Low-level enemy is using a powerful weapon

>Low-level enemy is using a powerful weapon

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>enemies stronger than you can be allied through diplomacy

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anem eon gaem

>user made me smile today
thanks user.

The best feel.


sorry to burst everyone's bubble, but this isn't them making friends. Cats groom other cats as a sign of dominance. The cat feels the dog has submitted and thus it licks him to display it's in charge.

>Party member betrays you and turns into main villain
>game involves multiple time lines
>the same party member betrays you and turns into main villain in each time line.

Attached: you in a party.jpg (1786x1030, 278K)

Gnome with a wand of death mang

>villain does everything wrong yet still has fans that believe he was in the right all along

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this thread was already worth it, also

>ragdoll physics are used for corpses

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I don't see why people hate pits, look at him smiling, that's friggin' cute

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>cats licking things is assigning dominance
>cats rubbing their head against you is assigning dominance
>cats eating food is assigning dominance
>cats leaping to high places is assigning dominance
>cats purring is a sign of dominance
Cats will fucking hiss and piss on your bed if they want dominance, not licking my hand when they go into heat.

nah, it's not always the case that licking = establishing dominance. Just in this case, where there's clearly a perceived threat and the cat believes it's subdued.
Cats don't even see humans like they do dogs, they won't groom humans to assert dominance, they'll either exhibit fear behavior (running into corners and tight spaces, hissing, growling, ears pulled back, lying on back to kick with claws) or they'll treat the human like a parent (meowing, crying when hungry, kneading, etc)
Cats are actually pretty dumb, they can't figure out when something is really a threat or not so they just revert to their base behaviors. See how the dog in the OP calmly sits down, because it knows it's not supposed to attack the cat. It's not afraid, it's being playful, yet knows a human is nearby and wouldn't want it to attack for real. The cat meanwhile is just defending its perceived dominance against this other big smelly cat.

>I'll take people who defend Kamoshida for $500, Alex

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Because they're not social dogs and have shit pack mentality. More people should own dobermans instead.


Why do people even like that guy?

I don't get why the dog holds back, it could rip that cat's throat out no problem.

>grunt with fuel rod cannon

nethack: gnome with a wand of death

Maybe because they live together and the dog understands the cat is just trying to play, autismo.

Why do people always use this meme. Cats just like grooming themselves and anything with a pulse.

because the dogs goal isn't KILL KILL MURDER KILL DESTROY KILL
it's a dog, not a fucking wolf
hell, some wolves would know better if raised right

that shoot a couple rods as they die killing you

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>I had a cat that used to lick my hair
son of a bitch

I can confirm this at least as far as one cat licking another is concerned. I have two cats, and my one cat will always lick the other when it comes near, and he clearly displays the dominant role in the relationship between the two. The other cat never tries to lick him, probably because it sees itself as the submissive in the relationship.

Most likely it's just a bunch of people trying to be contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. Either that, or people are trying to pretend he's some sort of Chad for abusing and sexually harassing a bunch of children.

Because they maul people

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Fuck Star Ocean 4

>That ending
The other dog is dead right?

I'd love to see some chink cook that thing

So much retard in a single post.
Literally half of the things you just listed are signs of dominance in cats.

>The kobold zaps the wand of death!

You know you're a fucking subhuman when your mentality is more aggressive and nigger-like than that of a literal guard dog