you know it
you know it
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xperia play was better
nah i'm good.
Anyone who thinks Nintendo should make phones is an idiot.
Why is it backwards
>hurr durr phone bad
whoever designed this shit needs to die
>d-pad on the right
I don't care who does it, but someone needs to make a slidey out phone like the xperia play again. Even if it was just a keyboard like the N900, just some tactile buttons would be nice.
hi good
I just want a Nintendo branded PS Vita for the Switch Mini and for the Pro same measurements except small to no bezels on the screen.
apply yourself
i would not be surprised.
phones these days are basically "complete", it is years they're trying to come up with some innovation but they keep failing.
latest years innovations: no jack, weird notch, chasing the borderless meme, useless face id/hidden fingerprint scanner, multiple cameras...
now we have to see where the folding meme is going, but otherwise releasing "a console that is also a smartphone" could actually gather a lot of attention.
that said, Nintendo is hardly going for that route, at least not in this generation.
It makes sense commercially but i don't think Nintendo will be able to design a decent phone, at least not alone.
>made before android had their shit together
>ran like garbage, because it was also before phones had decent hardware inside
>was better than a product that doesn't exist
user have you caught the retard virus been goin' round these parts
Nintendo smartphone would be able to attach joycons to the sides
who will do it first, Sony or Nintendo?
folding will never take off. slab phones are basically indestructible now. folding screens are too friagile
>who will do it first, Sony or Nintendo?
zoom zoom
i don't count garbage as a phone
>I was wrong but I'll be smug about it for no good reason.
No. Nintendo bad at tech.
>otherwise releasing "a console that is also a smartphone" could actually gather a lot of a
i agree, but i was saying the same about notches being fucking ugly and removing the jack being fucking stupid.
So i wouldn't be surprise if folding phones find their place in the market.
If random chink companies can do it then so can Nintendo. They can outsource the actual hardware if they need to.
random chink companies fail for like years, come up with dozens of bad phones until one is actually good and they get bigger. or they simply disappear. You just hear a lot about xiaomi or huawei just becasue they are the successful ones, you never hear about the fails.
But sure, Nintendo could partner with another company and make a phone.
Actually it ran extremely well if you flashed the stock ROM with something lightweight and zippy.
Less phone bad and more
Nintendo made a Gameboy Mirco that can take calls
God help us if it does happen.
Nigga Nintendo just cares about pocketablity
Shit will be 6 inches and 4 inches thick with buttons and a god damn mini fan
Literally Sony
It just sucked dick and no one brought it
Maybe if Nintendo partnered with Xiaomi I might be interested then again chinks are dirty fucking chinks
>I don't think Nintendo will be able to design a decent phone
this is what I was saying. They won't be able to do it by themselves
like my dik
I'm dad
Will unironically buy.
>that button layout
What the fuck.
What do you think would be the best additions and changes to the switch that would garner the most amount of interest and entertainment.
For me it would be a dock with a video card/fan that lets it compete with consoles.
Nintendo doesn't even want kids to use voicechat and you think they're going to make cell phones?
Only If tegra orin have a less than 5w tdp
Plus it would probably end up Cannibalizing switch sales or they’d have to come out with hard hitters like
Every Gameboy game
Every N64 game
Every GameCube game
Every DS-3DS at 1080p 60 FPS
Play candy crush and Custom robo on the same system along with a TV dock
Shit would be crazy
Smartphone are comodities
Wahoo wahoo, it’s a me Mario
so is your mom lmao
>For me it would be a dock with a video card/fan that lets it compete with consoles.
Still wouldn't be able to do multiplats without a better CPU too though.
And If Android get a decent graphic api
That's a perfect way of boosting power without pissing off their current huge usebase while also selling them a new hardware product, but I'm not sure they're that interested in beefing up the switch
Yes user woman are comodities
It's got Vulkan. Shame no one uses it as older phones can't support it.
just give up
Expect a Switch 2 in like 3 more years when it’s old enough to warrant a overhaul like the DSi
If Nintendo made a phone it would be like a mid rage SD660 or some shit 4GB ram and cost the same as a pixel 3.
It will be garbage but people will buy it for the name.
>d-pad placement
>recessed buttons
literally impossible. maybe in 15-20 years
Removing bezels is a good thing though.
Not in million years
Nintendo will never copy Sony
I hate how every poorfag recommends one of these as a portable emulation device, it's absolute dogshit and the phone aspect would go unused anyways
You mean next year
>Doing anything actually useful, profitable, or marketable to anyone besides manchildren.
Never gonna happen, besides, if it runs android, it's fucked, the games will be free for all, and Nintendo knows jackshit about phone OSs so making their own is out of the question, and even then, no way they can carve a piece amidst Android and iOS.
Not to mention the chinks are already pumping out small portable gamepads that let you comfortably go ping ping wahoo on your phone, the device that can run every game made up to 6th gen consoles, and some consoles beyond that.
It's Bing Bing idiot
>t. retard
Sorry user, haven't played a Mario game since the SNES.
Still makes me giggle like a schoolgirl thinking how I used to wire a console up to a CRT tv just to play a game I can now launch on my phone in 2 seconds, along with every game ever made for that console, tech is amazing.
That's the smartest and cheapest option, I believe. Since the dock is garbage as is, but I don't know how they do that. Can this sort of functionality be achieved over USB-C with whatever those two prongs are?
You mean One Plus. Xiaomi hasn't made good phones since 2012. Only subsaharans would disagree.
If it's not better than the GPD XD, there's gonna be big issues. That machine has built-in controller mapping for games that don't have controller support. Nintendo would be fighting an uphill battle for usability with device like this out there. The best thing they could do was revolutionize cooling, which I doubt will happen considering how throttled the Switch is compared to the Nvidia Shield.
Subsaharan sandnigger here, Xiaomi makes the cheapest, most robust and feature filled phones out there, also the corporation as a whole has it's fingers in every tech field there is now a days.
Been with the fuckers since /g/ used to shill the Redmi Note 2 with it's horrendous battery, all the way to the 5 and soon the 7, couldn't be happier.
You know how much you gotta shill for a phone with a gyro?, and MiUI is the best stock Android rom there is.
I've never heard of a more retarded idea. Really.
>MiUI is the best stock Android rom there is.
It have fucking ads user
who sais his mom is a woman? did you just assumed their gender?
Why a slide instead of a clamshell? Clamshel protect the screen and is less prone to failure than a sliding mechanism.
oh shit i assumed his gender.
oh shit i did it again.
I know xiaomi pays some money for shilling but be less obvious.
>Clamshell smartphone
user normies would never buy it
I know man, and the ads are probably the least to worry about if you use a chink phone, and I use AOSiP anyway, but I still miss a lot of the things it had to offer, call recording built in out of the box bro, among other things.
I wish nigga.
Because in what fucking context would a wide clamshell work for a phone?
Mods god damn them
Korea only?
Id buy it. Wouldn't be my cell phone though because it would be shit at anything but video games. Only if it trumped the switch in power and non shovel ware "cellphone" games though. If it was a system, that worked as a cell I'd get it basically.