Literally when?
Literally when?
Literally never.
never ever
release date will be 1 day after your death
But they are having a beta. It has to be soon, like in my lifetime...right?
That looks like hot shit, they didn't even update the map engine.
I don't care anymore.
what's a parley?
You are fucking delusional if you think this map looks the same as the old map. Thats not to say it looks good. But it is still an improvement.
Its like a type of herb. You put it on stuff like pasta. Idk what they are using it for in the game
So the texture maps are a little better, you can see the little smudge rocks a little better oh boy what an improvement.
read a book
a plant
An improvement is an improvement retard. Plus how big of a brainlet are you if you were expecting some amazing graphics out of a mountain blade game?
It's not a notable improvement, it might as well not be an improvement. Keep grasping at straws faggot. Never. Ever.
user I...
Seeing as how it's been seven fucking years with no end in sight I expect a bit fucking more. Honestly the dev blogs and anouncements haven't shown or revealed anything actually exciting or non superficial. It's just gonna be warband with a new coat of paint and I'm completly burnt out on warband after 600 hours
What the fuck were you expecting? Also is the overworld map really that big of a concern for you?
A fucking near decade? Are you fucking retarded user? It's been YEARS, several hundred games and movies have came out since they announced they where working on the sequal and it literally looks like the first game with a shittier UI. You're cope is palpable.
You guys should try out Freeman: Guerilla Warfare. Kind of like first person ex-commie states M&B. I think there's a pretty bad save bug in the current version they're working on a hotfix for, though.
>have came
have come
Not involved in your argument, just stop killing my language.
What do they eat?
>no argument
Stay btfo faggot. lol
Read the last sentence again, Pablo
>hurr not me but
Nice try nigger.
Grasp at straws and blame somebody else for grasping at straws. Priceless.
But it looks nothing like the last game.
Looks like a mobile game.
so is it going to be possible to starve out towns or is it still pointless
Talk about delusion.
Yeah this looks the exact same as warband
Use a search engine, you fucking retard.
We are obviously talking about the campaign map retard.
can't fucking wait for fantasy mods
Okay and again why is the campaign map apparently that fucking important to you? What were you actually expecting out of it?
Yeah bro the map looks exactly the same
its not even fucking funny anymore bros . I've been waiting since Highschool and I'm 30 now
you were 23 years old in high school?
You weren't?
Beta coming out in never
Just googled this shit. looks interesting. Is it actually any good though?
It's not bad. It's changed a LOT in the last couple of updates, though, so a lot of the information out there isn't entirely true anymore unless it's recent (last couple of months). Basically I think it's worth the 15 burgers but it's like vanilla M&B in that there's no real endgame other than conquering all the towns, which is going to take a really long time now that you have to recruit and equip soldiers individually after the most recent update. It used to be recruiting whole squads with their own equipment which would improve as you levelled them up, but now they only level up stats and what they're using is what you give them. Not sure if the latest version is piratable anywhere, it would be best to try it out before committing.
user, i...
your grandchildren will love it
>tfw there is no sallying out to meet a glorious death in your near future
Does nu-Yea Forums even play M&B?
Warsword Conquest is all I've played of M&B for a pretty long time now. In general though I've been playing M&B since the early beta days of the original and at this point I'm not likely to touch it again.
I was going to say "until bonerlord" but that basically doesn't change the meaning.
I would if the multiplayer wasn't so fucking dead
you're dad
It's a move Tekken created that starts a juggle. I guess you can some how "juggle" the ai in this game. Don't listen to the other idiots