Why doesn't Yea Forums like cRPGs anymore?
Why doesn't Yea Forums like cRPGs anymore?
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Mediocre to bad writing, combat that is less complex then DnD but still based off of it.
Or that's how I felt about most modern crpgs
every single cRPG has shit gameplay, boomers with rose tinted nostalgiagoggles got weeded out when these games got re-released and exposed
Because they aren't being made aside from the off-hand ones that are good like Underrail and Age of Decadence.
>shit gameplay
I don't think people ever denied that they had shit gameplay except for a few of them. Doesn't devalue that they were great games.
twitter caused me to mildly dislike the devs.
If you mean Beamdog they aren't the original BG devs barring Trent Oster who actually was part of the original team or so, back when Bioware was like 5 white males.
Forced gay stuff and subpar writing.
What are you talking about?
I'm playing one right now.
>shit gameplay
>great game
pick one and only one you delusional faggot
Stop being low iq.
How fares the Harm spam?
They are too stupid for them.
As someone who loved Infinity games both in past and currently (I did beat BGT and IWD this month) I can only say that current cRPGs suck dick.
Pillars of Eternity was an abomination. Despite decent engine and fixing lots of Infinity game issues - Obsidian managed to release soulless stillborn. Everything is boring and overwritten. Despite being solid, game's mechanics are just not fun. There's nothing to ponder with nor to strategize. Everything feels nerfed to death.
They are 100 times better than modern shit like witcher 3 or whatever, but they are still fucking outdated and kinda boring to play.
RPGs in general suck.
I don't use Harm nigga, I'm Phantasm-melee
>Shield of Protection
>Agility of Fire
>Blur Sight
I still do. Finally playing NWN2 for the first time and have been trying Storm of Zehir while I take a break from the main campaign. My New Leaf caravan is in a never ending limbo of being destroyed.
BG2 and IWD games have awesome gameplay.
I know that, same goes for Ultima VII, Underrail and OS. But that nigger wouldn't know that.
I fucking wished I liked cRPGs, I just can't stand the gameplay.
Post it, beamniggers user.
Kingmaker is great. Literally SOUL.
I heard Kingmaker is buggy and shit, is it good now?
let people like what they like and fuck off
Most bugs have been fixed.
The devs also treat it like a labor of love and have also implemented many quality of life changes requested by players.
Seriously, it's pretty much the best cRPG of the decade and the only one that comes close to BG2 so far.
That a team of 20 something slavs managed to utterly demolish AAA shit and Obsidian is priceless.
It's also the "D&D" game with most content feat/classes/skills etc wise, including a lot of pnp implementations that were only seen on ToEE.
Slavs are so based they even implemented a twin tieflings threesome romance in the year 2019.
Zoomers, 90% of Yea Forums nowadays, grew up playing fornite and nintenbabby games, so they didn't get to experience actual good games, that's why.
They fixed most of the bugs AFAIK. I'm playing through now and haven't had anything major.
cope harder tastelet
It's far from shit, but it definitely was broken and literally unfinishable on release.
Ah thank God one of these popped up. I've always been curious thanks to the beamdog copypasta. I bought my copy of NWN 2 in 2013, the Platinum edition. Is that an original version or a beamdog release?
>Hobgoblins always scream "Spare No One!"
>I never spare a single Hobgoblin
Is there like a CRPG tier list? I mean I played a lot of CRPGs, but I'm wondering if I've missed a few.
just play 90s stuff
>try to finish old crpg
>can't get past the shitty interface and monotonous inventory management
This is only a problem with cRPGs before BG.
Literally goldbox tier or so.
There's that RPGCodex list:
There's also this Yea Forums list.
Thats what I've been doing.
>played through BG1
>got bored of BG2 halfway through and quit
what is wrong with me
I like the ones I used to play. The more recent ones are MOSTLY souless though.
What is peoples problem with pool of radiance: ruins of myth dranor? It's fucking awesome.
Because they're for autists. When oeople think "pc", they think of these autistic games. Which is why they stick to console. Honestly fuck these shitty games.
It's called Tyranny and it's great.
*equips shield of balduran*
Heh. Nothing personal, kid.
I love the complex and very long stories/lore/quests they have, but man, the gameplay is really shit for nowadays standards.
>nowaday standards
What standards? Most RPGs nowadays are Skyrim tier of brainless gameplay depth
The ones that are actually good remain with the systems of before except with certain qol changes.
I can never get into Baldur Games. I have both final edition of 2 and 1 but the start of 1 is so slow I give up
>have IWD
>want to play
>don't know how to appropriately min/max my characters starting out
kill me
Just make what you like. If that's too much trouble there is a mod that adds an NPC party for you to recruit.
Its not that complicated as opposed to NWN2 or Kingmaker when it comes to all the choices you have at your disposal.
Just get 18 STR/DEX/CON on martial classes, 18 DEX and 16 CON on non fighter/paladin/ranger
Longbows are very stronk in the beginning, multiclasses are also great such as Fighter/Thief, Fighter/Illusionist (Gnome), Fighter/Cleric (Dwarf).
If EE it's even easier due to BG2 kits like Berserker.
Don't go with more than one mage unless EE and sorcerer, since scroll selection is utter garbage in IWD and many spells only have a single fucking scroll to learn in the entire game.
What makes Kingmaker the best cRPG of the decade? It's mediocre through and through.
cheat everyone to 18 in every stat and then turn the difficulty to max
They're probably my favorite type of game, but I've been in bad spirits lately and not really playing anything other than MTG. In fact I'm agonizing (More accurately procrastinating on here and not thinking about it) what to ask for for my birthday before I don't get anything at all and I'm feeling so down I'm not coming up with anything.
because they aren't made for normalfags
Prove this wrong
NWN2 never got a remaster, I think.
Man, I miss NWN. I should play it again.
Name a single Jrpg better than the game in this pic
RTWP has single-handedly destroyed the genre.
Closest thing to a remaster was the Complete Edition on GOG, I think.
>Skyrim shit-tier
Uh yeah I guess I won’t bother with this chart
Deadfire has turn based mode now and Kingmaker devs also seem intent on implementing it
Well, there's been some success with turn-based games. DOS2 was the biggest winner, but there's stuff like Mutant Year Zero doing well enough for themselves. Not to mention, existing games are experimenting with the idea like says. Maybe with the way Sword Coast Legends sank without a ripple, Wizards might consider trying something turn-based for the next big D&D title - if they ever move away from mobile stuff.
Most recent ones are mediocre and don't focus on what made it great before. I largely blame hubris of the writers.
Here's hoping Colony Ship is good.
Anyone know how the Enhanced Edition on NWN has effected the community servers? Like, has there been a migration to the new(ish) game? Anyone here try it out? Good? Shit?
>Obsidian managed to release soulless stillborn.
Ironic, given the plot.
Pretty much all servers of note have migrated.
can you play with the kingdom management portion on automatic yet? I fucking hate that garbage.
Would actually check those out then. Just saw them release as RTWP and ignored.
I never really paid attention to public servers, but the multiplayer menu seems like it's bumping. It runs better on my computer than the GOG complete release did, which was nice - for some reason, the other one had frame drops like crazy, made it nigh unplayable. Don't know if all the old mods still work, or if Beamdog inadvertently broke something.
What's wrong with kingdom management?
I've only gotten into CRPGs recently and they're plenty enjoyable. Consider that you may just have the downs.
don't, zoomer. You're a fucking casual.
where should i start with crpgs
It screwed me on my playthrough from the start with some bad rolls on events from that shithead Jhod. That guy sucks as any kind of adviser, he really fucked me over later in the third or fourth act by not getting a good start on the Divinity stat.
>Yea Forums list is 100x less "popamole" than rpgcuckdex's
It's boring and pointless? You can build stuff in a village, but they don't show up. They just increase your kingdom stats. Most events are just selecting an advisor and clicking a button to have them try and complete the event. You do get a cutscene and dialogue options when raising a kingdom stat to the next level.
There have been nice changes since release.
best boy
>tfw we don't even get dwarfbro fighters as party members anymore
what went so utterly wrong
Betrayal at Krondor
Such as? Building a store and it'll appear on the map?
Well, what's important to you for cRPGs?
>newbie friendly grand adventure, JRPG kind?
BG1-2, Dragon Age: Origins
>muh choice and consequences and unique storytelling + setting
Fallout 1/2, Arcanum, PST
>hate isometric?
Deus Ex, New Vegas, VtMB, Morrowind
>inner /k/?
Jagged Alliance 2
>muh blobber
Might and Magic, Wizardry
You really have to take into account what you really want from the RPG, to choose one that fits your taste.
weren't these just spreadsheet simulators until RTwP?
There hasn't been a good crpg released in a while. Do you expect people to like it despite there being no new good games?
Wasteland 3 is coming up I guess but thats all there is to look forward to.
Encased looks good.
ELEX 2 is coming.
You didnt jump on the meme ability
Kingmaker is kino
every single one has a shitty forced story and boring combat
It is busy work for the sole purpose of having busy work.
You pretty much do it because you have to, not because it is fun.
The majority of posters on this board is eternally within the 18-22 range. 18-22 year olds today didn't play any cRPGs back in the day.
It's easy to find people who just played through Arcanum using Harm.
They always comment on how boring the game is.
If they went out of their way to actually look at the skills and experiment they'd find that there are a lot of spells/skills that are fun and interesting.
>trap build + disarm traps + spatial distortion
>backstab builds
>dominate will builds
>throwing + explosives build
and one of the less tried
>magic + tech hybrid, with spell college and technological discipline mastery
Is a Summoner build good enough
the genre sounds like it exists solely for writer wankery with tacked on character building and janky combat mechanics.
like they merged all kinds of genres together into a monstrosity. war game + dating simulator + visual novel + choose your own adventure
Mechanical Arachnids are OP because there is no limit.
Summoner is limited by 5 summons only, BUT 5 Hellgates or Guardian Ogres definitely guarantees you can defeat anything in your path already.
You also get a familiar which doesn't count in the companion limit. The downside is that it doesn't unsummon or leave you.
It's an okay build, but in my experience, the Summoner build is viable once you get the Guardian Ogre.
I found the Orcish Champion weak.
>pretending that Divinity 2 is good
>pretending that anyone actually finished Divinity 2
Played Baldur's Gate for the first time last year. I enjoyed it immensely.
Glad to hear it, user. What sort of character did you play?
>rolled a lucky 102 on my first roll
>spec'd in two handed swords and spent most of my money on one at the start
>it broke as soon as I left the starting era and revealed some completely retarded mechanic that all store bought weapons have a 2% chance to break at any time
>dropped it and never went back
are beamdog's remasters worth or should i look for the original releases?
You realize you can get magic items incredibly early that never break, right? Also, the low quality of weapons is plot-related.
Beamdog's only decent remaster is Planescape Torment.
After the shit that was the previous remasters, Beamdog didn't do shit with PST, and just added in high resolution and other QoL with optional character outlines.
Even Avellone worked on the remaster of PST, he said he edited some dialog.
so are the vanilla versions the go-to? are there community patches to improve compatibility for modern systems?
It's still shit because you can't fuck Amiri
For other games like BG1/2, etc., if you don't mind finding and installing the community patches and installing them that's fine.
It's the recommended way anyway.
I'm pretty sure the directions are a google away.
If you can't be assed to find them and don't mind the self-inserts and a bit of dip in quality, then you might as well install the enhanced editions.
IDK if other mods are compatible with EEs, so you may have a problem if you want to install some obscure mod like romances and shit though.
Maybe not, but you can still make her your bitch.