Post the most soulless piece of shit you've ever played
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Post the most soulless piece of shit you've ever played
Fallout 3
>OP's favorite game is the game released before the newest one
>he played it as a kid
>he's and edgy teenager now and hates the superior sequel
>uses made up shit words like soul
Full Retard
campaign was ok, you must not have friends because some of the most fun Ive had was my group of friends spending countless hours griefing, racing, doing stupid shit where infinite laughs were had. Now its fucking garbage with all the modders and flying cars and space station cannons and all that retarded shit. Biker update was the last good update.
Fallout 4
Need For Speed 2015
some Yea Forumstards wants attention
>remove opressor
>it's a good game now
this pile of shit is what made me quit this shit game. businesses suck, grind sucks, gameplay sucks
That fucking bike is so fucking retarded i swear.
What the fuck made them think it was a good idea.
So you mean you haven't seen the Oppressor MKII, you are in for a big surprise.
It's unironically better than 4 though.
it used to be that i just played the game for kicks, just making neat cars and screwing around with some folks.
Then i left the game for a year or so, came back to see this fucking saint's row shit on the online. The fuck is this? You can't even blow it up with homing without having to pay for the insurance.
I'm so glad this game's shitty satirical writing didn't make it into RDR2.
i genuinely don't know why people like grand theft auto series. it's genuinely one of the most boring games i've probably played and the only reason the early ones are somewhat enjoyable for me is the soul and that's even a weak reason for the most part. grand theft auto 5 feels drained of any personality to the point where I even had a better time playing watch dogs 1 than this garbage piece of a game
I honestly prefer new GTAO, previous one was too boring, crazy vehicles is what made me stay
i meant both
this entire concept is just fucking retarded, who even thought of it? flying bike with insane mobility, jet and the best fucking missiles in the entire game. and plus you can spawn it in 2 seconds from mc ability, if for some insane struck of luck you got shot down.
cars arent even valuable anymore, you can just buy that shit and fly around killing everyone
There are some softcounters like the Stromberg, Jets, Nightshark, Insurgent, but you have to know what you are doing.
underrated post
stromberg cant aim upwards so you have to utilize the ground while that shitskin is flying around nonstop
jets are nice if you use lazer for example but that means you have to actually aim at that tiny shit while dodging its rockets
nightshark is good defensive counter but it means that u can just drive around safely. but if 2-3 people gang up on you it becomes difficult. even one guy can blow his rockets on you and then respawn -> do it again
insurgent is a good counter but cant be used solo effectively. plus you have to pay shitload of money to unlock the upgrades in military base
what a shit game
This. Mass effect 2. Had fun playing them but the writing was such shit
I haven't played GTA V in a long while, how and why are there hover bikes? Is this Saint's Row now?
You can shoot from most of those, and if people ganked you, then you were pretty much fucked regardless of what they were using, besides, you can always go pussive, change sessions, teleport to your High End Apartment/Facility, go off the radar, Ghost Org, or even call your RC bandito, there are many options, you just don't like the game.
i dont like the game but that's not the point
you cant shoot guns from most of those and even if you do, your aim must be godlike to hit those flying fucks before they lock you and hit you with billion undodgable rockets.
going passive disables every single one of your weapons so you are just basically walking around. you cant do missions where combat is necessary and it's just overall worse experience. if changing the server in this slow ass loading screen time games is the only solution to these annoying fucks, then the game is objectively unfair and shitty.
plus every single businesses is just broken and bad to the core. it's all just a boring grind of driving to one place and driving back, flying makes it even more boring and tedious. it's not interactive at all and there are no actual money incentives to gang war. attacking someone else's business just means that you are griefing even though they could've made so you could steal the product or something like that. making money is tedious and spending money doesnt improve any of the gameplay, it just means you can buy more obscure counters to oppressor mk2 or buy cars that are actually useless if you are not roleplaying.
this game sucks and it's frustrating because the engine is really good and it looks really good, it could've been made so much better but no, they must cash in to make game as tedious and boring as possible to sell as many shark cards as possible
even the cheating isnt worth the effort
Of course you'll never have fun if you refuse to use strategies and just go for the bitching route, most people can't aim their rockets without lock on, it's so easy to kill these newbs, and if one actually knows how to fully utilize an MKII, he would have destroyed you with anything else. You don't have to make missions back to back and you can always use different vehicles, for instance the Scramjet is plenty of fun, the original Oppressor is a very risky but fun way to traverse the map, again, there's a fuckton of options and the missions are open ended, so you can approach them any way you can imagine. If you just want to use the "most optimal way" you are not just playing this game wrong, I'm sure every single other game bores you after a while because you can't just think of a different way to play.
are we even playing the same game? what mission exactly gives you choice to play differently? only bearable mission is CEO vehicle sourcing, because it's fast and lets you actually experience the game's DRIVING. too bad that there are absolutely no stakes, no one will chase you down to steal your car, or they'll just destroy it with opressor in blink of an eye if they wanted to. crates are fucking cancer to collect, go in one place -> either get 1 slow ass truck to drive to warehouse or go back 3 fucking times, back and forth to collect all of them. each trip is only worth 10k and it's like NOTHING when you consider how much time you have to spend pressing W to buy some dumb shit you wont ever need.
MC businesses suck as well. it's never worth to steal the product resources so you just source it with 75k then you have to wait AGES for it to make product, then selling is just absolute cancer because cars are fucking slow. i think it was meant to put you at disadvantage so people could attack you easier but IT DOESNT FUCKING WORK WHEN NO ONE NEEDS TO ATTACK YOU. or they can just fly towards you and blow you up while you watch helplessly, for no reason other than to piss you off.
it's all just uninteractive grind and you are shilling because you've spent so much time on that game grinding that your brain got completely out of sync with common sense
>soul is a made up word
i forgot to mention that the point of gangs are absolutely broken as well. there is literally no incentive for you to join someone else's gang, because you will never get the money. so everyone just makes their own gang or people just help each other out for nothing because they are nice. this is a bad game design and you know it.
All of them? ALL Resupply missions for the Hangar and Bunker provide you with a vehicle, you are not forced to use it, you can finish Headhunter on a stolen car or a a Jet, repo missions (Martin's and the other guy that deals with cars) spawn your last personal vehicle and allow you to call almost any other vehicle, some heists allow you to use your own weaponized vehicles, some others have a list of allowed vehicles including the Vigilante and Weaponized Tampa, business battles, import export, special cargo, any vehicle you want.
Again, you don't know enough about the game.
Clear sign you have no argument besides bitching about shit that is not even true
GTA:O was impressive at first but went to shit when they rereleased the game on the current gen and PC. It's even worse because by the time all this content rolled out people who have been playing it for years got burnt out. Even worse, all the new "content" is poorly masked grindfests that you have to do over and over unless they want to shell out even more on (((Shark Cards))), despite paying for a copy twice if they wanted to continue experiencing the online.
Doesn't get a lot more 5/10 than this.
They took out the fun
>that multiplayer
The netcode was fucking garbage, but god was it fun
>actually bothering to resupply
why the fuck would you even do this? have you ever counted how much time this takes just to get 100k?
doing same mission over and over for like 20k each time doesnt sound fun, especially when it's against fucking AI. there is NO FUCKING REASON FOR THIS TO BE ONLINE, YOU ALWAYS PLAY THIS IN SINGLE AND YOU KNOW THAT IT SUCKS
and holy shit dont even make me start about the heists. i'll say it shortly: no one gives a shit about the story, people just replay the same missions and playing solo is a fucking nightmare because people keep leaving and loading times just suck. playing it for the first time for new experiences is fun but replaying it over and over to make money is just not fun. plus playing it with batman vigilante car means that you'll just breeze through the entire matches and the only difficulty of this game is the FUCKING WAITING TO FILL THE PLAYERS AND NOT HAVE THEM GETTING KILLED OVER AND OVER AND LEAVING AFTER SO YOU HAVE TO WATCH HOURS OF LOADING SCREEN
idk if you have stockholm syndrome or you work for rockstar...
>but you can
Come on user.
Agreed, you could definitely tell it came from a team of former Battlefield modders. It's a massive shame the SP turned out to be so painfully average though, because that's what was being pushed so much by marketing while the multiplayer was just kind of there.
why would you do things that you know are objectively worse? sure at some point you try out different + more fun and time consuming ways just for the hell of it, but in the end, you know that you are wasting the efficiency and you are hardlocked to make objectively less amount of money overall. it's not about skill, it's not about how smart you manage it, it's not about outplaying your opponents, it's about fucking mindless grind to the core. combat literally serves no purpose.
Yo mom's box.
How do you even play other games? Missions are gameplay, you don't like that? Don't play it, the game is not for you, play something else. All of your opinions are clearly biased, I nailed it by stating that you only want to use the most braindead and easy strategy to "make more money", which is not the point of the game, money is your way to unlock more stuff, why make more money when you clearly don't like said stuff?
>money is not point of the game
then what is? kda? how do you even unlock fun stuff if you have no money?
the game mechanics are downright stupid and broken and rockstar doesn't care because they benefit from it as they make another "paywall" expansion to fun but useless gadgets so you will have to pay irl bucks.
it's funny because most of those problems are actually not that hard to solve. just make it so it doesnt teleport you back to server when someone leaves the heist so you don't have to restart the entire thing. just make it so you can earn money by being someone's henchman. just make more missions that are solo friendly and doesn't bully you into begging someone to join. just reduce the cooldowns of crates and make it stealable by other players. just make money easier to make but harder to maintain, just make money more stealable, just make ammo and weapons dropped on death, just make money and combat part of the gameplay that work well together. is it that hard? no, but they won't do it since it will sell less shark cards even though it makes considerably better game experience
tell me one game that has worse matchmaking and servers than gta V, is it that fucking hard to make working servers that you don't have to wait billion hours just to experience the game?
>what's the point of a game
Playing it? Why are you so obsessed with a number growing at a faster rate? You don't enjoy the gameplay, you don't enjoy the interaction with other players. Play something else. And no, making loading times won't fix whatever you have been bitching about before, stop making up excuses and stop playing the game, or you have fear of missing out on things you don't enjoy?