Is this true?
Is this true?
No, but they know they'll get clicks if they say it.
Days gone is piss easy.
Too bad it’s also incredibly boring and there is literally NOTHING to do besides the main missions.
Days gone is more difficult to finish. I got bored and just can't be bothered to play it anymore. Meanwhile I'm on my 4th playthrough of sekiro
Nope, I'm about 2/3 of the way through it on hard and there's nothing really even difficult at all unless you try some of the late-game hordes with crappy equipment.
That said, Sekiro isn't really all that difficult outside of a few moments here and there after you've got a grasp on the mechanics.
Is it another boring checklist open world mind-numbing horrible mess?
I haven’t seen anybody crying for it to have an easy mode so probably not.
Actually? Not at all.
It’s actually the opposite. There is a LACK of things to do. You can literally only do main missions. There are no side missions, though it may look like side missions, you can’t continue the main quest until you do those missions.
Forgot to mention you can fully upgrade your bike and get best guns in the game within 2 hours, leaving you with nothing to spend money on.
Harder to want to keep playing for sure.
Well that is actually better. But, is the game challenging?
Yes, via glitches and bugs.
it can get very overwhelming easily
the game expects you to run away constantly
the entire bike is built around the idea of avoiding shit
you either ride away, or you stealth through the enemy camps
the difficulty comes from trying to take things head on,
it's less Far Cry and more MGSV style of open world
open combat is always a bad idea outside of the beginning missions
Days Gone is more mediocre than Sekiro.
Sounds not half bad. Comes from someone who hates checklist open world games and loves linear shit.
Harder in keeping myself awake, yes – absolutely.
It's like the most "Yeah it's fine" 6.5-7/10 game I've played for years. There's some really good ideas in there as well as a lot of terrible ones. Worth a try when it hits the $20 bargain bin in a few months.
The late game hordes of 300+ zombies are legit fucking cool and it's silly that larger parts of the game weren't centred around them.
the games fun, worth a try if you are interested
it's certainly closer to what Avalanche Studios did with Just Cause or Mad Max than what you usually see from a Ubi formula game
very stealth focused, hit and run tactics,
the game can be unforgiving at times, but there's plenty of checkpoints to counter it
very likable main characters
the game also looks great, the trailers never did the environment justice
that depends. if you don't get 5th tierr melee perks, I would be a more trickier. guns perks are not that special
it is pretty much like if don't get mikiri counter in sekiro your play through would be a lot harder
I was prioritizing working towards stamina perks in survival
was that a mistake