Cut the shit and just tell me which one is more worth my time

Cut the shit and just tell me which one is more worth my time

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More shit to do, unique as hell, writing is better.

12. 10 is a feverdream.

X is a great game, XII is a shit game.

XII is okay
X is great but linear
X-2 has the best ATB system of all time

They're both good games. Pick up X/X-2 have great customization options for your characters until the end game. XII also has good customization due to the classes, and the writing is better.

You should play Tree of Savior if you want to play those. At least it has a deeper story and better fun.

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Narrative wise, do you want worldbuilding or character driven narrative? 12 if former, 10 if latter.

X is the best of the three

Just play them all. Don't ever listen to anyone who tells you to skip a mainline FF game. Also, when you choose to play FF12, I suggest playing FF12 proper over IZJS. The IZJS version of the game completely obliterates any semblance of difficulty, and it's not like FF games are difficult to begin with.

you have to be a major brainlet to think XII has better writing than X. XII's just Star Wars but more boring and with not a single interesting character in the entire game

I'd say 12.
I'm currently going though X and I don't feel half as interested as I was with 12.

10 has an amazing combat system and 2 of the coolest characters in the entire series
12 has more likable characters in general but plays like a single player MMO

one is strategic turned base, the other is casual auto attack sim. Its not that hard.

The door is there if you actually dont think reddas is an interesting character

I wouldn't say casual auto attack sim but 12 is far easier to break over your knee mechanic wise.

12 is only good with a difficulty mod like The Struggle Ror Freedom because in the base game you can just turn on Gambits and afk every fight

FF Type-O HD Remake, unironcally.

X was the final Final Fantasy, starting with X-2 Square went completely batshit insane and has not stopped at all
X was also the most refined version of turn based combat and fixed a lot of habitual problems like cycling party members and status ailments being pointless

>X was the final Final Fantasy
You forgot an I.

That's actually a question I've been wondering, XI or XIV?

XI if you want a completely unique world. Vana'diel is very much its own thing with its own lore and shit. XIV is far more fanservicey in that there are tons of shout outs both big (Meteor Project, VIIth Legion), and small (Matoya's a throwback to a minor character all the way back to FF1).

Neither are truly bad, but you won't get the full package for XIV unless you're really big into the series, where you can go into XI as your first FF and do just fine.

IX is dogshit that pretended to cater to old school FF tastes and ended up a retarded disappointing failure on every level
It was because of that betrayal I avoided FFX for a long time and it turned out to be one of the best games in the series
t. started off with FF1 on NES, played the JP games on janky emulators back in the day and never missed an installment until XI and then XIII

XI is old and plays like a spreadsheet simulator. XIV is newer and therefore getting content but it's a themepark.

X is anime that plays like a hallway simulator

XII is theater but feels half-baked and clearly unfinished

shit taste

If you unironically enjoy disc 3, just kill yourself you stupid contrarian

X is fucking garbage because the stupid ass temple puzzles are mandatory.

They both have their strong points and if you aren't strapped for cash I'd just recommend both. If you are, X/X-2 will give more bang for you buck since its two games.

I'm forever angry that the Switch's boxart for XII is far better than the PS4's.

t. Brainlet.

12 is shit in ALL regards save the battle system.
10 is really good in lots of areas, with some serious lows and some awesome highs.

Someone told me the switch version of 12 was bad. Is it bad?

Yeah the difficuly isn't the issue, dumbass.


are you gonna play them portable? I'd go with XII if that's the case. If not then X.

emulate X, buy XII TZA since it actually improves and changes shit gameplay wise

X/X2 are just the same game but with a better resolution and textures

I really liked Larsa, Balthier and Basch

They're both really good but if you want major timesink, pick XII. Doing all the sidequests will take you a long ass time.

X only (not X-2). Dont listen to these fucking MMO-loving autists. Play X, get a satisfying story and good gameplay and the good thing is that it ends at one point so you can move on to other things.

Steelbook edition (PS4 exclusive) has a nice boxart

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>tfw couldn't find the steelbook at a nice price and had to settle for the basic bitch standard edition

This. Enjoy it, move on and don't look back. There's only ruins left here.

>not X-2
B-but the gameplay makes up for the terrible story and idolshit out of nowhere

It absolutely does not


I can’t emphasize this enough

I watched like 40 min of gameplay and it looks great.

>linear bad

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emulate the pal version of FFX it has everything the HD version has in english without the soulless doll faces (there's also an english patch for X-2 international if you really want that)
emulate the OG version of FFXII since it lacks the zodiac job nonsense, the bad cropping and bad texture filters
They are both good in their own way


Depends on your playstyle desu. X is a traditional JRPG. X-2 is a lot cuter and more fun, but more shallow and calling it an RPG is a stretch. Twelve had all the content of a JRPG but somehow didn't make me feel immersed in the universe. I felt detached while playing it. Gambit system was sweet, though.

The european steelboxes of recent square games don't have the usual color coded brand on top at least on the ps4, i wish all games were like this.

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neither. Play FF13 instead.

X is unironically my least favorite FF and I think alot of them are cringey. The games a fucking soap opera made for tweens. I like XII..

Idk, it had alot of great moments to it, but it's easily the worst story of all the games.. but I finished it, unlike XIII and the spin offs.

Fuck me that looks nice.

I've got the original steelbook for PS2 lying around somewhere. I wonder if I could get anything for it at this point

That's so good.

Only if you just want to fap to a gender-swapped Cloud should you ever do this.

Nah I have one too, they're not very rare.

I've never bothered checking cause it's my favourite FF game and I still boot up the PS2 once a year to play through it again. Haven't bothered with any of the remakes yet


i got one of those for 15$ on ebay a few years back, dunno if prices increased since then

Why isn't XII on Steam GW Sale????

The remaster might be worth if you ever want to try it with the job system

>XII's just Star Wars but more boring and with not a single interesting character in the entire game

This is what reddit plebs say when they haven't played the fucking game.

Both. X and X-2 are both great and XII has some of the best characters and plotlines in the series. Both have their flaws though, X is linear and short and the dub is pretty sub par, and XII has the pacing of the plot damaged by the proto-MMO systems and dungeon crawling.

this is what brainlets say when they don't have enough braincells to piece together an argument

XII. Easily XII.

X is just a shitty hallway simulator with cringey characters and even cringier writing.

Yeah Star Wars actually has a coherent and satisfying story and 100% less Vaan

>the dub is pretty sub par
I've been replaying FFX lately and while the voice acting has some problems it's honestly not as bad as I remember. The one-off characters usually sound pretty bad but the main cast is mostly fine for an early PS2 game.

FFXII, just keep in mind that the defacto main character is Ashe, not Vaan like the game tries to tell you.

The only sane answer.
This game has some of the best OST in the entire franchise, hands down.

You communicate like a fag

But when you compare it with a game which has an elder god tier dub like XII, it's pretty sub par. Vayne in particular stands out in XII, his VA did an incredible job with it.

Teedus is the commonly cited main offender but he's supposed to be an idiot douchebag at the start and he nails that I must admit

>More shit to do
More shitty things to do, maybe. The Blitzball minigame is more entertaining than every single bit of gameplay in Final Fantasy XII.
>unique as hell
when I think X I think unique. Giant whale summon monster that's the MC's dad, style inspired off polynesia, quirky memorable characters. When I think of XII I just think of how FFT's writer can't do anything but write generic fantasy beset by boring lore with a story following around uninteresting characters. FFT was good enough in other ways to overcome that, FFXII got him justifiably fired. Throw in the allegations of plagiarism and "unique" is the last thing I think of when I think FFXII.
>writing is better
see above, XII probably has the worst writing of any JRPG I've ever played

Imagine Game of Thrones if Game of Thrones actually had well-written political maneuvering, combined with a vast world containing tons of sidequests and enemies, combined with an absolute fuckload of interesting history and lore, combined with more postgame content than any Final Fantasy game has ever had.

For me, it's 12.

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Does FF12 have better combat than Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Well yeah in comparison to XII but that almost isn't fair. XII's voice acting is on an entirely different level.

Yeah being an obnoxious is kind of the point. The inner monologues and his performance near the end of the game sound way less annoying because the character isn't being a sheltered sports star.

10 is just bad.

Combat is mostly automated, what you do is program each party member's AI to an autistic degree so they become self suficient.

Watch out for that one FFX fag

Even some music tracks in XII sounded like from Star Wars.

Nice job OP, while the FFX and FFXII fags fight each other to the death, we can discus the REAL best FF.

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I hate both X and XII but I find X-2 pretty fun

X is the best if you like bad things

your father is a whale in FFX

most refined?

>wow this flan is red, guess i should use blizzard
>repeat for 30 hours

most insulting gameplay in the series, brainlet-tier

blitzball? on god?