Halo Reach PC


>ultrawide support
>uncapped FPS
>improved FOV
>new menu UI for PC
>new progression system for unlocks

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Other urls found in this thread:


Most importantly
>still no release date

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>That fucking viewmodel
Halo reach on pc looks fucking unreal

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Those are some really nice monitors (Yea Forumstards will think I'm talking about the displays)


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>the guy actually went through with ordering them pizzas
>kept ordering them pizzas

>there's no grass or trees in the H2A image
where is that from?

>H2A multiplayer
>it's based on Halo 4
>uses weapon models different from campaign
what did they mean by this


>That viewmodel

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>new menu UI for PC
Reach's UI was fine though, everything that came after is an abortion

what do you call this haircut?

Viewmodel looks retarded, gun shouldnt take up 1/3rd of the screen

balding and in denial

just fuck my shit up

WHERE'S MY INVITE FOR FUCK'S SAKE?! It's almost May and they promised me personally to have invites in late April, fuck.

A few of my ape like friends that prefer destiny keep thinking the MCC won't be popular after a month.

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>wait for halo on PC

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I don't think MCC will last very long PC either, they aren't doing anything about the games horrible host issues and can you imagine once the normies find out that they use host for a game releasing in 2019

>they centered the crosshair
Is the viewmodel position tied to crosshair position? This was the case for ED.

it happened in El Dewrito too.
the way the modders moved the crosshair to the centre was to basically roll the whole screen space back/up a few degrees, shifting both the crosshair and the weapon up by the same amount, so it's showing all the shit that's supposed to be below the screen and is only shown during melee/reloads.
The next step is to set a new config that doesn't render the weapon so high on the screen, and bind it to the same centre crosshair option.

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That's likely. There's a toggle for it in the settings they showed so you can switch it back.

>the fucking size of viewmodels
My lord, please tell me there will be options to minimize or turn them off.

As someone who never played Halo games, how the fuck did you guys do it? That basically screams "fuck you who needs half the screen"


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It was much less pronounced in the console versions.

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by default it's like pic related
the massive viewmodel in that screenshot is because they've fiddled with the crosshair position without telling it to push the rest of the viewmodel back down.

Attached: 682777-halo-reach-xbox-360-screenshot-some-enemies-have-shields-which[1].jpg (1280x720, 107K)

>tfw I fucked with weapon position setting in El Dewrito to make the positions look like that of classic Doom (centered)
pretty cool, I doubt Halo PC will have those options tho

>they didn't disable the grainfilter
ok im killingh myself
im sick of these retards fucking up something so stupid

So do we get get all the gamu? like 1, 2, 3, and reach over to 4?

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isn't this shit like delayed 8 months?

Who cares? It's Halo Reach, the second worst Halo.

Nigger those are literally xbox 360 screenshots you're looking at, being used to explain that the viewmodels are usually lower
Can you read English, Jamal?

Yes, also you can download them separately.
I don't know what the fuck happened with MS but they're getting their shit together and that's a good thing.

you're a retard. that's a screenshot from 2010.

Well how much will it cost?

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60 bucks I guess plus shittons of bugs

>no mousepad

wew lad

i doubt it, microsoft really wants to farm goodboy points with halo on pc

You can purchase them together when they're all released or as they come out. No word as to cost.

I hope you are right I really want this to be perfect

>There'll be Another Time...
>that time is this year
"Beautiful, ain't it. Someone should take a picture.

>not a single sjw in sight.its going to Goat boys!

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what does the token ninja do

>Halo PC is about 5 years too late for my excitement

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Please tell me the viewmodels aren't going to be that big and obnoxious on PC

bros...we made it
will the player count for custom games be increased? that would be a really nice upgrade

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>1 black
>1 brown
>Everyone else is white

Goat indeed

yikes, not diverse enough

Read nigga READ the fucking thread.
start here
then go here

>cringe ultrawide

okay, okay
but do I get anything cool for having played ages ago

it'll support everything, even 3:2

no, no carry-over at all, confirmed by the devs.

stop being a greedy cunt




also I hate that when it was announced all the halo retards sent 343 pizzas when it's actually splash damage and ruffian games making it

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This is problematic.

343 doesn't hire trannies

>get fov slider
>this doesn't adjust the viewmodel too
This is some real monkey paw shit.

>men working hard to give the pc version everything it deservers
feels great boys, kino multiplayer experiences will come to us soon

Sangheili when?

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>mod support coming to halo reach
>thicc fem elite models
I need this now, goddamnit

Reach sucked and shit on the lore while adding CoDification via loadout bullshit. I'll be happily awaiting MCC thanks

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Fuck that, when is Forge releasing? No reason to play it over 2 before then

>mfw this is a small sample of the team that's working on Infinite
We're going back. We're going back!

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It's going to be a zoomer bloodbath user. Show me your war face!

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Halo Reach is for literal actual mental retards that are stupid and dumb. Why the heck is it releasing first? Are they starting with the worst first to build hype?

It's in chronological order.
Muh story.


>that monitor on the right showing early RvB kino

starting with one or two would be dumb since they are already on PC

Its in chronological order you literal mental retard

This, fuck Reach

>that giant weapon model







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I can't wait for nude mods in my Halo.

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It's a Reach fan coping mechanism.

that's a nice shoop dude

Can't wait to kill the shit out of Elites in Infinite.

That isn't 343.

those things should be standard on all PC games, save for the new progression system
good on them for trying new things

They still don't hire them though.

I hope that's the case and I can run around MP as an elite with a huge dong flopping around and everyone else playing as elites has the same

lol you guys getting triggered by the idea of a transexual existing

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Get the fuck out of here, tranny but keep posting sexy ass squids.


You know damn well that seeing a trans person on a dev team is a statement, regardless of where you think that statement is directed.

Youre right, they shouldn't exist.

But they do the work for us and kill themselves anyways.


Who cares. It's the Sonic 06 of Halo games and it would be preferred if the game were forgotten.

A better question is why the game being released at all.


This, I don't give a fuck about the equivalent of Metroid Other M. I act like it doesn't exist.

Fuck off this shit is all standard as fuck to have in a functioning game.

Because it was the best, despite what mouth breathing retards like you screech every time the subject is brought up. But by all means don't let the truth keep you from popping a blood vessel on a Korean basket weaving forum.

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Would Sangheili be interested in a human spouse?

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>Because it was the best
>the best
Not him but kill yourself.

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Not him but nah, it’s the best. By far.


You mean the worst by far.

No I mean the best.

sauce on this image?

Keep being a vocal minority and getting super emotional about a video game. That's very XX of you, discord tranny.

Halo2 is still the best

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thanks for proving my point retards

so that explains why its going well so far

yeah, wake me when the actually good Halo game comes out

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>male alien on female human

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>Getting excited over progression systems and unlocks
Holy shit, I'm glad I only play arcade games without this bullshit

Fuck off and kill yourself tranny.

>vocal minority
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The ones that love Reach are the vocal minority, many still hate it, the only ones that like it are the ones who started with it as their first Halo game, it was pretty shitty, which was understandable because it came from a pretty shitty guy, Marcus Lehto.

To you

Are you going to commit suicide yet, if you're going to be here, freak, post more hot female squids from Splatoon, if not, than get the fuck out and take your Reach buddies with you.

That shit is all removed in the collection, and yeah I actually am disappointed by that.

I haven't played any Halo games. Assuming they are selling the games separately, what would be the best Halo for multiplayer?

Also forgot to mention in my post, who are you calling a tranny, tranny? Most of the fags that like Reach are trannies and they hate if you say anything bad about it.

>Being excited about getting cucked out of content
Holy shit

Are you like 12? You're acting like a manchild over a video game. Reach was just better, come to peace with it and move on.

>playing anything other than halo 1-3

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Halo 1, 2, or 3.

waht the fuck is this from?

>Reach was just better
Holy shit!

Resident Evil Outbreak

Resident evil outbreak

>playing 1 and 2

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>Reach was just better

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Halo 1, 2, and 3 were so soulful.


I hope you do kill yourself for reacting this way over a fucking VIDEO GAME. You're fucking manchild.

man i cant wait to have fun with my bros again.

you guys remember what thats like right?

>Reach was just better
Reach is the worst game in the series, nothing good came from that steaming pile of hot shit. If it's true I get to what to install then Reach will be the only one staying off my drive.


And they'll fuck it all up with micro transactions. Are you ready for the obligatory halo wings backpack?

this is not ok

MS has gone through the redemption arc, faggot. These are the original games, no bullshit.

I don't think there's a single bad Halo 2 map, Ghost Town, Epitaph, Snowbound, Orbital and Isolation from Halo 3 are pretty bad.

It's all to push games as a service and the windows store. Microsoft are taking the competition seriously now but the real progress will stop once they get a foothold.


Everyone sure did love to play that shit

The game is on steam though, the fuck are you talking about? They aren't pushing anything you delusion retard.

Your use of "games as a service" doesn't really make any sense, it's not being updated like Destiny or Anthem is, it's just on a linear release schedule.

But can I put the crosshair in the middle of the screen?

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Halo3s maps were so bad

>literal skeleton crew of 343i that works 100+hrs a week and no trannies or women because they would complain its too much work for the port, even a female higher up at MS said stop this hiring for diversity garbage as it doesn't get shit done, only men are willing to work long hours without complaints throwing in useless cunts and trannies to the mix causes more non-work related issues.

>even a female higher up at MS said stop this hiring for diversity garbage as it doesn't get shit done
uh source

Unironically makes me kind of hyped for infinite now.

Source because if this is true, it would be based as shit?


OH SHIT! FUCKING BASED!, YES! YES! YES! Black man saying this I'm fucking glad this diversity and inclusive bubble is popping. Every time I see a company post that shit I turn away, I want to be hired for my skill set not the color of my skin. Microsoft is fucking based for this, oh my god, I can't believe this is happening. They really are back. I hope they and Nintendo kill Sony now, wow!



Can't fucking wait

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Hearing about the diversity and inclusive shit being dropped from Microsoft as a whole is getting me excited for the future of not only Halo but the Xbox in general.

bruh I haven't seen a team image like this since early bungie days
no soiface
no meme clothing or gay shit all over the walls
just a bunch of level headed dudes happy to work on something
this is pure SOUL

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No need, I think you should, glad Microsoft is back.

you were laying it on real thick dude

>source code has comments with the dev team telling each other to go fuck themselves

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when u first saw halo were u blinded by its majesty, retard

No daddy UwU

>that's harassment now
where the fuck did we go so wrong

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Why are you mad, less diversity and inclusiveness is good for the game industry as a whole, it's time for America to fix its self.

the fucking OP

based bungie old guard

Any conformation on flights needing 3000 halo gamerscore? No flights for me then sicen I only played reach and my account has been lost since forever too.
They really did make a mistake announcing it so soon though and then bringing nothing for so long.

no, thats bullshit, I don't know who told you that but thats a big fat lie.

doesnt matter, it's going to sell like hot croissants.

Why are there people believing this? With these kind of things they'd want a variety of hardware specs which is going to play way more of a role in determining if you're going to get in, and a variety of experience with the series because they have an entirely new audience to deal with, so they'd need to let some newfags in

Maybe but if they have nothing to show they should have just gone for the old "announce it at e3 and have it release on the same day thing".

I hope it has some effect, it took me fucking ages to recover my old 360 account

Regardless of actual story content, which campaign had the best aesthetics? For me it's Halo 2

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Delta Halo is pure sex

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I liked Halo CE-3 equally in that department.

Wow it's like a decent PC port or something!

ODST easy


2 as well
Truly breathtaking sights in that game


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Why everybody is so enthusiastic about halo? Is it that good?
I've never had any console so I literally have no idea.

>new progression system for unlocks
Thank fuck reach was a grindy piece of shit as gar as armor unlocks go at least it didn't effect gameplay (cough cough) halo 4

It's the first time in a very long time a main Halo game is getting released on PC. Also, the Master Chief collection had a huge number of issues when it first came out on consoles and hopefully it will have a smoother release this time.

you'll get the advantage of already having all the map knowledge

Mein sides

Yeah sure user. Let's just wait and see.
Literally not a single multiplayer shooter escapes from it.

Do these little notes add up and make performance worse? Or do they have no effect?

I wonder if they'll be able to reintroduce customization to 3 for the PC release by going this route too

>playing a shooter on that tiny ass mousepad

I'm pretty sure the compiler just ignores everything that is commented out, and I would assume that the comments therefore don't actually appear in the binary executable. So no, it won't affect performance at all.

It will make your source code ever so slightly larger though. By a couple of bytes. And I don't think that's a problem.

Ah ok, thanks user

This is the real Resident Evil game that deserves a proper remake.

Think they said in the ama that it's going to stay as it is.

it's impossible to pull comments out of an .exe file with any method, they're not in there, variable names aren't either.
there's been some indie projects where games like diablo 1 and dungeon keeper have been decompiled and the source was attempted to be rewritten to be readable - but it's such an extreme monumental amount of work.

I wouldn't be surprised if they use this progression system for Infinite.

Now that I think about it though, I guess comments could affect performance in interpreted languages (to a minute degree, certainly imperceptible by humans). Because surely the interpreter has to check a commented line, to see if it has been commented out or not. Like I say, the performance hit would be imperceptibly tiny, although I guess if your source code was full of just thousands of commented out lines, or tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, etc., then you might notice a performance decrease.

By the way I'm just guessing because I'm no expert on compilers and interpreters. I am a web dev though so I probably should know this stuff.

But yeah, in compiled languages (I think C++ is what those snippets from the Halo codebase are), I'm guessing that the compiler ignores comments, so they don't end up in the binary executable at all. Therefore when the executable is run, there's no performance hit because the comments presumably just aren't there. But again, I guess it could theoretically take longer to compile if you have thousands, tens of thousands, etc., commented lines, which the compiler would have to check.

I sure hope he's running or something and the guns being held at a weird angle because holy shit that looks awful.

Biggest mistake they made was announcing too early and not just waiting for the inevitable e3 release date (or launch)

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I think the OP image just shows a very wide FOV, but if you look at this image - - it looks a lot more like the original version of the game.

I'm guessing the guy in the OP is just screwing around with settings since he is a developer after all.

>those hexagons
Ah look, it turns out yet another feature which internet contrarians bash the 343 games for was actually introduced by Bungie. Just like sprint. Just like armour abilities. Honestly, Halo 4 just continued on a lot of the things that Bungie laid down in Halo Reach. Which makes sense that they would build off the most modern Halo game at that time.

That's purely up to personal preference. Personally I think 4's multiplayer is pretty awesome; I have played every main Halo game since CE, by the way. Also 5's multiplayer is awesome too, although obviously that's not coming to PC.

You could always install Halo Custom Edition right now to try out CE. And you could install ElDewrito to try out Halo 3. As for Halo 2, there is a Vista version of that, I don't know if it works on Windows 10, but it might do, so you could look into that as well. Reach and 4 you'll have to wait for. I do like Reach's and 4's multiplayer personally.

>The ones that love Reach are the vocal minority
I don't think that's true.

>the only ones that like it are the ones who started with it as their first Halo game
I've been playing Halo since CE and I thought Reach was awesome. Not everybody is a circlejerk Redditor like you.

And I still couldn't give a single shit about it

All the quality of life features in the world wont fix Halo's fundamental flaws.

Movement in Halo games is slow as molasses, weapon diversity and control is extremely narrow, rocket splash is so huge you only need to lead on vehicles, and the crosshair magnetism is way too heavy-handed and not in-line with advances in manual gamepad aiming since 2001. Things like the BR and removal of health packs took the game backwards after CE, and yet the fans still argue for a Halo 3 clone.

The thing is, Halo isn't just slow compared to arena FPS; it's slow compared to other console shooters. Everything from the movement speeds, to the physics, to the ultra-heavy crosshair magnetism, is all a relic of a by-gone era where no one knew how to make FPS control smoothly on gamepads. By the 360 era, things improved enough to support the much faster gameplay of later COD games, BF series, UT3, even some Quake 4 console tournaments in France, etc.

So yeah, you can call Halo whatever you want, whether it's "tactical arena FPS" or whatever, but it's really its own thing which bears limited appeal either to PC arena FPS players or even people used to the later console military shooters.

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>I don't think that's true.
It's very true, most still hate it but only faggots that started with it and retards with a bad memory and nostalgia goggles are praising this pile of ass.

>I've been playing Halo since CE and I thought Reach was awesome. Not everybody is a circlejerk Redditor like you.
I believe you're full of shit, and you shouldn't call someone something you are, how about you go back to plebbit where you belong, faggot.

>this pasta again

>Movement in Halo games is slow as molasses
Halo Reach, 4 and 5 have sprint so you can move quicker. Reach and 4 (I think) had side thrust as an optional perk too. 5 added lots more movement mechanics to make movement quicker and more fluid: spartan charge, clamber, slide, hovering in the air, and thrust (as a default rather than an optional perk) as well.

>weapon diversity and control is extremely narrow
You obviously haven't played a Halo game since CE. The diversity of weapons was made much greater in 2, and has been expanded in every game since. 5 has the biggest variety yet - there are even older, "classic" versions of guns in Halo 5's multiplayer, alongside their modern, redesigned counterparts.

All I'm seeing is no arguments and a whole load of butthurt.

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>Halo Reach, 4 and 5 have sprint so you can move quicker.

>being this retarded
Sprint doesn't make a game faster, it only slows it down. How the fuck does being unable to shoot whil move make gameplay faster-paced?

Attached: Halo sprint.webm (1280x720, 2.44M)

Sprint is faggit shit

>no arguments
Go back

This faggot here can't even use his eyes. The Map in Halo 3 was smaller. Of course you'd travel a shorter distance faster. As you can clearly see in the MCC remastered maps the width of everything is much larger in lots of places.

Weak fucking bait.

There was a thread, yesterday maybe, and someone explained that the map in your WebM was made larger in 5. And they said that actually 5 has the highest base movement speed (not sprinting) of all Halo games. He linked to a video that supposedly proved it. So I don't really know for certain but yeah, some guy yesterday was saying 5 has the highest base movement speed.

And yes, being able to run faster than base movement speed does of course speed things up. Thinking it doesn't is like saying "30 mph is faster than 60 mph herp derp".

>being this butthurt because companies aren't catering to your faggot nostalgia and re-releasing the same game over and over again

Sorry mate, ad hominem ain't an argument. Keep being butthurt though, it's funny.

Attached: brainlet2.jpg (645x729, 57K)

t. nigger who gets gunned down by a run and gun faggot

Every time.

5 has the fastest movement speed retard.

>And yes, being able to run faster than base movement speed does of course speed things up. Thinking it doesn't is like saying "30 mph is faster than 60 mph herp derp".
You're looking at things in a vacuum. Yes, sprint makes you move faster. But Halo gameplay isn't about moving around, it's about moving around and killing shit. so while sprint might make you faster, the INABILITY to shoot while sprinting slows down the pace of gameplay.

Go back to your fucking discord, you fucking trannies, what's with you guys and Halo and Metroid long with Microsoft and Nintendo, I know Sony has no games but that doesn't your mental ill patients should be hanging out here.

This is fast? Halo 2 was only Halo I played and I remember it being faster. I never liked Halo and it is very funny to see so many people here want it back considering how elitist you usually are but now a triple A console shooter is coming to a PC and suddenly you're so excited about it.

Not a big deal but I wish they had gone release order instead of chronological

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This, fuck Reach

Ah yes that's the video I was looking for. If their calculations are correct, Halo 5's base movement speed is 2.6 world units per second, while for all other Halo games, it's around 2.2 (with slight variations; Reach is the slowest). I don't know about 4 though, can't find a source for that.

Source for CE - Reach speeds (read video description): youtube.com/watch?v=xFPg8jC3eEQ
Source for 5 speed (read video description): youtube.com/watch?v=L5ksyOKHlGo

I haven't checked the calculations myself, but also this Polygon review says that "your base move speed is higher than it's ever been", so I assume that's correct: polygon.com/2015/10/26/9553081/halo-5-guardians-review-xbox-one

>But Halo gameplay isn't about moving around
Well it is, by virtue of the fact that Halo gameplay involves moving around and shooting things.

>while sprint might make you faster, the INABILITY to shoot while sprinting slows down the pace of gameplay
I don't think that's true at all, and it certainly isn't my experience. I played Halo 4 online a fair bit, and it felt more frantic to me than previous games, with the ability to sprint. Using sprint to try and beat your teammates to the best vehicles, using sprint to evade being killed, others using sprint to evade you killing them; it feels more frantic and fast-paced than when you're only allowed to ambulate at a single, relatively sedentary pace.

>being this butthurt because it isn't 2007 anymore
Lmao, the mental illness is real.

>We are pleased to announce the release date for our first wave of content on PC is, right now!

Does it support 4k, or at least 1440p?

People who think you should play prequels before originals should be sent to reeducation camps.

>4K+ resolution, native aspect ratio support from 4:3 up to 21:9 Ultrawide

That's in their goals, so they may not have done it yet, but it looks like that's what they're aiming to do.

There's Generalkidd's video on the strongest Spartans but I believe Halo 4 removes the acceleration because it's faster than Reach as far as base movement speed is concerned.

>Lmao, the mental illness is real.
Reach really was a terrible Halo game from gameplay, to campaign, to levels, to story, to characters, and to multiplayer.

it's beautiful, fucking beautiful, say what you want, but I'm so happy knowing that the Halo I know and love is finally coming back starting with my absolute favorite. I'm so tired of shit multiplayer games and KH3 really soured me

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Here's hoping it's optimized well. Surely they won't make it so that you need a fucking 2080 or something for a 10 year old game. It should be running on toasters from 7 years ago at least.

I don't like it because it wasn't good, Marty and Joe weren't working on the campaign along with some of the other guys that use to work on the campaign and that sucked and it had none of the guys that worked on Halo 1, 2, and 3's multiplayer working on Reach's multiplayer, Reach was shit and a poor excuse of a final Halo game from Bungie. You could tell they rushed that shit to get out and start working for Activision.

Attached: still don't like thing.jpg (500x628, 102K)

Why did they move the crosshair down on consoles to begin with?

why did the mods delete the picture of the dev team?

You gonna keep posting the same image, Reach babby?

You belong on Facebook, not Yea Forums
A trash series since the first game, the only "merit" it ever brought to the genre was making things dumbed down for idiots

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The mods are triggered reddit trannies.

You sure fit in now

Imagine being so old you still post this image. Like, this picture was relevant when halo 1 came out - it's been a very long time since you were 15 dude. Might want to look at a newspaper or move the mountain of styrofoam ramen cups out of the way of the lower right hand side of your screen. doom 2016 is the only good doom game

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>m$ conference
>"Available Now!"
Hope dies last.

90% this

For those of you unfamiliar with development, these timstamped comments are there to mark whenever a modification was made to the file, to have a history its evolution in case something goes wrong.
You won't find things like this directly in files anymore because change notes are now in version control systems.

Not him but you're not making any better point. I am 28 and I share the opinion that Doom 2016 is better than the 2.5d ice skating sprite shooters while sure you need to respect the older games in the franchise for their impressive coding. But Halo? It just IS a shooter specifically slowed and hampered down to work in a console environment. Like how is there any way around it?

i work at reducted ama me all the shit u want to know about the port (had to resize the image because of the file size limit)

Attached: Desktop Screenshot 2019.05.01 - (2048x864, 2.07M)

he is just butthurt that his favorite childhood game is trashed for legit reasons and his hurt ego forces him to retaliate, no matter how retarded it is

Not me but I don't care that you bash halo.
I want to know how much of your life needs to fly by before the cover of HALO ONE isn't the face of this sentiment? You look like an actual grumpy old ( literally 40 ) virgin my man

Attached: 1555037539517.jpg (685x674, 36K)

Ok now I'm 100% sure this port will be a good one

Attached: splashdamageteam-440c6716ff44466596db7259acbcc677-09c21b9b337b48fe97eaf410456c4839.jpg (1120x713, 201K)

I even posted my age so you GOT to know how much time has flied by me. No? And I didn't do it to show off. I just show it to tell that I am 'old' but still do not praise Doom I and II while hating the new game blindly. Age shouldnt be a thing to tell who is right or wrong. But for Halo: it has always been a triple A studio product with a focus around consoles. For some genres it isnt such a big deal but for fps it is.

I wasn't talking to you

>Gun takes up half the screen

Anita would have an aneurism seeing this

>still doesn't have an argument
Lmao, you're utterly pathetic.

Attached: laugh.jpg (1000x667, 81K)

how many dicks can fit into your ass

That image doesn't necessarily mean you work for the relevant companies - especially since they are not working on Halo 3 at the moment. They are working on Reach. I think CE Anniversary will be next, then 2 Anniversary, then 3, then 4.

So, in short, your bait post isn't very good.

Halo and Doom 2016 are the same thing.

For starters one doesnt limit you to two weapons.

So it's Halo with a weapon wheel. Still the same shit.

I wanna know what Halo you played then because that sounds fun.

Okay we need to hire more black people and women. What's that? You're just looking for competent developers and not trying to fill the race quota and think I'm actually racist for thinking like this? Fucking nazi.

Bitch don't lie, that's the ElDewrito campaign hack by rainbow serpent. I have that aswell you semi-clever shitposter

It's fake. Not MCC

Attached: screenshot-2019.05.01-20.26.08.jpg (1920x1080, 1.15M)

Guess what? Console FPS games are the best selling FPS games - they're the ones that most people play. Most people don't play your autistic PC shit.

And guess what? Furiously swiping your mouse around a mousepad is not how shooting works in real life. There are people who learn how to fire guns for real while you're sitting at home on your computer, dreaming of the real thing.

Just the sales numbers alone show that normal people play consoles, while shut-in weirdos play PC.

Attached: pc weenie.jpg (590x536, 63K)

>Not even a single S O Y smile

Fucking based.

Attached: COOLAAAPSING.gif (1365x923, 2.14M)

Yeah I didn't think it was real, and yeah I thought it was probably an ElDewrito mod because I was aware of that being a thing. But it's mainly just the fact that they are literally not working on bringing Halo 3 to PC at the moment, and they won't be for some time, because they're doing Reach first, and then I believe it's CEA, then H2A, and only then will it be Halo 3. Halo Reach will probably be released before they've started work on Halo 3.

What a bunch of absolute megachads

Attached: 1490983715352.gif (235x240, 1.93M)

>Guess what? Console FPS games are the best selling FPS games - they're the ones that most people play. Most people don't play your autistic PC shit.
>And guess what? Furiously swiping your mouse around a mousepad is not how shooting works in real life. There are people who learn how to fire guns for real while you're sitting at home on your computer, dreaming of the real thing.
>Just the sales numbers alone show that normal people play consoles, while shut-in weirdos play PC.

Attached: bait.png (200x200, 7K)

>not a single feature that anyone should be thankfull to even have in 2019

Moving mouse isnt same as shooting a real gun yes but it is far more interesting than operating a tiny stick. If there ever is a better replacement for mouse in fps games sure I'll get it similiar how a wheel+pedals will you give you a better experience in driving games as long as the game has proper support for it. Most of the consumers of specific mediums have very low standards and they will just get whats the most accessible solution for them which makes popularity very questionable indicator for what is the best.

Actually here's a question too - I know that Halo Online had the 3 engine, but how did they get the campaign assets? Maybe I'll look into it.

I guess either the assets were stashed away inside Halo Online (which I think is perhaps a little unlikely, but possible), or they ripped the assets from an Xbox 360 copy of the game. Because I guess the hard work of getting an Xbox 360 game running a PC is porting the engine, but once that's done, the assets from the 360 game could be used... right? I'm just guessing, I have no idea.

I would put Halo 1 above Halo 2 in terms of aesthetics. Halo 1 is far more consistent than 2. New Mombasa, Cairo Station, and the Heretic station all look like garbage. Though it is not all bad in Halo 2. Delta Halo is nice. I especially liked The Great Journey and Uprising levels.

It's more to show they're not shafting PC players with a halfassed port.

meant to quote you, whoops

Yep, in that order. Reach is the foundation for CE: Anniversary since Anniversary is practically a slightly modified reach engine

>I know that Halo Online had the 3 engine
From what I heard it's actually the ODST engine for some reason (I could be wrong). Ask thier plebbit mods or thier discord - I use neither platforms so I haven't contacted them
>but how did they get the campaign assets
I have no clue how they did it. I presume that they ripped the 360 assets and forced it into ElDewrito. Pic related is the campaign map files that they put into the multiplayer map directory. Also the AI is broken as fuck - it's more of a proof of concept if anything

Attached: Capture1.png (775x621, 72K)

just release an actual videogame for once

A driving wheel is the same method of control that you use in real life for driving. But a mouse is not the same as holding and firing a gun in real life; not even close.

Anyway, whatever. The popularity of FPS games on consoles show that people love playing them. I don't think I want to take games so seriously that I started buying driving wheels and obsessing over a mouse and keyboard and whatever. Halo is fun, it's something to do in my downtime, just like video games are for most people. Some people might choose to devote their entire lives to gaming; personally I don't want that, but fair enough if you do.

>that viewmodel

Attached: fu.gif (386x217, 521K)

I mean console retards buy the fake mouse and keyboards so they can style on controllers.

I dont really care if it feels 'real'. I just want it to feel like I am doing something. When drive into a hairpin and rotate the wheel 540 degrees in a fast motion and and then release my grip and let it come back to neutral it feels so amazing. It is in no way compareable to the motion you do on an analog stick or keyboard. Similiar playing FPS games on a mouse and small sensitivity makes you move your hand all over your desktop and doing quick flicks just feel so much better than they would on a tiny analog stick. I do not have a fightning stick but I know people who use them just because they feel more fun to them. I think it is the same idea as with wheel and mouse.

>I have no clue how they did it. I presume that they ripped the 360 assets and forced it into ElDewrito. Pic related is the campaign map files that they put into the multiplayer map directory. Also the AI is broken as fuck - it's more of a proof of concept if anything
Fair enough. Yeah I guess a rip from a 360 disc is perhaps the most likely; although it is possible that all the campaign assets were still in Halo Online. Perhaps unlikely though because surely they would remove that.

No, most don't. I don't know why you're pretending something which clearly isn't true.

>muh pc controls are better
>no they're still shit
>u-u-u-uh i don't actually care

that's rare no huge open onions grin

tfw your friends would only play levels that start you with the plasma pistol in halo ce because they didn't want to get owned by you.

>he wasn't good enough to melt people with the plasma pistol

I didn't say they're shit... I just said that I do not care if they aren't 1:1 replica of the real thing because I am not actually interested in wielding weapons in real life. We in Finland have a 6 month conscription and carrying around assault rifle and all that gear isnt exactly fun unless you're in a very good physical condition. I am just talking about the overall feel and the ability to receive feedback to what you're doing. Bigger the peripheal and the movement more involed you can feel in the activity.

Every single doom was good. Even Doom 3

Is that Outbreak II?

>new progression system for unlocks
Explain. More or less grind?

You guys realize perfect dark came out on the fucking n64 a couple YEARS before halo (which was a big difference back then) and it's infinitely more ambitious and creative?
That said nu-doom is dogshit and you're a moron for thinking it's remotely better than doom 1 or 2. Maybe doom 3 but even then it's a stretch.
This but unironically.
This but unironically
Is this video supposed to make nu-doom look good? Go play quake 3, go play cpma, go play reflex arena, go play warsow, go play xonotic, this is fucking slow as shit, and BARREN as fuck, god, its fucking embarrassing that doublejump became a real mechanic in a fucking doom game, where you couldn't even jump in the original. Fuck dude this is so fucking stupid looking it's like just go fucking play serious sam at least there's more than 5 enemies on screen at once and you don't have to fucking do platforming. What is this environment design anyway? Looks like a bloodborne/souls reject. Brutal doom 2.0. Completely unfitting shit music too.

i fucking hate when games do this, viewmodel weapon should occupy space like this unless it's a big ass rocket launcher.

absolute cancer.

Attached: fuckthisshit.jpg (451x337, 35K)

They could've staged that photo a lot better than that.

>New progression system for unlocks

Attached: Discontent.png (449x470, 25K)

Delta Halo was one of the few maps I would play over and over again

It's always just been one of those Bungie things. There's a few hypothetically logical reasons for it: when looking at a large TV, generally the audience's eye-level is supposed to be 1/3rd up from the bottom of the screen so that's the place you would be looking if you look straight at it. It's typically much more important to look up than look down so having the crosshair lowered gives you a better view of the horizon and the surroundings.

>visual assist