So Bioware is gone for sure now right?
>EA game falls apart
Color me shocked.
You mean white washed me shocked. White males are box office poison.
I pray so before they get a chance to rape dragon age further with 4.
But I was told that Anthem was the best selling game of whatever month, that EA still made a ton of money and that there are a ton of players.
I'll be pretty pissed if Bioware survives this. Visceral was killed for fewer and significantly less severe fuck ups.
You mean like kingdom come deliverance? Despite faggots and feminists bitched about muh niggers it sold well and is a great game.
Cope Jamal.
Anthem? What's that?
How many studios have EA killed so far?
>visceral killed because EA set unrealistic goals for dead space 3 while simultaneously ruining it
>bioware still alive despite several back to back fuckups
>Sjws don't like game, sells ok without problem
>White men don't like game, sells like shit
Sorry sweetie, but the market it's dictated by the majority.
You're just gonna have to find other media to impose your point of view.
Bioware is a name big enough that they can't just kill the studio. They can still sell games on the name alone even after the fuckups
There are many studios that were big names that didn't get as many chances as bioware.
I don't know about that anymore. They've burned through a LOT of good will in the past few years. It's not a stretch to view the name as irrelevant or even poison.
You're underestimating how fucking stupid normalfags are. Where do you think the people who bought Anthem came from?
What's wrong with Anthem?
What's not wrong with Anthem?
Dragon Age will be the death blow.
Inquisition was a dog shit offline MMO slog of a game, bearing every marker of the crunched, panicked dev cycle employees mentioned in the recent interview. Yet somehow either through bribery or mass mental retardation it was highly praised - even winning "Game of the Year".
My guess is that the next game will get a 1-2 combo of being placed under far greater scrutiny, and also suffering a noticeable decline in quality from Inquisition (what little there was).
At this point, I dont understand how anything can be a death blow if fucking ME Andromeda didn't do it.
What's wrong with EA?
Why does everything they touch turn to shit?
How come other acquired studios at least manage to scrape by with a modicum of success while everything EA buys turns to shit?
Do the execs meddle that much? How can they not see that whatever they're doing isn't working after this long? From Westwood to Maxis to Bullfrog to BioWare, how can they not see that they've done nothing but damage to themselves?
Andromeda gets played off as being dev'd by a satellite Bioware studio which was also relegated to a support studio after the shit show that was Andromeda. Look at all the idiots that willingly went into Anthem and gave it months of playtime and are only just now getting pissed. The average Bioware fan has no concept of quality but their patience has been put throiugh the ringer with ANthem
The live service aspect for Dragon Age 4 makes me think it will end up dead since Bioware obviously do that type of game.
Sports games. Execs want every game to print as much money as 2K and FIFA do with their microtransactions, and so they attempt to implement them into all other games hoping to strike the same level of success. If the studio fails because of it, they can easily liquidize it and move the best talent to their sports division. Unless sports games suddenly fall out of favor, they'll keep doing it because as shitty as it is, it's a good business strategy.
Don't you think they'll get a chance to just hold back all the content planned for this game, and just release Anthem 2? Seems unfair that they shouldn't get a chance to dupe their player base twice. Maybe I'll start a petition.
There's a pharmacy I always go to, and the pharmacist was in there during E3 2018 watching it live. I asked him about it, and he told me he was watching the ANTHEM broadcast, that he was really excited for that game. I see him every month I go in there, and I know he remembers he talked to me about it, but neither one of us has brought it up. He was so psyched for it, I almost feel bad for him. Almost.