Is KH1 unironically one of the best games of all time?

Is KH1 unironically one of the best games of all time?

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It's not good.

Fuck no. How retarded do you have to be to actually think that?

lol no, it's fucking garbage
t. played it last year with zero nostalgia goggles

i think its ended pretty well compared to most games from that time


It's simple and clean

No, I literally just played OOT on my Emulator & it amazed me how dated Kingdom Hearts felt in comparison. It’s literally a product of its time. It was solid then but it’s garbage now & all of the horrible sequels basically retcon the plot of this game

You literally need to be 12 years old or a gigantic cocksmoking faggot to believe this.

Yes. combat is fast and feels weighted. Magic is the best in the series, with spells like gravity, stop and aero. Traverse town is top tier comfy. Top tier soundtrack, timeless visuals. I could go on forever.

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Best of all time? No. Best in the series factoring both gameplay and story? Yes.

All that had to be done to fix Kingdom Hearts was simply make them long self contained stories like Final Fantasy games.


Lol, but seriously tho

I'm a gigantic cocksmoking faggot

Haha what the fuck no

I know now, without a doubt. Kingdom Hearts is not the best game of all time. It's a great game though.

2FM is better nostalgia baby

Sora's white?

2FM has the most unbearable cutscenes in video game history, nostalgiafag

Ahem you bastards reading this:

This is how KH1 should have been in the remixes.

>Muh story
Who cares?
KH2 is completely superior to KH1 in the only thing that matters in vidya.

>story doesn't matter in an rpg

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Too bad most of the mechanics for KH are generally mediocre. No. Critical Mode in KH3 doesn't change the flow and battle mechanics. KH2FM is the standards that should have at least been maintained.

Say what you will about Ratchet and Clank milking their formula but once they generally perfected the formula with the first sequel the franchise KEPT that formula. It got stale, but no one is going to say it's a bad formula for the gameplay. KH needlessly experiments or WORSE scatters the series to WEAK gaming hardware that cannot handle KH2's battle mechanics. So naturally the gameplay suffers. Damn Square Enix AND Nomura.

Hollow Bastion is KINO

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The story matters, but KH's original story is a real mess. That's why even fans say the story doesn't matter and just focuses on gameplay however as far as gameplay goes see .

Objective list:
KH2FM >>>>>>>>> KH1 >>>>>>>>>>>> Recoded = CoM GBA >>>>>>>>>>> dogshit > KH3 > Days >>>>>> Handheld Osaka trash(BBS & DDD)

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It would make a great stage in Smash Bros. The idea of fighting on those elevators in front of the massive Heartless Crest on the front of the castle would be excellent. For whatever reason that's the part of Hollow Bastion that I remember the most (must be the segment where you ride that elevator outside and you see over the horizon of the world all the blue maintains and the orange sky).

Fucking YES.

>>story doesn't matter in an rpg
Gameplay will ALWAYS be king.
Muh storyfags are cancer and should play VNs or go to another medium.

I just played KH1 FM and KH2 FM back to back
KH1 throws alot less bullshit your way and is overall a better game, has a better sepiroth too

If sora was gonna get into smash, i would want it to be in his kh1 attire. Hollow bastion would be too perfect

Wait I think your fucking on to something m8. The first one story wise was good but the combat sucked ass but imagine 3 separate stories fleshing out the world and lore? Imagine not having to deal with soda being a big bitch for 80 games straight.

You mean KH2FM
That game is much more balanced and also has sephiroth.

not really

yes it is. anyone who thinks otherwise is quite simply put: a nigger.

I liked the magic system and summoning in the first one more. Regenerating mp bar was gay.

Yes only zoomers hate good games and continue to play shitty games.

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The team that made KH2's combat system left ages.
They literally got the guys who made the shitty filler games for KH3.

KH1 is full of bullshit like level designs or bosses also Sephiroth was horrible in KH1, having to tank all his bullshit by abusing heal and magic spam was lame

Or you could not get hit

Not everyone can be a speedrun god and pull off a no hit run, then again you could just stopza and force spam to break the game

speedruns are for faggots and autistic kids

>retarded kh2 babby who facetanks everything in kh2 with reflect
cringe, learn to dodge

>Pokemon Amie simulator that high

Nigga when did i ask you to pull off a no hit run? Learn Seph's attack patterns and he's not hard to dodge/guard

Fuck off

my friend just played it for the first time recently and said it feels shitty and dated. I think it still holds up but that may be my nostalgia

3 is way too high

then you should try it
I didnt even bring up KH2
No shit cause you can just lame him out with broken magic easily, but he sure as fuck isnt a well designed fight

No u

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>tanking Sephiroth
Dodge or parry faggot

I'm not talking any magic here, just the square button

why when I can just dick on him repeatedly for free?

>for free
Tanking the damage is literally the opposite of "for free" you fucking braindead retard.

>tanking a hit without getting hurt
seems free to me since the mp bar is a joke

>Using resources is free
>Dodging and parrying, which is done without spending resources is not free
You need a doctor. There's no way that somebody this fucking dense can live. I'm amazed you even have the mental capacity to type.

>using resources with no existing major cost isnt free
The game doesnt punish you for doing that cause its poorly designed

It's probably only second to KH2FM.

Objectively speaking, there simply aren't any other games that offer as much as these two do with the level of quality they are on.

>using resources with no existing major cost
>resources with no cost
Using the resources IS THE COST. Jesus fucking christ, you're a complete fucking moron. Do you seriously not understand the words you're using?

KH1's gameplay is still good. That along with great writing, level design and music

>KH2 baby
Kek all the superbosses in KH1 just require you to spam limits.
Sit the fuck down KH1 tard.

>healing or items having a major cost
Except it doesnt, shit doesnt deplete your mp bar entirely either. if there is a ''cost'' then its a joke, fucking look at the maleficent fight, you can just infinite stunlock her and she cant do shit

>healing or items having a major cost
You keep using the word "major", but that's completely fucking irrelevant. If something is "free", then it has literally ZERO fucking cost, you dense cunt. Your argument is that using MP, HP, and items is MORE FREE than tapping a button on your controller to not spend those resources. Your argument is even more braindead fucking retarded when you realize that the cost of mis-timing the button press (of zero cost) is the same cost as what you're claiming is free to begin with. How the fuck are you seriously trying to rationalize yourself here? You're just entirely wrong on every conceivable level.

Yes, I'm mad.

Dying from mis-timing items is a tragic thing. You throw it up in the air only to see the enemy is about to hit you just as the item begins it's descent.

I don't know if you're the same guy, and you've further lost your mind, or if you're just confused. The "tapping a button" I was referring to was to dodge, block, or parry.

But yes, it is a tragic thing.

Different user. I was confused since the sentence immediately before was talking about hp and mp items.

>Breaking the game by abusing its poor mechanics isnt free
Im saying the cost is pretty much nonexistent and not major at all that its not even worth mentioning. I dont understand how anyone can think KH1 combat is well designed with how easy it is to break

Look, if your argument is that KH1 doesn't have meaningful resources, that's a completely different discussion. But the reality is that HP, MP, and items ARE resources in the game, regardless of how meaningful they are. Expending these things is objectively less "free" than a dodge, parry, or block, and you were a fucking moron for every saying otherwise.

>Great writing
Also, KH1's music is good, but KH2's music is no slouch and while KH1's gameplay was serviceable, KH2's gameplay was actually good.

Love how KH3 is ignored. It really is the worst of the main trilogy.

I'm not deep into KH. I only beat 1 and 2 all the way. Played the spin-offs for a while, but hated them. Played KH3 for a while, but I hated it.
I was just hoping for another KH2, but we were never gonna get that.

i liked fighting sephiroth on proud mode
all the rest of it can suck my butthole big time

They are all free cause the game is poorly design whether you think one is less free than the other is fucking whatever

>omg Mickey Mouse and cinderella!

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>Nuh uh, expending these resources is free because I say so
Alright, you've just gone into stubborn fuckhead territory. Have a bad night, user.

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No, you're still correct. Such a solid ending.

>Play kh3 and firaga spam a boss to death but cause I popped one Hi-ether to spam more the fight wasnt free
KH1 is worse cause if you go Mystic build you will literally never die

Find a flaw.

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