Why didn't you buy Miyamoto's game?

Why didn't you buy Miyamoto's game?

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If they had let Treasure make it I would have.

Got it day one and jesus ass christ, motion controls up the ass and 2 screen gimmick shit. Just a StarFox game like 64 but with new planets is it too much to ask for.

I did buy it. It could have been great but Miyamoto can't get over his fetish for motion controls.

Zero is better than 64 you casual.

Git gud.

I did, the star wolf theme is kino. The game would have been much better without the shitty copter segments.

I got it day one and was suckered into believing you could turn off the motion controls.

The music was great though.

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I bought it, guard was a better gáme

I did in 1998 and in 2011

I did and I was hoping for something I didn't play already on two different consoles beforehand

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I bought it and enjoyed it. Wasn't worth $60 and it needed overall more content but it's a better Star Fox game than anything else that had been released since 64 including the 3DS remake.

I honestly don't believe any of you have actually played Zero.

I look forward to the day this game gets re-released and people realize that the backlash it got was completely unwarranted.

Well for one it's fucking garbage

because the last good starfox game was two decades ago and asssymmetircal gaemplay is the worst gimmick nintendo ever shat out

Yeah man I can't wait to pay $60 just to beat it in an hour again

It ould be if I did't have to hold my wiiu pad in an awkward position 24/7. Thank the lord and his almighty glory for the cursor adjustment button.

How about they fucking move on and give us something new? Kinda like what they were supposed to do when they sneakily announced it at E3 2014

I put more hours into Guard than Zero.

I did.
I even was on-board with gimmick controls.
Game was shit, even if the controls are no issue.

>I look forward to the day this game gets re-released
You’ll probably be officially old enough to post here by then, Cody.

I've played every starfox game and once I tried the demo of zero it was a hard pass for me honestly. Miyamoto stripped out the Zoom-in Zoom-out mechanism and forced you to use the shitty gyro/gamepad controls for no reason other than the fact that he stupidly wanted some sort of
shitty gimmick in the game. If the gimmick isn't good don't put it in. That's always been Miyamoto's problem as a developer/producer.

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>gyro shit not optional
>like 80% of content and plot is a beat for beat rehash of 64
>you've seen all of the content within like an hour and a half
>still no real innovation to how you play, can't change how your Arwing functions or play as a different character or really anything at all to customize the experience and make each playthrough a little different

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>You've seen all the content in an hour and a half

Like... Star Fox 64...?

>No real innovation on how you play

Now you're just being silly.

No I prefer the rereleasing Wii U games on the switch as "new" games strategy.

I want new games but there's nothing wrong with porting games from a console nobody owned. Should Wonderful 101 remain trapped on the Wii U?

I bought it for about 35 bucks. meh I had some fun with the convoluted control scheme, the stage select song is dope as well. I traded nu god of war in so better than that.

Reminder that Krystal ruined the series, not Zero

It was 7/10 for me.


I did buy and play it, it was alright I guess. nothing special just kinda felt like 64 again and that's it.

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I'm poor, plus the bad rep didn't help

Why didn't you learn to properly upload a photo.