

Attached: Hopper1.jpg (515x512, 44K)

Why does it exist

*gravity guns u*
heh...nothing personelle,,,kid.

whoaaa the pinnacle of alien technology

cutest mine in any game, please prove me wrong

>regular ass army dudes
>mines aren't visible and explode when you step on them

>super duper powerful space empire
>giant glowing mines that take a second to explode
bravo valve

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*silence as I use you as a grenade*

>big as a fucking chair seat
>no attempts to camoflauge it or hide it
>it has a giant fucking light on top of it that turns on when something walks near it
>HECU mines from over a decadeish ago werent visible and were actual fucking mines

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Practicality isn't relevant when you rule with fear.

Now that I think about it, the first game had more alien weapons than the second

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That's the point, making them visible to scare off people.

>HL2 """alien gun""" is just an assault rifle with a weird alt-fire

dem niggas wanted to give you a fair enough warning

I wouldn't even consider it alien, more just futuristic

They want people to stay away from where they are; it's effectively a lethal version of police tape

Walk further and die, dipshit

>"no it's actually supposed to suck ass"

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>lmao this is fucking dumb
>"but there's a reason behind it"
>lmao it's still fucking dumb lmaoooooooooo
i guarantee you have zero friends

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You know this happens in real life, right? You can just hide a tesla coil in your backyard and electrocute potential robbers, but aside from being illegal and very dangerous, people choosez to put an electric fence and a sign to encourage people to fuck off and don't try to break in, because that's what you want.

>make invisible mine
>someone blows up
>entry is now unrestricted

>make visible mine
>blow no one up
>nobody wants to be the one who gets blown up
>entry is still guarded

If the reasoning behind something stupid is stupid then it’s still stupid. Having reason at all doesn’t exempt it from being stupid, it’s expected.

>I don't understand the concept therefore it is stupid

they also switch sides if you pick them up with the gravity gun and drop them

I get the joke. I ain’t laughing but I get it.

Ok what if those things are like 200 lbs or some shit? So a normal dude who didn't have a gravity gun would be kinda fucked if it went off. Maybe it's not used to catch someone off guard as much as it is used purely for area denial. Just a theory, it's probably just shit design though.


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>speedbumps are fucking pathetic, you can just drive around them, why don't they make them the same color as the road, you shouldn't be that fast anyway

*SMOD kick it when it jumps up*

You clearly don't

>Flip is upside down
>Watch as it hops up and down and attempts to plant itself in the ground

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>it turns into an ICBM when you kick it
god bless SMOD

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>Bowser's army supposedly controls tons of land inbetween his and the Mushroom Kingdom
>Still leaves out boxes of power-ups only Mario can use
what the shit, nintendo

based betabro