Also any other old Yea Forums images/screencaps welcome, let's reminisce together
ITT: Yea Forums memes you don't get to post anymore
Other urls found in this thread:
*sssiippp* yep
Will this be in the movie?
I found an old dark souls thread from 2012, fucking lol
It's always interesting to see how time changes Yea Forums's general consensus on games, it's always either one of two extremes
>Hates Mario
>Big Grin
>Anal Powers
wii u
old board university collage threads
There a 2006 version of this?
Was hoping for a bit of nostalgia.
REMEMBER ME Yea Forums!?
Old game grumps thread
I read the first panel first.
Not very funny
>einstein and launchpad mcquack
old Yea Forums persona collages
Made a thread for them here
why, my peenus weanus of course :)
hahaha! :D
it's my weeeeeenus peanus! :) hahah
ITT: Yea Forums memes you don't get to post anymore - my answer is, of course, my peanus weenus :D
still the deepest comic of all time
I miss Quentin comics
>Dragon Dildos threads started on Yea Forums 8 years ago
one copy of dragon's dogma please
This is the first time I've read the first panel.
>remember seeing this and thinking "man such a cringy reddit shit"
>7-8 years
>look at it fondly now
nostalgia is one hell of a bitch
I hate it so much
Reminder that Yea Forums's backseat moderating inexplicably caused the current year chan culture of pepes and wojaks
I don't expect any of you to understand because you're all post-gamergate additions
I remember not ever falling for this. I think its because of the color. Manga is black and white but when I see color Im reminded of western comic books so I instinctively read this left to right.
Oh you think the lack of self moderation on Yea Forums is bad
Just look at the current state of nu-Yea Forums
fuck me i completely forgot about the beyblade kids
I used to get buttblasted as fuck at $19.95 +tip posting back when it was a thing but now I kinda miss it.
how much of a weeb do you have to be to accidentally read non-japanese shit from right to left?
Oh man, hadn't seen something Bel-Air'd in hot fucking minute.
The year I started browsing as a little 14 year old faggot.
those were the days
clicking on a monkey island image and not knowing if you were about to hear a nice little song or see CP
Speaking of post-gamergate additions, discord is raping the dead corpse that is this site
i did raids with him in wow back in the day
When did lil Cheetus stop being a thing?
I swear you used to see that fucking gif at least 10 times a day.
Oh man it's been years since I've seen that faggot.
Man Tasteless got fat
>I'm actually fondly remembering early 2010s Yea Forums
I hate this.
Was the ancient evil awakens bird something from an older meme? I never really understood the correlation at the time
I don't.
>Reddit spacing
Not falling for that one. For the uninitiated: It's a Fallout 3 comic of some faggot nuking Dogmeat.
I got you
t. manchild who plays his ds in public
I don't remember this one
Anyone remember this old zelda porn collage?
that's because every modern Yea Forums meme is a Pepe or Wojak variation
imagine the pic in but with Pepe or Wojak shooped over literally every single face; that's modern Yea Forums
>newfags still pushing the reddit spacing meme
>newfags still cant correctly identify reddit spacing
>be newfag from 2010
>dont remember anything at all 9 years ago or a bit later
did i really experience this shit or not? im just seeing what i possibly missed out on or not
shut the FUCK up Onsokumaru
Did that one tripfag years ago really get hit by a bus?
anything with this fucker
Anyone have the good ol' Artificial Difficulty image?
remember when /v was cool and not literally /pol
>That p4 golden image
I'm glad I made it.
>every time I click the gif I feel compelled to watch it till the end
it's hypnotic
The posts in this image will turn a decade old later this year.
>quentin finally gets out of prison
>sees that everyone is playing their Nintendo Switches in public
>goes insane, believes that him going to jail caused the world to become "dystopian" in his absence
>he won't even have a leg to stand on, as his time on Yea Forums will have been forgotten by many
Fuck Yogurt guy, he was more annoying than Nigba and that one asshole with the fucked up teeth after a failed suicide attempt.
it's crazy to think that all of those things have actually been added to the games now
that post is 100% fact
>constanza made up 25% of all images in every thread on Yea Forums for 4 years
>vanished without a trace in an instant
does anyone have a meat wall edit from like 2004 or 5, from the constant cv threads with shitty ms paint art?
now there's a name I haven't heard in a long time
not sure how to feel about the existence of notable tripfags being basically wiped out
I miss AOS threads
Fuck off nigger that's a steam chat
Go back to dilating your ponyfag cuckhole.
Since when.
Doesn't he still post though?
I unironically miss 2011-2013 Yea Forums.
I'm glad this can't be posted anymore.
the heartbeats could be considered one, it's basically a heavily expanded version of capture guru
I remember RAGE threads
He's still around. He's a Koreaboo larping as a normalfag now though.
Nigga wasn't that 19.95 shit literally garbage from Yea Forums before they had their balls pulled off.
>just thought "well, maybe the same will happen with pepes and wojaks down the road!"
>realized shortly after it's been 5 years if not more already of the same shit over and over with no sign of ever stopping
god fucking dammit there really is no going back
If that was written today that user would be called an autist.
what up game boys
is that fucking Joxer the Mighty?
Quentin lives through his influence of shitposting on Yea Forums.
The fact that you're right pisses me the fuck off.
Fucking god damn feelsfaggots better get off me ship.
>when Kotick was the only devil in this hell
no because the movie is unfunny shit
Target camera has been a thing for a while but it did take until World for the games to get 'hard' lock-on at least, where the camera always follows the target. Monsters like Nargacuga are still directly affected by soft lock-on though.
Monster HP still isn't displayed directly, but standard monsters do technically drop slinger ammo when at certain low health thresholds.
GS is still the slowest-attacking weapon in the series.
Granted, Tigrex was gutted in the next game it was in.
still funny
Isn't he actually still around though? I see posters with his name from time to time. I don't know if it's just someone else using his handle, because in 12 years of browsing Yea Forums I never bothered to learn how tripcodes work. Just seems like a lot of faggy nonsense to me, and time seems to have vindicated my opinion.
/r/ing fuck you and the night
people will never understand just how great old Yea Forums was
That fucking dog wasn't a good meme, but it had some good exceptions
fuck off newfag
>defending gay ass Yea Forums circlejerks
Hello speedonvhs
Lanced Jack was a Yea Forums thing. zer0kage and his icy girls, donkey kong, grafics, these are the ones I miss.
The sad part is that you can still use this for the ps4.
I read a lot of manga and I actually looked left first
>Lanced Jack was a Yea Forums thing
nogaems posting is just as relevant as it ever was though
>the same will never happen to pepe or wojak
Shit sucks
I tried to bring it back when AC7 came out, but it didn't keep.
I had at least 100 Foul Bachelor Frog images saved
God I haven't seen this in a while. And it's still fucking true of course.
It was still better than literally any other place on the internet at the time. Remember this was during the normalfag flood of the internet with social media and shitphones.
>anonymous agony
those were the days
>reddit spacing
>for the uninitiated
you scream reddit
post tubes
>zoomers don't know who bobby jewtick is
it hurts
and the one with the girl's panties being stuck in the hurdle
Fatlus was art
They don't make them like they used to
Wasn't there like some kind of script in place to make that happen?
>Switch portbegger still trying to make fun of the ps4 while begging for ps4 games.
rip lyl
I waited for Ring Ring, glad I finally got it
lmaoing @ NEP not understanding the concept of friends
Wrong image?
Forgot about Tron Bonne, though. One of the good ones too.
Don't bring that shit here.
this is dumb, i read the first panel first and then the rest was just dumb.
This thread reminds me of old Yea Forums a little bit.
I miss wrong filename threads.
I miss Kornposting
I saw a kid the other day wearing an atlus shirt, it was really fucking weird
good riddance, every other post was some derivative of lel or kek at one point, glad its dead
>Wrong image?
Now imagine him going to 2019 Yea Forums
>mfw first actual, confirmed shilling on Yea Forums
>mfw she hiss at penis
Consequences will never be the same
>Flipping it
why would anyone do that?
Then don't fucking start it retard.
Kornposting is eternal, it transcended and split into a billion different forms.
I don't get it why would someone read the right panel first if it's not some jap comic?
not Yea Forums specifically but
>implying owls are birds
The 70's are still coming back, r-right, daddy-o's?
Suicide right then and there.
Aight NEP. Have fun dying with no friends.
>he puts his ketchup in the fridge
>Sekiro needs an easy mode, prove me wrong
>156 replies and 81 images omitted click to view
>that time when Ninja Theory shills were sent to damage control DmC
>old Yea Forums predicted BADASS
The joke is that weebs are used to starting from top-right and do it by mistake.
t. Weeb
I don't see Lanced Jack in that picture
>telling someone else not to start shit while starting shit
Gee I didn't know you would get so offended over such a harmless remark.
Grow some skin, faggot.
someone post the one with the dinosaur that gets prank called or whatever
Its thumbnail is used in those "user gets tricked twice" posts on filename threads
Man that guy had it figured out nine years ago. I feel a sense of peace flowing through me, perhaps enough that I might finally stop coming here so much.
Remember tripfags?
We really haven't had a really annoying one in a long time.
>Yea Forums doesnt even complain about casuals anymore
Fun fact: though seen as wise and sage in many cultures, all species of owl are significantly mentally inferior to almost all other avians. Especially crows, ravens, and pigeons.
Quentin was like Barneyfag but tried harder.
Quit starting shit, don't bring that here.
I'm saying Lanced Jack posted on Yea Forums, therefore not a Yea Forums thing you DOUBLE NIGGER.
barneyfag has probably dodged over ten thousand bans by now, I don't think you can try much harder than that
It's been years and still makes me laugh
Nowadays everyone reports them and they get banned.
Having actual moderation once in a while isn't that bad.
Because we've been invaded by casuals.
That's because most vidya nowadays IS for casuals.
I mean, Nintendo is still being Nintendo and they were never hardcore or casual I guess but everyone else has changed.
It keeps fucking happening.
Someone please add shit to this image like a "low semen" bar.
Just because someone occasionally posts on another board doesn't mean that they are claimed by that board. Most of the shitstorms he brought down on this site were on Yea Forums or involved him leading Yea Forums to raid other boards.
I don't like what I just looked at because it's true.
>no one makes OC like this anymore
>it's all pepe and wojak now
end me
Then you shouldn't have started it, nigger.
Has it been 8 years already...
God I haven't thought about Lucky Star and Konata spam in years
This is the closest thing I've found to it in recent memory
You know you wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't reply in the first place, right?
Does anyone have the "You are smalltime!" art from that?
Still got this theme in my playlist in remembrance.
Launchpad was great, but Bub was amazing because even Microsoft employees were coming out to bitch about being beaten by the mean green dragon.
Gee I didn't know you would get so offended over such a harmless remark.
Grow some skin, faggot.
>posts a tired old template picture that took less effort than the atari wojak OC
You mean we haven't had any entertaining-annoying ones. After all that Gladium retard still posts and he's just annoying-annoying.
90% sure he's false flagging too.
How about something based on a Yea Forums meme we hardly get to see anymore
Nothing takes less effort than a wojak edit.
Thanks for making this relevant again, SEGA.
I forgot his gimmick, if he had one tbqh.
Yeah that's the one. My old HD died a few years back and I lose like 12 years of Yea Forums pictures.
The butthurt that rose up from that popularity contest was pretty funny, not gonna lie. Do they still hold those contests anymore?
Do you even need to edit it anymore? I'm pretty sure there's one for every occasion now.
Gamespot's pure salt for Launchpad winning the whole thing and hiding the contest in the final round was amazing though.
I'm a newfag though, was only here for Launchpad and not Bubble Bobble. Wish I had seen the salt.
8.8 Nintendo babies
Launchpad's victory was the end of these contests.
This is insane. An 8.8 is a really good score. What was wrong with zelda fans back then?
twilight princessfags are just as obnoxious then as they are now
No, there was one more with greatest villain.
For some reason Yea Forums pushed General Raam from Gears of War.
Epic also said they would have a double XP weekend if Raam won, which is stupid because the joy of rigging a gamespot contest were the tears and tears alone.
It was already shit by then. If you weren't here by 2007 you already missed the best memes and chillest userbase
>dboy in the first panel
Fuck mods, Fuck jannies and FUCK NERDS.
As annoying as TP fans are I remember it being someone on par with "too much water".
someone should make a compilation of all the currently popular wojak and pepe edits and compare it side by side with this collage
Fuck I remember a vocaroo somebody did of this, had me dying laughing.
>implying 8.8 wouldn't become a meme on here with dozens of OHNONONONONONONOAHAHAHAAHAHAHA threads filled with thousands of Wojak edits if it happened today
I jerked off to that comic
It's so much worse than the ones before.
Is 2013 officially the year things started going to shit?
Holy shit. I completely forgot this existed. Did it come out? Was it garbage?
Have we ever had a really good template meme like the God Hand edits?
I feel like I haven't seen that many. Or do they just get buried due to 3 million people posting on Yea Forums?
I read it left to right
I instinctively read coloured comics left to right and greyscale as right to left
Probably, I think that was around the time mosaic threads started to go to shit as well
>Armstrong, one of the biggest memes in that year just a small portion
It's just like the Klonoa comic
The time has comeAND SO HAVE I
God I love this timeline
>quentin sits like a girl/gay
We still play spades sometimes.
>Did it come out?
It did 4 years ago IIRC.
>Was it garbage?
It was a mixed bag from what I remember.
>ctrl + F Tile
0 results
out of my comfy thread you dramaniggers
Why are the last 3 numbers X'ed out?
is this for minecraft?
Dude shitting frozen butter, "Wow cool robot" and "no pooh, you're eating x" were some of the less old good template memes, though nowadays only wojaks and forced memes reach popularity comparable to god hand edits.
It was the first decisive victory of the fun-hating-whiners to ruin Yea Forums.
It was the earliest "solution" to doubles.
Nowadays, the post numbers just skip double digits (except for 00).
That sour grapes image reminded me of this atrocity.
So people couldn't check 'em. Kinda like how Yea Forums had poster IDs for a while.
their old way of preventing dubs.
However this is what lead to check 'em, since you could only see a post's last three digits when quoting them.
Entire threads could be derailed with a good "check em"
>tfw corporate strategists and advertising execs are finally figuring out gorilla advertising in the age of zoomer memes
I'm hearing about this shit at work now
Sseth is literally getting paid by marketing companies to make shitpost videos that vaguely advertise the initial product because it's "meme".
>large marketing firm paid sseth for a video containing Incase art, multiple nigger crime statistic jokes, Fatal Pulse's trap cocksucking doujins, and on and on
>yfw no Quentin/Mad Thad teamup
How many more years does he have till he can use computers again?
What is he doing now?
Might as well post the whole facerig user jerking off threads we had then too
Hey dante will we ever meet again?
>he still shills his videos here under a different name and newfags watch them
He's basically a vegetable now. Terrible accident where his booster seat fell on him.
Does anybody have the edit of this where it's pages from the comic instead?
Anyone have the screencap of Valve E3 predictions where Gabe has to be hoisted onto the stage via cranes, but the stage breaks and his body begins to roll through the crowd eventually gaining so much momentum that no government can stop him?
He can call himself britbong all he wants. He'll always be manlet tears to me.
I always find it funny how Yea Forums will go full on homo when given the chance.
if you put that in the name field, you get a special POST SUCCESSFUL screen.
lads its true, my meme folder and its sub folders is 11 years old now, is there any way to actually organize it?
There's a reason why we're the gayest board.
Heres one of an user who made a bunch of Vert webms facerig
sound webms of an user fapping with facerig
Lasercheese is timeless.
I tried sorting out my reaction images at one point and then gave up beyond creating folders.
The 3.3 million only funded the first half I don't even remember where they got the money for the 2nd. Then he looked at other bombs he made like Spacebase Didn't Finish 9 and Massive Chalice and decided Kickstarter wasn't scamming enough money out of customers so he went and founded his own crowdfunding site instead where he somehow got people to give him money for Psychonauts 2 (supposed to come out this year but uh good fucking luck with that).
My problem is I keep coming across random gifs and webms of the various porn I saved and I get distracted and then lose interest after I nutted to it.
Let me exponentially increase that feel:
>3ab stlye comic about rage guy taking on the endless wojack horde
drawfags get on it
Did 3AB ever get off his island?
His shoulder strap always looked like he was holding a fudge pop in this picture
Reminder faggot face schaefer was such a scam artist dancing around definitions and the point of kikestarter that he singlehandedly got both kikestarter AND Steam to change the their rules about early acces and crowdfunding.
There is a 2018 version, but I didn't save it
which video of yours is this sseth?
I sort them by date by creating a new folder every arbitrary unit of time and dumping current shit into it.
I also separate anything that could be used for baiting into a separate bloodline of folders.
I was looking for this for a while, thanks man
Sseth is unironically one of the worst "people" to ever happen to Yea Forums.
He's worse than Janced Jack, Nigba and Manly Tears combined.
>He's worse than...Manly Tears
Manly Tears gets laughed at and that's it.
His attention whoring doesn't work.
Sseth brings retard zoomers to us like /pol/ does, kills memes and emboldens unfunny niggers who then shit up Yea Forums.
somehow I have this saved
Good old Jun, remember back when everyone went gay for him?
>Xbox is macho
>PS is weeb
>Nintendo is all-ages
This was the trifecta. We need to go back.
The Germans MUST have actually made Air Traffic Control Simulator by now for real
>not the colored version
I came in your 17-year old ass!
>wipes out power for the city
spookily prophetic
>not putting your vidya in te fridge
I miss when Gee was spammed
>can't have my classmates knowing
>posted on facebook
You know what'll really make you feel old? Loss is over 10 years old.
we even lived long enough for it to become a normalfag meme too
what has vidya come to
>we're gonna take the carpet sir
Still funny all this time later
Niggers are low iq
Seriously? Hey, remember Japan Time?
Now it's bitching about people wanting an easy mode, same thing really.
I miss when Yea Forums was unequivocally pro-hardcore games.
based picture
casuals should be harrassed in all walks of life
Last prevalent one I remember from here was Cerburz something and I havent seen him post in like 5 years unless that other Tomoko guy is him
I remember Reliable Ecchi Deliverer and Donkey Kong
don't make me cry, old Yea Forums is the only thing i cling to
Lurk more retard.
Man this thread makes me sad because I'll never have those experiences again. Thanks for the memories.
>Saya no uta 2 got announced last week
imagine being Lanced Jack
Think there's a chance we could force out casuals at this point?
No, Yea Forums's one of the fastest boards on Yea Forums(nel) now and the corruption has seeped too far in
Did you see how Breath of the Wild fans reacted when the score went down slightly on metacritic? Zeldafans still act that crazy.
>Saya no uta 2 got announced last week
that guy seems chill as fuck and that girl seems racist
And now there are people who edit Wojak and Pepe over old content on purpose just to piss people off
>Saya no uta 2 got announced last week
No, because casuals would think they're the hardcore ones and back you up.
Nu-nu-Yea Forums thinks that "hardcore" means "thinking dwarf fortress is good".
Try dropping "artificial difficulty" and check how many of the zoomers shit on you without understanding what the phrase actually means.
>there are newfags who never got to experience the golden age of Yea Forums
>there are kids on Yea Forums who don't remember a time when people said "lel"
>and posted Kornheiser
>and make POWER RANKINGS threads
>they will never know the struggle of the Outlaws, who fought in vain against an unstoppable foe, for their right to shitpost
>they don't know the origin of >he does it for free
>they weren't there for the great uprising, and the purge that left Yea Forums with only a couple of pages
>they never got to experience the horror of the crackdown, the movement of the outlaws underground, into guerilla warfare
>they don't know about the culmination of these efforts, an outlaw infiltrating the moderation team, becoming a rogue janny who wiped entire boards and dumped an archive of /j/
>there are Yea Forums posters right now who honestly think their time as the meme factory of this site will last forever
>they don't realize their time will come, too
>they take their freedoms for granted, blissfully ignorant of the hotpocket-flavored jackboot that hovers ominously above them
Never forget.
To be fair, it was Jim who brought it down for some stupid reason.
Not many people care for the number itself as much as the reason behind it.
Lurking will never answer that question
Secret Lab is dead 420 let it rest
Based comfy thread
He didn't like the weapon durability system, something that people have criticised before, so he didn't give it a perfect score for that reason. I think Jim is a piece of shit, but he did nothing wrong in this instance other than being honest about his feelings towards the game. BotW fans just hate any kind of negative criticism directed at the game.
>threads get banned to /vg/
>servers start having feminine and underage voices overnight
It was fun while it lasted
It was literally a Yea Forums shitpost to mock the cliche in games. Then Halo 4 E3 trailer was shown and it literally said "AN ANCIENT EVIL". It was like early meme magic
A mod ruined /tg/ back in '12. It's when I quit posting there regularly, I got banned for having an xcom thread even though it's Commander Keen approved. The crackdown on /tg/ back then killed the board, it's not as good as it used to be, and the concept of thread generals have really killed the cohesiveness and community of the board, but then again that's on ever board on Yea Forums now. Shit, I still remember the Yea Forums raid on /x/ that killed it, too. That was over 10 years ago now. It stopped the board being an OC and creepypasta generating factory and turned into the shit it is now.
the ass was fat
It's been so long since i heard anyone say this
Not him but I say it irl.
I miss cardcrush, seems like godhand edits were always more popular, they came before it and are posted even now, but cardcrush? haven't seen that shit in years, even when it would make perfect sense to apply it to something.
>Sound threads
Thanks for reminding me of what were some of the best threads on Yea Forums. I still have all my old files collecting dust on my hard drive.
>he's a janitor
>on the internet
>on an anime imageboard
>he does it for free
>he takes his "job" very seriously
>he does it because it is the only amount of power & control he will ever have in his pathetic life
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because whenever he gets upset he has an asthma attack
>he deletes threads he doesn't like because they interfere with the large backlog of little girl chinese cartoons he still has to watch
>he will never have a real job
>he will never move out of his parent's house
>he will never be at a healthy weight
>he will never know how to cook anything besides a hot pocket
>he will never have a girlfriend
>he will never have any friends
I don't really have any memes for it but I miss Let's Drown Out so hard you don't even know
be cool, be you
it's a shame sound isn't enabled globally when we actually have means to do shit natively now
It didn't help that new shit is just thrown into the same barebones map with little to no adjustment to the point where the game is now bloated and barebones
oh thank fuck i still have this image
>BotW fans just hate any kind of negative criticism directed at the game.
Nah, the reality of the matter is that they only lash out at people who otherwise seem uninformed or base an entire game on one thing they didn't like.
That's why initial botw threads were filled with criticism but no one was getting angry but later ones were an absolute travesty because people who clearly didn't play the games were just parroting Jim.
He banned star wars threads on /tg/, anything that pertained to Yea Forums, LOTR was banned since it was Yea Forums. Shit got fucking crazy.
ah yes when the xbox was still relevant enough to make fun of
I was going to call you a faggot for posting a 2018 screencap but I remember that thread, still good
>Reliable Ecchi Deliverer
Fuck I forgot that name. Good riddance.
Only a woman would write that shit
>Birth of /vg/
/vg/ was a mistake.
Godspeed you magnificent bastard
that was painful to read, how does he do it
Wholesome. I love blackaboos, I wish I knew some irl
>that time he attempted to shoot up his school
>/vg/ was a mistake.
newfag spotted
You know all the cancer on /vg/? The circlejerks and autistic drama and katawa shoujo depression kpop jerkoff session #4885? Imagine if that was spread allll over Yea Forums, mostly the front page, and there was no catalog (officially anyway, I learned about too late)
It needs to be contained. Yes it means sometimes vidya discussion is shipped away from Yea Forums. Yes it means there is a board full of cancer. But this is a necessary evil. You would understand if you saw it. The same goes for /vp/, Pokemon General was a special brand of autism.
>floortile user was 6 years ago
it's fake
>tfw you've been on Yea Forums more since '05
I almost don't recognize this place anymore. I had people shitpost a STALKER thread the other day saying Yea Forums always hated it and told me to go back to /vg/. Blew my fucking mind.
>He didn't like the weapon durability system,
The problem he had with the game wasn't primarily the durability but how it "limited" the player rather than letting them think outside of the box.
Knowing what we know about BoTW now I'd say that's a very unfair review given what people have done in regards to combat and travel.
>when you're just ready for it all to be over already
>people now have nostalgia for fucking halo and cawadoody of all things
please make it stop
Don't forget you're here forever
why is he in prison?
>tfw no one ever remembers that the whole reason people say mfw and tfw is because >my face when got banned on Yea Forums
>that period when everyone started copying costanza and ketchup posting
Yea Forums memes sort of come from everywhere now. that 30 year old / boomershit was a /fit/ meme. have sex is an Yea Forums meme. but nothing changed so many things as Yea Forums did in its time
>that shitty reboot I shitposted about up to release is already 6 years old
I mentioned STALKER in a thread a few days ago and I got 2 replies calling me a boomer. I've noticed people calling them shit too recently when they were pretty much universally praised on Yea Forums years ago
>that 30 year old / boomershit was a /fit/ meme. have sex is an Yea Forums meme.
How come all boards related to physical activity are such fucking cancer?
Despite being smaller than /pol/, they are responsible for 50% of cancerous memes.
>griffith is drawn better in this doujin than current miura
normalfags flock to them, they never integrated themselves into Yea Forums culture, just look at the fags over at /soc/
Not that guy but I personally never cared much for STALKER even back then but god damn do I hate this whole LOL BOOMER/ZOOMER shit that's happening now.
30 year old boomer was forced on literally every board. I saw the same post on /x/, /tg/, Yea Forums, Yea Forums, and a few others. The retard forcing that was determined to get it off the ground and god damn him if it didn't work.
I still don't get it but I just realized that the guy in the first panel is larry david
I thought the boomershit comes from the S I P B O Y S posting on /ck/
it was a different time.
He spammed every single board all day long and all he got was a fucking WARNING
sounds like dunkey wrote that
sounds a lot like the sonic trailer
>this game actually came out
>it was mediocre
The internet before Steve Jobs flooded it with normalfags was such a fucking thrill. Zoomers may be taking over but I'll always live knowing I got to experience that and all they'll ever know is ZuccNet - Brought to you By Google.
>actually came out
No way? I bought a pre-access key for $10 in 2010 or 2011, I wonder if I can find it
No it's a forced meme from someone that spammed it everywhere.
>click image
>see .gif
>click again immediately
Not getting me today
>no druid
>Oh no the bad man did something naughty on the internet better ban him from Yea Forums like that means anything and he wont just be posting again after resting his router, wont somebody please save me from these internet meanies
You forgot the Halo 4 reveal of ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS
the bird is in there
I know, but it really just showed how little the mods actually care
its kind of a combination of the two. /fit/ spammed >that 30 year old in the gym forever and with the sipboys on ck that migrated to fit it became >that 30 year old boomer in the gym
then someone put it on every board
I thought the lenny face thing was spammed in 2011
A friend of mine still draws druids and hides them in my house.
does anyone have that >OH MY GOD IT'S DOLPHIN PORN
>The actual good Tripfags dissappear
>The faggots continue to stay
Fuck you Boco
Yea Forums created
>he does it for free
>that will be 19.95 plus tip
>power rankings
>superb owl
>the city of ___
>this entire image format
>I'm sorry, but did the Chargers already lose? Oh, that's right. The game isn't even over yet. In fa
>rooty tooty point and shooty
and probably a lot more I can't remember
>both are equally unfunny
Missing grafics of all people, that guy's got such an ego, man.
kind of surprised BTFO took off asmuch as it did outside of Yea Forums. even normalfags use it now.
>those bracketed links
Was it a [sound] thread?
This has never worked on me to this day.
Didn't this guy go full jew, try making it a real game then took the money and ran? Or maybe i'm getting him confused with the Breeding Season guy because their art is the same.
>good tripfags
>Taxi No. 28
>The fucking Luigi Commercial
I never understood that, what the fuck were they thinking
>years ago
i got here last year yet i remember comfy stalker threads, this is a recent thing
Yup and yup, same guy
DMC V was shit
>trusting crapcom
that entire konami e3 conference was legendary.
Fuck you nigger
Even though 2013 was the beginning of the end, I'm glad I experienced the shit in that collage
anyone else have the others?
>WAAAAH why can't i post about offtopic shit
cry harder fag lol
>Yea Forums is appropriating /vp/ memes now
Wow, this is fucking garbage. That was the end wasn't it
>nameless solider
>dragon knight
>crazed alchemist
>orc troublemaker
>gunslinging loner
Yea Forums has been permanently ruined after all the gay shit that's happened around the time they started banning sadpanda and sakurafish threads
they are pretty based
being politically neutral comes with the territory
This is Totally Spies
The year when Yea Forums became twitter and muh SJW posting central, the beginning of the end
Sakurafish is blatant spam.
Yea Forums has been shit for alot longer than that
There's literally been an undisguised loli porn thread up on Yea Forums for almost 12 hours right now.
This isn't hentai, is it? These new ecchi anime are going all out.
so... Sauce?
I'm convinced Jewcob payed the mods to ban Sadpanda threads
You mean after the cuckold mods banned self moderation and allowed narutards in.
Thread's about to die. Plz, just give sauce
of all the things that were never good, Yea Forums is near the top
or Yea Forums.
b isn't even random anymore. Its just another porn board, almost on the same tier as /soc/. Yea Forums is about the closest to old Yea Forums I have seen, but even that is just a caricature of the memes from that era.
This one?
im not sure if the rules in japan are the same as Yea Forums boards but here full frontal female nudity is classified as ecchi, it only becomes hentai when a dick is involved
Now this brings back mediocre memories
Jesus maybe I should check my pulse, I didn't even react to that.
fuck off saucehounds
Tell me the sauce and I'll fuck right off and even go fuck myself for awhile.
it was one guy who forced it on at least 9 different boards by trying to start arguments.
choke on my dick faggot, saucefags deserve no quarter
newfags cant reverse search
If that's all I gotta do to get some sauce then bring it on over and I'll slobber all over it.
>this meme is now almost 10 years old
this place has consumed me
should have just banned generals like Yea Forums did.
speedonvhs, adamantium jimmy and the rest of their retarded neet discord group ruin another perfectly fine thread
retarded falseflagging tripfags