If the PS5 and Xbox Two (?) aren't going to be gimped from a hardware perspective...

If the PS5 and Xbox Two (?) aren't going to be gimped from a hardware perspective, does this mean that games are going to take even longer to develop and PC ports are going to get even lazier?

Attached: Benji.jpg (450x640, 56K)

>Look what they accomplished on base PS4
third person over-the-shoulder cinematic games?



And it'll STILL be sub 30fps on most games because they will opt for the 4k meme. Hilarious

Who is this literally who and why should I take his baseless claims serious

They're not particularly good games, but Uncharted 4 and Dad of War look pretty great considering how shit the PS4's hardware is.

>Look what they accomplished on base PS4

Absolutely nothing?

>13 Teraflops

What a crock of shit, AMD doesn't even have a card that strong yet.

One of Zhuge's sycophants who posts sales info

real device will have gimped ram fucking over the gpu like every console ever designed.

Was this tweet made from the timeline in which E3 "in-game footage" is actually representative of the game it's showing off? Because PS4 games look like shit.

Possibly, but graphics settings may become the standard for all console games. At least to switch between 1080/60 or 4K/30, such as is the case with Nioh.

I'll probably stick with consoles for another generation, because my PC is low to mid-tier at best, I don't even have an SSD. Upgrading to keep up with next gen, let alone below a 500 price tag, will be next to impossible.

>underclocked to half speed so it doesn't melt
>another laptop CPU
>more gddr memory that isn't the greatest for the CPU
>everything running in 4k 24fps

>are going to look absurd
Yeah, ok. But will they be FUN, or cinematic Snoy “fun”?

From a graphics perspective sure, why have a 10k polygon model when you can now have a 20k polygon model that barely shows any difference but takes more power to show. Hope you don't want to play at 60fps

video games suck

>Possibly, but graphics settings may become the standard for all console games
user, I get being optimistic but think about this
This is the same industry making you pay $60 to play a shittier gacha on consoles than the free to play games Nips shit out for mobiles.
I don't think they give a single fuck about the consumer.

Is this swolebenji?

How come 'Ratchet & Clank' and 'Pixar' are always lumped in the same article?

>But will they be FUN
Fun isn't mature user. Fun is childish, we must make games like our Hollywood brethern. Edgy shit only a 12 year old thinks is impressive hidden behind a generic as fuck B-movie plot line while the gameplay degrades to being worse than the gameplay of PS2 games.
How am I meant to take ANOTHER "protag has to kill thousands in a gory fashion while sappy melodrama worse than the shit your mom watches plays out" seriously. I've seen it. It was shit. MAKE SOMETHING NEW!


I love my $60 4-50 hour interactive movies

I'm hoping they've gotten the idea and can keep whatever hundred million polygons and put the computing power more towards FPS - wasn't the whole point of the newer PS4 and Xbox models for more FPS?

Why are companies even talking about 8K now when any actual kind of media supporting it is still years off? Sony and Samsung have released $70,000 8K TVs when 4K television adoption isn't even at 30% yet in the West.

Oh trust me, I can get very pessimistic. I still think there's a chance Sony might even charge for BC.
I have no rush to dive into a new system regardless, and there's quite a bit of time before any true next gen game I care for comes out that will force me to upgrade.

>all this buzzword speak.

calling bullshit.

It was, then it was used for fake 4k instead

The guy in OP's pic is a shill. Has he been shilling himself recently since I'd never seen this faggot until a few days ago?

I really envy normies with the "good graphics=good game" mindset. It must feel super good to be excited for all the cinematic AAA titles coming out.
I on the other hand just can't enjoy games if they don't meet my mechanical depth requirements.

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>framerate drops below 60 fps at any point in time
>instantly close the game in rage

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I FUCKING LOVE TWITTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Even if you are pc only you should be happy next gen will have beefy consoles, it means prettier multiplats all around.

Damn more power than the switches 1.3 tflops

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Jesus look at the nose on her

Don't you mean
>Gets overshadowed by children's party game last year

Radeon 7 is already 13tflops. If they're using Navi it's perfectly plausible for them to hit that.

>200$ ps4game looks much better than any pc game on a 20k$ pc
Stay mad kiddo

4k tv are like 500$ thats plebian class
I have an 8k tv since last year faggot try to keep up

>200$ ps4game