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Gonna replay and stay on Chapter 2 for a hundred hours
Truly one of the most Kino moments in any videogame.
>tfw played this part with my friend over and was tearing up like a bitch the whole ride
>The building of the shrine...
I dunno why this verse and subsequent lines fucks with me so much
>thinking this was in any way compelling and not hilariously maudlin and overwrought
I could picture Houser masturbating furiously in front of a Quentin Tarantino shrine when he came up with this scene. Get some fucking taste.
>Yea Forums will still call this a movie trash game
God I hate zoomers
You're just autistic and don't understand the human condition. It's not your fault.
End of chapter 3 was the high point of the game and by far the most kino.
I hate this trend that anything that attempts to be genuine or speak about the human condition is mocked. This insincerity and lack of empathy is killing us.
If this scene was in any fucking mainstream Hollywood film, it would be laughed out of theaters in less than a week. It's not subtle, it's not good writing, and it's clearly just made for the sake of violently tearing away tears from the eyes of brainlets who keep calling video games "kino" and then wonder why video games nowadays are just walking, talking simulators.
Your fervent chase after realism and cinematic melodrama is just another cancer eating away at video games. It's not that I don't understand the human condition. It's that I understand it better than you. This scene couldn't have been any more cringy unless the words "THIS IS THE PART WHERE YOU CRY AND FEEL THINGS" was put up on the top of the screen. All the nuance and subtlety of a fireworks show going horribly awry.
In short, RDR 2 focuses more on realism and cinematic tripe to the detriment of escapism and fun. I'm not saying DR 2 didn't have its moments, but this wasn't one of them.
i haven't touched the game since i saw the final credits, it's just all too much.
its an actual sign of autism
You have to go back
Detached internet irony is killing you
>armchair psychology
Your tranny status will probably kill you quicker
Literally what died this scene even have to do with tarantino? Rdr2 is as anti tarantino as you can get
I don't think you know what movies are popular in theatres these days mongoloid
he was a good friend
It's a a mixture of every mainstream western film made in the past 50 years, and that includes Django Unchained. Apply yourself
Every piece of media is a mixture of everything that was produced before retard. Culture is derivative by its nature.
this, desu
that wideshot of everyone marching towards the mansion gave me chills out the ass
wish sean had lived to join us
I feel bad for people who did a bad Arthur playthrough.
you haven't been to the theaters recently I take it
i've been wondering since i did the last mission, what happens if you choose to go after the money instead of help john? i saved right before it, gotta go back and do the other route sometime
This desu
Depends. You fight Micah where the money is. If you get a good ending Dutch leaves and you die like in the mountain and the bad ending you get stabbed in the back.
After you faggot
>mash X since I thought it was just a cinematic camera
>music stops
>have to kill myself so I can just hold X and hear the music
Eh, kinda soured it for me. And the song is no Deadman's Gun, It's just ok.
Good Arthur who decides to go back on the mountain yields the best ending
Change my mind
thanks based david foster wallace user
the objectively best way to play the game is with a gradual rise toward goodness as arthur becomes disillusioned with the gang and begins to recognize his mortality and fear for his moral state
I had mixed feels about this because the game leaves it unclear whether Arthur was a good guy or tried to be good once he found out he was going to die. When John talks to Mickey this becomes clear
too shit compared to the witcher
Witcher is alright. I found the combat kinda dry. But I did love the world.
Alchemy tree is best tree
Youtube tier post
But I wish the low honor had more of apathic arthur rather than being just bad, I find it a weak part of the game.
I never willfully killed innocents, so I wouldn’t use the term evil, but my Arthur was much less inclined to rob, threaten, and steal as the game went on. He’s inherently good but only leans into it as he sees he’s going to die.
Name a more kino moment.
Red Dead character deaths affected me more than any other death I've personally been attached to. How severe is my autism?
Above the average but also speaks a lot about your relationships.
On a scale from 1-10, about a 7.
Which one hit you the hardest?
Not same poster but Sean and Lenny surprised me big time
why are wh*tes and westerners so fucking soulless?
It's definitely tied between the two player characters. Even until their dying breathes, they worked to create a better life for the people they loved.
It's only really been extended family.
Sean is obviously the most abrupt. Lenny just makes me frustrated because it's presented like normal gameplay but you can't do anything about it. Hosea sucked a lot too because he was the only one keeping Dutch's marbles together.
Yeah, Sean was definitely a surprise for me, I was not ready at all