Let's Start A Petition To Get Sonichu Cameo In The Film Voiced By Christine W. Chandler

Attached: sonchuevolution.jpg (1058x595, 127K)

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Which movie?

the sonic the hedgehog movie


I don’t understand how you an draw the same character for at least 15 years and yet not have your artstyle improve at all

it's because he's retarded

If theres a scene which recreates the opening of Sonic Adventure 2 with him escaping the military out of a Heli and skating down the street with the City Escape music playing I will actually nut in my pants. The rest of the movie can be shit, but if that’s in there I will get a massive nostalgia boner.

Whatever Jordan Peele is working on next

why doesn't chris get a wacom? i feel like his art could be....passable if he had a computer to fill in color and correct mistakes with, versus shitty marker coloring and autismo hands

The trailer used the wrong version of the song youtube.com/watch?v=t-uY2QpW51I

CWC is already upset with the movie

Attached: 1556671191147.png (480x534, 162K)



I want a Detective Sonichu movie! With Chris as the sidekick.

the artstyle has improved, just not as drastically as you would expect

someone needs to edit this over the trailer.

It went from like first grade to like 2nd grade

Y'all think he's gonna go ballistic and burn a theater down over the movie?

You know you fucked up when Chris is criticizing a redesign of a character who isn't Sonic.

Attached: 1398072819369.jpg (1280x720, 192K)

I don't know much about Chris (or Christina, or whatever) outside of the infamous Sonichu meme. But, if the people at Paramount chose Gangstas Paradise as a reference to this, then that is a deep cut. If not, then it is an interesting coincidence.

I don't want a fucking tranny on this movie. That little parasite can get fucked.

Attached: D5bjf1gUwAAUMvs.png (825x418, 402K)

He hasn't improved. Over 15 years.

jesus fuck that's a good shoop

He should have just had the moustache he has at the end of the movie

based af

Chri-Chan hasn't gotten better with tim-

magnificent user

fucking based

I just lost my shit. Fucking Hilarious



>2006 - 2015
>chris creates Sonichu sometime before
>sings trollsta's Paradise in sometime before

>sonic Movie releases 2019 using Gangsta's Paradise in Trailer
>detective pikachu releases 2019
Chris predicted 2019!