Ok you cunts have tricked me into reinstalling this and giving it another try...

Ok you cunts have tricked me into reinstalling this and giving it another try. I'm going to make a Strider into a Ranger. Tell me what I should make my pawn to complement that build, and tell me how to take down the FUCK HUEG monsters like Trolls and Ogres without burning 45 minutes.
Dragon's Dogma thread I guess.

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Just make your pawn a thicc muscle girl tank and hire a healer. That's what I always do.

Ok, durable fighter for the pawn.
Now about the big ass monsters?

Hit them until they die.

Hundred/Thousand Kisses, apply to weak spot

>find a lich randomly
>do zero damage, slowly grind him down to 25% health
>he summons a tornada and instakills me
ebin, wait til I can do damage you fucking little shit

You can make your own pawn whatever the hell you like, since whatever you're lacking can just be hired. I find being a similar class to your pawn helps since the bestiary knowledge is more useful; you shooting a cyclops' eye out with a bow isn't going to be of much worth to a Warrior pawn, for example. If a monster takes longer than five minutes you're under-level'd, too poorly equipped, or just dumb. Attack the weak points, that's all there is to it. Don't take on challenges above you if you can't handle them.

Assassin or Warrior?
also what should my mage pawn look like?

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You were fooled by Yea Forums the game is shit and I will explain why:

>No indication of where roads lead
>No hint to what enemies are weak to
>No hint of when enemies are alone or in groups
>No warning to avoid status effects
>No clue to which items are masterworks

I don't know how people defend this game.

You can change vocation whenever and equipment and overall level far outweighs the importance of vocation-specific stat gains which ultimately are minor.

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Assassin is the most versatile physical vocation. Pack along a bow, daggers, sword and shield and you alone can function as 2/3rds of a well-rounded party. Add the final 1/3rd if you have at least one good magic weapon you can use.
Warrior is great fun if you like big meaty hits. Very satisfying. Though their utility is very poor.

For mage pawn do not actually give it healing. Your pawn will obsess over healing the tiniest amounts of danage above all else and make them useless in combat. Give it the ailment cure spell instead and try to cover every elemental damage type somehow, either through the mage's own attacks or boons it can give itself or you.

For healing. Buy a bunch of empty bottles, find a Healing Spring and load up. Healing Spring water is cheap, fairly lightweight and very effective for its weight. Once you get a portcrystal I would place one at a healing spring for ease of access. To improve this, get the Magnanimous Cloak, anyone wearing this shares all healing effects from items it uses with the party. Put it on your pawn and give it all the bottles. It will eventually figure out what to do.

The most important part is making sure it's sexy, then you just watch the RC roll in

i love inside jokes

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>play for 30 min
this game its boring as fuck

I'm about to do the final battle, is there any gear I should bring to get dragonforged?
I'm a warrior so basically is there any good weapons or armor that are worth swapping to for the finalle?

What you need to understand is that DD uses Absorption defense. In other words, if your attack is 121 and your enemy has 100 defense, you will deal 21 damage, if the enemy has 125 defense, the same attack will deal 1 damage because the defense is absorbing everything, but you can't deal less than 1 damage. So, if an enemy is taking forever to kill, you're literally just underleveled.

>being self-conscious of your poor math on an anonymous imageboard

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Well I literally said in my post that I'll be back to kill him when I do more damage so I think I figured out that I'm underleveled/geared.

There are at least 3 final battles you fucking cretin

I don’t think I’m ready for Daimon.

Nah getting dragon forged is easy thanks to Ur Dragon.

Sell me on this game.
I tried it a few years ago, and it seemed clunky as fuck.

Is Hard Mode worth?

Make your pawn an archer and give it a rusted weapon and upgrade it to the max, torpor will be your friend against most anything.

not on your first time because it fucks with progression too much

>No indication of where roads lead
Not explained ingame, but it seems all roads lead to Gran Soren
>No hint to what enemies are weak to
Fair enough
>No hint of when enemies are alone or in groups
You'll just have to play it by ear, game can't handhold you for everything
>No warning to avoid status effects
>No clue to which items are masterworks
They're masterworks all, you can't go wrong

Just stock up on periapts.

What class are you?

I'm cheating and using the gear that was already in storage

Assassin is great. Warrior looks cool but plays like shit. Also make your pawn a sorcerer when you get to gran soren, you want that sweet magic growth and there's plenty of consumables around to not care about healing magic.

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>this shitty meme again

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Are casters any fun to play as?


Magick Archer's pretty fun. MK's really janky but if you like that sort of thing it's okay. Sorc's fun but you have to know which skills and spells to use in which situations. If you're not using the right skills, I find it's really boring because it's just a gigantic alpha strike and if that doesn't kill the enemy you hop around shooting focused bolts instead of actually casting spells.

>the gear that was already in storage
Is that dlc armor?

Casting Frigor or Comestion for the first time made me feel powerful.

Pretty sure all roads lead to rome.

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Mk's abyssal blade + any enchantments + blitz strike is OP. Hits for like a million time every charge

just remember wolves hunt in packs

I will serve as bait. Strike the tail

Get a pawn that deals lightning damage, or enchant lightning. Melts Orges and Trolls in seconds

I just switched from fighter to sorcerer and I have to say that it's fucking fun. The cast times are long but the payoff is glorious, and I only just unlocked bolide and gicel which I assume are babbies first big spells.

Yeah but casting two entire spells before you're even in the confrontation is really janky

Strider is better IMO. The arrow spam is great on the longbow, but it eats up retarded amounts of stamina. You end up with no good dagger skills, just the generic cutting wind, hundred kisses, and that shit. The long bow skills are mostly utility shit anyways. Meanwhile strider gets fracture dart, letting you blast artillery all over everything for fuckton damage. Works great for breaking parts, knocking shit out of the sky.
Helms splitter is the best dps in the game, especially once you have the upgrade ring for it from dark arisen.
Naturally you should spend some time other classes to get some good augments.

Ogre is a sponge at low level... just make sure to have a full party. For the first one you meet in everfall I always just trick it into back flipping or dropkicking over the side. Burning and poison are probably your best bets for dps, and bring magic pawns to spam at it. You can death loop it by climbing on it's back. It will always go to jump on it's back to hurt you, just jump off and get back on and he will never stop.
Everything besides ogre has good weakpoints so just take advantage of those. If you really cant hurt it just leave it alone.

I'm playing Assasin atm
>Double Jump
>Dash Attack
>"Nothin personnel" throat slit grabble
Bretty fun, little loli ninja.

hahaha you fucking piece of garbage
>chimera shows up as i kill him
heh nothin perosnell kid
>loop ogre
That didn't happen with me. He "went into a fury" and start running around making it nearly impossible to grab his back without taking a lot of damage. Not to mention the drop kicks.

>tell me how to take down the FUCK HUEG monsters like Trolls and Ogres without burning 45 minutes.

shoot their faces with charged arrow and multiarrow feats. climb them and stab their faces. set the troll on fire with oil and fire attacks.

pretty easy.

Wyrm hunt cloak or hero cloak?
which is more /fa/?

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How come no one likes Magic Archer? Is it the "you need to increase magic power" meme?

You need the wyrmkings ring in your invetory along with articularity to speed it up a bit

Its not all that good outside of bitterback, on my ps3 I went around 120 levels as sorcerer before switching over to MA then went 51 more levels as it before platinuming the game and quitting.

Is this game easy where if you know the basics of a good build, you can just steam roll it like Dark Souls or is it actually difficult like Monster Hunter?

Also how much of the game is random monsters and stuff in the open world or is it just like Monster Hunter with "go on this quest, kill this monster, k done"

It can be difficult in the beginning. But yeah if you know the basics and what you are about to run into any game can be easy. I played it before so I knew the amount of bullshit I would face on certain quests in certain areas.
You'll find just about everything in the open world, from chimeras, to griffins, to harpys, goblins, bandits, saurians, ogres ect. Traveling at knight while low level I wouldnt recommend.
The quests are caried from retake this fortress, to fetch quests to a couple of escort quests, stop an evil cult ect. I think it shines the best in boss fights

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Can I remove skills and just nerf myself?

Is it a case of the world spawns random monsters like Elder Scrolls or is it all static spawns (eg always a pack of goblins at the same locations, always ogres etc

You can remove your augments if I recall (those are your basic buffs to cast time, carry weight, strength ect.) and as far removing skills you can take them off but you cant make them a previous level.
By that I mean if you spend your discipline (skill points) on upgrading say anodyne to high anodyne you cant make it the previous level of just anodyne, (the healing spell)
If you play it alot and become overleveled everything will become pretty trivial outside of bitterback isle until you hit about 140, then at that point you are just speed running everythings healthbar no matter the class.
You can also just equip low tier weapons to nerf yourself. The spawns are static and everything comes back to life after a few ingame days.
In NG+there os no enemy scaling everything plays like ng but you have port crystals and eternal ferrystones to speedrun everything.

Do I need to progress through the main quest to get new weapons? I'm still using the first arcstaff I got when I got to Gran Soren and I've grown like 15 levels since then.

Yeah you have to keep progressing through the mainstory to get the weaponsmith to offer more weapons + armor.

Just use anything. Grigori is weak to dark damage for plot reasons. You get way better weapons after he is dead and you roll into BBI

>make qt waifu pawn
>only to watch her be a cumdumpster to other players
Literally nip cuckold brainwashing.

>make qt waifu MC
>make chad thundercock pawn
Checkmate atheists

Probably the game I most want a sequel of.

>Make qt 10/10 pawn
>Love her. Give her the best stuff
>Learn how to modify some files. Make better skin.
>Make her private, Give her lewd armour.
>Screenshots, all day, everyday.