What's his endgame, Yea Forumsros?

What's his endgame, Yea Forumsros?


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Other urls found in this thread:



faggot has lost his mind

Just let me have my fun.

I wont cause TOO much trouble.

I promise.


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Probably got sick of the constant attention. Started boring him, so the dude started acting fucking crazy to both gain attention and naturally select his real fans who have a "Don't give a shit" attitude and aren't crying to him to get mental health. Alternatively the dude is just fucking wack.

This twisted madman.
First notre Dame fire
Then synagogue shooting
Then Etika meltdown
Now another shooting at a university
What is this timeline?

>Etika swatted and arrested due terrorism
>Alex "CND" became a druggie and had to move from NYC back to his parents
What's with Nintendo YT e-celebs that become deranged degenerates after a few views on their channels?

Schizophrenia normally manifests in your mid-20's.
To the zoomers reading this, your brain could be hard-wired to turn you into a raving lunatic in a few years and there's no way to stop it.

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hi etika, what does the *^! mean?

Fbi raided him and they accidentally shot his dog so he went mental, started dropping redpills on kids and shiet, they had to institutionalize him

>Alex "CND" became a druggie
lol did he?

He's either gone legit crazy or he's pretentious and thinks this is all some avant-garde performance.

is this from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air remake?

Erika doesn’t own a dog

and this

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Whatever it takes to get the views bro

It's what happens when a normie spends too much time on Yea Forums just "for fun"

what drives a person to do shit like that?

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>that monkey part
I lost my shit

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Is it genetic? Or does it just happen at random. Nobody in my family that I’m aware of is schizophrenic

The last thread that hit over 400 posts was less obvious OP, this one is gonna be deleted soon as much as I would like to discuss Etika's endgame.

truly the strangest of timelines.

True. I wonder what this guy is doing though. At this point I can’t tell if he’s actually a nut or if he’s just memeing

Now that you say this I'm worried that I'm going to snap one day, my dad is mentally ill and I'm fairly certain I am too. I hope I don't devolve into a fucking nutcase

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Alright what's your favorite videogame and/or his endgame?

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Holy fuk

embrace your power, its fun

not anymore


*^! **-- * * S L A T T * *** ---

He has no endgame. He's a mentally ill person caught up in the cycle of positive attention and financial freedom given to him by his twitch career that he despises. While his audience laughs at the dancing monkey unaware of the strife below the surface.

Livestream suicide eventually. I'm not saying today, I'm not saying 6 months from now, or even several years from now. But this guy's fuse is lit and shrinking.

His endgame? To redpill America.

Just another schizo nig

>We are in the timeline where CWC is a lot more mentally stable than Etika

oh shiiiiiiiiiiiit

the revolution will not be televised.
wakanda forever

There are warning signs
My uncle is schizo, he started acting more and more paranoid about things. People out to get him, conspiracies against him, etc. Eventually he started having visual hallucinations. You don't just turn schizo one day

Who is this guy?

Google etika

It's mostly genetic yeah. Also, while it does manifest suddenly, there are usually some mild symptoms that the person may have even since birth, although these can look similar to other mental deficiencies like autism at first.
t.has a brother diagnosed with schizophrenia

Is Etika about to become a super villain?

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Is his time coming up soon?

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His mind is ascending while his body devolves.

This is my biggest fear

>that DK taunt

Wait what the fuck? They let him go?

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>tfw Etika is now more entertaining to watch than CWC
We've found a new obsession boys.

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He committed career and social suicide. He said on Instagram live that he’s “done with YouTube” and is now trying to make a onlyfans account. I don’t think he can tell that he’s effectively destroyed his livelihood. Once he realizes people won’t give him money he might kill him self.

Despite how fucked up this all is, it’s honestly really interesting watching a relatively normal guy defend into madness, I’m really interested in where this will all go

Somewhat better quality.

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Fucking cancerous zoomers obsessed with e-celebs trash.

Youtube reactor who used to look fine

I have a friend who’s that way. Slowly over time he shared these insane thoughts with me. He told me the doctors were diagnosing him as potential bipolar schizo but he didn’t believe them. He said they were trying to poison him with the medication. Now he’s disappeared after taking a “trip” and has been missing for about a month and a half. Really sad. He was a talented guy. I hope he’s alright.

that's one of the dangers of trying to make a living off stream/youtube

what happened there?

>Said nigga several times
>Supposedly someone reported him to YouTube
>They supposedly reviewed his videos (highly doubtful) and suspended his monetization

When you're scared of becoming irrelevant


The state of mental health care in America is totally fucking worthless.
It's pretty much in response to and fear of decades ago when they went overboard on everyone handing out lobotomies left and right, and locking anyone up with slightest suspicion.

Literally the only reasons they can have to take you in and give treatment is if you willingly consent and ask them to (which is revoked at the slightest of second thoughts) or you are actively saying some shit like "I am going to kill myself RIGHT NOW and here's how."

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That's the thing, he was far from irrelevant and made big bucks on his streams.

He said he was going to kill himself I think and people called the police. Then there was a 30 min standoff with him saying random shit to the cops. Finally they took him because he seemed mentally unstable (danger to himself or others, etc)

E-celebs have no future

This retarded nigger is reaching DSP and chris chandler level of lolcow

Protip: once the cops arrive do not act crazy

This is his future.

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>that's one of the dangers of trying to make a living off stream/youtube
When your really start paying attention to e-celebs you start to realize how a trouble amount of them are borderline crazy and just need a little push to go full on lolcow-tier.

Drunk perlregex?

I'm waiting for a rundown.

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Give it like 5 more mental breakdowns

read the thread

Has Momokun said anything about the matter? She used to ride Etika (or maybe still does) on the reggie for a while.

Tell me about the middle finger
Why does he do it so much

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Holy fucking shit, thats it. That right there gotta be the biggest fanbase of sheeps ever!
Even after playing his fans like the retarded monkeys they are, he still manages to get their money without doing anything.
Theres really no saving some people.

Honestly pretty worried about this. I'm hoping the early warning signs are vague and generally relatable to most people cause I hit like 5/7 in my opinion.

Etika did nothing wrong, the government will take any excuse to lock people up in mental wards.

Etika are you being forced to do this?
This isn't schizo or druggy behavior at all.
I think you got swindled by someone and now they're forcing you to do a whole bunch of shit you don't want to do.

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>Etika posts occult shit and gets his channel deleted by posting porn
>Eventually seems to be alright and apologizes to everyone. Gets his new channel up and running for a month or so.
>Posts more weird shit again, says he's gonna shoot himself, and tanks his new channel.
>Goes to a mental hospital for a week and is released.
>Still acting crazy on Twitter and YouTube. Going particularly mad with occult shit and saying he's the Antrichrist.
>Cops are called and enter his apartment to detain him after he starts shouting shit out his window about a revolution.
>He's released again and is still crazy.

The big 3 have fallen
>CND back with his parents, addicted to drugs
>Etika in a mental asylum, as soon as he gets released he will off himself
>Momokum camwhores every other night ever since her cosplay "career" was destroyed due sexual assault allegations.

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>Stays quiet the entire time

>Suddenly monkey noises

What the fuck is going on

>no nintendo direct
>this nig immediately starts chimping out so he can get more attention

Etika is insane but there’s a sanity to his insanity. When he was on Instagram live he seemed completely normal, had the mannerisms and speech of a regular person, you could not tell from the video he was insane, but then he starts rambling about being God and the revolution and you can start seeing the insanity reveal itself. He probably told the Therapy people exactly what they wanted to hear so they let him go.

TLDR: he’s nuts but he knows how to hide it

This is fucking depressing to watch.


I was looking forward to watching his Twitter followers tank. But he's only lost 10k and it seems to have stabilized.

It was funny once but nos is really los news

Does momokun have nudes

Only aware of him from when he bought the first Switch and shook Reggie’s hand. That’s sad. Why does this happen?

why are you following those cringe ass rappers for 12 year olds

>half a carton of raw eggs and a box full of unwashed greens

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Please get help and medication. Someone loves you.

I know absolutely nothing about this person beyond what I've seen in the shitshow threads so far, but you want a fucking rundown here's a fucking rundown!

>Black kid, possibly Will Smith's long lost other son, possible indication of my internal racism, is youtube/twitch/some kind of streaming famous.

He apparently goes on benders a lot, and the apparent claim is that it's an ARG, I think it's actually not, because there's no apparent framework to fucking "play". He also hasn't apparently told close inner circle people it's just a game, which means they keep getting worried.

He does stupid stuff, and then it stopped for a bit, now its back, and he got arrested and let out in the same day, and now probably has salmonella.

At best it seems like a faked stunt of deception that is completely despicable to the idiots who watch this, or it's real and the idiots watching and enjoying it are actually monsters.

Examine my six, it's worth more than the rest of every fucking thread we've had today on it.



The problem with Etika is that he is legitimately mental but refuses to let anyone help and will insist he's fine

I'm just waiting on her to do actual nudity. None of this pasties bullshit.

He was a somewhat famous youtuber in the Nintendo community, he was first in line for other stuff too like Mario games and stuff like that, he became a somewhat "celebrity" at cons and shit like that, fame got to him.

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Kinda unrelated but how nutritious are raw eggs really?
Is it worth eating them? I usually eat them boiled.

>He probably told the Therapy people exactly what they wanted to hear so they let him go.
>It's just jokes online, haha you know dark humor. Look I'm fine :^) I learned my lesson though, won't take it that far again


it is funny

I thought it was a drug thing? Isn't Etika usually high when he has these meltdowns?

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It reads like a /fit/ meme diet.

I like him because he says the N word. If he isn't playing 12D chess I hope he gets better.

>tfw your tenor sax buddy is a drug addict

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SonicFox is contemplating changing his name to DarkFox

>shitty ""reaction"" youtuber goes mental for the x time
Why do you niggers even care about this literal faggot?

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he's probably suffering from a maniac episode or he's japing everyone hard

Literally who and literally who gives a fuck

>guy says some shit
>people get upset
>keep shitposting, probably laughing to himself with every insane post
>situation escalates
Is he actually deranged, or is he just shitting it up for fun like I think he is?

Truly the Darkest timeline


>>Momokum camwhores every other night ever since her cosplay "career" was destroyed due sexual assault allegations.
Wait what? Who did she "rape"?

Both options are equally disappointing.

>Arthur J Clerk, 2026


yeah actually, same as a cooked egg but you can just swallow it
as far as i know though, dont take this as gospel, eggs that are free range have next to no chance of salmonella

this is what happens when you get redpilled too fast

take it slow, Yea Forums

Why did they let him go. Why has nobody made him get real help. What a shit country.


Reminder that Chris Chan is probably gonna shoot up the Sonic theaters.
We're in the endgame now lads.

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isn't it weird how insane people are attracted to each other like moths to a flame

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I think internet fame attracts crazies like speedrunning attracts autists with identity issues,

Hope they make a Down the Rabbit Hole episode about Etika.
Could be a fun watch.

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Tons of people came out of the light saying that she likes to grope people and thinks its ok bc she's a girl, when she would get invited to cons the invitation would get revoked after people complaining on social media and shit like that.

does chimping out count as crossfit?

This is what society does to a gamer...

Pretty obvious he's just memeing. When the cops were busting his door down he was lucid enough to realize he fucked up.





highly unlikely. but the salmonella is on the shell and not in the yolks and whites so eating raw egg in and of itself is not bad. the problem is it's possible to contaminate in the process of cracking the shell.

You say that but he was repeating "I'm scared, I'm scared, I'm scared"

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Post based etika tweets

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Based schitzo poster.

He is getting more traffic than ever on twitter.
Dunno how much people been watching his "streams" but its probably a lot too.

Did you actually watch the whole 39+ minutes?

Etika was scared and broke down.

where's that phantom thieves letter

part of the arg mate

As he should have been. He could've gotten himself killed.

>It's an IRL version of Black Mirror's Shut Up and Dance

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Birds of a feather

There's actually not that many on the streams. I think his chimpout last night only got 5k or something? The problem is that he has to stream on his third alternate channel now, so no one really knows where to find him. And if he goes through with his $1000 entry fee OnlyFans idea, he'll get fuck all viewers.

I’d love to see that but it’s probably to hard. Etika is really good at keeping his personal life out of the internet. This entire situation pretty much came out of no where. Only a few people REALLY close to him could probably tell you anything, but considering his own Ex had no idea how this happened there’s probably not much they could spill either

thought the same thing when I read that kek


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he literally swatted himself
i dont think you can get more deranged than that

holy shit it's mr redlettermedia himself

>he sucked some guys dick and now he's blackmailing him by forcing him to do stuff like this

wouldn't be surprised tbqh

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Just waiting for momo to jump into blacked porn. It's only a matter of time really.

I have experience with depressive/crazy people, so I know damn well this nigga aint crazy for real.
Actual crazy people hurts themselves or others in a daily basis, which isnt the case with Etika, meaning he is in completely control.
Part of me wants him to actually do some crazy shit like try to kill Trump.

Fuck off zoomer


>the revolution
>It won't be televised, it will only be felt
>oh yeah, the revolution
Fucking kek


I don't know, sucking a dick is way more sane and understandable than his past few months.


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Maybe he's a narcissist with some manic tendencies?

yep, fuck off underage tattle teller

Did Etika became Doppio?

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wait what the fuck, hes only recently 21?
yea no wonder he was struggling and all the shit went right to his head

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He was probably just influenced or converted by a few of his friends who are crazy or into that occult shit. Triforce made a video saying that he's good friends with Etika and doesn't think there's a problem with his behaviour. He was probably hiding it for ages, got high one time and let it out, and now he realises that his YouTube career is over and is just owning the crazy.

>her cosplay "career" was destroyed due sexual assault allegations.

Wait what? A female sexually assaulted people?
Fucking hell how thirsty she gotta be? Couldnt she just go to a guy and ask to fuck her to get it out her system.

this is what happens to a black who spends too much time on /pol/, it destroys their mind

based and redpilled

i knew overreacting to shit a lot would do this.
faking reactions, drugs, a souless fanbase, and no fall back plan will do that.

your mom loves my dick
like the user said, embrace it and ascend

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He's just on that hotemp psuedo intellectual shit hell probably kill himself soon enough

Comedians overreact to shit all the time. Erika is just mentally unstable.

>always fucking knew that Etika was a fake ass nigga with those obviously fake ass monkey reaction videos
>it finally comes to light
I'm glad but it kinda still annoying how some people are still okay with it.

Honestly, if Etika stopped fucking around right now and gave a long ass apology, he could probably go right back to his YouTube career. He's a woke Twitter clown now though, so..

Crazy as fuck

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I'm legitimately afraid this guy is going to become Narcissia Wright-tier deranged in a couple years. Not saying he'll become trans or anything, but this is clearly just the beginning of a MAJOR fucking downward spiral. I just hope he gets help in time.

You guys think more e-celebs are gonna turn out like this? Do you think this is an indicator of how fame affects people? Like, how do you prevent shit like this from happening?

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This is why going woke is a joke.

yea he seems very lucid through all of it
I wont say he's not crazy, but hes not your normal crazy. Id say he's doing it on purpose but doesn't have the ability to know when to stop (as apparent by what his exgf said and that he fucking swatted himself, something that could potentially end with his own death.)


this is the best arc currently airing on television

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Etika has lost it goddamn

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The 3 horsemen of the apocalypse... But where's the 4th one?

>Do you think this is an indicator of how fame affects people?
I think its a good indicator of how information overload can through your mind into a loop.

You have a tight knit circle of friends around you to stop you from turning into a fucking psycho. Obviously Etika has reached the point where even his friends, and girlfriend who broke up with him are tired of dealing with his mental illness, so I think he's fucked. Here's to hoping he comes back.

I only ever hear of people hearing negative voices. Ones that instill paranoia or insult them. You think there's anyone out there with who hallucinates voices that are positive and encouraging?

>Do you think this is an indicator of how fame affects people?

No, like I said, I think a certain type of people who are already a bit unhinged are likely to do it in the first place.
Same as speedrunning. Speedrunning doesn't turn people into trannies, people who who tendency to become trannies turn to speedrunning.
I mean, did you ever at once in your life seriously consider doing what this man does? Filming yourself doing things for strangers on the internet to watch?

Hope the guy gets help. Thought he was pretty entertaining.

Except Etika was once a good person
Now he's lost it
Its not like CWC who was always mental

that's true. erika is just weak. purge them


damn Yea Forums has gone down hill

Etika is what happens when you live with a dependency on drugs and fame.

I dunno, it's so easy to fake being crazy when all you have to do is just randomly write to provoke.

Didn't know he lived in downtown Brooklyn. Right by ASA College. Could have paid my nigga a visit.

Who the fuck is this nigger and why should I care?

God damn you zoomers are fucking stupid

There's a lot of people who do shit like this. It's as simple as mentally weak people are likely to collapse and fall into depravity over the individuals who know how to control themselves. Being influenced by the shit around you is an easy way to dip off the edge. Even more so for famous people like him.

you still can by visiting the nearest asylum
check out this 5 too