This guy predicted the song for the sonic movie 12 years ago

This guy predicted the song for the sonic movie 12 years ago.

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OP you have to go back.

no shit its edited you retards


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Youtube didn't have a edit feature 12 years ago.

I think you're the retard here buddy

The guy remembered and edited a comment that he posted on youtube 12 YEARS AGO, let's give him credit for that.

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Don't tell me what to do, retard. Why don't you fuck off and suck his cock if you think he's so great

Fuck off, we know its you. Him editing makes it invalid that he predicted it you dumb fuck.

>Thinks remembering your old accounts is something special.

Nigger, I got shit from the 90s I still have access to.

Have sex

Retard. If you're going to use that, then at least have some fucking comedic timing. That was useless and shit, just like your pathetic weak-willed peasant existence. You dumb cunt-eyed fuckstick. Kys.

>gets btfo
>uses Have Sex wrong
I think you got the wrong board, R*ddit is that way.

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He predicted it...


>that terrible use of Have Sex

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Holy FUCK. You are one MASSIVE loser ahahahaha OH NO NO NO!


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Based and mentokpilled

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What a shit thread.