Other urls found in this thread:
Friendly reminder to ignore shitposters
AoCF is better
Come on guys, don't let the thread die.
She's in.
Wish I could host
A fighting game without Yuugi is insulting and I will never play any of these until she's in, but I hope you guys have fun.
Who is best girl and why it is Suwako?
So fucking good and they ruin it switching to that new fighting system
It's never gonna happen.
It is rude to remind me.
Fuck off back to Discord
kino OST
For me, it's Alice.
Are the flying games really that bad?
No but they're worse than the the others
Anyone able to host soku (or pofv woth adonis2)?
can someone give me a quick rundown of the basics?
It never feels like I'm playing it correctly
Basics of what specifically?
like how to play
how combos work, when to use each kind of attack, the cards, stuff like that
Tips like: in Street Fighter your normals only combo by going up (i.e light, medium, then fierce) and not the other way around or something like that
Combo series usually fall in melee->Shot 1->Shot 2->Special
On specific characters, you're better off with YouTube or NND
It's a game that's different from most fighting games there is a video that explains how the game works in Youtube but it's 30min long
Oh, gotcha. Some basic notes:
- similarly to street fighter, A (melee) canceled into B (light bullets) into C (heavy bullets) canceled into special inputs (your 22,214,421,623,236 B/C) and also sometimes spell cards, is your basic flow
- generally if your attacks wallbounce your opponent off the wall, then they have enough hitstun for an air combo
- air combos generally start with j5A j6/8A (which gives a wallbounce) or j5A jB/C bullets j66 (a forward dash) jA
- counterhits also often wallbounce your opponent and give you an opportunity to move forward and continue a combo
- theres also basic dial A combos: just press the A button multiple times near an opponent on the ground
- most characters have spells that combo off their dial A combo, especially when used in the corner
- you can also create combos by canceling ground bullets into a jump
And oh yeah, the video this guy is referring to is m.youtube.com
Its a good general guide that covers most of the mechanics including weather, and is character-unspecific
Theres tons of character-specific guides by now for if you want combos, pressure block-strings, and how to use specific skill and spell cards
IAMP is better. bye thread
Based and red pilled
I can't really say I love Reisen, but she's nice at least!
I liked this better than the floaty games that followed.
Why can't they make another ground-based game?
Easily the worst game in the fucking series
thanks guys, I really appreciate it
Should I bother getting good? I feel like I'm just going to get stomped by people who've been playing for years now. I've only played a few matches with my friends and think it's very fun
It's no HM
I think you’ve answered your own question there, buddy.
Do it if it’s fun, soku can be a great game worth getting good at.
For a lot of people though, getting good at fighting games can be a frustrating mess of salt and self-disappointment, if that sounds like you then look elsewhere.
>For a lot of people though, getting good at fighting games can be a frustrating mess of salt and self-disappointment
Me and Puyo Puyo
>soku thread
>no hosts
Are all the soku players gone from Yea Forums, or is it just that nobody can host or theyve moved onto other games?
Why is Suwako so sexual?
I think that now people just play offline with friends sometimes, for example y play with a friend every saturday in his house
She just is.
I love that artist, but shame about his sameface in everything
I love frogcunny so much
But he can draw some hot bodies.
I can host, but I'm afraid it would reveal my location and be used to dox me.... is that bad?
Oh yeah he can!
I really like this doujin, the fairies one and his Alice in wonderland series
That's she you know.
Sounds hot, but I need some proof before I can get that hard
Too bad he doesn't draw many doujins.
By the way where can I find more of his art? He doesn't seem to mainly post on Pixiv.
Color me surprised!
The only living ones are pretty much on the Discord.
Lewd froggy
Look for "Tomoko Tomonori" in Exhentai.
What's wrong with Marisa?
nothing at all
Marisa a cute! A CUTE!
She's a bully
Imagine what?
That's not true!
Marisa is a good girl!
Whelp, have no clue which doujin that orin is from. At the very least I got my sadpanda login to work again.
Actually it's not released yet.
Well that's too bad.
Be patient, user.
Only what?
Akyuu did nothing wrong. Lily is the only cute fairy anyways
But I want to inseminate a fairy!
after posting on the wrong thread i have come to host just a warning im pretty awful
Is this the Shotty general?
Is there anyone who don't want to fuck a fairy?
Oh shoot, finally a soku host and not only did I miss it, spectating is not allowed!
Marisafrends ww@?
animals are NOT welcome
The whole Tasofro games are what got me into Touhou back in 2008. It's too bad Zun let a good thing die like that.
Post more Space Jin
>Japanese shadman
Cry me a river fag
Tasogare Frontier is a Leech over ZUN
they should MAN UP and make an OC Fightan just like French Bread
host here, sorry for the disconnection
no idea what the fuck happened spectators allowed this time
>soku thread
>when I'm about to go to bed
Oh fuck.
I'll join you next time lads. Keep this shit alive.
Why do a lot of people have trouble hosting in Soku?
forwarding your ports is a long lost art
>missed it again
Man I'm bad at this. At least I can spectate this time now though, that's cool!
Say Yea Forums, should I dump my Suwako folder, Clownpiece folder or Marisa folder?
I would fuck all these child like bodies
Someone host AoCF
Me too.
Still waiting for user to tell me where to get more of Tomoki's art.
I wish there were some program like sokuroll where you could host easily without needing to forward ports. Like a sokuroll + matchmaker program.
I generally avoid shitty threads such as this.
fuck dude. danbooru has an wiki for the most artists posted therre with links. check if the site you find her has any other sites listed like pixiv, twitter, nicoseiga, pawoo, or nijie.
nijie appears to be the new popular lewd site for japs.
apply yourself, user!
That's it
I'm gonna dump my Suwako folder since that's the first thing posted in this thread
She got knocked up once. You want to knock her up again.
I would knock her up anytime
>no more suwa shota translations
dude! I just want to keep up with my soap opera! maybe I Can't Learn...
How is this thread shitty?
Because there isn't enough Marisa?
I need to go.
Great games!
I forgot all my blockstrings and some spellcards but it was fun as fuck
Thanks for putting up with my lameness, it was great watching you break my shields constantly
anyways I'll host a few more games till I go to bed
I need proof that he is a she so I can fap harder!
Shotty fugged off to /2hug/ where he could eternally argue with cirnofags over canon
I dunno if someone connected to you already, but I want to play you! I'll be busy for a few minutes, but please keep your host up if noone's connected yet.
Goodnight Yea Forums
Dang! Already taken again.
Is there any chance you could host another set after playing this guy?
I love Suwako's gimmicks!
Me too
>threads have been filled with circlejerk, hentaiposting and imagedumping
Well shit
I agree with hentaiposting and imagedumping, but where's the circlejerk?
Alright since there is only so much sakuya I can take before falling asleep I'm going to let you play a few matches before I pass out, same IP/port
Great games friend.
Marisafags from previous thread. I mean since yesterday.
Welp, that ended up being a pretty short set, but I understand that you're sleepy.
Thanks for hosting a few games for me, you ended up being the only host in this whole thread!
I need to sleep, thanks for the games and all
Why don't people just mod their favorite 2hu's into the game, and then anons make a big collab mod, so everyone can have fun with their favorite girls?
I'd say it's not a circlejerk though if nobody likes them or talks to them and they just end up talking by themselves.
Too much of an effort to do that
but they already did? at least Yuuka and Shou
We're lazy people.
so like 2 out of 90 characters, with none past UFO
Come on user, if you just let lazyness stop you, how can you expect your life to ever get better?
There is youtube.com
But they look kinda ass and they obviously borrow sound effects and hitboxes from characters already in the game
I've also just never seen or heard of anyone ever using these new character mods ever
It's still clogging up the thread.
I would like for some soku hosts to clog up the thread
I would like for some WBaWC discussion to clog up the thread too.
Yeah but this was made as a soku thread
WBaWC discussion in the WBaWC thread is cool though, it's just there's not much to talk about without the demo out yet
Well duh, they are on topic
bro thats my point though
without the imagedumping and shotty shitposts clogging up the threads, which they shouldn't be in the first place, there's not much actual video game talk in these threads desu
there's barely talk of WBaWC in the WBaWC threads and there's no soku in the soku threads besides maybe one host
honestly what's the point of these threads anymore
Discussing Touhou in general. That's what the good threads have always been.
Even the one with Hisoutensoku OP reached bump limit because of other discussions.
Only when lewdposting or that shitposter filling up the thread that it become shit.
You can always discuss Touhou in general. Neither Soku or the shmups alone can stand on its own without the other or music, lore, fangames, etc.
thats why I entered the thread just to bring up modding soku, in the hopes that someone would say "yeah i'll do that" and good discussion would ensue
I actually prefer to leave this thread alone and wait for another good thread, but good luck
it might've helped if maybe you already knew about the mods that were out there, and wanted to find anons who were interested in helping out with a specific task
soku mods are not a bad idea, but nobody's going to just agree to start up a whole modding project just because some random person thinks it would be nice
Tsukumo Benben
marisa takes too much fucking effort to win compared to 90% of the cast, which is a shame because her movement is fun
will host for (You)s
for real or just shitposting? host it