Easy games to platinum thread

I’ll start....

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Other urls found in this thread:


Final Fantasy IX.

Im glad you mentioned that because I did an E2 run with no glitches or FMV skip on PAL.

I suspect you know this already though.

My greatest ever gaming moment by some distance.

Try a Bloodborne BL6 platinum run if you want some real challenge.

Try facing me on pic related.

Literally I was the best person on the PS3.

Still class the E2 run as a better achievement though.

Resident evil 7 it's really easy to platinum


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Final Fantasy XV. Especially the vanilla version.

Shitposting aside, the new Borderlands GOTY was incredibly easy to Platinum. 30 hours.

I got it for the Vr but was too scared to play it

Im not shitposting, the trophies are mine.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days never having played a Souls game before.

That's neat

That's nice and all gramps, but how good are you at Fortnite? That's the real competitive shit.

To the contrary, it was effortless. My entire point is how easy the game actually is despite its rep as somehow being some hardcore title.

Lol fuck off you millennial fag.

TCGRFS is an actual tactical shooter, requires actual skill.

So you don't even have one Victory Royale? Why should I be impressed?

Like I said, shitposting aside, Borderlands is a quick platinum.

Look man, I know you love posting this, but if you genuinely want a good conversation on the difficulty of bloodborne, this isn't the place.

You think you're tough? Why don't you try to beat me for points in pic related. I'll 1v1 you irl and then fite you online chump.

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Good idea user. You're always thinkin', that's what I like about you.

Literally never played it once.

I got 80 kills in a 15 minute game - works out as a kill nearly every 10 seconds over 15 minutes.

My skill is beyond belief.

What should I plat next?

I loved this game, wasn’t particularly good.

I did get a high score in PS Magazine about 20 years ago for a Tony Hawks Pro Skater score though.

Did you really?? Good shit dude. You still have the magazine?

Maybe you should play it if you're so tough. Come back when you get on Ninja's level.

Ty user, not entirely sure of what you mean but I’ll happily take the compliment. I need the boost.

>My skill is beyond belief.

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No, tragically. It was the mag that had the demo disc for it and then they challenged people to send in their high scores.

I was about 11 and took a pic of the screen with a Polaroid camera and it got printed.

Before I even scroll through your games list, I see you have 270 games and I know I only have 122 games on my account, but you're only 2 1/2 levels above me, so I know I'm about to see about a hundred games installed that you never even played. How'd you get so many games but never play them?

On TCGRFS - literally I would do things In that game you could dream of.

You could load the game now and mention my PSN ID and they’ll know of me.

I was just kiddin' around with you. I didn't mean anything by it.

Man, there's gonna come a point where you'll be looking on e-bay for an old copy. You'll probably want that sooner or later. That'd be cool to have.

I don't get it.

What is trophy advisor on that site?

I wait for games to be on sale and buy em in bundles.

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I love you war stories gramps, but stop living in the past.

>savescummed the endings

That's 11days-user fighting against the beggar.

vanilla dark souls 2
only time-consuming part was grinding to ng++ to buy the covenant spells from the dude at the castle (because fuck trying to do all that pvp business successfully)

That's a lotta games my friend. I'm sure there's a bunch you'd be happy to play if you revisit them. I'm gonna look through it now, I like seeing what other people played.

I actually completely forgot about it until I saw the Dave Mirra post and it reminded me. It’ll be over 20 years old!

Is jump-rope the only minigame trophy? Or did they go all-in and make you perfect the nobles and fucking Hippaul too?

Life is Strange and its prequel.

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Past? DL it right now and let’s 1v1

Watch Dogs after they patched the shitty drinking game to be easier.

> 11 Days

Kudos to you for knowing the actual facts.

t. /10 DAYS user/

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Download Fortnite gramps. I don't care about last gen multiplayer games.

My 7 year old son plays Fortnite.

Fuck off with your crowd please, watered down shit.

Hey can I ask you something else? How'd you write that long string of words on your profile starting with "Did you hear about the shellfish..."
I tried changing mine the other day and it would only let me write like 6 words, but you've got like a paragraph. Did you do something special for that?

Infamous Shitcond Son

RIP Dave. Couldn't live in a world with BMX XXX in it

How would you know it's watered down if you never played it? You're just too afraid that some 7 year olds will beat you.

Ill go as far back as Apex Legends old fuck

based, Fromdrones on suicide watch

On ps4, just go to profile and edit there. It's all I did

>He watches other people play video games.


Joking aside, I will not ever be able to contemplate the mindset around people that do this.

And then sometimes they’ll even give them money out of their own pockets haha!

Ok, I tried to do it on my PS3, because I bought 2 new PS3 games and have been playing it. But I do have a PS4, I'll try it on that. Thanks. Oh, and also you have great taste in games. You got so many on there that I've been wanting to play. That Shadow of Mordor, I really want that GOTY edition, but the DLC isn't on disc, so I haven't been able to find a copy. You should play through that one.

I also read guides to single player games before I play them and look up cheesy strats to win.

You know, you could just not spend 60 dollars at that point.

I'm not joking tho, a whole generation of degenerates jacking each other off instead of having actual fun, exploring, creating memories is just beyond me. but apparently these dickless faggots don't know what a single player game is, I almost feel bad for them but I don't because they're so dumb they'd lick a fucking toilet bowl if every one was doing it.

It don't pay to play games, just to show everyone online that I beat them.

Sekiro is very easy

Oh, bro, you're so good at games, here's the money I would have spent on the game but I'm too shit to play it, but you deserve it, because I'm not good enough.

These are the same losers that let women walk all over them, and claim their better than everyone before them because they never had 1,257 AOL discs shoved up their asses. Blind fucks.

Has there ever been a game with an achievement just for booting the game up?

All jokes aside, Bloodborne does have an easy platinum because almost all of the achievements are obtained by just playing the game. The only reason I got it was because I saw that I only needed like two or three more trophies to get it. The only one that was a pain in the ass was the one where you need to kill Queen Yharnam because the Chalice Dungeons are garbage of the highest degree.

I like your eyes


Clean up your drool, nobody gives a fuck about you. I couldn't understand what you were trying to say and I don't care, so don't bother replying.

Spiderman was actually very easy to Platinum. What I like about it is that you can earn it as you play pretty much, with very little backtracking. I've noticed the "hardest" plays are really just tedious, not difficult. Like Kingdom Hearts 3. What a slog

Yeah, it's called you get to play the game, now stop being an enormous faggot and fuck off.

If you have to beat a game multiple times in order to get different endings which lead to different trophies, it's not an, "easy game," to platinum no matter how much you pretend that it didn't take 50ish hours AT LEAST to do it all.


Over a week to platinum a game that is only a couple hours long?

Steins;Gate gives you one for "press start"

Maybe you should play games instead of jerking off to people playing them

They let you out of the looney bin huh user

>If you have to beat a game multiple times in order to get different endings which lead to different trophies
Are you aware of what a USB stick is and or does?

Seething tranny

and he had to use a guide.

You can literally just back up save and do all the endings.

Had to savescum endings too.

I love puzzles games, as I can look up every solution online and beat them really fast. After that I can make threads about how easy they are.

where's 2b, what did you do to ther OP

For you baby

I have too much testosterone to be bothered by a little faggot like you, I've been on Yea Forums since before you were a trap in your daddies cunt.

Why is Yea Forums so obsessed with trannies?

Been a while since I trophy hunted. Glad I stopped caring.
easy ones:
sly cooper collection
infamous second son
burly men at sea
saints row 3
gat out of hell
sleeping dogs
terminator salvation
lollipop chainsaw
life is strange
super exploding zoo
prototype 2
remember me

not me...

hold still, while this other homo fists you

no the question is why are they obsessed with Yea Forums

This took me months to get in Resistance 2

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That’s my point. The game is inherently easy.

>too much testosterone to be bothered by a little faggot like you
If that were remotely true, you wouldn't be replying, let alone posting like such an upset bitch

Sweet your boyfriend is here too

They not good looking enough to be one.

Who said it was hard?

All Souls games are easy, it's just laughable how bad OP is at them.

You mistake my disgust for faggots like you as something its not, now tell me again how much you love to get cucked out of your money for a virtual headpat that no one here is giving you

I never got sectioned, despite my mother’s efforts.

Youre literally 12 kid, I bet you're actually fucking offended. Back in my day, people like you quietly killed themselves and the whole world moved on..

I have 3 brown eyes, you know. Three... if you catch my drift. If you're pickin' up what I'm puttin' down.

I'm just shitposting for yous

I am OP.

You all said it was hard - that was until I destroyed its legacy. Now you say it’s easy; hence legacy destroyed.

>yes! I finally did it! I platinum'd all three Uncharted games. now I can go see my wife have sex with her boyfriend

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No one said it was hard, you can have people beat the entire series for you and platinum them in a day.

Literally the only thing you'll amount to in life...

This was my first platinum. Now I’m on my way to platinuming DeS but I might have to stop since the stress (and staying up for 22 hours, and a bad diet) might be giving me angina

>my disgust for faggots like you
>too much testosterone to be bothered
Do you have brain damage, friend

I never said it was hard. That being said, if you think it's easy, do a BL4 run with your fists.

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>My skill is beyond belief.
Even if everything you said is true and more this reads hilariously.

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Based 10 days I see you're still going at it


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What a colossal leap in logic. Wait, let me try

>YES!! I just got the achievment for beating all 3 Halo games, now I can go see my wife have sex with her boyfriend

Wait. Let me try this one

>YES! I just installed DOOM from my 3 1/2 inch floppy discs, now I get to go watch my watch have sex with her boyfriend... who also has a 3 1/2 inch floppy disc in his pants!

You're gonna be lucky if you do it in a week... Have you ever farmed bladestone? and whatever the other one was, i fuckin gave up, man.

>staying up for 22 hours

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>Sekirobabies falling for it

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Here comes the retard parade, did I touch a nerve? Show me where on ninja did the bad man touch you?

>Single player games
Reminder that at the of the day, your going against AI. AI which was programmed to be beaten. AI who have explicit patterns, and won't adapt to you. You will never get a real challenge from them. The only real challenge from Video Games is from other players in a competitive multiplayer game. Have sex.

Hey at least I don't get angry about the mentally ill online 24/7

>Bloodborne is a hard gam-

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It’s actual a literal statement.

I was often accused of cheating (non specific, just that I must be cheating) because of how good I was. So my skill was literally beyond their beliefs, to the point they thought I was cheating to be able to do what I did.

How? Bloodborne its the most hard game in all the souls series

Problem nerd

It’s been a while but I’ll never give up entirely

Dude, I get accused of cheating on shooters all the time. If you're above mediocre people will do it.

My penis. Care to make it better

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Oohh, now that you mention it, I remember you. We always called you the "Golden God", because no one could believe how skilled af you were! One time, right after you left the game, this big tittied girl named Ursula hopped into the chat looking for you, but we said "Damn. You just missed him." I meant to tell you.

I went in blind and platinumed it in 10 days, never having played a Souls game before.


Why did you instantly think of and start talking about molesting kids though

Absolute beast of a wrestler. Died way too early. But that's life on the road, ya know? Takes all kinds my friend, takes all kinds.

Yes, Bloodborne is the easiest From Soft game to platinum you spamming faggot. What is your point?

Did you play 30 minutes a day for something?

>I went in blind
You used guides, though.


How does he do it, Yea Forumsro?

>11 days user is back

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>What! you're gonna buy me an Uncharted 4 PS4 bundle if I invite my three best black friends to come to our house? that sounds great honey! I'll call them right now!

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It takes a certain kind of retard to make me post, I've posted more in this thread than I have in all the years I've lurked.

You just are mentally ill, right? You're not special fag, stop hiding behind some imagined moral high ground and go back to being shit at video games.

How can you type when you're blind?

This was different, actual experienced players in the game, significant members of highly ranked squads were determined to believe that I was cheating.

I used to run alone in my squad: One Man Army and destroy entire squads of 6 on my own.

Go into any lobby now on PS3 and mention Cloud__ffvii and they’ll immediately know me (assuming they’re not entire noobs).

My mom only lets me play one hour a day.

He's blind, not deaf you retard

>to stay

Don't lie, I can smell the dead fish from here, ya fuckin' loony toon.

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Based and Illidanpilled.

You're fucking hilarious, dude.

>Honey. I thought we talked about this. I feel very uncomfortable when you bring your friends from the bar back to our house for- wait... is this... is this MARIO ODYSSEY?!? For the SWITCH???
>Today was a good day bros

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'Cause I'm hungry for your little boi pussy you little faggot now come give daddy a good night kiss.

OP here, I’m off to bed.

Good night anons x

see you later homo, nice gay thread.

The Switch is nu-male repellent, bucko.

Thank you, I appreciate you having called me a pussy in the earlier thread too

>literally looked at guides for trophies, impossible to be blind
>savescummed trophies


Nah, that wasn't me. I don't take credit for other retard but I'll vehemently defend myself from about halfway down this thread.

Good night user. Dream of the angels.

Um i dont kiss niggers

Nothing wrong with either of these.

Friendly reminder that there is no actual goddamn way to clear Chalice Dungeons blind without several dozen hours of playtime/grinding, especially because several of the later bosses are hilariously poorly implemented and your "skill" will not help you.
Also you have to use a guide to get the Umbilical Cords all in one run in order to savescum all 3 endings, because one is actually at a completely missable location that nobody found on a blind first playthrough (Iosefka's Clinic Backdoor). Not to mention NPC sidequests and other missable items.

I still havn't platinumed BB yet. Was surprised that you can get every trophy on the first run, other than the endings. I just don't like save scumming.

I can't believe all the newfags in this thread. This shit was so annoyingly spammed, god just seeing this thread makes me mad. Fuck you OP for reminding me of this shitty ass bait thread

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>Also you have to use a guide to get the Umbilical Cords all in one run
Are you seriously implying it's hard to get three cords in a blind playthrough?

Nah I'm not mentally ill. I'm just a bored idiot looking for yous.

You are absolutely right. That umbilical cord shit is 10 layers deep of cryptic. I always heard people say that From Soft encouraged the community to discuss and share the secrets, so I don't feel any problem with looking up tips when I'm stumped in these games. They're cryptic as hell on purpose.

Sorry the fish was live when I put it in my pants

Eh, I could see you missing the one from the red dress girl if you've never played a Souls game before, and the one at the real workshop because there's very little indication of that even existing

You could stumble across that, sure. Then you know what would happen? You'd beat the game with 3 umbilical cords in your inventory that you never used, because you don't know what the fuck they're for.

You would think someone with a bigger dick than 6 inches is black, wouldn't you..

Shit, from the sounds of it, you'd actually enjoy it.

>online trophies
Fuck that.

You're out of your mind. I did that on my first run blind.

>because you don't know what the fuck they're for.

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>you wouldn't hit Iosefka with her ass in the air on all fours the first time you saw it, what are you gay?

Arianna's was harder because of timing...

Yeah, I saw that message too. Doesn't mean you or I know what that means. Might as well be an item description.

here's your last one.

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You can infer that they are meant to be consumed, since they appear under your CONSUMABLES tab in the menu.

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Deus Ex: Human Revolution.

That's just your projection talking, faggio

but you'd kiss a white guy?

Yeah, I guess you're right, I try to play these games blind, and then I'd always be like "Something's gonna happen later to clue me in on this." And then before I know it I'd be fighting the last boss, game would be over, and then I'd be hittin up the internet to wiki the umbilical cords and what they do.
I didn't even find that hidden cut in the forest that takes you through that sewer back to the clinic my first playthrough, and I think I autsitically check in every shack and corner I can find. That path behind that dog cage is so narrow, I never even saw it.

only if he had a cute, feminine cock

>hey sweet heart! you know that scene where that strong black woman chokes Drake? mmm, reminds me when you and your boyfriend play rough with each other

Deadpool gives you two.

One for starting the game and another for pressing “X”.

Months later and you're still posting the same thread.

You don't need to find that shortcut to get three cords, to be fair.


pic related is on the moon trying to fry people like (You's) brains with 5g.

You won't even get dominated by a real man, truly you need a feminine guy because you've turned all the ladies into lesbians.

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Really? Shit, I thought you did. It's been awhile.

I found it on my first playthrough, but I've struggled to remember where it was since. I've already got sekiro memorized... all i know is: dogs, behind the house, through the cave. shit's burnt in my head.

You can get the one from Ariana (available after you kill Micolash), the one from the Hunter's Workshop (available after you kill Cleric Beast; or BSB, if you didn't get the badge from the messengers), and you get one from killing the wet nurse.

I live in a region with harsh winters so im not afraid of that jew

>1st hour
>2nd hour
oh wait I get it
>3rd hour
well that was decent

Fun game, desperately needs a sequel with better zones and maybe some actual characterization and lore instead of the unnecessary and forgettable "story" we ended up getting.

there are 4.

So you admit it was wrong to savescum and read guides? Interesting

Just reading this again is making my head spin. The rules, the rules, the rules. Do this before this, or you can't do that after you do this. How can anyone blame anybody for resorting to a wiki for help? Shit is nuts.

What, the northeast?

It's really not that complicated, user. Although, I would be surprised if many people got Ariana's without a guide, since the player has no reason to ever go back to the Cathedral Ward at that point in the game and that would also require Ariana to still be alive.

>Not going back to the big O's chapel to see how your homies are doing after every major plot point...

Spyro Reignited. You can easily platinum all three games in a few days or less.

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Bloodborne fags always have to talk about how great their game is, and end up save scumming the endings to get the trophies, if they game was so great, why not play multiple playthroughs of it and get the endings normally?

I've played through Bloodborne ten times.

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It's me, I'm Ursula. My love for the "Golden God" has only grown since then, as have my boobs. How I long to throat his unbelievable cock. I say unbelieveable becasue even when I first saw it I didn't believe it

Everyone else did, now stop complaining about games you can't play.

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not gonna lie BB is pretty easy to plat and the easiest souls game to plat. It was literally the first and only PS4 game that I managed to plat/100%. I've never 100%'d a game before. I've went on a venture to try to 100% Nioh on steam and 250 hours in it's just not happening. I've been thinking of 100%ing DS3 as well but it looks too tedious and boring and it just feels like a chore playing this game 3 more times.

whoah this is some vintage shitposting
why the fuck are you still bragging about this like four years later

>getting 3 cords
>knowing what they're used for
>knowing when/how to savescum the endings
>in one blind playthrough

>knowing what they're used for
literally says what to do with them in their text description

Thanks bud.

Spider-Man PS4 before newgame update

nier automata

i havent seen you in ages man! is it really you? where were you for the sekiro release i was looking forward to your threads.

What a blast from the past

Any console game. They're all played with the controller so they're made for kids.

You're not my girl Ursula from the Little Mermaid are you? She lives under the ocean and everything. Shits crazy.

Good god user why. I just did all the PvE ones and even that took forever. Was pretty fun though, shame they killed the series off.


Why? Bloodborne was always the easiest to plat. Maybe vanilla DS2.

Jews running the site want white men to become trannies.

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DaS2 required going through the game multiple times or doing PvP to get spells and stuff, so it's more work than Bloodborne's

The ledt can’t meme

translation: my only memes are shitty wojak edits and reddit frogs

>Why? Bloodborne was always the easiest to plat.
It is since OP destroyed its legacy in 10 days never having played a Souls game before.

Shitposting aside that chalice dungeon trophy is a load of shit.

Who gives a shit about achievements?

You thought we wouldn't notice that?

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To be fair I do both, I'll have a stream or show or something up on the second monitor for background noise and something to watch whilst playing shit. It's pretty common nowadays.

That AI loop was patched out.


Can't even take a screenshot yet I'm supposed to be impressed?

Chalice dungeons suck, you realize this in the middle of the second dungeon, still have to play through each and every one of them for this trophy... I know this struggle.


why can snoys only complete baby game rpg shit?

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