Post pfp's you instinctively block on steam
Post pfp's you instinctively block on steam
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fuck this stupid dog
I don’t add anyone on steam or interact with people on there. Seems like a cancerous environment like Discord or something. Would rather just play my games without the social shit.
i don't block people unless they're spamming my private messages or something because i'm not a faggot
>adding strangers at all
Stopped doing this after 2011.
what happened in 2011?
i don't block anyone period except bots but e-girls and anime girl pics are usually hard ignores from me
Anime girl/MLP profile pic is the biggest red flag you could have.
Ugandan knuckles in this current year
I don't add people.
Nothing really, people just stopped adding people randomly or atleast less often and I started to realize adding strangers was retarded.
This one
It's what zoomers call an avatar.
Same thing happened to me. Made a lot of online friends from 2005 to about 2011, then realized I only interected with two dozen of these people at most, and just stopped save for rare circumstance.
Whats wrong with Honkler the Clown?
Anything with Left-wing/Communist Imagery and Furries.
Oh and anime.
Squidwards and this
what the fuck does it even stand for?
anyone with an anime girl is going to be insufferable
>has a Brazilian, Russian, or Chinese name (especially when it's just about 10 numbers)
Its a bad abbreviation for profile picture.
This kind of shit right here, what the fuck even is this?
mlp, furries, anime. It's that easy.
Considering the stupidity of zoomers, i imagine they're saying pfp to mean "profile picture".
>visit their profile
>its at least $500 in flashy microtransaction items, emoticons, commissions and bullshit unrelated to video games
Anime or any cat pic
How retard can they get? holy fuck
How have you not known that by now?
This. Do you know of any third party software to lock out the social aspect?
Honestly it took me a good minute or so before I got what the abbreviation meant. It's a pretty fucking stupid abbreviation.
based boomer
anyone who hears profile as two words is a proper idiot
Some of us don't spend all our time here.
>pro file picture
Now that I know I'll be sure to never use this.
Why do people try so hard to get others into discords? Is it a monetary thing or something worse? I dont and never have used that shit
Easy way to communicate
I only add people with furry avatars, they tend to be better than other.
This holy fuck
anything slighty edgy and they have an ohioan accent
I am not trying to communicate. It's like spam to join from people I've never talked to
I don't block people but if they have a frog picture I instantly ignore the invite because more often than not they're just some asshurt bottom scoring player from a pub I just stomped
>Post pfp's you instinctively block on steam
Nah, it's more like I don't consider adding anybody unless they fall under a certain category of avis.
If they're Ace Combat or DMC, they're cool. That's practically it.
Blood, military, metal band logos... anything that screams "I think I'm very badass"
I don't actually block them but it mildly annoys me when I see them.
This. Frogposters are bad at everything they try to do.
>blocking people
lmao go back to plebbit
>instinctively block
Literally what? That's just disingenuous.
How to instantly tell if someone is no older than 12.
This is mine, would you block me? Note it's been this for about 7 years before HURR DURR BOB ROSS SMOKE WEED AND CHILL OUT.
This and "Le funny GMOD face XD"
Also, JC Denton as of recently. What a shame.
Deadpool and wacky Gmod faces are usually a red flag. There's no need to list off shit like memes and anime girls because it's already too obvious.
Why the fuck would I need to block people on steam.
Oh no OP, you don't use steam like some kind of ghetto social network do you?
oh no sweetie.
>blocking people
grow up
Don't join then
profile picture is less stupid sounding and has a more obvious meaning than avatar, and the proper abbreviation is pp xD
Why the fuck do so many people have that JC face? I thought it was cool seeing so many deus ex fans at first but I dont think it has anything to do with the game does it?
>le funny gmod face
>no older than 12
Let's do the math.
G-mod became popular during 2007-2008, and stopped being popular during 2012-2014.
Anyone who is 12 In 2019 must have been born from 2006 to 2007, meaning they must have been at MOST 7 years old during it's dwindle in popularity.
Conclusion: user you're just a bitter fuck, and probably even younger than some of the people who use silly g-mod faces as profile pics.
>blocking people to spite them
truly pathetic
It’s some Fortnite streamer’s forced meme. I doubt these kids even know what it’s from, only that it’s the wacky meme avatar.
Come to think of it, it’s pretty much the equivalent of that one Scout avatar that was everywhere years ago.
Forknife player said to his children "make this meme picture your pfp and spam any video you watch".
What a shame.
It's a youtube twitter meme. The creator just happened to have a JC profile picture. Absolutely nothing to do with Deus Ex.
Everytime I see clown pepe I think of this song
it is a clown song after all
Yeah, I suppose that's why. Just seems to fit more perfectly than any other clown song in my opinion.
Any tips Yea Forums?
>XxXCallofDutyJohn99XxX has sent you a friend request!
have sex
discord users are all trannies that want to indoctrinate people into their suicide cults
any fucking anime avatar
stop shitting in the streets tranny
>use steam like some kind of ghetto social network
it practically is already. all gabe needs to roll out is a timeline and boom.
some incel shit
>getting mad over a profile pic
I don't block anybody with a profile pic I don't like. But if you're in the Yea Forums or Yea Forums steam groups I'll automatically block you because you have to be the biggest faggot to advertise that you come here.
You sound personally offended
>3d girl
>cropped porn
>ahegao face
>any kind of outdated meme
>anime girl (if the person with it has a girl name or overly cute profile, guaranteed tranny)
>rainbow flag
>anything from a cartoon
>furry shit
Anyone that uses Pepe in any capacity, anywhere.
The people who post use him are always "that guy" IRL that you don't want to associate with because of how much of a sperg they are.
I don't even understand how these people can regurgitate literally-who-ass memes with him and not get bored after years of it. What the fuck even is a clown world?
>has this avatar
>username is "subscribe to pewdiepie" or some cancerous normalfag mainstream meme
>was probably born after deus ex
Isn't the activity tab already a timeline?
>What the fuck even is a clown world?
A desperate attempt to keep their shit meme relevant and it's working.
what the fuck do you have as a profile pic then
A skeleton from a videogame.
>cropped porn or furry shit
>they're cheating
>What the fuck even is a clown world?
It's just a different way of saying the world is crazy, the world has gone to shit, crazy things are accepted as normal, etc.
are you actual autistic antisocial goblins?
Literally any references to Pewdiepie, Fortnite, Pepe, wojack, and other memes-that-retards-claim-aren't-normie-memes-but-are-totally-normie-memes
alright, based
clown world isn't pepe at all
No, I don't want my telescreen popping up with messages from "friends". I have friends irl. If I want to hang out I will, but if it's me time, I don't want toxic retards "friending" me.
Pepe, peepo, clown world / honkler, and all that other bullshit are absolutely pepe and you're a delusional faggot if you think otherwise.
it's obviously significantly derived from it. The only similarity is that it uses an edit of an edit of an edit of pepe as a base. The way it's used is entirely different. Please stop being retarded on purpose.
samefagging, you're awarded one yike for that
anything anime or kpop is from fags
>the only similarity is that it's instantly recognizable as being from the same thing, but it's still totally different you guys
Wow user you really got me there
Enjoy your faggot meme
I don't block people based on their avatar. That's too superficial for me.
Fuck yes
Fuck yes
More like a troll.
Whoa user, you really are one hell of a pepe meme conoisseur, man! Well done!
>being upset about peepee the frog
>do a spring cleaning of my steam friends list since it's full of people from years ago that either haven't logged on, stopped being "friends", or just never play with
>list is basically non-existent now
at least lobbies exist
It’s more of just obnoxious meme spewing fags or ironic weebs who got into anime in 2018 because of anime girl memes
I was calling them profile pictures long before they started being called avatar. I actually used to think people that used the term avatar were the zoomers.
reddit clown
>it's us vs them! if you arent a frogposter kekistani youre a tranny!
take your meds schizo
When it's a russian, a brazillian or a swede i automatically assume they're out to steal my shit
>Dislike anime
>Love Umihara Kawase
>Use a Kawase avatar
>Everyone assumes I'm an anime shitter
Life is suffering.
mostly anything ironic, lame memes, idk. Usually has to be attached to a cringey name as well
anything anime related.
>anime girl (if the person with it has a girl name or overly cute profile, guaranteed tranny)
i know its retarded but i have never had a bad experiance with a dongposter pfp
7-8 years ago maybe
now i never see anyone with this and if i do its just oldfag tf2 players
>he adds people on steam
what a shame denton got fucked by youtube kids
i can just tell how much of a underage discord faggot you are by this post
kindly leave
i feel like this died out already
it was hot for like a month though
You had it coming honestly
Nah, if it pre-2000 anime profile picture then you know the guy is cool.
>adding anyone on steam if you don't already know them outside vidya
that's a recepie for disaster user
Anyone with animes in profile pic gets instantly blocked by me.
Would you block me?
Anyone with a mecha avatar is cool in my books.
Really, it's only the bland waifubait and flavor of the month people you gotta look out for.
>profile picture hybrid references your original character and a piece of art on an obscure prank call album
everything that contains frogs.
Rate my Steam avatar
I don't add people on steam or have steam because videogames are for Fucking fags
Stop trying to hijack the Easter Toad you waste of skin.
Would you block me?