Post your eve online stories

post your eve online stories

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Other urls found in this thread:

>play game
>make my character
>can't even see them anywhere except in the small station room
>take ship out
>read lore
>explore some more
>realize a Mass Effect tier setting and lore and story is wasting potential due to primarily being a MMO centered around players, corps and story stagnation
>wish they made a seperate singleplayer EVE game that was more like Freelancer and advanced the story and let you explore more
>uninstall game

>boot up game
>fall asleep in 20 minutes

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A lot of the best times I had coming off of the Yea Forums guild was in Hole Plunderers. Early on me and another broski saw a call
>some ratters taking down a POS to evac
>no one else can be bothered
>we both rush jumping down like a dozen systems, still kind of new at it
>jump in with other plunderers through a few holes
>fucking nail them
yeah that was pretty hype.

>play for a while
>realize that you need to communicate with other people to actually play it
>tfw ESL with social anxiety

Wait, they still haven't expanded on walking in closets?

>Start the game back up
>remember that instead of fixing the skill system so you were rewarded for doing things instead of ship spinning they made it even more pay2win
>turn the game off
So much potential thrown in the fucking garbage.

Even worse they removed the closet last I checked, shame.

But they allegedly spent so much time making that shit. Then again they also claimed to have spent 10k man hours on spacebook. Glad I sold my account before it became even more worthless.

>tell other people there is a promising wh
>after a bunch of waiting looks like nothing will happen after all
>then a bunch of them log back in, but see the scout
>start shit talking them in local, tell them how godly my raven is and nothing can beat a raven
>they bring out a chimera, but jump in at 100+ just to fuck around
>it happens to be right on top of my cloaky shitty scout
>but I've got a scram
>point that bitch
>everyone else races back across a pile of systems to tackle
>escape with 5% hull
>carrier goes down
EVE was absolutely make-your-own-fun, and 90% waiting around often with nothing happening. It had TONS of wasted potential. CCP were fucking morons who constantly wasted resources of stupid crap nobody cared about rather then improving core mechanics. But even so shit was that last 10% incredible sometimes.

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>realize can't fly carriers without being forced to engage in multiplayer
why is it so hard to make a good game with carriers

>gatecamping 3-fkcz for hours just shooting the shit
>occasionally go on a raid from querious to providence
It's been so many years since I last played but I still remember some important Querious system names. Shame CCP is beyond incompetent.

I haven't played in years now, but it was always too bad they never implemented delayed local, or at least made it a high cost high sov structure in nullsec. Would have made things a lot more exciting. They also should have improved the market, the corp system a lot, and most of all space building. You could have some fun creating POS and the like but ultimately it was pretty clunky and limited, and nothing would have improved the sandbox like actually letting people build more cool stuff that could then be blown up. The whole planet thing was fucking retarded, as was Dust as was le walking in stations. So much dosh sunk fruitless into stuff in spessgaem THAT WASN'T SPACESHIPS. Fucking stupid. It's been years and I'm getting mad all over again. Fuck damn it.

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>>realize can't fly carriers without being forced to engage in multiplayer
>thinks an MMO should be about single player
CCP fucked up lots of things in EVE but this wasn't one of them. Fuck the modern MMO trend of being a glorified single player lobby and social shit.

you forgot the 100$ monocle

>greed is good
>devs giving T2 BPOs to their friends
>dust 514 console exclusive
>walking in closets
>wasting money on that vampire IP
>half the devs cokes out of their mind
>dragon code patch wrecking the game for a week
>disconnect on jump bug unfixed for weeks
>sacking their entire lore department
>ruining CAOD

CCP lasted longer then they should have

I stopped playing before that was a thing IIRC. Although when I read about it I didn't even really care vs the other stuff, it was genuinely cosmetic. I think it would have been cooler though if instead they'd actually made that part of the sandbox too, like corps or alliances could in fact do actual modeling and have customized bling and spaceship decals. If it was restricted to a high enough ISK price (or alliance only or whatever) moderation shouldn't have been too hard either. Would have taken more vision then CCP had by that point though, it's all a bit fuzzy now but I think all the original devs were long gone by 2009, 2010ish? 2011? Some time before the 10 year mark at any rate. The crazy ambition of the early days faded.

>>dust 514 console exclusive
That was actually good, because everyone knew it'd probably suck and at least that way it didn't fuck anything else up more then it was already fucked.
>wasting money on that vampire IP
yeah that was pretty sad.

>dragon code patch wrecking the game for a week
>disconnect on jump bug unfixed for weeks
>sacking their entire lore department
>ruining CAOD
I missed all that. Shit, how depressing that they fell off that way. The community was really something at one point and had some incredibly good ideas and time they put in. It could and should have reached new heights.

>download EvE Online
>met by a blank white screen
>spend a few hours putting in some numbers
>monthly budgeting complete
Excel is great

>Be playing EvE
>Stop playing because I realize its P2W and injectors and PLEX ruined the game

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vcorp was a good 6 months of fun. that was back when Yea Forums hopped from game to game for a while, tons of memes but it was still pretty fun too.

It all went to shit after apocrypha. I remember they wanted to do 5 tech tiers. There were supposed to be 3 ancient factions that accompanied the sleepers. Some of the the short stories were so fucking good like the one where they show how each race tortures their captives. But they were all fired. I still get mad thinking about it.


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>It all went to shit after apocrypha. I remember they wanted to do 5 tech tiers. There were supposed to be 3 ancient factions that accompanied the sleepers. Some of the the short stories were so fucking good like the one where they show how each race tortures their captives. But they were all fired. I still get mad thinking about it.
All of that plus all the incredible ideas coming out of the player council and such for awhile. Like they had actual literal CEOs and international diplomats and government employees and shit putting this stuff out, but no. Why. In some ways the worst part is that MMOs all became LE WOW KILLAH and then F2P Korean Grindan, all the ambition and actually massiveness once envisioned in the likes of second gens like FF11 and EVE and SWG died. At one point I thought "ok maybe EVE dies, but someone else will pick up the torch here." No. No not at all, and nobody will ever know what we might have had.

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>checking the hourly ship/pod kills on the map to spot gatecamps
>taking the long and hopefully abandoned way around the popular gatecamp spots
>making instas before warp to 0 was a thing

>made my character
>suddenly looking at spreadsheets

I hoped that start citizen or elite would be able to become eve 2.0. But one ended up a feature bloat probable scam p2w shitfest while the other became euro truck in space. Such a shame.

Man, the concept of security zones and nulsec is great. Its a shame we dont get more of it in games.

Is it possible to run a private server with EVE?

>going to the trouble to have carefully organized scout/insta/safepoint BMs in tons of systems
>tfw it paid off perfectly
I was also bummed when they removed the super warp trick and then BMs too. Yeah some people pushed the limits there but they were still a lot of fun, and having crazy stashes way out in the middle of nowhere was a neat player created exploration also. They should have just let stuff like that get scanned down better.

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Reading about the goon swarm was pretty interesting.

Didn't some dickhead buy a station for a couple hundred thousand dollars a few years back?

simpler times

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that one goon faggot peddling his book was probably insane though

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fuck ecm and fuck ecm bombs

some people find it fun to stare at a bunch of icons for hours, baka

I spent a few months station trading in Jita 4-4. Made a fuckton of ingame money. Also started to hate the game with a passion.

know it all went to shit but still miss it. wish i'd tried to keep up better with some of people in game before quitting

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>log into Eve online
>sit entire day in Dodixie
>other character sits in Jita
>buy sell and move goods using the faggots that run UPS
>make gorrillions of ISK
>2 years in I'm like waaait a minute
>realize I'm NEET and I work this like a real job 12 hours per day
>pic related

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I could never really get into that, I made all my real money in wormholes, mostly from piracy though for a while early on you could make a shitload just yourself from relatively simple ratting and gassing even. The golden age of that ended after a year or two though.

its just basic arbitrage
>buy low on one market
>set up a contract and let some retard who loves playing UPS delivery driver deliver the package
>sell high on the other market

I almost never even left the station and when I did then in a shuttle with my exotic dancers.

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>play Dust
>people trying to role play in the middle of a fps game
>mass influx of eve players when they add the ability to control planets, mostly people from the big corps in eve
>they all suck, like shooting fish in a barrel
>game balance starts to get heavily influenced by the eve players bitching
>gear and module stats start to become more important that player skill, can empty a 42 round assault rifle magazine into someone's head and it won't kill them if they wear a heavy suit
>all ground infantry combat becomes heavy suit vs heavy suit and long drawn out fights of attrition
>eve players also love tanks because they don't have to aim well
>the 2 anti tank weapons in the game have drawbacks, one is a missile launcher that has to be locked on before firing, leaves obvious contrails while in flight that point right back at you, have shitty lock on range, and takes up your primary weapon slot, takes all of your ammo just to put down a tank normally as well
>other anti tank weapon has charge time and lights you up like a DBZ character while it's charging, direct fire but movement speed is basically non existant while charging, takes half your ammo to take out a tank
>this isn't good enough for the eve players, they start demanding that it should take multiple people expending all their resources to kill them and that the kill time should be slow so they have a chance to run away
>eve players perfectly fine with tanks having the longest ranged weapons with splash damage that can kill multiple people with one shot and only require 1 person to operate
>devs give in to eve players, matches become a bunch of tanks each sitting on their sides safe zone trying to snipe each other
>planetary conquest mode not even worth it, only gives isk and there's nothing to spend it on anyway
My experience with eve was far less eventful, the UI sucked and I got tired of people trying to sucker me into joining their corps so they could leech taxes off me

>the "please come back" emails get worse and worse over the years
>one day realize haven't seen one in a long time
>they aren't bothering anymore
>it's finally really dead
nothing advertised ever convinced me they were on the right track to revive it. but the final void hurts anyway.

>My alliance dominated planetary conquest so hard they named a planet after us in eve
Lmao get stomped on blueberry shit

what ever happened to Dust 514?

>dominated a dead mode most people dropped when it was clear there was no point
I'm sure your father is proud

I killed garmur in a tristan once.
And i also killed countless interceptors in heron and other tech1 frigates.

My father is dead
But that planet is forever

Shut down to be revamped into a pc shooter, I got an email a few months ago asking if I wanted to reserve my character name for "Legion" but I didn't bother, I really doubt it's going to get off the ground in a decent state

wasn't ccp bought out by some korean company or something?

>Be me
>Play this shit
>Developers gradually make it into complete blobfest so that only largest coalitions can reliably have content (if you even can call thousands of F1 monkeys lagging in time dilation a "content"), mid-scale alliance I'm has it harder and harder to find proper fights that are not blob TD lagging as time passes
>Meanwhile chink bots that aren't even supposed to be on tranquility inflate currency at absurd speed, two years ago my method of earning money was very good, now mediocre at best due to inflation
>Developers intentionally ignore bots because they boost online and drive plex price up
>Drop this shit and forget about it
Here's my EVE story, hope you like it.
As far as I heard, Chinese server had online of about 8-10k, entire sov space either split among two coalition or completely controlled by one, and 12 bil ISK monthly subscription price. I wonder how many years will pass before tranquility is like that, probably less than 3.

Yes. Although I'm not sure if can possibly get worse than what they did during their last couple of independent years, so they may have as well be bought by Tencent or EA for all I care.

Myself and several others exploited drug trading to the point of breaking it in beta and used it for havoc. It was pretty much abandoned as the game went live. Exploited harvester mining drones when they first dropped from station freighters and sold packs of 100 of them for 60 dollars each on ebay when I was collecting thousands at a time. Helped a ring of initial RMT traders get battleship blueprints as fast as possible. Were selling buy it now battleships for 250 dollars. CEO decided to steal something like 90m isk in the second month of the game and sold it for like 500-600 dollars. Servers were pretty unstable and a d/c around enemies which were cruiser sized max would still kill you. Armageddon with medium rails was the shit for early farming. Got burned out and paranoid after making a small chunk of money and left the game for years. Came back for a few more and did everything that could be done and finally figured out I was working a second job just playing and stopped.

Had a 15 year old character when that happened. That's when it was time to stop.

>friendly guy goes radio silent to never return again

World of Warships?

The only way to have fun in EVE today is p2w, especially if you like to play solo.
Prices keep going up, everyone switched to OP gay shit like orthrus which is hard as fuck to kill, there is no way for you to counter these assholes without spending a shitton of isk.