Monster hunter

this shit is difficult, help me out here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Monster Hunter World

Literally fucking how?

What do you want to know? pleb

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>having trouble at all in mhw

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>Dumbed down normie version
This is why you can't trust anyone's opinion on a game.but your own

fuck you lads, the t-rex is wrecking my shit over and over again. Literally two hits kill me
also did I fuck up by going with the big sword?

gonna post yunyun

Switch to long sword, duel swords, or switch axe.

Man, MH threads are shit now.

This game is literally the Skyrim of MH. How can you have trouble with a mechanically watered down, casualized entry level game?

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>Struggling with the most casual entry in the franchise


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Greatsword is the GREATEST weapon, does require some form of skill to use properly, if you’re hunting solo and are garbage, try Longsword until you gitgud.
Also Low Rank is basically for you to get used to a weapon and aanjanayh is the first “wall” in the game

All of you seething fags falling for bait this hard.

They actually id a somewhat dickish move with AT Kulve. They increased the range of all her attacks that were already fuck huge due to her taking but a sizable chunk of each arena, made her about twice as fast as before when enraged and gave her attacks that one shot hunters with 400 defense that come out with not warning other than the incredibly short wind up when incited. I'm really hoping they do this with other monsters. Bitchfit Kulve is legit fun.

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The replies in this makes me think these are garbage users you find in those fake dark souls topics.
It makes me happy knowing you retards destroy yourselves more everyday

Shit's difficult because of the garbage ass slow and clunky combat + terrible UI.

>I was just pretending to be retarded

I won't deny that World ended up being a lot more clunky than 4 but its still piss easy.

Hit the monster. Don't get hit.

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Just run around and hit monsters a million times and assume you are doing damage. One may eventually die and you can wear it.

Learn his move newfrendo, also switch to fire resist armor, don't use shit armor

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>first capture quest
>game tells you to weaken it until it's limping, trap it and throw tranq whatevers at its face
>do this twice since my friend also has a trap (can only carry 1!)
>doesn't work
>lol quest failed

Also feel free to make armor and upgrade them (don’t bother saving up), since all the low rank stuff is goong to be pretty useless really fast

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These weapons and the people who use them in order of basedness:
>Hunting Horn
>Charge Blade
>Gun Lance
>Oldfag Hammer mains
>Support Gunners
>Oldfag Great Sword Users
>The rest
>Heal Bitch S&S
>Dual Blade users
>Long Sword users
Of all the carts I've seen over all my years playing these games, LS users are usually the ones who cart to the dumbest shit the most.

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I kinda miss 3u. Is the online for it still up?

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You forgot putting insect glaive below Shit, otherwise very accurate

I'm also also hoping Iceborne lets me use my Great Sword without me staggering locking non-tempered monsters to death. I actually switched to GL because I wasn't having fun with that.
The Wii game only died because they servers were run by gamespy.

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In 3U I used DB and HH. In 4U I used DB, LBG, CB, GS, LS, and SnS on rare occasion. In World I use DB, LBG, HBG, and HH. DB will always be my favorite weapon and second favs are a tie between HH and LBG. The worst hunters I've seen were some randoms in 4U. A lot of the time they were just terrible. One time we toppled the monster after a mount and one hunter was just spamming small barrel bombs all around the monster so no got to capitalize the topple for actual damage. My friend and I were so confused. Also the gem in this pic is from 4U. Never got to play with her since she DC'd right as we queued up for the quest, but damn she has real determination after carting that much.

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But MHFU did suck.
MHP3rd was great. Most monsters were like HD remixes of the lumbering retards that you fought in MHFU.

3rd monsters were severely undertuned.
tigrex was super pathetic in it.

I've played 2 hours or so of this - that is, mostly tutorials - and I found myself feeling really clunky fighting the giant lizard and the dodo thing that holds rocks.

Is it me, or the game? I'm trying to play it as a much slower, less mobile DMC3-5 with collectan between fights, is that the right approach?

You're alright if you don't run up on sleeping monsters and do a flurry while the GS/GB/GL user is charging an attack, but most DB users are fags that do that then immediately cart to something stupid.

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Yeah I remember mercing the first Tiggy without even popping a healing item in it and the Black version had some absolutely ridiculous downtimes on some of his moves but it beat the everloving fuck out of chasing retarded monsters who decide to charge across the map every time you reach them but not charging back until you decide to start trecking over.

Farm for better armor. Either that or bruteforce and learn his moveset to the point that you don't get hit

Hit them until they die

Well yeah if a monster is sleeping and you have any heavy hitting weapon then after you put some bombs down, they get the wakeup hit. As DB main I tend to either stick to the tail or other weak points that are usually away from the head since in most full hunting parties I have a user who can do KO damage so they get dibs on the head. I know my hunting etiquette.

>tfw Barroth never recovered
P3rd was the worst thing to ever happen

It’s you, the game plays quite smooth once you gitgud and are used to it (the player is intentionally slowed down with some animations being extra long to punish you), the only weapons that feel unnecessarily clunky are HBG & HH imo.
Also, ublock the tree farm quests as you go, you’ll rarely ever have to pick up anything outside of mining ores or farming bones (which I do in the couple of seconds the game gives you after you complete a hunt)

I think what solidified my hate fore them was one placing bombs down while myself and another CB user were doing our true Amped discharge on a AT Val. Knocked both of us out of our attacks, threw me into a the slame before the beam, which tossed me into acid and the other guy right into said beam. He then carted to that piss easy to dodge beam while we were on our way back from camp.

Am i brain damaged for being attracted to that sword-shield-axe thing even though im a complete noob
i should be using the katana or some shit but i love the way you can charge up the sword/shield and morph into chunky axe attacks that light up the screen

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Charge Blade, good taste user

do eet

Charge blade is based. Learn to charge the shield and you'll be doing even more flash, high damage shit.

every monster has an attack pattern and a moveset
learn it first by being defensive, and then try to kill it

You forgot non-healbitch SnS chads at the very top.

>every festival is just me spamming Whisper of White Mane SOSs
god damn, why is it the only fun fight

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Don't listen to those losers. Get the HBG and do assloads of damage. You like explosions and high DPS right?

You might as well be using a GL or GB if you aren't going to heal.

charge blade seems complicated but its not in execution.
you wont even use the axemode ever.

Learn to roll.

Also stop wasting your time on this game. After the big climactic battle against Zorah Magdaros the game just recycles the same enemies over and over but with more buffed stats at each tier.

God damn man. Some hunters are really just braindead. It's actually a little odd that after more than 1.5k hours with this series, I don't really remember any really bad DB user. Maybe since I usually use DB that people try to use something else when I'm in the room. Then again most of that 1.5k hours was spent with a dedicated hunting partner who doesn't like DB. We've played every MH since 3U together and she has as much hours in MH as me. Maybe more.

This. CB has a combo that allows it to shift into axe mode for a discharge and immediately come back out of it. The only time I used that mode was when a Rathalos wouldn't fucking land and no one brought flashes.

I just spam the move that releases all the charges. It's too satisfying.

Got stuck on pink rathian eh user? Shame you never got to any of the elder dragons

Use any weapon you want user. Just put in the time to get good at using the weapon and you will be fine.

This is my first MH game and I'm really enjoying it. I hope that whatever game comes after it is even more fun.
Alright you can tell me why I'm wrong for liking MHW now.

It only gets better user, reminder that the “story” is just a huge ass tutorial to get new players into the series and the game starts at hunter rank 50+

Well thats encouraging. I wasnt trying to be hipster, i noticed there wasnt really that large of section of the userbase that 'mained' that weapon since it was so technical but shit i really like it

am i doing it wrong if im using stock ammo? i feel like the numbers i saw on the training log werent that large but assumed that was because its a ranged weapon to begin with

really? is it enough to charge up the shield to get stronger defense? or is it not worth setting up a knockdown or whatever for one chunky axe blow?

Nothing wrong with that. World is the most newb friendly MH. It's a good game, even if it's not my favorite MH.

I've been playing since Tri myself and World by far has the dumbest hunters out each I've played and I've watched people cart to the Great Jaggi while we're hunting a Deviljho.
I really want the Jhen Mohran fight to make a come back, that shit was kino and I have my hopes up for the pic related and the ice crew to come back with the world DLC.

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The bowguns aren’t really recommended unless you know how the game works already (since they’re also capable of doing subpar damage), I’d avoid using them for now, plus the ammo cost can be a killing early in the game if you want to test out things or are using explosives.

Charge Blade can be played, like any weapon, how you like. However, like any weapon, there is a combo/sequence that does the most damage usually (even if it’s marginally)

heh, nottinn personell...

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This guy needs to also make a comback and maybe give us more monsters that flip their shit when you do certain things or use certain items.

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I really enjoy the Gigginox fight. I only like it a little better than Khezu. I really do want to see new hunters rage and cart to Khezu. My friend and I call him the king of combos since when we were first fighting him we got hit, paralyzed, hit again, got thunderblight, got dizzy, then hit a final time for a cart. I actually decided to learn GS on him since he taught me to not be greedy with my hits.

>am i doing it wrong if im using stock ammo?
I'm compelled to say yes here, but it really depends on the gun. If you like the normal ammo types then pick a gun that has a low recoil and high reload for them. Also you should try to use the level 2 for whatever ammo type you use. It does more damage than the level 1 at a small cost to reload and recoil, both of which can be negated with mods.

The bowguns require an element of "strategy" if it can be called that. To get the most out of them you need to know which ammo type to use when. Spread when you're close, pierce when you're further away, wyvern when the monster is stunned or sleeping, sticky to break parts, and cluster when the monster is distracted. Some of the better HBG users can bait a monster into a cluster or wyvern shot, but I'm not that good. I just sleep bomb them and get lucky with my wyvern shots.

I thought everyone and their mom used chargeblade. No? Or have things changed, somehow?

It's now bow and LBG that everyone uses. It's actually pretty rare to see melees other than LS and DB.

>all these people pretending MHW is some easy as fuck game

Arch tempereds are still fucking hard boys

Everyone and their mom uses Longsword (20% on every platform), bow and dual blades scoring high as well on all platforms.

if I see someone on stream doing 2k+ damage in one hit are they cheating? I do 30...

Protip: There are 13 weapons in the game that aren't Gunlance, try one of those

The only real problem I have with it right now is that the weapons are all kinda samey. I wish they weren't all bone/steel with monster parts stapled on.

They really aren’t user...

Funnily enough, the GL is actually pretty fluid in World.

That is actually a big problem for me too since I use HH. Part of my enjoyment in using HH was all the cool designs.

Focus on the weapon you want to play over what is "easy" or "good". Yes, certain weapons take longer than others, but none are entirely inaccessible to new players, especially with how easy the beginning of the game is.

>there are "people" on this board RIGHT NOW who use weapons that aren't lance

Every weapon is fluid in World to be fair. Going back to Generations Ultimate made a few weapons unplayable after playing them in World, even though I started with 4U and put over 1000 hours into that game.

>that one weapon that you just cannot get into

What's her name Yea Forums?

How am I supposed to be diabolos with a hammer? I'm literally screaming and throwing my chicken tenders right now

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>>Charge Blade so high up

spare us cbfag

Any kind of lance. Both lance and GL are just not my thing.

Learn how Diablos moves and learn the arcs of your swings and how far they can send you. Also hit it's head.

Juke and approach as he charges, release super pound as he turns to face you, receive flinch, rinse repeat.

Nigga just Slide > Spin to break his horns and use the Superman Dive to avoid his attacks

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I've never understood why longsword was so popular. Like, even if you chock it up to weebs, it's hard to believe that one out of every five players is a weeb. Maybe back in the days where people were playing as their waifus all the time, but now that the game's more mainstream in the west, it's weird that the pattern's persisted.

Because it's easy and fun to use and it's pretty flashy, i'm a Hammer/SA main but i've used LS a lot because of that

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HH. I love playing support roles in games, and for team games I main support 9/10 times, but I just cannot get into it. I have over 100 hunts with most weapons, and at least 30 with every one besides HH.

>inb4 SnS and LBG are more support than HH

Cute Toby.

Retard alert

>AT Xenojiva
I have had 3 timeouts now and I am beyond furious.

Both of the bowguns, it just feels wrong to use them

All of them except great sword

what platform does Yea Forums play on?

What a cute thunder lizard. He's one of the ones I feel bad about killing, like flashbro and dodo.

I fucking hate world.
It’s 90% console niggers instead of a fashion show where everyone is at least G ranked or laughed out the thread

>it's hard to believe that one out of every five players is a weeb
Lad, you should've been around for TriU's online. Anybody with a name remotely edgy or anime based used a Long Sword and 9 times out of 10 they'd be the ones to cart. The weapon itself is damn good, and I myself end up making a few whenever I reach late High or G Rank, but it quite literally attracts the wrong kind of people.

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Anything but 3DS again. Playing on the PSP was better than that shit.

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Holy kek I remember seeing this cart and buying Tri and P3P for my birthday
Man I miss 2006


>Play hammer, get through all of normal and HR
>Kill all regular tempered monsters once, don't touch the game again
Definitely difficult at times since I stuck with the hammer all the way through. Still a fun game though. Didn't bother to do Behemoth or some of the later events though since I never did MP, seemed like cancerous shit.

>Mustache version
I swear the original doesn’t even exist anymore

Sure, I realize that historically longsworders = weebs (which is weird, because it seems like it'd be DBs, but I guess animu dual-weilding is more of a modern trope), I'm just saying it's weird how it's popular in world, where the vast majority of the players, I'd assume, are first-timer normallads.

>that one Hunting Horn player running Knockbacks Negated to counter the weebfag LS users

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That exists? I don't believe you.

One of the Lunastra Ones

World Longsword feels pretty great too with Foresight slash and helmsplitter. Once you get Foresight down you’ll never get hit again.

LS is so stupidly easy to use that even a trained monkey can play it at decent level.

My little brother used to say this when I let him use my psp to play Unite back when it came out.
Now he consistently gets post-G in every game and we're total hellbros. We both mained DS for like three games straight, and tore shit up together.
I couldn't be more proud of the little shit

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when is best monster and his big brother coming back

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>Want to play with a friend.
>90% of missions can't be done together until you have watched the cutscenes you can't even skip.
>Some can't be played together at all.
>Monsters get over double the HP pool if you play with a single friend.
>Can't see each other in the town even if we are in the same session.
The multiplayer in MHW is all kinds of fucked up.

>Lance is grouped with rest of the shit weapons.
Fuck you buddy. You're just angry that lance user knocked you over while racing after the monster.

It's in there because you're not using lance but with boom boom.

Has Capcom even SAID anything about Iceborne recently?

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That's pretty awesome user.

1. Pull him to the ramp that leads to his lair.
2. Spin to win until the Diablos is dead or goes to sleep.

It doesn't even launch in MHW! How am I supposed to save a paralyzed hunter friend?

FU is a bad game.

Charging at the monster with your lance > shitty shelling.

They are probably going to wait until E3 to announce anything.

I get the impression they're not willing to talk until the near release hype period.

*shows up while you fight another monster*

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Use the hammer and the golf swing. It's great for pissing of LS users who tripped you for the whole fight when they are trying to carve.



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*shoots you with dung pods*
Fuck off. B52s not allowed.

Regular lance at least doesn't spend half the fight just trying to get to the monster with it's atrocious movespeed, long sheathing time, and terrible lunge

>ctrl+f “git gud”
>0 results

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Double HP has been standard forever.
You've never been able to see other hunters in town except in the hall.

IIRC, while every story mission in World can be co-op, most don't start in the hunt phase where co-op can happen. It's a pain you'll only face once, so get that tutorial over with.

World's multiplayer is fucked up, but still less fucked up than every MH before.

Daily Reminder that MHW is literally Capcom's best selling game EVER

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Good thing there is literally no reason to do it

>no 2nd DMC event quest that rewards with Vergil armor + Yamato LS
Missed opportunity, especially with DMCV releasing not too long ago

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>what is evade extender
GL can be absurdly mobile considering how tanky you are and how hard hitting your basic combos can be. Lance is obviously better for sticking to enemies though

>Post yfw you first heard quropeco mimic “that” roar

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Why is it that 80% of online players use one of LS, Bow, SA, or IG? I get that these weapons are fairly easy and fun to use, but there seems to be about as many playing each of these as the 10 others combined.

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Is there a weapon more unga than Dual Blades?

Monster Hunter, I am a long time fan
On Nintendo, it plays as well as it can
About World though, I do nothing but bitch
Cos I'm twelve years old I only have a fucking Switch

You need to do it for the temporal mantle, my friend

Oh... forgot about that. I take it back. You absolutely have to do it.

>find gunlance fun
>fucking suck ass with it

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Basically the reasons you said. Path of least resistance. The long sword seems like the 'default' weapon in a lot of ways instead of the SnS as it once was. The bow is by far the safest, most versatile weapon in the game and (basically) requires no ammo management, and has just plain silly damage output when done right. SA and IG I'm not so sure about though, I would have though CB would be above those.

Do you guys think I should try playing mh4u on my 3ds or get mhw? I don't really have friends to play with, will it still be a fun experience?

>jho enters from the area directly behind you

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BIG SWORD requires that you learn how to shoulder charge, both as a defensive move and to speed up 3rd stage True Charge Slash for damages.

Slapstick bro. The gun portion is fucking worthless.

Get 4u. Guild marm best girl.

MH Stories 2 when?

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World is fine solo, and the online is still active enough to fill up most hunts pretty quickly in my experience (except on PC, where your download region denotes your matchmaking region and so if you're not on a big dick murrikid server you'll never see anyone).

It's because its simply one of the best, most flashy and fluid weapons.

I was already pretty behind on weapons and armor when Kulve first came out on PC and I haven't played since. Now coming back the check list of stuff I need to fucking huge. I want to just go into AT kulve because there are still quite a lot of kulve weapons I'm missing, but I need to get the Lunastra lance and get rid of my salvation army armor build for AT stuff

I assume most people were like me back when i started playing FU and just don't give weapons the chance to actually experiencing it
They tried the GS once in training ground and immediately decided that this shit too slow and never look back again

Upswing slam blast, then side sweep into wyrmstake is your big dick combo that you wanna do whenever the monster's down. Your shield is killer, dodging is for pussies.

>spring blossom festival
>no new layered armor

What the fuck is this shit? Every other festival had layered armor.

Just get a semi decent weapon and Part Breaker 3 and you will be more useful than 90% of randoms doing the ATKT

As of 2019/01:

>LS (14%)
>IG (14%)
>DS (12%)
>CB (12%)
>GS (10%)
>Ham (7%)
>SA (6%)
>SnS (4%)
>HBG (3%)
>LBG (3%)
>GL (2%)
>HH (1%)
>Lan (1%)

>LS (17%)
>Bow (12%)
>GS (11%)
>DS (8%)
>CB (8%)
>IG (8%)
>LBG (8%)
>HBG (7%)
>Ham (5%)
>SA (5%)
>GL (4%)
>SnS (3%)
>Lan (3%)
>HH (1%)

>LS (18%)
>Bow (15%)
>GS (10%)
>CB (10%)
>DS (9%)
>IG (7%)
>HBG (7%)
>Ham (5%)
>SA (5%)
>LBG (4%)
>SnS (3%)
>Lan (3%)
>GL (3%)
>HH (1%)

>DS (12%)
I don't play a lot of online, but I swear I have only seen these once or twice.

>Agni and Rudra DB
>Nevan HH.
There are a lot of possibilities. Now that guest monsters are a thing we could have gotten a demon to hunt.

Bruv wtf, I never had any experience playing any monster hunter before but I still find mhw pretty damn easy

You essentially turn into a matador with an exploding stick and an impenetrable hunk of steel at a certain point. I favor wide shelling since it lets you do just about anything depending on the circumstances (though poke -> shell will always comprise at least >50% of your offense, it's also safe as fuck while doing big DPS) as long as you have capacity boost

Just remember that you're a shield babby at heart unless you bother investing in Evade Window, take extender for distance covering hops to close in or dodge charges, artillery is king obviously, you can quick reload after just about any swing, and you can aim the wyvern fire by holding LT/L2

What did DS stand for?

Arch Tempered Kulve, Extreme Beheme, and Teostra w/ Lunastra is pretty tough.

Dual Swords, the original name for Dual Blades.

There are STILL (((people))) who think Dual Blades are called Dual Swords

I bought it for ps4 and the long load times, many cutscenes and messed up multiplayer is ruining the experience. Why the fuck both my bro and I have to watch the cutscenes before we can join and play together? Is beyond retarded.

>shell will always comprise at least >50% of your offense
I unapologetically ran raw slamlance (rise-slam-wide-reload-repeat) through world, it just felt so great. I wish there were another heavy weapon you could swing around like a retard without having sub-par dps, but the closest is HH.

Because you're Spanish

how do you beat pink anjanath?
its fucking bullshit

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I wombo combo stunlocked some shithead Rathalos from 90% to dead during a hunt when I got fed up and stopped giving a shit, the stun damage on those two hits is no joke.

Just ask negribro to deal with luna while you whittle down teostora

I'm still mad we never got the update.

I dunno, me and a friend beat it on my first try just now.

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Wait, what? Just always fight them when they're in separate areas, and treat it like it's two separate quests. if you can beat each inddividually in ~30 minutes, it should be a no brainer, multi-monster quests give health nerfs.

Sure you did, you lying fuck.

Electric doggo better be in Iceborne

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>HH (1%)
That sucks, Horn is sick. Even without the buff aspect of it it's still a really good, versatile weapon that can reach monster heads from nearly any position

Is it the '''complexity''' of learning the songs that scares people off or is it all the DB/CB/LS/Gunner-using leet deeps shitters thinking that HH is a pure support bitch weapon?

Hit it. Don't get it. Learn the moves so you don't get hit.

It's because it's really, really, REALLY slow.


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I dropped world

wake me when there's no need to grind for kulve weapons

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Delayed boom

There never was in the first place. It was only greed n your heart talking.

how far did everyone get?
i stopped after i had to beat the trex again

I already have 4u, I just have never really started it haha. I'll give it a whirl tmmrw!

In which game? XX?

Why is the MHW infested with so many terrible players and why do they all use longsword?

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LS has always been the weeb magnet, and weebs by nature are shit at vidya.

>Able to stick to the monster at all times
>Can block a lot of shit you'd otherwise need to roll out of
>Impact and cutting damage, whatever you need
>Mounting when needed
The idea that sns is only a """support""" weapon is a big chuckle meme pushed only by nu fan shitters.

I use horn but only on certain monsters I'm comfortable on, like I will never use horn against Lunastra because fuck that shit. But I will use horn on Kulve and basically every other elder and Jho

>get a GS, Ham, Saxe, or (Gun)Lancebro in the party
>know you're in for a good, big hitting time
>HH or SnS shows up
>heals, support, and shield bashing for days
>some flippy LS, DB, or IG fuck stumbles in
>either does enough deeps to kill the monster twice over or carts 3 times 5 minutes in, zero between

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>Support Gunners
>Top 5

Support gunner here. If I find you, I will recovery shot you.
And you will ANG.
Joke aside, I really hate how that even though I can put the monster to sleep 3 times in a row, and marco callouts to prevent waking, people still get into LONG COMBOS AS I SHOOT THE BLUE MIST!

Lance master race is the 1%

Aisha best girl

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The bottom line is that HH doesn't do enough damage by itself.

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>not playing switchaxe
>not playing charge blade
why even play

>bring HH to AT Xeno so that shitters wouldn't die on the frying pan that is this map
>KO Xeno with an encore recital

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50/50 chance you're going to either get top tier damage, stuns, mounts and item use or a retard who spams forward+triangle, gets hits nonstops and doesn't use bombs
Most likely a shitter, high chance they miss nearly every attack but feel their one hit a minute is 'worth it'. Non shitters are rare but amazing.
>Dual blades
Who cares, long as they stand in the right place you can't go wrong with the brainlet weapon. Might trip people a lot.
>Long sword
100% shitters. People who are good with the long sword are going to be good with something else, and will ignore the shitters sword. Always a weeb, always terrible.
50/50 chance of head knocking bro or retarded tail stomping shitter
>Hunting horn
90% chance of corner horning, barely ever seen, let alone seen played by nonshitters
Brainlet weapon so more good than bad, shitters won't cost you faints, just damage. You don't have to worry about the shitters like you do with other weapons
50/50, can be good but often is going to be a shitter getting killed because they don't want to guard (They picked gunlance because 'lance is for defending, gunlance for damage')
>Switch axe
Mostly bro tier, shitters don't get far with the weapon so by high rank you're not likely to encounter many of them.
>Charge blade
99% shitters, due to the complex nature of the weapon, very few are going to be making real use out of it.
>Insect glaive
I MOUNTED THE MONSTERS IM HELPING!! 90% shitters who spend their time being flippy bitches
Always bro tier because its a brainlet weapon
>Light bowgun
Nobody but you uses this faggot
>Heavy bowgun
Found fighting moneybag lizards in their bandit mantle, never seen otherwise.

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Never used HH, is it worth it if i'm a solo autist or is it fun regardless

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Perfectly fine solo weapon, its just harder to get damage out of it while also making use of the buffs. Its why so many in multiplayer are corner horners.

>is it worth it if i'm a solo autist

Can you spot what weapon this idiot mains?

Do you actually want to group up and hunt?

Can you spot what THIS idiot mains? Going to guess bow. Don't be sad that the weapon is easy to use, you don't have to prove yourself to anyone.

Some of the fastest kill times are with hunting horn you brainlet.

I can agree to some of this, but I just had a lancer cart twice on AT leo
At least I slept the monster twice, paralyzed it twice, poisoned it, and cluster bombed the side nobody was hitting on!
Why does nobody play the guns? They feel so well done!
God I love shielding a hit, and then having enough time to wyvern blast to a flinch.

>Why does nobody play the guns? They feel so well done!
Fucking around with ammo is a chore most people don't want to do. I really like the heavy bowgun but I'm certainly in the camp of people who can't be fucked with having to do ammo runs.

In bizarro world maybe.

I really enjoy tooting on shit.

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Not even close. HH is a good weapon, but there's no way it can keep up bow and other top tier weapons.

I can never take anyone who uses DB or LS seriously. It's like they are the two most weeaboo weapons possible, used by the edgiest spergs possible.


I've been using it since go with world and besides boring models its been fine and encore knockdowns are my guilty pleasure.
I've only recently started giving lance a shot.
Man I wish there were more song sets, it feels like there's only 7 in the game.

why is objectively the best weapon?

*what is

>people play switch axe
literally why
>sword moves as slow as greatsword, but does nowhere near as much damage
>axe is just all around bad

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You know what? That is fair.
Even I admit I half heart the gun when I'm not playing damage since I can just either run back or use a far caster to reload.
I cannot blame anyone that decides not to pick up a HBG when they see the autistic vids for radical ammo crafting while reloading.
The only thing that pisses me off is when people say to me "That shit's expensive bro! I can't afford bombs like you can!"
Nigger. It takes one 25K+ solo hunt to afford ammo for 100+ hunts as a HBG.
And I taught friends on how to set up easy 100K+ double ticket investigations.
Fucking cheap ass niggers man.

If you just look at the overall kill times probably the HBG because how stupidly broken the Glutton is.

Oh. I have a friend that plays switch axe.
They say it's an "all around" weapon.
The problem is that means it's a jack of all trades weapon.

I honestly couldnt tell you why i use it but i do anyways, it's not as versatile or strong as other weapons but i like it anyways

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>Comparing it to the greatsword
>Calling it a jack of all trades
>"Nowhere near as much damage"
Its a faster elemental verison of great sword with better mobility and reach, that is more reliable to hit with and great at dealing status damage. Saying its just "Hurrdurr is greatsword but less damage" is the most retarded basic shit.

I hate that world has brought on these shitters. New fans are nice but these tier listing, no understanding of weapon shitters need to shut the fuck up.

>get amped
>put on temporal mantle
>get to stab the monster in the face and blow it off even if it's flailing and exploding in every direction
This and its wide swing combos are the major reasons why SA is my second most used weapon.

user, if you play it for the style, or you find it fun, I have no issue with that.
I only give a shit if you join a serious quest without setting up for it.

Thank you for teaching us user. I never researched switch axe because it didn't interest me, and nobody that used it with me carted to an effect I cared to look it up.

>HH doesn't do enough damage
The biggest meme. I can get 6'30" T. Nergi with release gear and no ATK drugs. Not exactly speedrunning stats but if that's not enough damage then what is?

Other weapons can get under 3 minutes on tempered Nergigante.

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>this shit is difficult

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I solo'd it as an SnS support build w/ a malady's tabar w/ 15 min remaining. Palico had a heal.

MHW is pretty easy sure, but I just went back to FU recently and it was easier than I remembered (though haven't got to G rank yet, but high rank is comparable to MHW).
The main gripe with FU however is that some monster attack are an absolute waste of time like flying wyvern patrolling the sky, Plesioth stay underwater or Shogun just keep hiding or go to ceiling for the most of the fight.

Is because you have the pasterns of the monsters learned, in older games they act more robotic and rigid.


>The main gripe with FU however is that some monster attack are an absolute waste of time like flying wyvern patrolling the sky, Plesioth stay underwater or Shogun just keep hiding or go to ceiling for the most of the fight.
MHW monsters do the same shit, and they waste your time by fucking off to the other side of the map.

Right but this is using Bazel gear a few weeks after release, not 100% affinity augmented Jho + Drachenmeta + Megademon and might pills. Point is it's fast enough

It's called Arch tempered for a fucking reason. Just wait until the full kulve raid in iceborne

It's only fast enough when it doesn't matter i.e. tempered Nergigante. ATs and certain other fights are just too much to not use other weapons instead.

One thing most people don't realise (because the game never says that I've seen) is that different phial types build metre at different rates. Power is the slowest by a mile, Dragon is the fastest; you can awaken a Dragon phial axe in just a few hits, and then spam the fuck out of discharges for a billion damage. It reminds me of the way I played swaxe in Generations, just discharging as much as possible, but even better (risky against monsters than like to spin or do slams though, for obvious reasons).

On that note, my favourite swaxe in the game is the easiest one to make: end of the bone line.

Uh no? There's no monster that does attack like this in MHW (save for rathalos and Kush w/o flash bombs, which means AT Kush and Challenge Ratahlos solo). You can always attack them somehow.
>MHW monsters do the same shit, and they waste your time by fucking off to the other side of the map.
Uh no? In mhw you can fast travel to camp to decrease a lot of down time like the older one.

This is why im good with almost every weapon. Been practicing since Tri. Gs and hbg are my best ones though. I actually know how to use charge blade. Hammer is for fat autists and SA is for clingers.

The whole point of the songs are to deal damage while playing the buffs, if you have to distance yourself or wait for it to focus on something else to play songs, then you aren't using the weapon properly

Because weapon usage should be based around what has the current best times in a very different way of playing the game, and not based on preference over certain playstyles, right?

I dunno man, I can get alright times on AT. If it's AT times you're looking at exclusively though then wouldn't CB, bow and HBG take up most of the usage rates? None of the other weapons can compete much better than HH either

That's just how it is. Low damage (and the side effect of long kill times) is what initially deters people from HH, as I've said before. Early on it's fine to use whatever you have fun with and the practice will likely carry you even through late/endgame stuff but HH being unattractive due to such comparatively low damage is not a hard conclusion to make.

only shit people try to emulate youtube speedrunners in my experience

The main reason I'm looking forward to Iceborne (after the new content) is because the game will be alive again, and this time discussion might not all be about fucking platform wars.
Oh shit, except there's the delay for PC... Well, gg.

>0 plataform wars until this post
good job user

It'sa me, plataform wars

Have you ever used the HH? Why are you pretending like people get awful hunt times with it? I use it as a main weapon both solo and multi all the way to endgame and the times I get with it are faster than with any
other weapon because I'm proficient at using it. At the level most people play the game, a weapon's max DPS on TAs is less important than someone's skill at using it, in general, you're going to get better hunt times with weapons you know how to use.

That just amounts to "good player can use worse tools efficiently." Again, it's okay to use it and be good with it but that doesn't change HH having lower damage which remains the main deterrent.
The only weapons in World I don't have 100+ uses on are LS, DB, and SnS.

SnS is actually one of my favourites in World, especially in fights I don't feel totally confident about. Its survivability is immense.
DBs are for not thinking.


>Playing with DS4
>Feels comfy as fuck
>One day my character starts moving forward when I push L2

I-is there any way to fix this, bros?

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switch to MKB

some of this shit is wrong now, it needs updated.
>traps placed almost instantly
Pitfall doesnt do this
>elemental damage has been casualized
all elemental damage is shit and is still shit you are better just blatantly ignoring that stat
>kulve weapons are barely bettwr than the weapons in the main game
This is blatantly wrong now as far aa glutton and the hammer goes
>sets have the same skills
There are slot differences now, which isnt that good of a replacement
>events now cost money as well
no they dont
>dlc is overpriced
we will see with iceborne
>you will be fighting almost dead monsters
just look at how long the quest has been going on lol
The rest of the bottom part has been mostly fixed

>Charge blade near the top
There are way too many tryhard retards who play this for this to be true.

I wouldn't say World is outright harder than some monster hunter games, but the low rank story missions have more monsters that can one shot you compared to say mh4u. Anja or Tobi is the first barrier for a lot of new players

Ok just remember that this game isnt supposed to be controled like your other games you are used too. Monster hunter has a playstyle you need to accept is different and you need to adjust to. That's how I got better.

>all elemental damage is shit and is still shit


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IDK. As a former DB main, I always felt DBs would attract weebs conceptually, but I never saw that in practice. I heard back in the day that the reason why was that weebs often started with it but then switched out because they didn't like feeling like they were doing chip damage and having to constantly relocate due to shit-tier range. Not sure how true that was, though.

You really have you watch their animations and be aware. You can’t go balls to the wall and mash.

>events now cost money as well
Yeah his list is full of lies

I forgot that existed, wonder if it will be any good in iceborne

Starting Monster Hunter threads with bait is time honoured tradition

Get more defence. Always

do the powered up "no charge" charge attack
the backswing of it is really strong

You can't expect people who started out with World to know this shit. Hell, the entire bait OP shtick was compromised ever since World was announced. Current Yea Forums is a consolewar cesspool, MH threads had absolutely no chance. It took over half a year before they became tolerable enough to actually discuss the upcoming game.

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I don't play it in World, but in general if you're not a speed runner, it's fuckin fast in sword mode, the downside being low mobility, and accordingly it's fun to use axe to hit monsters when they're running past you or some shit, and switch to sword when an opening presents itself. It's fun if you like varied, relatively quick-paced, gimmicky-ass gameplay, basically.

New player here
I'm enjoying the sit out of the IG
What's your oldfag opinion on this weapon?
Hard? Noob? Subpar?

I still find it pretty fun in World. The wild swing "combo" is always nice.

>More information in spring
>Lol we meant literally the very end of spring to the point that many would consider it summer
Thanks Capcom

It would be more traditional if they started with calling monster hunter shit or something. Not like this.

Is it too hard for them to add new moves to the monsters to make them unpredictable instead of just fucking bloating their health and damage?
Even the same attack at different speeds to punish would be better than making everyone go full hame run

>Crutch Blade

Greatest Jagras was unironically a fun way of making an easy monster harder.

This guy just came back in xx, but for some reason people refuse to remember it

>tfw no mh4u or gen for vita

at least theres fu and 3rd

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So far 6 hours into this game, it's pretty easy and fun. The stupid electric jumping lizard thing was the hardest opponent thus far but I still killed it with zero faints. Honestly I just stand and run into monsters and that seems to allow me to avoid most of the damage. I made my character look like some pissed of Aryan with a mustache too. Game is addicting too, haven't felt this way since I was a teenager.

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My only issue with this game is that it forces you to watch le epic cinematics xdddd because capcom

Gotta be E3 surely

The funny thing is that modding them out breaks the game. Probably because they are ingame cutscenes and they happen in real time.

>The stupid electric jumping lizard thing was the hardest opponent thus far but I still killed it with zero faints

New players will either have problems with him or Anjanath. They both have the potential to "one shot" you. They are the first barriers so good on you for passing. What weapon are you using?

Post your favorite monster Yea Forums
For me it is the Nargacuga

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Sword and shield, I change between sprinting around alot and fighting right in front of them. The other weopons were a bit too slow for me. Yea the electric thing felt like an actually challenging fight, it almost got my ass but I think I have partial autism so I beat it first try.

>The gun portion is fucking worthless.
you're really underestimating how versatile GL is if you weave in shots

fucking casuals i swear

Too many. Some of them are


This list is based more on design than on how good the fight actually is. For example I find Zinogre to be a pretty fun fight, but I don't find his design interesting.

Is there some kind of guild system in MH:W? I want to hunt Kulve and do some arenas, but some help would nice - especially for Kulve. Or do you guys mostly play solo?

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Too many. But if I had to pick one over all others it'd probably be Lagi.

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You can give out guild cards, but it only lets you see other peoples palicoes out in the wild. I'm not lying when I say play with vg they might be autistic drama causing spergs but they can hunt

I'm trying to avoid big generals on /vg/, but I guess I could give a try. Well, thanks for information.

Normal /mhg/ rooms are fine from my experience.

Based nargacuga poster

Truly the best monster

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Does that mean jho's swaxe is outstandingly good at outputting damage in mhw?

No. fuck you for blatantly lying.
Compared to previous MH i've played World is by far a ball in the park

lmao gave me a chuckle

But I didn't say World was overall harder though. I was just comparing World low rank story quests to MH4U low rank story quests.

I need to get back into GU on Switch. I barely played any of it.

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>tfw your save gets corrupted

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I really like Pukei. Though World is really the only game I've played.

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>switch axe
>against anja
Do you like sending newbies to suicide missions? CB is fine but might be complicated for a newcomer.

Hard for me to get angry over being golf swinged these days especially since I can do GS charges in mid-air in World.

I'll only buy it if I can be pals with either of the Magalas.

I hope if it happens they drop the kiddie shit and give it a tone more in line with the main games.

Fucking Rajang still haunts my nightmares.

That one arena quest with TWO of the cunts...

Where is Bow

I feel like tackle is the single greatest thing they could have added to GS, it's incredibly satisfying when you use it right

Attached: tackle vs diablos.webm (568x320, 2.68M)

>ohnonono no switch version no good game, old game good new game bad

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Consolewarriors have convinced almost everyone that GU is an automatically bad game.

It's simultaneously the best and worst addition to GS' moveset in the sense that while it made the weapon "more versatile" in the sense that you're no longer focusing on draw swings, you instead are just brainlessly spamming charges nonstop because monsters can't do anything to you with shoulder tackle in your moveset. World GS basically sacrifices any semblance of commitment the weapon previously had and the result is a very safe weapon once you learn it.

You must have never got past LR in World if you truly think that.
Unsheathe lvl 3 being the highest burst damage in the entire game was brainless spamming.
With the shoulder tackle you can superarmor through the monster attacks sure, but you still take damage. Tempered monsters, let alone arch-tempered will eat through all of your health.
The bulk of GS damage coming from TCS creates actual commitment for the weapon, instead of just using the safe hit-and-run tactic and still doing massive damage with unsheathe charges.

I hate the grind for decos.

>any semblance of commitment the weapon previously had and the result is a very safe weapon once you learn it.
I'm not gonna say World improved on the weapon, but let's not pretend most of GS gameplay wasn't already room temperature IQ

>no commitment draw slashes are smart and take knowledge
>using super armor to armor through attacks and level up your charge is brainless

Hunting Horn requires discipline that 95% of the internet fails to exhibit. Even when it came to my own friends I had to drill into them the fundamentals back in TriU and 4U, and they've hardly touched them since, not even in World. Also the current meta of Monster Hunter makes it so HH is practically useless to the point it may as well be 'Why are you even here' tier. Also design wise they look like shit so even I'm holding off on them until the dev team gets budget to make each weapon look unique. When you compare the tribal bongos, bass guitars, and cymbal monkeys of not too long ago to what we have now, it's a massive downgrade.

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Just install the shop mod or KT craft mod.

Oh and don't even bother replaying to me with hardread.webm of a monster walking into a full charged swing, we all know hit-and-run is how most people used GS

And with shoulder tackle there's no punishment for timing your charges incorrectly, just shoulder tackle through the attack and charge again. Shoulder tackle may be a fantastic move but it's a "get out of jail free" card for poor timing.

Draw charges take more commitment than tackling because you can't cancel a charge in older games.

This. Draw attack tactics is still useful in World, but it not the go-to thing anymore. It is just another useful tool in the GS moveset.

Okay, this is gotta be a bait at this point. No one is this retarded.
The monster fucking repositions after you tackle through the incoming attack. You're not going to be facing the weak spot anymore.

Good thing you can turn while charging now.

>pre-world GS charging against an undowned monster
Either good joke or way to miss the point. Shadowboxing also takes more commitment than tackling out of a charge, that doesn't mean anyone did it

Go play Freedom Unite. It'll make you better at World.

Gunning lost its finesse for me, at least HBG did, still haven't used LBG in World. A lot of what made the weapon exciting and worth it was the fact you couldn't move whilst firing or reloading so you had to be a few steps ahead of the monster's movements at all times. Now you can just shove reloads mods onto your gun, use decos to even out the damage you would've gotten and just walk through everything whether you're firing or reloading. Irony being I still gun heavily in World and have 90% of them built because once a gunner always a gunner.
Gunning is the cheapest it's ever been in World so there's no excuse. Just spend a few hours in Expeditions and let your farm take care of the rest. I haven't had to buy ammo for anything like halfway through Low Rank.

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Oops, that first half was meant for .

like 90 degrees, not a whole 180 after a diablos charged through you like

Your favorite weapon

Maybe people don't play gunner because it's always been a bitchmade crutch weapon and melee, while not as braindead easy, is more fun

Yian Kut-Ku would be harder than anything up until tempered monsters in world if he would do more damage.

Show me your hunter

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world is trash, bring back REAL mh

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Lmao, fastest moving weapon in game

>anime girl


Still haven't fought the final part of the Behemot quest. It's difficult alone, but I don't like playing multi. So I'm stuck with the FF music in hub and it's driving me crazy.

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There's several posts and stats above that prove otherwise in terms of a gunner's utility and 'fun' compared to practically half the melee weapons. Hell Long Sword is has been considered the most retard proof weapon for years, the irony being most people that use it are in fact retarded with them.


>Hell Long Sword is has been considered the most retard proof weapon for years, the irony being most people that use it are in fact retarded with them.
Almost nobody said this before MHW. Before MHW everyone just knew it as the weapon that was picked by weebs who are shit at the game (and showed it).

Git gud seriously

Cope. The only time I died in the story was to Tobi.

>Almost nobody said this before MHW
But that's wrong

>that mission where you had to fight two rajang in one arena

Attached: reee.jpg (600x350, 23K)

>tfw did it on first try
Just go full wide range+speed eating and heal the other players ;^)

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How long have you played Monster Hunter because everybody agreed with that before World. LS is and has always been one of the easiest weapons to use and absolute shitters always end up using it, which also happens to include weebs. For years if you ever saw a Long Sword in your room chances are they were bad and you either kicked them or proceeded with extreme caution.

Lost count of the amount of times a spirit slash combo has ended on my head, knocking me down, minutes after the monster has already jumped 50 feet away. Every time. Spam R. Spam R. Spam R.

I love it, but my tism refuses to let me use any other GS than ignition because I feel like I'm missing out on too much damage

If it's an easy weapon, then how come people using it were bad?

popping into the asking last time i played was when kulve was first time on pc what is new and what do i need to farm for my GS needs?

You just answered your own question.
It's BECAUSE it's easy to use that the players that use it are bad.

pc or ps4 lads?

People still play PS4?

I made a mod to replace the vfx, sfx, and model, give this a try and let me know if it works

Have sex user

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pc runs and looks better

Is it actually easier, or have you simply been playing the same game for 15 years?

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it's actually easier

>it's a butthurt bingtendie thread
I love these.

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show extremoth and AT kulve prooves

>n-no these 2 bosses negate the entire rest of the game being much more forgiving
next you'll call me a nintentoddler

Show any AT elder dragon prooves then. there's 7 for you. Any prooves at all?

Wait, 9, forgot Kirin and Xeno. There's 9 bosses right thewre. Got prooves for at least 4 of them? Bet you don't, bingtendie.

Attached: this is fine.jpg (1920x1080, 478K)

you keep latching on to the shitty lazy endgame bosses they couldnt even bother to reskin like it somehow negates the game being much easier on the whole


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So no proof? You didn't beat them? Have you even played much?

Talking about endgame as if G rank isn't '''endgame''' in every other MH. You're a joke bud, sorry all you have is a 1up machine. fucking loser.

>you cant have sex

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I mean, that is a long time to learn how to play a game. Perhaps it feels easier as an entry because you have years of practice?

>muh proof proof proof?
you're not arguing anything im saying, whether i defeated all the AT bosses is irrelevant to the discussion

besides, deviant nargacuga shits on any AT and you dont have cloaks and healt fountains to carry you through it

but i dont, i played only 4U and then went to MHW and the jump was very noticeable

>whether i defeated all the AT bosses is irrelevant to the discussion
It's really not. there's 9 bosses you haven't beat and will probably struggle with, but you claim world is the easiest despite not even getting to the real meat of the game? Just admit it.

At least post solo REGULAR Behemoth proof.

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Glavenus nigger fatalys and the 70% of all the endgame monsters in GU are easy

FU,mh4 3u and all the other monster hunters have the same kind of endgame dificult

Kill yourself poser

>tfw beat DS3 first and found the others easy as shit in comparison
DS3 confirmed hardest in the series.

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>there's 9 bosses you haven't beat
so you're literally just going to delude yourself into believing something you dont know anything about

ok user have a nice day

For armor, ou should probably get a few AT tickets of all the monsters, as well as the whole Behemoth's Drachen armor set. It couldn't hurt to also get all the tickets for the other events, if only for completionism

For GS, all you need to get is the Wyvern Ignition Impact and you're set. No Kulve farming necessary unless you might want to branch into a different weapon (HBG, Bow, Lance and CB all have their top tiers as Kulve weapons, IG has a good para option, GL has the best long shelling options)

You don't understand. If they were bad, wouldn't an easy weapon compensate for this and therefore hide the fact in the first place?

no prooves? back to nintendo general you lame faggot.

kill yourself you dont have the crutches of MHW and at least they fucking bothered with reskins
but DS3 is bloodborne without the thing that help you of course it's the hardest, that comparison is completely retarded

Bloodborne is unironically more difficult than any souls game you retard. Couldn't say crutches twice you fucking momo?




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MHW would be good without the time-gated events, tbqh.

holy shit can you not read? all i can say is have sex

>solo REGULAR Behemoth
can I actually do this with GS or do I have to HBG cheese

No, it'd be good if it didn't go back on the series' premise of deliberate and commitment-based combat so much.

What 'thing' that help you?

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you can do it with every weapon
i'm pretty sure you can even do a bomb only run, or maybe I am confusing it with another run



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guess I was right, you can beat behemoth with only bombs too

I did it with dual blades, it just takes time.

getting health back and dashing, of course bloodborne is the hardest game and therefor they added that sutff but we were talking about the souls series i believe and in 3 they just mirrored the combat speed / enemy ferocity of bloodborne without giving the player anything like dashing or health stealing or whatever that's called



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you get fuckall health back, that's also late-game and almost useless by that point. The dashing is implemented because enemies are faster in BB, the combat is from a completely different design principle.

BB is unironically harder than all of the souls games.

What do you not get about this? The weapon is easy to use, therefor shitters flock to it as it gives them more of a chance to beat a hunt than other weapons. Easy, not overpowered, it's not going to suddenly make them dunk on everything in the game, it's going to make their mistimed mashing connect with the monster more often along with everyone else's ankles

>BB is unironically harder than all of the souls games.
dude that's literally what im saying

pick bow and cruise through the whole game


>no proof

Have sex

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>Healing while running etc.
>Many actions can be dodged out of
Do MH autists seriously consider these problems? What sort of voluntary paralysis do you consider your character having to not be able to drink and move at the same time? Who the diddly fuck would consider "oh shit here comes a very well telegraphed attack that I could easily dodge but I just absolutely gotta finish this sharpening job first!" a good gameplay mechanic?

>/v dont play games

Yeah, as long as you solo it. It can be pretty fucking hard if you're playing with retard randos

I'll try that, thks user.

The Switch Axe is the only thing I used. I tried the Insect Glaive and that thing sucked. All I do pretty much is ride the monster then attack with the sword/axe. It's great.

Being able to run while having a sippy doesn't bother me too much but you're a fucking retard if you think that actions requiring commitment and risk is some sort of bad thing.

>Gay Lance
>that high
t. faggot
You're right about Chad Blade tho, unless they're the kind of fag with over a thousand uses of CB and still can't Guard Point, then fuck 'em

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>LS users are usually the ones who cart to the dumbest shit the most
I assume you've yet to meet a bow user. No matter how good a bow user is, he will die to dumb shit because it just takes one lapse of judgement and control to get one-shot.

A good bow user is based and godsent tho, you know your hunt is about to get sped up once a bow user joins the hunt.

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>Have sex
Have sex

Actions requiring risk and commitment are absolutely a valid thing but going against common fucking sense THAT hard is the epitome of garbage game design. If you're gonna have a healing effect make you stuck in place for 3 seconds at least make it a syringe or something that you can't just stop doing without trouble if a gigantic dinosaur is bumrushing you. Have sharpening done with a sharpening wheel instead of a stone you can just chuck the fuck away if you're suddenly between Jho jaws. The hunter already pulls an entire camp cooking set out of their ass anyway, why not a sharpening wheel?

I smashed the PSP versions back in the day, is World on PC and XX on the Switch worth playing?
>friendcodes in 2019

Why are MH zoomers so unlikable?

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Is world alright on PC? I got it on PS4 a while back but the loading was so obnoxious on it and I was rather busy with work so I gave up on it. Is it worth the 40 bucks currently?

Absolutely disgusting with how lazy they were with unique weapon designs in World. Hope there's an update later down the line that just changes the weapons with non-unique models to unique models.

Loading into the game on an SSD takes ~15-20 seconds, loading quests about ~5-10 seconds. I hear the game has high-ish recommended system specs, especially with the HR texture pack. But goddamn it looks good.
There are a couple cool QoL/visual mods like transmog, better souvenir visibility, turning Poogie into a Dodogama etc. Naturally you can also cheat your ass off with mods if you want.
Online community is really active, haven't had any trouble filling rando groups for any quest yet.

>Just got to the Chocobo Kulu Yaku quest
>Trying one time with this bow bro
>We're kicking its ass
>Third guy shows up and triple carts
>Try again and shoot an SOS
>Bow bro joins my quest again
>"Yo user ready for round 2?"
>Cancel my SOS flare
>We demolish it

The community is definitely weaker in World but it's still filled with the same bros that inhabited previous monster hunter games.

Its basically better in every way than on PC, especially if you live in the real world (america/canada) that has the most active casual community.

its pretty hard on a base xbone, 12 fps 500p

>real world

Have sex

Thanks that what I assumed but review are pretty shit on steam so I just wanted make sure it wasn't a cash grab port.

>triple carts
This is why I always boot anyone who carts within the first five minutes, or anyone who carts twice. Way less headaches

Thankfully the shitters are the exception rather than the rule on PC. There are also those who open up an AT Lunastra SOS and then immediately leave when someone carts once 15 minutes in. I've finished the vast majority of SOS's and sieges with no carts or one total cart at the most.

I have it on PS4 and PC, the PC version is a pretty solid port, the loading times are massively improved (running on an SSD) and the QoL mods are a game-changer.

Most of the steam reviews are old and they never revised it. When the game launch it had a shit show of problems from server issues to optimization. But they since patched it, drivers got better, and mods fix any other issues that wasn't addressed.

This can be applied to anything. Doesn't mean the content isn't hard.

Literally dodged the subject matter so hard.

The shit reviews are probably from old school MH fans who don't like MHW in general, or people who owned MHW on PS4 and bought it on PC expecting a different game somehow.

You only need to use the chat function. That's how you kick the comfy community feeling into gear.

>loved monster hunter, but after world i am not going to purchase another one. the weapon variation is non existent, meaning any sword and shield you can make there will be a variant for each other weapon type which demotes weapon diversity and actually experimenting with the weapons which is half the fun. not only that but the scaling in the game sucks, once you get to the elder dragons your stuck there until you get to hr 50 which takes quite a bit to grind and than you are left to fight tempered dragons which is the most ridiculous jump in difficulty. you will, no matter what armor set you use, die in two hits if not than one. the missions become nearly impossible. the only way to even have a chance is to somehow find people to carry you through them until you get augments which will make the fights less tense but you have to beat them many times to get there. There are also dlc missions that are terribly introduced ,and not scaled right. they added some final fantasy bull**** monster that is just as hard as a tempered elder, but you can do it at hr 16? ive seen hr 100s die to this thing all the time, how is that for hr 16? my advice save the money and time and dont get this game, you will get frustrated at some point and never want to play it again because over all the game is mediocre.

Veteran monster hunters

>You essentially turn into a matador
Cool and all for solo, but in team games the mon keeps running away from me to play with the random jabronis, and for those fights I feel like I chase the dang 'ol mon the entire fight.

Wow, there isn't like a single truth in this entire review, just salt at being bad

Quick Sheathe 3 is a GLbro's best friend in multi.

I like how he complains about the weapon variation, but it is the wrong complaint.

White Dodo legs do really nice things to my hunter's butt.

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that pic looks fucking beautiful, I've never seen gameplay of MHW, does it generally look like that?

New player here, how often do events cycle?

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any of you play on ps4¿

normally it's a weekly thing, but with the spring festival going on, it's going to be about 2 more weeks of all the events being available.

It's CPU intensive still but it runs much better on PC now than it did at launch

What're you supposed to do against arch tempered kirin? I can never get close to it without getting struck by lightning and it feels like most of the bolts target me perfectly. lighting element isnt an issue because i have high resists but it still feels bullshit

Hit and run tactics. Pretty effective with greatsword draw attacks. Kirin is easy to KO

Dodge better, the lightning only has a few set patterns
Knock it down/KO it to reduce time spent in rage

use gun

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Fire LBG is actually a bad idea since the piercing is wasted and its body doesn't take elemejtal damage while raging at all
Rapid Fire Normal 2, or Stickies, are better

if melee, bait the frontal thunder, dodge, then hit the horn. if ranged, bait charges and shoot it.

Real answer here, watch your positioning. the biggest mistake i see hunters make is diving in and tripping their team mates or getting floored by the monster. know your role, stay by the parts you can actually cut or break. and back away once in awhile and you'll be fine.

unless you play DB or LS, then you should just uninstall the game and play some faggy weabshit instead

LS is easy to use and it can shit out damage if you learn to play it properly

I was gonna try an affinity build with spread shot but i wanted to use opted for a melee weapon instead, i think i'll go with a HBG next time or try hammer for KO's like some other anons suggested

Bow is also a gunner weapon, and probably the best choice against it without diving into full cheese strats

>Deviljho and pukey pukey armour

Excuse me what?

Cute huntress

GL is a zero risk weapon against Kirin. Guard Up and at least 3 Guards. Uragaan helm comes with thunder res too if you don't have a Guard Up deco yet. I like the Nergi GL cause of the elderseal even though it only has blue sharpness and rank 2 booms, makes super quick work of most things anyway.


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>transmoq mod

I fucking hate the console version i always look like a damn clown

Gala for everything but the hat and legs, which are brigade. They're obviously layered over my actual set because brigade is trash and gala is pointless if you don't run the full set.

I fucking loathe SnS.
>no reach
>no momentum
>no impact
All that in a game where most enemies are faster than you. It just feels awful to use.

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There are plenty of layered armors that look good like Blossom or Gala.

I actually am baffled why they haven't added a tansmog option to MH games. Where there any that had it? Because it seems like such a natural idea to add more hours of gameplay and is clearly not hard to implement.

>buy game
>spend majority of most hunts chasing the monster around the map
>get refund
I had more fun with God Eater desu

I like zipping around the monster and inflicting status effects so i can just bomb them.

>look good

Pick one

XX had it in G Rank
So World might get it in Iceborne

Forgot picture.

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They are japanese user

The blossom chest looks really good if you can get over the rosage.

Gen Ultimate has it
But capcom likes to take 1 step forward 2 steps back so you're never seeing it again

PC MHW can look pretty nice

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Hey that looks cool

But i prefer the origin layered armour

they're nearly exclusively shitposting sonygoys of course they're cancerous, imagine being a 15 year old autistic gamer except there's barely any video games to speak of

I guarantee you that the iceborne expansion will add it

Going from an i5 to an i7 made a huge difference in this game, no more visible stutter and average framerate is higher.

there's something about just being able to trust your eyes based on what a person's wearing that's nice, i dont like the idea of transmogs because it would remove some of the monster hunter roleplay / immersion i guess

if theyd add it people would just be running around in the same couple sets of armor

Phoneposter here

I think this looks damn good

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>if theyd add it people would just be running around in the same couple sets of armor

It's either slut gear, meme gear, or bulky steroids set.

>if theyd add it people would just be running around in the same couple sets of armor
See I feel like that's already the case because there are only so many valid sets. Also whenever a new event one comes out you see tons of people wearing it.

>See I feel like that's already the case because there are only so many valid sets.
i can see this is technically valid but i'd rather opt for them just putting all the HR sets on tyhe same line but with different skill mixes to tell the "duplicate" sets apart, it puzzled me why MHW bothered with the differences in armor upgrading limits

I want the stuff the hub lasses are wearing.

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>Show transmog on/off

not true, sometimes only one or two pieces from any given set(mixed or full) look off and it's nice to be able to taylor it

>Tobi hat
>Lumu chest
>Butterfly waist
>Blossom gloves/legs


when they put out the next bit of the campaign

>PC version
>multiplayer is almost entirely female characters with japanese fantasy names and slut gear

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Weebs playing a weeb game? Outrageous!

Power creep will probably make Master Rank just as easy as the base game, if not more so. They're really going to have to pull out all of the stops for this.

Fuck arch tempered vaal hazaak.
I hate him so fucking much

Your solo Extremoth proofs?

pls put oils for sns in iceborne, thanks

yes it's beautiful. A large part of why I like playing it is because it's nice eye candy

(((Miasma decos)))

You just pulled that entirely out of your ass.

what sword?

Azure Star Lord or whatever it's called.

I know MH is a grindfest but can I actually get set together somewhat quickly in this? I don't feel like wasting hours to build a set to then find out of I actually hate this weapon this time

Only certain weapons can take some time


Weapons don't take that long to build and the way they made armor work in MHW makes it so you can mix and match pieces from different monsters and still get good skills, so you don't have to grind one monster to get its full set to be effective.
Just make what you can when you can and you'll be alright.

Early on (before plates/gems are needed) it's easy to explore weapon trees since the materials needed are pretty common so just use whatever you want. Grinding for materials will also help you learn the monsters so picking up new weapons will become easier.

Most blademaster weapons use the same skills. Aside from stuff like CB and GL which want Artillery.

And with Investigation reward boxes, getting plates/gems/annoying shit like aqua sacs is easier tham ever

i'd be fine with that
fair point but you still can read a person's build visually

just use a save editor lol

how about great sword? Are the other skills worthwhile or should I just be going straight into true charge slash?

GS wants Focus.
And in games that aren't World, also Critical Draw.
Various charged attacks are your bread and butter. Don't ever bother comboing uncharged slashes.

I just main LS cause it looks good on my trap character

Honestly I never grind monsters in early game. I just complete every quest once and that usually gives me enough to make things to carry me to late game

Crit Draw is still nice on hit and run fights like Kirin

Roundslash into upslash into charged slash is solid for staggers and mobility if you're not sure you can do the entire 3 charge combo