When was the last time you went to a midnight launch?

When was the last time you went to a midnight launch?

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The Switch in 2017. Before that... 3DS XL and MH4U.

unironically brawl

World of Warcraft. Wrath of the Lich King.


Halo 3, That shit was a fucking blast

Majora's Mask 3D
beat it 100% about 16 hours later

never again

2142 release

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PS4 launch, Xbox One launch. Those are all I remember before that It was maybe Skyrim but could have been another in there.

Wasnt midnight it was 9pm
my local Gamestop
RDR2 Ultimate Edition PS4

I moved to Pacific timezone so I just get everything at 9 PM now.

Brawl was my first and my latest was KH3. The biggest one was Skyrim and the smallest was Smash Bros Ultimate.

Smash Ultimate

Red Dead Redemption 2, I went with my buddy who pre-ordered it for my birthday. They also were letting you get it at 9 pm on a Thursday. We hung out for an hour and just fucked around with the people around us.

We got it and then went to the strip club, ended up getting drunk and didn't even play it until the next day

Never, i don't give a shit about "midnight launch" oh fucking wow i can get it a week later alongside reviews from retards that buy shit at day one.

Dark Souls 2
Never again

The Switch release (I have since lost a lot of weight and gotten a haircut and girlfriend, I know I was a gross loser)

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halo 4

Over 10 years ago for Gears of War 3.

why does time fly by so fast holy shit, that was almost 5 years ago

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I've never been to a midnight launch, everything where I live in this midwest ghost zone closes at 10 pm.

Also no one wants video games here, while you queers complain you can't find something in stock my walmart has like 10 of that item.
If I were into scalping I could make a lot.
I also live near a walmart that is only open from 7am to 10 pm because it's that fucking much of a ghost town.

Smash Ultimate. The people there were pathetic and the line smelled awful. Is it really so hard to have proper hygiene?

Or two, actually.

I went with my friend to the midnight release of fucking no man's sky. Against my protests he bought it and we played it back at his house and it was as garbage as you'd expect. We had a lot of fun shitting on the game. I miss my friends.

God am I really that old
Don't forget the red vines.

You don't keep busy. What were you doing in February 2017? You don't know



Xbone launch, but only to pick up my copy of A Link Between Worlds since it launched the same day.

Pokemon moon, so three years ago. I'm too old to be up past 10:30 anymore.

if going to walmart at 12 am to bug one of the graveyard shift people to let me and my friends have a game that's technically now released counts, Rock Band 2. if not, MW2.

>mfw getting both of those at the same time

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first and last because it was next to the bar i was drinking at

pokemon sun and moon release
was high as fuck and the gamestop guy gave me the game for free for some reason

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria.

I wasn't even really planning on going. I just saw global a stream of it happening, and I realized it was 10 minutes away from my house.

Saints Row The Third, I think.

Gears of war 3 for my limited edition console. Only time ever

Skyrim was my last midnight launch. It was also my last console game before I switched to PC.

Halo 4

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Sun and Moon

2013 for metal gear rising revengeance (and to get a copy of fist of the north star kens rage 2)

Burning Crusade 2007

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Smash Bros Brawl for Wii

>Ride was super late so everyone left gamestop already and I was outside.

>I remember waiting for my ride and these guys in a truck roll by..


:/ I have long hair just to smite them.

Hey guys, welcome to EBgames

I would say the Wii. I remember waiting outside for the chance to get one because they were all sold out quickly. There was even a raffle.

Halo 4. It was raining. We were at GameStop. Fun times.



Cut your hair faggot

The Walmart that had a secret fucking midnight release of the Wii I decided to sit in line from 8pm until 12am to pick it up. It was a lot of fun, but it was the last time I every stayed up for a console again. Nothing made me happier than getting my gaming laptop that can emulate everything anyways.


Can I suck your dick

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Probably not

Halo 2, I think. But I wasn't buying the game, just chilling with my friends.
I don't know what game I'd go to a midnight launch for. Especially because with preloading I could just be playing at midnight if it were that big a deal.

modern warfare 3 back in 7th grade


The switch/breath of the wild launch.
It was pretty cool, lots a people there. Staff was having fun with everyone.

Why not? Do you not have one

Diablo III.
I enjoy playing it. Diablo II is still better, though.

this desu

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I explicitly referenced my girlfriend in my post

Halo: The Master Chief Collection. Was really fun and even ran into one of my old high school halo pals. Then when i got home the game was a piece of shit that didn't work. Sold my Xbone the next day.

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Modern warfare 3 back in senior year of high school

My crops are ending up in weird places.

Same here, shit was pretty chill.

The guy in the jean shorts is honestly the worse offender here.

I vividly remember waiting until midnight at my local mall for Brawl to come out. There was a small tournament and everything. I miss it so much.

Blame sensei

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red dead 2

Pokemon Sun.
Never again, I felt the autism taking over.

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Starcraft 2, Wings of Liberty.
Was in line with my brother and my Dad and we just did solo ladders in the same room

Gta 5. First and last time I went. I remember it fondly at least, pizza place next door stayed open for us

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I've literally never gone to a midnight launch because I have better things to do.

So. She can watch. Or I can suck her cock too

Sm4sh. I only went because ORAS launched the same day and i needed to buy the N3DS because my launch model no longer read carts

Just recently with the Swit-

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Like post here

I think it was for the Vita, and that was just because I was working 3rds at the time and had the night off.

it was what finally broke the camels back for me
the final straw to never believe another dev ever again

no fucking portals on launch

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MW2. It was worth it, played for 4 hours with my friends in a chaotic multiplayer that could only happen on the first few days of a game's launch, especially one so gloriously inbalanced.

Then I grew up. You should too. Have sex.

>8 year old there with dad to purchase M-rated game at midnight launch
>Dad looks like he would rather be anywhere else
Literally every single time. I feel bad seeing it

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Final Fantasy 15

I know blockbuster and all the video rental places priced themselves out of the market and also had terrible fucking service but I do miss them.
I miss laughing with my stupid friends as we tried to look for the worst movie imaginable to have MST3K night as we hoarded snacks and video games for the weekend.

I'm so sorry user

Mass effect 3. Never again

>also had terrible fucking service but I do miss them.
My local Movie Gallery had a really cool guy who would curate a list of terrible movies they carried. Every time I came in he would ask if I wanted "the tome" and hell yeah i did.

>implying I associate with other autists

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MK9. It was actually alright. The GS employees bought food for us, and they set up a station with the game to let us play the game while we waited.

Smash bros ultimate. Most of the people there were pretty cool and the staff was laid back. Lotta super nerd girls who were like an ugly type of hot which made them look even hotter which is weird if that makes sense?

Picked up KH3. The door was already locked by the time I got there but the employees let me in anyway.

HOLY SHIT that guy sounds awesome
My movie gallery was barebones so we didn't really go to it, but I remember it having some cool people and a good N64 games section.

most people who do this are early balding fat redneck faggots anyway, it’s funny how buttmad long hair makes people. It’s funny how you can troll them with a fucking hair style. Pathetic.

There were two girls at our launch dressed as Palutena and Lucina, and they were pretty cute. It also made the line less hectic because dudes were spilling their spaghetti so hard.

Never because it was 9 in the morning and there wasn't much a line for the launch for the Wii u that arriving to Target in the morning wasn't a big deal. Also picked up the SNES classic at launch in the morning too.

Smash Ultimate at Best Buy. Didn't get there early because of the game awards so I just came and went.

Guy said no, find someone else IRL willing.

Halo 3...

Im 30 if you are curious. It's been so long. Best launch day was the wii I believe.

Halo 2 was probably the only one I ever did

Like you

Dark Souls 2

imagine my disappointment.

It's most probably because you fags look like the guy in the green shirt here .

The Xbox One X, and only because I worked at GameStop. The line was only like 9 people too. That's what happens when no games.

I got to gamestop late for halo 3 and there were a bunch of fags inside playing with the doors locked and wouldnt let me and my bud in

Not at midnight but
>go to gamestop on wii u launch day to pick up my pre order
>1 guy ahead of me at opening
>he's on his phone bragging about how he already got two to scalp and is about to get some more

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Halo 4 by myself. Wasn't worth it but I had hopes for the franchise then. My favorite was waiting for Skyrim.

>halo 3, halo reach halo 4
>destiny thinkin it'd rekindle the old halo glory days

MHW. Place was packed with people buying DBFZ the same night.
Before that, it was Sm4sh WiiU. That was the first time I ever went to any public Smash event, and also the last time I ever went to a public Smash event. Not a coincidence.

diablo 3
never EVER again

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>Destiny launch
>Friend decides to hold a tournament to promote his brother's gaming channel
>Makes cards and everything and passes cards out to the entire line at GameStop
>Hosts it at his brother's place, address is on card
>Destiny didn't even have custom games for over a year after launch
>Brother's place ends up robbed a week or so later

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Red Dead Redemption. Got it at 9pm on Thursday on the night of release.

Burning Crusade.

After that it was easier to get shit shipped and just play the early access and enter the code later.

Based anonbro

We weren't curious

I'm not fat enough to go to one of those.

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But you are fat enough to be here

never again

same, except I went to pick it up both in the morning, not midnight

I never did this stupid shit and still got the games.

Got my 3DS XL ALBW at midnight but that's the last time

The point was to be able to play as soon as it came out, brainlet

*sips* adware in a game

StarCraft II, I think?

wrath of the lich king, had to get a head start on those server firsts!
god damn I wasted so much time on that game

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I remember going to a Walmart Mario Kart 8 tournament the night before it came out, it honestly wasn't that bad

Kingdom Hearts 3 was the first time I even went to a midnight launch for a game

StarCraft II

This. It was freezing fucking cold and GameStop was closed with a paper on the window saying to go to Walmart. Walmart had a pyramid of games...only two were missing. Had to pick up something the next day. Only two were still missing.

I never went to one of these things... do autists browsing this board rn REALLY DO THIS.

Ace Combat 7 9pm launch

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Marvel's Spider-Man

Halo 3

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Never went to a midnight game launch. I downloaded RDR2 when it became available at midnight, but never went out to one. Went to more than my share of midnight movie premiers though. I loved that so much - such a good time. Now, they just show big exciting blockbusters the day before release at like 7PM and it's not nearly as fun.

Modern Warfare 2 launch. Everyone was genuinely cool about everything and they even had free burritos from chipolte. Most people got their copies a few hours early and they even had an exhibition there with nearly every gun from the game. Got to hold a gold plated deagle.

Mists of panderderder

I had some nerds come in for the recent Smash the night of the release when I worked at Wal-Mart

>the daytime department manager hid the physical copies
>nobody in the entire store could find them
>all of the nerds walked away with empty hands

should have gone to gamestop

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This one was great, my best friend and I camped out at Gamestop and got to play in a tournament. I didn't even get the game that night but it was still a ton of fun.

I think GTA V was the last midnight release I went to, it was back in college so everyone was pretty chill in line.

skyrim midnight launch, best buy. it was very small, no one but me and a friend knew what elder scrolls was.

better times

I've never been to one sadly. I hope to go to the launch of Halo: Infinite hopefully

Red Dead Redemption 2
Was pretty chill, showed off an Outlaws For Life shirt I won in a Twitter contest on the line and my friend got a copy too.

I accidentally went to the midnight release of the new Pokemon Pikachu games to pick up resident evil. God the fucking smell and I was drunk too

Video rental stores are still around, I just rented Days Gone.

Arcades are still around, (((Konami))) just dropped Sound Voltex Vivid Wave a couple months ago, and of course we had House of the Dead Scarlett Dawn in October.

It's like you people try very very hard to believe that something doesnt exist so you can be fake sad? I dont get it.

Super Mario Odyssey, not a huge Mario fan but it was fun.

Resident Evil 2 remake

I miss back when I was this hyped for vidya

This was my first midnight release.

My last was Ultimate.

I think Halo 4. I was standing in line at a gameslop, realize it was like 11:50 and realized the line was long and I was going to be there for awhile, so I grabbed my friends and loaded them in the car and drove across the parking lot to the Wal-Mart, walked in and was buying the game by 11:58.

I remember winning a small bronze statue. "Local legend of wreckage."

Good times.

Pokemon Sun and Moon.
I remember there being some unironic Trump supporters fresh off the election at my GS.

GameStop does 7 PM ones now. If we count that, RDR2.

Halo 3

Mario kart wii

I think I stayed up to play Portal 2 right when it was released. Physical midnight launches.. I have never been to one.


Never, I don't have a car and need to have my mommy drive me wherever I need to go

or the guy in the skirt

Even though streaming and downloading are superior, there's something about those old shitty rental stores that I do miss. Like many things in life sometimes the anticipation is better than the instant gratification.

Halo 3. I picked up the legendary edition at midnight, went home where my girlfriend had already set up all the snacks we had planned out for the evening, I played a few matches of multiplayer with her watching, and then we co-opped the first few levels together before crashing at around 5 am.

I was in line for the original Xbox as a 13-yo kid and my dad drove me there not believing there would be adults pathetic enough to wait in line for a video game console. He was wrong.

right and not the disgusting trannie? fuck u

cringe, where are all these tourists with GFs popping out of? bet you're a zoomer

this as well

Most video rental places are depressing shells of what they used to be. Some niche places are still good though.

Arcades are making a comeback, especially ones that serve alcohol.

Im 30 years old and still with her, faggot. Stay jealous.

I didn't really go to it but it was GTA V. There was a long ass line that wrapped around the block and I drove by showing off my copy I got from Walmart with 0 wait.

Halo 3 (GameCrazy in 2007)
Halo Reach (GameCrazy in 2010)
Battlefield 3 (GameStop in 2011)

Gears of War 3, I think.

This is unacceptable.

SmashU launch. Not a whole lot was going on, and the crowd was pretty cringey, this guy took the cake. It was one of those times where I felt too old for vidya, yet I bought it anyways.

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I would wear that ironically for a midnight launch just to see people's reactions.

I was at my parents house today. They are moving and they told me anything left over from me gets tossed next week.

I found printouts of chats between me and my "internet girlfriend" dated 8/18/00. Upon reading it, it's clear it was some dude trying desperately to get into Nintendomaster87s boipucci.

I dont know why this is making me reel so hard but it is. If I didnt strictly abide by the no name online rule, who knows what my anus would look like.

And we have kids online today using their real name, how many of them have been bagged and fucked? and... a lot of emotions. I guess.

I fucking love it, are you kidding? I even told him I hate how much I love it. He just sort of looked at me and walked away. Not used to social interaction I guess.

Same. They only had 24 but 1hr before open there were like 170 parents in line losing their shit. I got 22/24, someone made a sign up sheet.

Half the people me and my sister were waiting with were scalpers, the rest good parents. I'll never forget waiting in the cold like an idiot with a line full of idiots.

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Smash Ultimate

That shit was hype

Smash Bros for the Wii U was the last one I was at. Fucking waited outside of Gamestop in the middle of winter for well over an hour freezing my ass off only to have the manager come and and invite all the platinum members to come on in while the rest of us got to eat shit and freeze some more. God speed Gamestop.

I think it was Guitar Hero 3 on 360.

This. I'm kinda annoyed that I didn't get the the limited edition with the helmet.

Halo: Master Chief Collection

I remember always dreading going into a Blockbuster on a Friday afternoon after high school with my friends to get something to play together on the PS2 or Gamecube or Xbox because the best games were always rented out for three to six days. But holy fuck nothing beats getting a good vidya game to play with a couple dumb popcorn flicks to watch with your pals.

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Call of duty black ops 2

It was either Sm4sh or Halo 4. Halo 4 I was talking to random dudes about Starcraft 64 and they were visibly confused. Sm4sh I was talking with a group of random guys and girls about Pokemon. Kinda miss midnight releases.

Excuse my retardation. It was definitely Sm4sh.

Halo: Reach

Was the last time I got to spend time in person with one of my best friends before he moved away and we grew apart. I've still got the Reach hoodie they gave out that night.

fuck me where has the time gone

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Literally never because i'm not retarded.

>EB games sells game for $99 on release
>can easily buy it online for $70 max and have it delivered to your front porch

Destiny 2

dark souls 2

Amazon literally delivered my PS4 and Switch on Day 1.

No, I didn't get it midnight. I waited maybe 12 hours. But it was great because I didn't have to wait in line or any of that bullshit.

Last time I did though was in 2001. Woke up at 5am, went to Wal-Mart, got in line, was #30 or something, and got my Gamecube. Never forgot that day. I remember the colored N64s were on the shelf at $99 a pop. Damn I wish I had the money I have now. I would've bought the whole shelf of N64s. 9/11 couldn't stop America back then. Everyone was so upbeat and happy back then.

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destiny 2 is the only one i did

Went to the smash ultimate launch.
Bunch of high school faggots that knew the wagecucks that worked at the game stop by name. Cringe as fuck

Gears of War 3

>working night shift
>have day off
>buddy working at eb asks me to come hang out with him while he waits for midnight

guitar hero 3

Smash Brothers 4U

Never again.

I went to whore s4 midnight launch. Got home and opened dick in my girlfriend butthole. Are you not entertained??

last onei think it was gears 3 got my the epic edition

Why the fuck don’t you know?! What the fuck is wrong with you??!! Are you a fuckhat? Or just fucking stupid?

The last Iron Maiden album.

I went to a toy-r-us to get a switch during the first week and waited like an hour a best for it to open in the morning if that counts for anything.

Kingdom Hearts III.
I also realized midnight releases aren't fun for me anymore.

Was this Toronto? lol

mist of pandaria.
never again :V