Perfect blend of all previous fromsoft games

>perfect blend of all previous fromsoft games

Why does Yea Forums hate it?

Attached: 220px-Dark_souls_3_cover_art.jpg (220x263, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:

C-, apply yourself. See me after class.

>new game bad
Such a shame, it’s so good. It’s like a Dark Souls Bloodborne hybrid.

roll spam ruins the game it doesn't look cool nor does it reward skill

This is the only FROM game I've played, but I really liked drang twinspears.

The player character is too overpowered and there's nothing to explore

Its a casualized DS due to all the fags who cried about DS1. Dark Souls is supposed to be slow, punishing and unforgiving, not some BB tier zoomer nonsense.
You always hear the same shit from BB and DS3 kids; me go slow in DS1 me no like, me have to think about direction because no warpies. Fucking goldfish.

straight line world layout kills it

I like it though, it's my 2nd favorite DaS after 1

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>All previous Fromsoft games
Oh so it has mechs?

Op is talking about Ds3 not Sekiro

It's my favorite DaS

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dark souls and bloodborne are completely different games. thats the fucking reason why it doesnt work

>bloodborne has no shields and combat encourages dodging to for aggressive playstyles
>dark souls is about varied level scenarios with simplistic combat but highly customizable builds
LMAO lets just combine them xD

Oh shit now its literally just rolling 30 times but theres no rally, poise doesnt work the same, you can block everything and everythings fast as fuck for no reason. DELAYED ATTACK DELAYED ATTACK


Sekiro had some of the best exploration in the series

iframes are a crutch for bad game design

Dragonslayer armor set+his weapon and shield, i max stamina and force myself to not roll but guard, NG+, could that be fun? anybody tried it?

I bet you think a counter button is good game design

+1 fistful of ash deposited into your account

I bought and tried SOTFS today. Fuck that game is so bad, it actually makes me angry how poorly designed it is.

the game is fucking terrible but it lacks the usual fromsoft jank so idiots love it.

>Wah, I-It's like Bloodborne with more options!
>rally baby
git gud shitter Ds3 being closer to BB is an absolute blessing

This game has basically fucking nothing in common with the adventures of cookie and cream bro.

>no horse-back combat in the series
>only appearance of a horse was the fucking 2-headed chariot in 2
they would be cool as fuck, come on From

Attached: crashed.gif (300x300, 2.13M)

>get banned for using mods
welp that's my only blame.

I like it. its pretty good

I like 3 but the world layout and item distribution in that world is absolutely killer in regards to replaying the game. I just cheat and ask my friends to drop the weapons for me through password co-op. Makes new characters much more enjoyable.

>Smoothest combat
>Only game in the series with overall acceptable hitboxes
>Fast paced in favor of the previous bait attack, roll, attack style of previous entries
>Best bosses in the series
Other than the gimmick bosses, 10 swamps, and fucked lore it's pretty great

Least they weren't tied to a stat that w ass required or you literally couldn't dodge certain attacks

This actually the world after the 3 run it start feeling bland also the armor stats kinda sucks.

Just finished ivory and iron crown after beating the game. It only gets worse. I actually enjoyed it for a bit after the forest of fallen giants but it turns back into dogshit after a few more areas. There's really no memorably good bosses other than one in both the dlcs

Shieldbabbies BTFO

Stop hiding behind a shield like it's your keyboard. Take life by the horns. Take a swing to swing twice.

It was my first souls game and I've never had that much fun in years. There were so many memorable moments that'll probably stick with me forever.

I disagree but I hate how they've become so over reliant on them to the point that positioning is fucking meaningless. Everything just spins to hit you no matter where you are so there's no point to not using iframes/parries. And no, I'm not complaining about it being too hard, just that it's lazy and makes the combat boring. The posture system was an improvement but I wish they would stop this shit and come up with a better way to make enemies dangerous.

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horses would have made no sense in any of the souls games

Name one (1) thing that Dark Souls 3 brought to the series.

Attached: whydarksouls3isshit.png (1628x850, 289K)

>mediocre game with fan service previous games
Uh, I wonder why...

best bosses
weapon arts
purple soapstone (god tier on launch)
boss invasions glitch (god tier before patch)

Firelink maiden gesture reactions

>When the boss went its third phase and started doing anime flips, that was epic!

Attached: Zoomer.png (820x324, 244K)

Bloodborne already did that with the Doll.

Bloodborne doesn't exist.

literally all of this applies to Bloodborne

I think its because its tailored to a first time experience, it feels really great the first time, but it has less and less value every replay, which is why the concentrated autism of Yea Forums compels it to hate it

are you implying dodging is the only way to avoid an attack? you are just being stupid about your crutch

Let's settle this.

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DS1 was too cramped so I agree there
DS2 has horses but only the boss fight
Undead Settlement has stables and was connected to Lothric before the High Wall popped up, implying horses were used to transport goods between the settlement to the Kingdom. 2 and 3 also have carriages abandoned in certain areas like Aldia's Keep and Road of Sacrifice

Attached: mystical_encounter_by_pierredroal-d7zhla3.jpg (929x1500, 379K)

Because it turns out when you put four different types of shit in a blender, what comes out is still shit

If it was a real blend of the others, it would have more connected levels
Brought it down in my eyes


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>When the boss did his same 3 attacks over and over the entire fight, that was epic!

Attached: file.png (300x400, 216K)

>super Ornstein
>not anime



this, im convinced it's the same 10 ds2fags making these threads everyday because no one gives bloodborne shit for the things it does the same as ds3

>Because this is no longer a series about being an explorer with unique experiences; it's a series where you press circle at the right time
>Normally, the Dancer is a boss I would've loved; she has a unique design and great animations, but she's in a game where every boss plays just like her.
Was he right?

Attached: Matthewmatosis.jpg (900x900, 32K)

>playing DS with a keyboard
Fucking cringe. You are seriously embarrassing.

This but wholeheartedly. I fucking love that shit.

>wtf every boss is just looking at the screen and pressing buttons BAD GAME


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How is DaS3 anything like the Armored Core games?

Don't post my wife with this shitty thread.

Bloodborne isn't flawless, far from it, but it has soul and doesn't do any of those things nearly to the same degree as DaS3 does. The world is more linear than Dark Souls, but it still is pretty open and gives you a lot of options. Trick weapons and mid string tricking of your weapon make the combat a lot more diverse than Dark Souls 3 which is just mashing R1 the entire time.

>Letting him do a move
Git gud.

Attached: Seath the Scaleless.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

Sort of, it's like when slightly unattractive girls surround themselves with super ugly girls to be viewed as more attractive than they actually are.
Personally I'd rather have 9/10s across the board than wild variation that tricks me into viewing an otherwise average fight as extraordinary.

>Ancient Wyvern
Funnily enough the bosses that fit his description are the ones people complain about the most. Hold shield to win is bad gameplay and I was the only one who actually liked shit like bed of chaos. I'm a huge fan of matt but it's phenomenally dumb to support gimmicks over gameplay. The people who are now pretending intense fights are a problem instead of the coolest part of the series are the dumbest of the dumb.

Trick weapons were a gimmick and mashing R1 was much safer and easier aside from a slight few transformation attacks that were good to abuse. If you're going to reply about how it's fun IF you choose to use them then so is 3 if you play with >70% equip and limit yourself to like 5 estus.

And that's not even mentioning how few weapons there are and how hard many of them are to get, so unless you want to spend a whole playthrough with something else just to use the one you want in NG+ or only use it part of the game, some weapons are just out of reach for absolutely no reason. People like to talk about how they're equivalent to a whole weapon class in the DS games but at least in those games you can start with the same kind of weapon you want early on until you get the real thing. BB has great level design and atmosphere but the worst replay value in the series unless you could Sekiro.

> im convinced it's the same 10 ds2fags making these threads everyday
It is, they're discrod faggots from some faggot pvp youtubers discord

>Trick weapons were a gimmick
Git gud.

Attached: Orphan of Kos - Beast Claws.webm (768x432, 2.99M)

>pvp youtuber
Suddenly it all makes sense.

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One step forward, two steps back after DaS2.

Wow you pressed L1, then R1 a bunch of times. Truly mindblowing gameplay.

>Removed powerstancing
>Removed bonfire ascetics
>Removed rearranged enemy placements for NG+
>Inferior and fewer DLC expansions
>Fails to add anything substantial to the pre-established world

>One step forward

>>Inferior and fewer DLC expansions
Ringed City was better than any of the DS2 DLCs

Attached: triple h handwave.gif (330x166, 2.1M)

No wonder why the use the same shitty arguments over and over again.

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>Swamps: The DLC
>Better than Ivory King

i like every souls game and bloodborne but i still think soul of cinder is the most kino final boss in the series

>dmctard needs button mashing to have fun

>one small portion of an area contains a swamp you can run right through
>another small portion of a different area resembles a swamp but doesn't slow your movement or cause a status effect
yeah that sure is worse than poison city, exploding enemy tower and ice wasteland

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How? It's soulless pandering that boils down to 'DUDE, REMEMBER GWYN?' Meanwhile, the first time you cross the fog gate into Gwyn's arena and the piano track starts playing and he jumps at you is pure fucking kino.

It got too popular. Popular means bad.

because the first phase is amazing and gwyn is kino so having both just makes it better

you forgot the first phase of the fight where everyone who's ever linked the flame fights you as a united soul

It reminded me of my previous Dark Souls incarnations, not Gwyn.

This but unironically.

The teleporting dogs are actually a... I don't want to call it bug, but it's basically janky coding and not an intentional cheap thing to make them follow you. In Souls games, things you're not looking at directly basically become lines of code that track where they are and how they are pathing around and the engine "reveals" them instantly when they're in line of sight, this is usually well coded enough for you not to notice it and this is how Souls can get by with large maps full of enemies and minimal loading screens if any. The dogs teleporting are simply a product of this being done wrong, probably because of the erratic and quick pathing of that particular enemy. It's hard for the game to keep track of them and it "teleports" when you don't look at them. You can see another enemy having an oddity with this particular engine mechanic and that's the spear silver knight in Anor Londo. If you look at them as they charge their spear lightning attack, then look away, then look back, they'll fall from the sky. This is because they'll actually "despawn" and the game paths them in a straight line instead of correctly portraying them charging down the stairs.

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Filtered by Ivory King.

It is Gwyn. This is the sequel to Dark Souls 1 and the send off to the series.

>I-frames are shit desig-

Attached: Ludwig i-frames.webm (900x506, 2.85M)

Ivory was the best of the DLCs but Ringed City still blows it out of the water, the Old Chaos reveal is cool but the actual fight is pretty boring unless you deliberately leave out one of the white soldiers so you can face the king by yourself

It's too fucking kino for Yea Forums to appreciate
These are the kinds of faggots who think ME was better than ME2 because ME2's levelling system was "too casual"

DaSfags want to pretend they're OGs even though most of them didn't play DeS when it came out, and they conveniently ignore that although the early game interconnected level design in DaS was fantastic, the latter half was meh and the combat was clunky. DaS2fags are subhuman shit eating retards that think awful level design and horrible controls and input are features, and that all that matters in a game is muh faggot dress up and build viability. Nothing they say matters at all.

Pretty certain if you beat the game with ANY of the saws and then tried a Kirkhammer run you would need to relearn basically everything about the game.

Even if I generalized Bloodborne's weapons and simplified them down to their best attacks, they STILL play differently.

-"The Saws are just spamming R1 constantly"
-"The Axe is just holding R2"
-"The Whirligig saw is just holding L2"
-"The Rakuyo is just spamming L2"
-"The Burial Blade is just abusing the OP motion attacks"
-"The Chikage is just spamming chasedown attacks"
-"The Saif is just spamming delayed R1s to close gaps"

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>Shit level design
Imagine being this much of a pleb.

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Fuck DS2 subhumans, they're legitimately mentally ill.

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dude you just press buttons
i beat super mario the other day and all i did was run and jump wtf

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The volcano is way behind the windmill. If you paid attention to the game you would have noticed that this particular part, and many others, show memory gaps. Just like how it's sunny, you go through a tunnel and suddenly it's raining and you're in front of a castle.
The first fucking cinematic tell you that everyone forget things. that's why you come to Drangleic, to find a cure. After mytha you walk for a long time until you reach the volcano. But why on earth would they make you walk for ages, when they can directly give you the elevator? If you're not retarded you'll understand that your character just forgets parts of his journey. Just like you see only a tiny sunken part of Heide's tower of flame from majula, and it seems extremely distant, while it's just after a small tunnel. Or even how you can meet an NPC, meet him again after a tunnel or a bridge, and he'll act like it's been days since he last saw you, while it's been 2 minutes.
Jesus, do shitposters even play the fucking games they shitpost about? Of all the things you could have complained about in DaS2, you chose the one thing that's clearly explained in the game, from the very first cinematic. Want something that makes no sense geographically speaking? Ash lake.

Attached: WaitAMinute2.jpg (601x625, 73K)

Yes. The levels themselves were all linear with bland aesthetics and haphazard enemy placement.

>B-B-But it's supposed to look like complete fucking shit because of the state of the world!
No, it's just a shit game and you're a retard.

Git gud.

Attached: Dark Souls 2 Mobs Defended.jpg (1256x5080, 1.32M)

All this text for nothing, I’m pretty sure they already confirmed that the geography of the keep was a late game addition and even they knew it made no fucking sense, but they had to link the levels in some capacity. Even if there is a logical explanation for it, it’s such an absurd change in climate and geography that it’s impossible to take the world design seriously

Attached: DS2.jpg (824x724, 168K)

It goes even beyond this because for example in PvP you can have a lot of different playstyles with the same weapon, even more so than in Dark Souls. There are players that can really take advantage of the open Saif for example, and lean more heavily on this mode than on delaying the closed r1. Whirligig can be used as a roll attack machine, but I have great success taking more advantage of the delayed r1s and r2s which have great hyper armor and trade potential to roll catch people to death... it's pretty nice. Bloodborne movesets are fantastic. I just wish they had balanced a few a bit better, for example Rakuyo has one of the best movesets in the game but R1 spam is still too deadly and people rarely do more than this with a panic L2 here and there. There should be more incentive to use the other various moves. R2 spam is obnoxious too but not many people realize this.

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Souls games actually play great with mouse and keyboard(DS1 needs a mod because trash port). Stop parroting this shitty meme.

Are DaS2fas paid by the B team to defend their shitty game, or are they just genuinely retards who enjoy shit gameplay if it means they can replay the same fundamentally broken game 10 times with 10 different but equally boring builds?

you already posted this earlier and it was just as stupid then as it is now
Dark Souls 1's areas had different skyboxes due to how the flow of time was skewed and falling apart but the distances between areas were still kept consistent barring a few minor exceptions
DaS2 is known for struggling during development and rather than accept that fact you'd rather argue in favor of such jarring changes in area design despite even the devs admitting it was due to time constraints
>Ash Lake
look up Yggdrasil

>Rakuyo has one of the best movesets in the game
You misspelled the Amygdalan Arm.

Not him but you can't deny that while the overall DS2 world is pretty nonlinear which makes replayability great, most zones are glorified corridors and most of them don't even try to hide they're a video game level which is a very non-Souls thing to do. I think the only good levels in DS2 are the DLC, can't really remember any other that has a tiny bit of complexity.

>Dark Souls 2
>Shit gameplay

Attached: Dark Souls 2 Acrobatics.webm (746x441, 2.73M)

DaS III was okay. It did some things better than previous entries, some things worst, and some things differently.

Some of the things people cite for disliking it are that it doesn't take place in a different enough setting from the previous games, too few viable options in PvP, and combat that is much faster and reflex based than the tactical combat of DaS I and II. Shields/turtling kinda suck for instance until you get greatshields (which are still easy mode that can trivialize bosses like Lothric, Dancer, and Pontiff). Also, mid game areas are underwhelming (like the Profaned Capital).

Really though, most of the people who seem to hate it the most are DaS II fags and PVPfags (which kinda have a lot of overlap anyways).

I was going to call it boring but now I remember the R2s exist. I think the only reason I'd want a Bloodborne sequel is for them to keep using this crazy weapon creativity. Who wants to go back to straight sword #47 after Bloodborne trick weapons.

And then their weapons clip through the wall and hit you.

Yup. That's one move that lifts your hitbox. Are you just trying to invite people to spam webms of people getting hit after they've rolled away from moves because of hitboxes that don't move until animations are finished?

The last thing I want is a Bloodborne sequel. Just let it be a standalone thing, and let the developers move on to new things.

Attached: Amygdalan_Arm.png (1920x1080, 2.53M)

Rakuyo is top weaponfu

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So uhh... did we travel in time at the end of Ringed City DLC or was pretty much the entire world just a gigantic illusion all this time?

Attached: dark_souls_3_the_ringed_city-6.jpg (1920x1080, 172K)

>He fell for the 'DaS2 has bad hitboxes' meme

Attached: God Tier DaS2 Hitbxes.webm (960x540, 2.87M)

I think it's just implied that you went through time.

Time travel is pretty common in the DaS universe.

I think Profaned Capital gets a lot of shit but it's basically just an extension of the Irithyll Dungeon just with another name, it even loops back to it. If you take it as that instead of a full fledged but unfinished area it becomes great. I think by far the worst part of the game isn't mid-game but the early-game, High Wall is good for a first level, Undead Settlement is great though it suffers from too many bonfires, but the Road of Sacrifices / Crucifixion Woods / Swamp / Catacombs slog is terrible and makes me hate making new characters. And yes, this is an unpopular opinion, but I'll add Cathedral of the Deep to that too. I'm aware the actual level design is amazing, shortcuts and all that, but 100% of the enemies that populate it are atrocious and not engaging at all, including the boss, which makes it boring and I hate going through it too. You expect some abominations from the Deep and crazed hollow cultists and it's a bunch of thralls.

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That's interesting, especially paired with the End of Fire ending, since the last area is obviously taking place after the base game ending.

I like Road of Sacrifices and the Catacombs since the actual layouts are fairly straightforward and they're easy to get through if you know what you're doing, plus they both have a very traditional RPG feel to them of just roaming through a forest or exploring a claustrophobic set of crypts

I think Gehrman put it best, when dealing with Souls lore.

Attached: vague-gehrman.jpg (676x380, 90K)

What secret knowledge is it that he's trying to keep from me? I must ponder about this more than ever before.

I think he's being pretty literal there, and knows that despite the player hunter being curious about what's going on, some secrets are better left undiscovered.

No, I just actually played the game. They're shit.

>Highly customizable builds
Hmmm do I use this 100% shield or make do with this 95% shield like a fucking peasant?

>Undead Settlement has stables and was connected to Lothric before the High Wall popped up, implying horses were used to transport goods between the settlement to the Kingdom
Incorrect, if you read all the item descriptions you'll find out that the stables were used for kinky shit.

Secrets better left alone.

Attached: Brador.png (1200x627, 1.41M)

DS3 had Pontiff and Watchers. No other bosses in the entire series have been so cool.

Matthewmatosis literally lives in some carboard shed without moving water and barely subsists off of his meager patreon earnings.
Every video he makes is just him channeling his repressed hatred at being a loser and having done nothing in his life, besides his pathetic statement that he wants to break into the games industry.
So no, nothing he says should be taken seriously


Attached: AbyssWatchers.webm (960x540, 2.57M)

Aside from a few niche options you can get a starter weapon for just about any build by the swamplands. Magic's the only build that gets really turbo fucked, Pyro was honestly my most overpowered playthrough since lmao boulder heave

I gave SotFS a go after DS3 and hating the shit out of DS2 on release and that game is the definition of tedious slog. There's so much content and so much of it is downright boring and bad. The best parts were the horde of turtle knights raining down on me in forest and virtually every Alonne knight aggroing on me the instant I crossed an invisible line in Iron Keep, just real stellar encounter design

Nice try, Anderson.

>filtered by a fight that's trivialized by basic level exploration

>never bought much ADP
>Never had much problem with evasion

Works on my machine. :^)


Was this a satisfying end, Yea Forums?

Attached: Dark_Souls_3_Gael_Intro.jpg (1920x1090, 471K)

Fuck, it's so satisfying to pancake shit with that UGS

>using webm post patch to prove your point
It was fucking trash on launch and you would know it if you weren't sucking on you're dad's cock, you zoomer faggot.

It's the best of the series desu.

>The best parts were the horde of turtle knights raining down on me in forest and virtually every Alonne knight aggroing on me the instant I crossed an invisible line in Iron Keep, just real stellar encounter design

I'm not going to lie and say DS2 doesn't have its clown-car ganks in places, but you're just straight up wrong here. It's so easy not to get ganged up on in Iron Keep that I can't give you the benefit of the doubt.

It's especially interesting how the early Majula/Shaded Woods/FotFG and Heide have at least SOME coherency with the castle and other landmarks being there as a point of reference and if you load the maps in an editor and go up to the castle you'll realise that the world isn't/shouldn't even be as big as people make it out to be; probably "only" twice the distance from Duke's Archive down to Blighttown.
It also makes you wonder why absolutely nothing can be seen from the actual Drangleic Castle once you get there, not even the Shaded Woods area and its aqueduct you just passed.

Attached: fotfg1.jpg (1320x874, 78K)

unironically yes

I could show you footage of every single boss getting stomped. It doesn't really mean much.

in SOTFS when you enter the room that leads to the merchant and the hidden ballista and 5 alonne knights will shuffle in one after another, seemingly triggered to aggro when you kill the one that came before. You just wait inside that room and the enemies in the next 3 rooms all come to you.

You can just start the stupid game up and go to the starting area of Iron Keep and what everyone fucking knows about SotFS Keep. Every pre Smelter knight instantly learns your position after you cross the invisible line and makes a beeline for you. It honestly makes the area easier lmao

Not Laurence.

Attached: Bloodborne Hitbox Laurence.webm (1280x720, 1.95M)

>I've seen your kind, time and time again.
>Every fleeing man must be caught. Every secret must be unearthed.
>Such is the conceit of the self-proclaimed seeker of truth.
>But in the end, you lack the stomach.
>For the agony you'll bring upon yourself...

Attached: Sir_Vilhelm.jpg (488x903, 328K)

2 > 1 > 3

His VA is god tier.

Attached: vilhelm.jpg (722x979, 261K)

All Souls VA is god tier, which makes it all the more confusing why the English VA in Sekiro was so bad.