

Attached: Alucard walk.gif (176x200, 36K)

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Needs more soul.

Attached: Soma Soul Strut.webm (1194x1200, 177K)

Since I played on a shitty crt TV and never looked at art as a kid I though the golden trim on alucard's arms was his exposed forearms and he was just tan and swole

that'd be pretty sick desu

CotM best Castlemania

will we ever get a new one

if we do will it be good

Is Chakram the best weapon in SotN?


no it's that multi slash sword

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It truly is, absolutely worth grinding that disk faglord.

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Anyway, SotN is what you get when you have amatuers making a game and supervision; lot's of soul and terrible balance. It's great fun, to be sure, but it's also fucked. To make the game challenging, I like to play luck mode, cheat death at the beginning, and then take the shortest route between all required bosses, using only save points that are on the way for healing (no saving allowed). The Alucard equipment you glitch death out of is for Shaft and Drac. The game plays way more like classicvania this way. It also demonstrates how awful the balance is in the game; you can literally beat any required boss with starting equipment if you are agile enough. Never beaten Drac though.

I once did a challenge run where I didn't used weapons, I mastered the flying kick, it was fun.

Would you fuck off with your shitty porn game already

Those posts are all more Castlevania related than your bitching is.

>American Konami arcade collection doesn't have the superior japanese versions
Well shit, hopefully they will learn from that and include japanese III in the Castlevania collection.

SotN is the best game ever created. It's the only game I do a yearly playthrough of and still haven't been bored with.

Metroid fans BTFO

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Konami have their heads too far inside their asses, they should just fucking make a new castlevania game, preferably on 2D but I know that they will fuck it up anyways.

I'm interested in this

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>game includes many multiple crazy fun weapons with unique game mechanics and gimmicks
>some of the coolest ones require assloads of grinding
>in a game that's only a couple hours long and is well-suited to replayability
>but there's no NG+, so if you DO grind for that weapon, I hope you enjoy it for what little time you have it
>and practically every weapon in the game is eventually outclassed by about a couple of god tier weapons that aren't even that hard to get
>but because the game is so short "eventually" actually means "in about an hour and a half at most"
AoS has it even worse, by the end of the game there's literally only one weapon worth using and every other weapon is made totally obsolete within ten minutes of obtaining it, completely ruining any sense of preference, progression, and reward. I'd like a hack of these games that makes weapon balance more even across the board, I want getting new weapons to actually be something worth getting invested in.

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Not really.

>rmb, downloads
hehe, thank you!

>that kid who walked like Alucard

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Wasn't there some kind of Castlevania anniversary edition announced/released for PS4 here recently?

Claimh solais is my weaponfu.

way too OP

>the succubus art
those pepperoni nipples were quite the sight for my young eyes

I still need to play these games, I've only ever played castlevania 1 and in the past couple of months I've really been getting into metroidvanias but mostly just the metroid side of that (and hollow knight). What's the best game to start with?

Too good to not use it, alternatively Mystletain and Milican are my two other favorites.

at least this doesn't have a swing attack

For metroidvanias, just go in order: SotN, CotM, HoD, AoS, etc (i stopped playing after AoS). SotN is fun but a mess. CotM is the tits. HoD tries to be SotN but fails. AoS hits the formula just right, and has the most polish out of all the games.

boy it sure feels great having a soul. i hope no one tries to take it from me

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>i stopped playing after AoS
>aka: I didn't player PoR
>aka: I didn't played one of the best castlevania games ever created
OoE is nice too, DoS is kinda bland but not a bad game.

Igavanias suck balls

Attached: Alucard and Maria 2.jpg (764x1046, 212K)

Alright thanks

I knew I was missing one good one after the GBA games, but I also know their were some stinkers.

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>Richter died virgin because Alucard stole his girl
>Because he had no offspring the Beltmonts disappeared for many years
What a fucking loser.

nigger what

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shit nigga you slow

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Richter got Shafted so his semen was cursed, he never had a chance.


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sometimes I wish CV weapons didn't become retardedly large and horribly motion-tweened anime trash in the later games

Too slow.

I think he was even married at SoTN

Get on my level.

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Why are the DSvanias so shit? Only decent one is OoE.

>credits last longer than the run
That always gets me.

>the lads and I used to imitate various video game walks at 3 am when running to the kitchen or just fucking around in the neighborhood
>mom says she cooked some food
>4 little shits do the leon Kennedy run into the kitchen and say "uh excuse me sir" in unison
>stand perfectly poised near the food just staring above it
>"user what are you doing"
>"accessing our inventory"

goddamn that ho has a 10head

OoE=PoR>>Monster Tale>DoS

Bloodstained when?

Superb fucking taste. Fuck Dawn of S○y.

The truth has been spoken

no way fag

I remember that feel bro.

There's a SoTN randomizer now available. Randomizes relic locations, item locations and drops, and shop items. Some good shit.

Does it randomize the castle? if not then fuck it.

>playing a game people beat blindfolded

>Shaft most likely got to enjoy sex with Ritcher's wife when he took over his body

He really had the last laugh.

It doesn't, unfortunately.

I sleep, when the castle is randomized I will try it, a confusing layout is the only thing that would give me a worthy challenge.

So what's the easiest way to play SoTn on PC.
I can't believe I still haven't played it

For this reason and only for this reason I didn't buy it.

I just used epsxe and it worked great, except for slowdown when the life potion spawns after beating a boss that I never bothered figuring out how to to fix.

This trigger my autism.

Just play it on a PSX emulator, there is also the PSP version that can be unlocked in dracula x chronicles and emulated by PPSSPP, it has the Maria fight/mode and not much more, the saturn version has extra stage but they feel out of place and are kinda fucking bad.

>slowdown when the life potion spawns after beating a boss
Wasn't that intentional?

I love the Castlevania series. And at the same time I fear I will never get another proper installment.

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Maybe it was, sometimes it was smoother but not often.

>Castlevania Characters get in Smash
>Konami don't move a single finger to make a new game.
>here is your collection bro
>collection isn't even good



New to the series, what is the best recurrent enemy, and what is the worst?

>Classicvania Collection
>No Chronicles
>No Rebirth

i mean i guess i could understand rondo since they already bundled it with SotN, but come on.

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Medusa heads.

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So was gargoyle his true form?

Best: Skelebros; simple, classic, cool, many nice variants.
Worst: ectoplasm, FUCK ectoplasm.

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I hate cinnamon roll

Getting it for Bloodlines and Belmont's Revenge.


cinnamon roll was my hentaifu but now I have moved on


castlevania mmorpg fucking when

Neither do the Japanese versions have the Japanese versions of those games

Yes you read that exactly right

>who is annette

Play more Castlevania

what the fuck

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