked up humans and probed them to figure out if they are life-forms or not.
>So what was the point of Sumika even being a robot in the first place?
That bothered me too. They made a big deal out of using a robotic body to peacefully communicate with the BETA, but in the end it did jack shit.
>Their goal was trying to somehow communicate with the BETA but apparently it didn't work out and all Sumika got was all the layout of all Hives on earth.
Right, but it did actually work out. The end of Alternative has a conversation with the hive, but all it reveals is the contradiction I mentioned earlier.
>Their only directive is to not mine/attack silicon-based lifeforms.
>the BETA specifically seek out to destroy high tech equipment earlier in the game
>I don't think they really had it in their concioussness that it may have been built by life
That doesn't matter, the fact is that they should have seen all those computer systems as life, because they're made of silicon.
To be fair machinery isn't pure silicon. Only the internal semiconductors are, and most of a computer is made of metal and plastic.
Just because something is made up of silicin doesnt mean its instantly life to them or they would have stopped the moment they saw sand or silicium crystals under the crust. Pretty sure theres more rules when something is counted as life aside "silicium"
Well you said it, not me. The 'brain' of the computer is silicon. The transistors that give computers their logic is silicon. My evidence for this being the logic in Muv Luv is the fact that the BETA were able to intuitively distill a human down to its 'brain', which clearly indicates that they'd define a life form by its brain. In this case Sumika's. When they say 'silicon based life form', they *have* to be referring to computer brains, silicon.
Ok, if this is really the case, and they somehow AREN'T talking about computers when they say 'silicon based life forms' then:
1. It's totally unexplained, and they may as well have said 'anything based life forms' with absolutely no impact on the story.
2. Sumika being a robot has nothing to do with the BETA's 'programming' at all, despite the obvious connection between their distinction of life as being silicon-based, and the fact that the plot hinges on the creation of a silicon based life form, robo-Sumika. Surely you must see what I'm getting at.
Sumika was the key to making then see carbon based life as intelligent beings
Sumika being a robot is a last ditch effort to try something before everyone gets Babylon'd. I dont think they were 100% sure it would work out.
This is a plot convenience. Sensei whoever decides that making a silicon based life form is the way to communicate with BETA, despite not being able to know the BETA will only see 'silicon based life forms' as 'alive' until Sumika has already established communications with them. So then you're left with the only explanation being , a lucky guess? But then it doesn't even end up mattering anyway!