Fuck Dark Souls
Fuck Dark Souls
Maybe learn from your mistakes like everyone else?
What mistakes? I played flawlessly and just got screwed over by bad design.
You dodged backward against a thrust user. I could have easily handled that.
it's a shame that you can't buy the prepare to die edition on steam anymore
>fck steam
more desert sorceress
>its never my fault I died its awful design
You should put down the controller
>dodging in same direction of an attack, effectively leaving yourself in the enemy hitbox much longer
Don't say WOOOOOOOOOOOOW, learn from it. The bonfire is like 30 seconds away for fuck sakes. You always dodge into an attack to make the most use of your i-frames. They swing left, you roll right. They swing right, you roll left. They thrust at you, you roll into them. They do an overhead smash, you roll back.
Then why did you roll backwards on a fucking small platform?
Hello DSP
>Dark Souls fags instantly go into extreme defense mode, too dense to sense obvious bait
Every time
Even if this is bait this what I imagine everyone that complains like this is doing when they play 'flawlessly'. Hilarious watching my butthurt friends play Sekiro and make up complaints about randomness and unfairness because they're trash at it.
>missed the backstab
>didn't parry
>rolled in same direction as thrust attack
"Flawless" indeed. Well memed friend.
They fall for it every time, too.
>le i was just pretending to be retarded
>le this means I'm above le criticism
Unironically kill yourself reddit friend. :)
Does the Souls baby need his diaper changed?
I like Dark Souls a lot, and this player is a dumbass. Hence why it's obvious bait, retard.
more like dessert sorceress
Back off sister
It's not bait when you're legitimately nourishing them retard
Ragin Undersmith
This is very clear bait but the number of people who took it seriously disappoint me. They spent too much time gitting gud at this game and not social situations.
Whatever helps you sleep at night, I can't stop you from getting angry
undead perish
Watch out it looks like they're just as upset at the people pointing out that they fell for the bait.
Souls-fags are cancer
You did that to yourself. You were wide open.
These webm has been in circulation for over a year. Please dont fall for bait threads
I grew up with a brother who would complain that the game didn't register his inputs or that an attack that shouldn't have hit him did.
He was also the guy who would argue he wasn't tagged in tag.
He's still like that 20 years on.
you cant even depart a flight of stairs correctly dude
obtain proficiency
>attacking a massively armored and powerful knight in close quarters
I had no choice
Oi! Fuck you m8!
>Reinnar Goldson
Oy vey where's me axe