

Attached: 1555894759240m.jpg (1024x1024, 104K)

Other urls found in this thread:


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Claire as Lady Hunk.

Attached: 883710_20190320161632_1.png (1920x1080, 2.55M)

claire more like square cuz thats what she is


Attached: 1554841644037.jpg (564x1000, 218K)

muscular Claire

Attached: 207-1556520031-68838596.jpg (1920x1080, 235K)

chubby Claire

Attached: 195-1555922641-802374498.jpg (1920x1080, 206K)

>el gemelo de DIOS MIO
>hombre con la peluca
>Dios mio...Espiritu del Senor. Espiritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espiritu Santo, Santisima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, angeles, arcangeles y santos del paraiso, descended sobre mi. Fundeme, Senor, llename de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquilas, destruyelas. Expulsa de mi los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestacion diabolica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad fisica, psiquica, moral, espiritual y diabolica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca mas me toquen a mi ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espiritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominacion... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcangel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talon de la Virgen Santisima Inmaculada, aleja el aberracion genetica, al ogro de las Americas... Amen

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claire more like eclair cuz id love to fill her with my cream

You have my attention.

Attached: 1492967425063.jpg (600x600, 120K)

real life Claire

Attached: jordangf43.jpg (1080x1156, 397K)

La goblina!

Attached: 1552678770624.webm (900x500, 2.99M)


Attached: 1549593505175.jpg (600x800, 65K)

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Attached: index.jpg (300x168, 9K)

What mod is that

I like girls with tank tops.

Attached: chris redpilled.png (589x579, 284K)

Maybe I should get this game now. Are there comparable mods for DMCV?

me too

Attached: classic tank top.webm (782x958, 2.99M)

Attached: 1492942120226.gif (500x281, 985K)

Post the webm you know the one

clamhurt 3DPD

it's canon that Claire had a Moira sandwich, right?

Attached: REvelations2 Claire Moira.jpg (1280x720, 51K)

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Attached: 1486760202131.jpg (700x480, 47K)


Attached: Lady.jpg (500x613, 27K)

Attached: sniff.gif (298x298, 1.78M)

Thanks mang

fuck off faggot

deserves a deep dicking

Attached: belly.jpg (1920x1080, 722K)

I've improved your goblina waifu, Yea Forums! Maybe this time Leon will be interested

Attached: ada redfield 3.jpg (908x1364, 133K)

I wish I had this body type, only I don't want to be that tall. I wanna stay at 5'5.

butthurt that dog noses are like 5000x more sensitive than human's

imagine what you could smell if you could turn into a dog


Just become anorexic and watch that dream come true.


Attached: 1555383217914.jpg (720x990, 73K)


Attached: ada redfield.jpg (910x1364, 148K)

Already there man.

Attached: 1553746231724.webm (720x720, 2.98M)

why is she so smug?

Attached: 1555894210528.jpg (768x836, 87K)

What the fuck i love Ada now

she's white

Is that a DLC outfit?


That'd be pretty rad if Capcom was willing to make such an outfit, but no, it's a mod

Attached: 1554604239718.webm (812x638, 3M)

Stephanie > Jordan

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Attached: chubby.jpg (892x802, 169K)

At least they had the sense to not have Jordan actually do the acting. Jesus Christ every line reading from Quiet was terrible.

Fetish gear Claire.

Attached: 1553976020275.jpg (1047x899, 582K)

Yeah her whole 2 minute monologue at the end of the epilogue sucked. Good thing she did nothing but hum for the entire rest of the game.

So it seems the RE2 REmake's legacy at this point is going to be lewd mods and Mr. X memes. Could be a lot worse all things considered.

>tfw there is a version where she has her hands tied behind her back

Attached: Capture.png (1000x566, 333K)

jesus christ that's hot

Why does she blink so hard? It reminds me of those weird kind of guys who have blinky ticks.

She is in pain. Health is at caution

Attached: Danger.webm (840x648, 3M)

What are those panties called? The ones that go so high up they completely expose the butt


Andrea > Jordan >>>>>>> Stephanie

Attached: 1556657533342.webm (640x640, 903K)

Looks like a tranny.

?? what the fuck

I wish I didn't live like a hermit

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At least we can agree on something.

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Attached: boxing5.webm (680x900, 1.97M)


cuz she is VERY goofy

Attached: jordansurfer3.webm (640x1136, 1.65M)

Julia is the unobtainable 12/10
Andrea is that cutie you mau think you have a chance
Jordan is flat
Stephanie looks like shit nowadays


Adriana >>>>> these white roasties

Attached: adriana.png (638x919, 1.11M)

she just looks awkward and uncomfortable only incels thinks this is cute

God I wish girls were real...

I will never fuck any of these IRL model thots. I WILL, however, zoom in my free-cam mod to right behind naked Claire's asshole .
For that reason, Remake 2 Claire > Remake 2 Ada (needs better mods) > Remake Jill > the rest + all the face models

Attached: 1555681092963.webm (1020x1080, 2.98M)

Actually its because she looks cute with little to none makeup. This shit is rare these days

i wanna eat her pussy

Wow, it just occurred to me that Andrea is also Crowe from FFXV Kingsglaive

Attached: crowe.jpg (1280x720, 55K)

Just fucking wait until we get R3make with body scanned Jill Voth.

Attached: 1540523058492.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

based modders

It wont be Voth and you know it

That's great!

Attached: 1486495844269.png (2828x1088, 2.54M)


rolling for my husbando

don't we all?

It definitely will be. She's too much of a fan favorite.

Capcom has a contract with that UK model agency, is she from there?

I want to eat her pussy and I don't even think she's hot.

She's definitely wearing makeup, look at her mascara on her eyelashes and blush on her cheeks and her eyeshadow

They already replaced Voth back with Revelations 1 Jill

Attached: Resident-evil-revelations-jill-valentine-cutscenes-1024x642.jpg (1024x642, 74K)

oh god yes

>She's definitely wearing makeup, look at her mascara on her eyelashes and blush on her cheeks and her eyeshadow
Thats why i said little
Also how do you know this shit are you a woman or faggot

Anybody who looks at females regularly can tell basic makeup

I look at females regularly and most od the times i cant tell
Tell me the secret so i wont get fooled again

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Attached: 1556455461707.jpg (2000x1125, 193K)

Eyelashes are never naturally that long.
The face is not naturally redder and the eyelids not naturally darker than the rest of the face. It's normally all the same color.

claire thats not good for you back

>the face is not naturally redder
the cheeks* are not, I mean

kill yourself

Who is this? Someone said Lauren Summers but I cant find the video with that name

>Eyelashes are never naturally that long.
Not him but my eyelashes are pretty fucking long, people asks me If im using eyeliner all the time

Time to go torrent REmake 2.

Attached: 1480780083001.jpg (456x352, 29K)

Imagine the smell

>That hole on the 2nd floor bathroom wall
Nemesis did it. I think.


What did she mean by this?

Attached: Julia-Voth.jpg (1080x1350, 184K)


Attached: imagine.webm (1400x1080, 3M)

more of this

Attached: ladder.jpg (1440x801, 193K)

She meant you're a faggot.

Umm yeah but you can see she's got something on her eyelashes when she looks down
Also yeah mascara and blush on cheeks

I can fap to this!

muy basado

Attached: bueno.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

As a femanon, I want you guys to know how cringe I find this whole thread. Have sex.

post feet

As an user I want you to kys yourself.

Good bait m'lady

It's because your kind wont fuck me that I'm here to begin with

Attached: 1556488637783.jpg (665x692, 66K)

feet or fuck off

Making the cirurgy wont make you into a woman, dilate

Based sensible heterosexual

men get asked this all the time because women destroy theirs with makeup and compensate with extensions

fuck her hips are wide


Attached: claire.jpg (1114x1199, 128K)

Claire is a warm ray of sunshine.

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Attached: 1445793886820.gif (390x336, 2.95M)

have sex

Attached: 1550126889123.jpg (1920x1080, 101K)

it's time to jack off

DLC wishlist go

Get your DmC shit out of here.


Attached: 71204775_p0.jpg (1095x1200, 566K)

you know the rules

based spic

i want to drink claire's pee


t. tranny

Milkies or GTFO

The BBC belongs to her!
