ITT bad games you still like
ITT bad games you still like
considering all games that came after it i say assault was a good game with great multiplayer
star fox assault is okay but with a lot more fine tuning and polish it could've been amazing
You considered wrong. Just because command and Zero were also shit doesn’t make Assault any less shit. That’s like saying Super Paper Mario is good because sticker Star is worse
That game was underrated if anything.
but super paper mario was good, it just wasn't the proper sequel we expected
No it wasn’t good, in any way really. The gameplay was shit, the story was shit, the horrendous character designs is probably what drove Miyamoto to tell Tanabe to stick to the main Mario cast.
>assault was a good game
Bizzaro world?
>the story was shit
fuck off faggot, that's the best part
>1/2 Nintendo games
Thanks ResetERA.
Imagine having taste this shitty.
Oh, wait. We don’t have to. Here are some examples of shitty taste right here!
Sweetie, ResetERA doesn’t like Nintendo anymore now that they’re trying to erase poor trans people from existing. Sony is our new based company with good moral values.
oruby/asapphire were great tho and skyward sword was prolly the best zelda storwise
Your mom
Star Fox Assault is a bad game?... It's pretty great ground missions aside
I had fun, even with ground missions
Better than 64 rehash #5
The PC port is actually playable unlike the original console version
This wasn't a bad game at all, it was like a 7/10 at the least. The ground shit wasn't exceptional, but it was at least serviceable, it wasn't unfun.
I don't know why I like really mediocre games
Pic unrelated?
Did you accidentally forget to click starfox guard command or federation force?
Assault was pretty alright.
replay the 360 version for the guest golems. The president of the USA is a golem
>The best part of a mediocre game
Whoop de doo.
I'm honestly surprised Zero is as hated as it is. Certainly not a good game but compared to other Star Fox games it at least has some moments close to 64. I thought it was better than Assault which is at least OK. Command sucks and Adventures sucks in it's own way.
Is it backwards compatible with the Xbone?
Wondering if I should dust off my old 360
It's almost like most people have never played it.