Really makes you think

Really makes you think...

Attached: Capture135.png (585x314, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Buy my game

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>all the people virtue signaling for them don't even care enough to buy the game
we really do live in a clown world

I've never heard of this game

imagine attacking your userbase. LOL


Attached: loli_stirner.jpg (613x771, 49K)

>form raid
>join and ask where you can get torrent from

Attached: bubble dubble.gif (220x220, 367K)


No one goes to jail for pirating what a retard.

Who and what game?

So whats the fucking joke? besides the game you lost

what's the original version of this one?


Attached: King Crimson.png (396x418, 332K)

>see this thread shilled a few times on Yea Forums
>look it up and can't find the game anyway
>finally find it on egs
>see this post
In the words of that fat fuck who stopped making games, "piracy is a customer service problem". Besides if the game wasn't shit it would have sold more. Take Metro for example. If anything you should be happy some people are interested enough to torrent the shovelware. Finally just because you spent time on something doesn't make it worth anyone else's time. If that were the came I got some quality shit about to come out when my constipation goes away.

Guess you didn't see that coming, eh?

>r*ddit frog
Why? Why not just post the original? What does pepe add that wasn't already there?

Do you honestly think that there are 34 thousand users online and only 9 of them bought the game?

Let me believe user, let me believe.

Something strange has been happening here today.

i refuse to believe it, has to be some marketing ploy to get more fuckheads to buy their game and get image boards to talk about it non-stop

Fuck steam amirite ha ha people who like steam are all incels

Seems to have done its job.

I was actually considering buying this game, but with that attitude they can go fuck themselves lol


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You made me smile user

Go on, user

It's a tirade about pirates from a week ago placed next to a joke about the game selling poorly from yesterday. They're arranged in the image in that way so as to imply that they're related. The game isn't selling poorly.

is having a copy of the game a requirement to join the discord server?

"Boy, I sure feel bad now that they've said it that way."
-No one.

Just look at this thread

Am I missing something or is clown world trying to tell me how to be retarded.

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And this post too. What does it mean? Am I going crazy? Did all that weed finally turn me schizophrenic? Is someone testing some kind of AI on us? Is it a raid? Is it children?

is this really your first realization that Yea Forums is controlled by alphabet agencies pushing faggotry and psy-ops?

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Why do faggots like this think they're so funny with their wacky and randumb "humor"?

I like how literally every single Epic store game other than Fortnite are forgotten week after

Shame about the Hades devs since they made Bastion. Sold like shit and now they're suffering because of their greed

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>Shame about the Hades devs since they made Bastion. Sold like shit and now they're suffering because of their greed

I'm out of the loop. What occurred to those folks now?

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I don't get it. How is telling everyone they sold 9 copies a joke?

30k copies is like 900k???

Didn't EPIC spend 2 mill just for the exclusive?

Yea I see you're point as well, but then again the developers mentioned it themselves which is odd

>be criminals
what an imperialistic shitlord, im not american and piracy is completely legal here, check your amerimutt priviledge

39 replies and not one person mentioned the name of the fucking game. Way to have a proper discussion, dumbasses.

Edgy woke humor or something

>Ebin game store
>Early access
>Open world
Yikes and oof.

took the epic bribe and sold their game on EGS only. You know the rest

they took the Epicpill and immediately regretted it.

Attached: 1551319897424.png (357x371, 130K)

What is that game about?

I almost wanna thank Epic for making me take the pirate pill just in time for Disney and Netflix to start doing this shit.

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I joined the discord when it was announced at E3 last year because I was excited, as most people did. But now we don't care because they sold out to EPIC for exclusivity. I'm still in the discord, but I didn't buy the game. Its a shame because I was really looking forward to the game.

something akin to factorio with some other changes to it

That manner of thread's been a thing for a while.

>don't play
what's the difference from the developer's perspective? piracy at least has some potential upsides

>early access game on Epic game store
>no forum so they can't even communicate with their players.

>From the makers of Goat Simulator

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>wahh we're still memeing about how few we sold, go buy it now
the entire account is cancer, stop posting it

Im out of the loop whats going on


He doesn't know that he's only one of about 20 users actually on Yea Forums. He hasn't realized everyone else is government agents yet.

>we forgot the old saying that the customer is king, i.e. sell what and where the customer wants it
>now we try to make it the fault of the people who play our game without paying us, costing us nothign in the process, though we're also getting nothing
>let's call them thieves, even though they took nothing from us
How did people this stupid make a game that other people thought was worth pirating?

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in their defense, sanctum 1-2 were good games, and satisfactory is in the same universe

in offense, it has nothing to do with sanctum, and that itself only was enjoyable because you manuvered drastically different than the other 3rd person tower defenses, making even just running around enjoyable. this game is "the same universe and themes" with "oh look female protags, and weird monster aliens" but the actual game has nothing to do with that or its large cube based tower building system, it has to do with putting a lump on another lump, so make more lumps

If pirating is bad, why did they pirate the factorio gameplay in the first place?

I love seeing Western game devs seethe, indie or AAA.

>they took the Epicpill and immediately regretted it.

Source? I mean, how do you know they regretted it?

That made me unhappy. I bought all of Sanctum and S2 and all the DLC (granted it was on sale). I really liked the games, so for this to happen felt like a really unfortunate turn of events.

I wasn't exactly hoping for Sanctum 3, but now I don't know if I would want it.


I am one of the 9 people who bought the game, AMA

i was hoping the aliens would have to do more with resource gathering as the betas progressed since there were so many different ones, and things to research for upgrades. it would be factorito 3d + sanctum 2.5, but it seems they dont care about that part at all

i really wanted it because OMD3 died, and that was the only other 3rd person TD worth note

Why do you buy games when you can get them without DRM for free?

yeah they shouldve released ACTIVE members not just members. most people have hundreds of discord servers they're "in" but less than 1% actually do anything in them

because i'm not poor.

>they have a year to develop their game and pull it out of early access before releasing it on steam, which will basically be a "new game" for 99% of people
>they got free money from epic at no cost
don't be sad for them

Head like a fucking orange

Odd priorities I guess. I don't know what they were thinking.

Holy shit, even Supergiant fell for this chink scheme?
What a shame. I've bought every single one of their games so far, and even Pyre which I consider weaker I still like a whole lot.
What a sad ending to a really creative team.

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>epic store is good for the devs we swear
>only sold 9 copies

Jesus Christ fuck the stupid janitors.

Isn't neon hair haram? Can he do that?

The 9 sales thing is a shitty joke, but if the epic bribe money was that good along with at least mediocre sales they wouldn't be crying about pirates. They fucked up by jumping on the epic boat first. I'm willing to bet the up front payment is getting larger for every new exclusive because it needs to offset the negative perception of the devs/game.

>look up game
>expect it to be some indie shovelware some tard spent way too long on
>it's an epic exclusive

lmao, dis nigga getting pirated on

Don't look at my feed you uneducated nazis.

Attached: uh oh.png (601x751, 155K)

Jesus christ, god forbid that people be proud of the country they live in

How does the "i'm not poor" argument make sense? Do you intentionally buy shitty products at the store just because you can afford them?

Only if you are white.

Or I could just download your game, play it for 20 minutes, decide I still like Factorio more, and go back to it.

How do you think Apple got so huge?

Not a burger and I think the general USA population is fucking retarded compared to how much money their country has but there is no denying that America has achievement a lot of things to be proud of.

Hey guys buy my game

Attached: asdff.jpg (321x308, 29K)

what the fuck was that

Poor people hundreds of thousands in debt always use that argument.
>"I'm not poor, I can afford this starbucks coffee EVERY day and this apple phone every new release"
just low iq brainwashed goyim who don't understand the concept of building wealth

im not poor I got a credit card

This guy has some weird fetishes.

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why is he lying

Game actually sold like shit and epics exclusive deal doesn't cover enough to make another game or continue the company. These days people play the victim in hopes to get ahead in life, so they're playing the victim in hopes they get pity and people give them money.

discord... they remade the thread immediately after that got deleted. second thread was auto saged almost instantly

it doesn't help that a majority of Yea Forums posters are autistic. they will see threads like that and want to hop on the train and post something along the lines of
>semi-obscure phrase from thing you like

just an extremely pathetic way people are trying to feel some sort of camaraderie with the posters of this board.

>Boot Ebin Launcher to play Fortnite
>See something new in my Library
>For some reason, the newest Satisfactory experimental branch is in my Library
>Which is supposed to be for people who bought-only (only played the weekend test event a while back)
>Get to play the game unrestricted
Is it stealing if they give it to me by accident?

The whole 9/15 sales thing is a long-running joke on the Twitter for some reason. I don't personally get it.

>He has an Ebin Launcher account
You're already paying with the chink botnet, that's why they give you games for free

Attention. Now you know a game called satisfactory exists.

Could these devs be any more childish and annoying?

The funny part is, my account info has never been stolen*
Info possibly sold obviously, just never had anyone else login to my account.
Alpha tester for Fortnite, so I guess nobody gives a shit about my account unlike the new accounts that get cracked open every day.

>Epic had to flaunt about World War Z selling over 250k when that's about the small portion of a well received indie on Steam
>they even had to resort to flaunt of it being most-viewed on Twitch


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>be shit at PR
>have sub par 3d Factorio clone
>wonder why nobody likes it
saved me the trouble of even considering it

>>they even had to resort to flaunt of it being most-viewed on Twitch
didn't it drop 90% in a day?

it looks like it could have been/could be good, but theres just not enough shit to bother with it yet, and it probably wont have enough for a while

Just pirated it. I'm a phoneshitter now so whatever, but it's the intention what counts, right?

it did

What is up with game devs constantly insulting their consumer base? This doesn't make me want to buy their game, in fact, I want to pirate and seed it just to spite them.
It never fucking works.

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For every person like you there area a hundred that will think they're being "quirky" and buy the game or at least consider buying it.

Yeah I don't think so user. The mass of faggots who throw money at people for nothing has grown exponentially but not by those levels.

but, alleged adult, what is the difference to you whether someone pirates your game or decides not to play it? it doesn't seem very adult that you'd rather nobody play your game than play it without paying you.

when the game is big enough already, sure. autism games like satisfactory are starved for audience already

>Sells out to Winnie the Pooh and Labor Camps too
>Confused and upset when patriotic Americans and upstanding citizens of the world refuse to buy it
Hmm, makes one ponder a fair amount.

It's a normalfag/capefag meme, but I'm sure he does.

I have no idea what kind of deal these faggots got ,but unless they're absolute morons, they made epic give them enough money to cover most of the dev costs. What worries me is that till this be the new normal. Funneling money from one ultra successful game to other to ensure exclusivity in this retard digital storefront war. Currently it's only epic that's doing it, but if they end up successful we'll see EA join in on the shitfest soon.

I mean, sure, but it seems like a really ineffective way of persuading people to buy it.
If they said something along the lines of:
>"To those who pirated our game, thanks for playing, but we would like you to consider buying it.
>With an authentic copy you gain these features that are not present in the pirated copies we've seen floating around"
I'd at least consider buying it then, but not when I'm called a child and a thief.

muh livelihood, you wouldn't download a car

That's a joke but I sincerely doubt it was more than 10K or so.

It was the only game i hyped on E3 2018.
But oh well.

It's like that in most countries tho, the general population is always retarded. The top 1% are the ones achieving anything major, maybe the top decile being not retarded and everyone below that is.

>they made epic give them enough money to cover most of the dev costs.
that's exactly what they did yeah, they took the safe route which to me looks like they have no trust in the product they are making. I'm sure it was a good decision on their part when it comes to Satisfactory but going forwards I don't think their future is going to be that bright. Their future games won't get funded like this, the little reputation they have is ruined and mostly no one will have ever heard Satisfactory /the company because it's not on Steam.

>Piracy is a customer service issue

Attached: lordgaben.jpg (580x334, 37K)

Old gaben is always right.

Valve has plenty of issues but they have never to my knowledge been rude to their userbase. They even fucking apologize occasionally even if the shit they're getting is disproportionate to the actual issue. Just think about it, a billion dollar company apologized for not releasing a custom game mode for dota 2 because they though people didn't like it while a fucking no name dev that only made a meme game talks shit like no tomorrow.

Satisfactory actually seems to be doing alright considering the data, on the other hand Hades seems to be pretty irrelevant

Attached: an actual look at the data.png (1968x2846, 360K)

not really
that drop indicates bad things

Those satisfactory spikes are all due to the controversy of pulling the game from steam, not interest i buying/playing the game. I'm certain the first spike is when they pulled it and the 2nd spike is that retarded Q&A. I don't know what the fuck supergiant was thinking though.


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who torrents anything still?

>2011: piracy is a service issue
>2015: we rent movies now

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they pulled that shit back in december user, those spikes are in march

People wouldn't be watching streams of the game if they were only looking into it because of controversy.

literally impossible that they sold 9 fucking copies
was the 25th of april the launch date? it had a lot of attention given to it.

people around the world rich and poor alike that have better taste than you

shit you're right. Though the first graph was an interest graph from a search engine and not twitch.

What game? I want to know so I can pirate it and mention it when I tweet at them for being cuntlicker bitchpussies

>pander to people who don't buy games
>surprised when nobody buys your game

Attached: Comfy_guy.jpg (600x579, 42K)

Who are they even pandering to? It's definitely not factorio fans and I don't see anything pandering to the extreme left besides the retarded twitter.

higher quantities of artists are having the responsibilities of being a businessman thrust onto them Management, PR, etc. Because artists are generally individualists,(to what degree is debatable) They are less so willing to compromise to what is usually agreed as normal or even recommended practices and the result is is generally more explosive/"unprofessional" PR because they don't care about looking like an ass as long as they are in the right.

Phoenix Point got 2 mil so I would imagine these guys probably got a really nice deal too. Thing is it's not like they are buying up anything revolutionary right now they are pretty much using a shotgun approach because they have way too much fortnite money. What bothers me is money is going to crap like this where the devs entire business model is shoveling slopware out to youtubers and twitch personalities on the hope people will buy their souless crap while they throw tantrums online. I think that's the future that's here regardless of platform.

PP got 2 mill but that was after the controversy started. There is no way the goat faggots got that much.

>we're going to start using borderline impossible to extrapolate data from viewership to determine sales because there is no player count system on the epic store

Attached: Ryan.png (503x506, 380K)

this image is more fitting

Attached: charlie.jpg (1024x768, 137K)

I know. Who’d be sitting watching a game if it was available on their system to play?

His game is on a launcher that's mostly comprised of kids that just play Fortnite, Epic said they had large amount of users but didn't say who were those users.

Attached: 1554623079398.jpg (640x646, 55K)

same can be said about steam, even though player numbers give a rough idea for MP stuff it's real difficult to pin down SP or co-op games, there was the achievement "leak" thing but that was back in july last year so the data is grossly outdated by now, still it's pretty cool to have a snapshot with actual accurate numbers from back then though, I wish more devs were transparent and didn't give a fuck about showing the real numbers

Attached: steam cheevo data.png (1920x1080, 175K)

Peak/concurrent players paints a much clearer picture than using twitch numbers/subreddit numbers/Yea Forums term usage/search engine interest

I imagine he's using the "immediately regreted it" in this context for "sold poorly because it was exclusive to the epic launcher"