Other urls found in this thread:
kimi no na wa
I wanna fuck that robot.
I just got to the tournament fight shit in The Answer.
Holy fuck, is Yukari just the most miserable little slut. I hated her for most of The Journey, but by the end I was alright with her, didn't like her at all, but didn't hate her nearly as much because she seemed like she at least matured somewhat, but now in The Answer there's only a small amount of time left for everyone to leave, and this cunt holds everything up because she was horny for MC and wants to fuck him even if it means that they might lose to Nyx.
She's literally willing to risk the lives of everyone on the entire planet just so she can try to get dicked, what a selfish piece of shit.
>She's literally willing to risk the lives of everyone on the entire planet just so she can try to get dicked, what a selfish piece of shit
art imitates life
all it takes is one delusional person to destroy the world. humanity never changes.
I had to find the highest quality video on youtube with the answer opening and screenshot these with frame-perfect timing.
Persona 3 has the best endgame
> Spoils the ending in the first 5 seconds of the game
Nothing persona kid
Might as well dump the rest
Why did they never release this one song on an OST or something?
It's on the FES soundtrack. It's just called, "P3 FES".
God I love mitsuru
I have to hand it to the animators for this image of Yukari. It's quite an impressive feat to make a character look more cute but also more of an insufferable bitch at the same time.
>Persona 3 always reminds me of the June where I camped out in my un-airconditioned guest room and spent the entire last week of school not studying for finals and playing
I wish someone would have given Yukari a good slap like that. She's needed it in several situations.
God this scene was always garbage, even in the games.
>Mitsuru is punishing herself because she's trying to take responsibility for suffering of all people while also being person who lost the most recently
>Yukari has been and still is fucking seeing everything exclusively from the point of view of her own suffering and has been forcing it on others
Like, fuck off, you aren't only one whose dad died. At least stop being a cunt to your mom.
continuing with the stills
Aigis frowning and shooting is a great image
this is a nice shot of Metis posing
Actually autistic. You genuinely have autism and can't understand human relationships. You are literally analysing her decisions like she is a malfunctioning robot because you lack the ability to understand people. This post gave me a hearty chuckle.
>when you are entering a horrible thread
It's a good dick dude
That is what makes her so fun, seeing her explore in jealousy when the robot got chosen over her in the post game is just so great.
They all missed Jesus-kun but no one else was being a giant cunt about it.
>remember you are mortal
>remember you will die
>you die in the end
woooooooow, bugged trailer mechanics
>Everyone in this thread talking about The Answer like it's canon
It's hated by pretty much everyone who has played it. It was made solely to resell the game and also to give more specific answers to what MC done at the end of the game. All the other plot was just thrown together to create a framework for the first two points I mentioned. In conclusion I completely ignore this games story, all I take from it is the concise explanations of what happened at the end of the journey because that's all the game was created for. They obviously didn't rack their brains for long to cut out all the social elements and have the cast lazily fight each other in a generic arena for stupid reasons so why even fret over it? This is the sort of expansion that would be completely phased out of any sort of remake except possibly the better explanations of the real ending.
>when you witness exactly how horrible the thread is
No, they were all being pretty bad about it. It's just that while the others didn't necessarily say anything, Yukari (being a Lovers) is the one who most readily acts on her emotions.
If everyone else was innocent, they wouldn't be trapped in a time loop in the first place. That Shadow Door wouldn't have appeared and stalked them.
What an obnoxious intro. Hate video games that have these.
Yukari is really just a bitch. Her characterization still makes sense and progresses well and fine but she's a cunt through and through. Even if you disregard The Answer, she's a cunt all throughout The Journey too. Even by the very end when they're preparing to face off against Nyx she goes on with her dumb routine of picking on Junpei, making fun of him for being sacred of the fucking apocalypse, and he of all people is the one that has to tell her to shove it because shit has gotten serious and of course he and everyone else is scared, but he's upfront about it and dealing with it while she's still acting the same way she did with her issues on day one of high school.
Fuuka-user, I don't feel so good...
>mfw the crater reveal scene
I don't handle natural disasters well
What movie is that gif from?
Considering she wears a choker in public, I don't think there's any denying that Yukari is a slut.
>waaah you're autistic because you don't like my bitchy selfish waifu!
Fuck off, I hate her because she's nothing more than a selfish piece of shit. She gets bitchy about shit all the time, gives Junpei unwarranted shit, makes stupid decisions such as bringing the gang into a back alley and proceeding to pick fights that could easily have been avoided.
Sure, she has some daddy issues and shit, and some of her anger is understandable, but a lot of time's she's just a bitch for no good reason.
>b-but its realistic!
Wow, no shit, selfish people exist, and people generally hate them irl too. Most people aren't so selfish that they'd be willing to kill themselves and the entire population just to see a person again that they only knew for barely a year.
I liked how no one else felt the same so they made Misturu back her up because she's a friend
KIMI WA NE ≥ Burn My Dread > Soul Phrase, though
They really should have had Yukari be on her own, and get wrecked in a 8v1. I hate how she just gets her way.
Is it a choker or just a jrpg random belt?
It's a choker that suppresses desire to suck dicks.
Yukari is based. loved the part were she was straight roasting Akihiko and Ken in the main room.
She wears a choker because her element is wind.
Boy and girl are bodyswapping every couple of days, eventually romantic feelings for this person they've never physically met, but then the bodyswapping stops and girl doesn't answer the phone number she provided. Boy uses his vague memories to draw a picture of her town that some guy he meets recognises. Boy finds out that her village was wiped off the map by pieces broken off a comet three years prior, their bodyswaps weren't synced up with time and that it ceased when she died. With more time travel bodyswapping they save everyone in the town but then forget about each other until they meet again by chance and go "I feel like I know you, kimi no na wa?"
She wasn't roasting anyone, all she did was call people scared because they didn't have a death wish like her. She just made a total ass of herself.
Once you go door, you can never go back
Kimi no kioku still can make me cry whenever I hear it
Even more now that I understand the lyrics
another Pallas Athena closeup
and that's it
>dude why is this character going through loss and grief acting irrationally
I sometimes feel like barely anyone actually understands Yukari's character, even during the main game. I guess that's what happens when P4 and 5fags go back to play earlier entries and encounter party members who don't start sucking your protag cock instantaneously.
>destroying humanity is okay if you're grieving
Who cares. Everyone on the planet subconsciously wanted to die anyway.
>members who don't start sucking your protag cock instantaneously.
That’s only in P4
Gives me goosebumps every time, fuck I love Persona 3.
I wonder if anyone in P5 will get famous in the future.
What's not to understand about her? She's literally just a bitch.
Everyone else is going through the exact same loss and grief, she's not the only one who misses the guy. But everyone else is willing to move on like an adult, even the fucking kid, yet Yukari throws a fucking temper tantrum over it.
>I guess that's what happens when P4 and 5fags go back to play earlier entries
I had only played 4 before this, but enjoyed 3 a hell of a lot more for its better character development and story. I'm not a P4fag by any means, I hate that game for how it drops the ball in the end.
Probably not to the degree of Rise or Yukari
>Wah wah, my dad died, so it's my mission, everything here is about me
Is her character. She's literally supposed to mirror Mitsuru in her grief aspect, except Mitsuru is likable and doesn't have tunnel vision. And Yukari is the one who is supposed to be slapping Mitsuru after her dad died too? Fuck off, it's literal shit writing.
She's a Lovers. She can't contain her emotions as easily as other people. Even Ginko was like this.
Anne is a model and futaba later transitions into Daru and becomes a super hax0r
Eh. It's not like the others were much better. They could have avoid the problem by simply choosing not to fight Yukari. Yukari's one thing, you expect her to act irrationally when she's overloaded with emotion. But why did even Junpei, the one who didn't want to fight at all, still participate?
Ryuji, Mokoto, and Futuba are pretty cold or hostile in their introduction but once they're actually in the party their mouths plant firmly on Joker's cock for the entire game with everyone being chummy outside of Morgana's autistic spat which almost everyone agrees is the stupidest part of the game
Ann will be a famous overseas model, Ryuji a high profile athlete, whoever the fuck that new girl is in 5R will be a famous dancer. Futuba and Makoto will be whispered about by NPCs as being massively influential in their professional fields, Haru and Big Bang Burger will have a slight reference in P6's inevitable commercial district. Goro, if P5R doesn't do too much with him, will become a popular topic of discussion among true crime circles due to his mysterious disappearance. If P5R does do anything with him it'd probably end with him alive but in jail, unless Atlus is retarded, and famous for his murders instead.
What is Aigis doing in the current (P5) time?
Eh. I doubt Ann will be as famous as Yukari. Thing about modeling is that it's fundamentally less effective at attracting fame than singing or acting. Both Yukari and Rise did modeling work, but the things that ACTUALLY made them famous were their acting/idol work. More people would know Yukari as Feather Pink than as a fashion model on some magazine. But since Ann can't act and her singing ability is questionable, she'd probably just be a model and that's it.
Previous games had plenty of athletes, but it's not like Akihiko became famous. Though unlike Akihiko, Ryuji probably doesn't have much of a future outside of athletics. He doesn't exactly have the brains for much else.
>Ryuji, Mokoto, and Futuba are pretty cold or hostile in their introduction
So is Anne who thinks your creepy and Yusuke who blackmails you compared to P4 where everyone loves you before they join the team.
Also stop moving the goalpost. You said “who don't start sucking your protag cock instantaneously.”
Joker, assuming his birth parents don't murder him to hide the shame of having a son who jaywalks and is rude to old people, will probably go on to be prime minister and single handedly reverse Japan's declining birth rate by fucking every woman over 30 in the entire country.
This song gets to me everytime.
>outside of Morgana's autistic spat which almost everyone agrees is the stupidest part of the game
Yea Forums is a minority including you. Most people understood the scene.
Is Aki even an athlete after p3? I thought he went into the mountains and trained or something
thinkin' about door, probably still working for Mitsuru and the Shadow Ops
Probably still performing anti-Shadow activities. She'd be the top field operative, after all.
What's yer point?
Why wasn't it as memorable as 3?
Whisper of the heart
It's a gift from her dad.
>they're actually in the party their mouths plant firmly on Joker's cock for the entire game
The most they do is feel bad for his situation and compliment on how skilled he is.
In P4 most of the S.Links would’ve killed themselves if you weren’t around. You also have a character with a gimmick about agreesively flirting with and only the MC and your little cousin even has a crush on you.
Because the story was trash and the characters were 1 note.
It was, you were just older when you played it.
For real though, I've always liked the idea of Joker getting into politics to change things from within the system.
Because the story is non-existent and the cast of characters are bland one-note gimmicks.
But they do know, they bring up multiple times that if they go back they could lose, but she literally doesn't care about potentially destroying humanity.
She's distant and cold because she feels the whole damn Dark Hour is her responsibility. And she actively holds information back that she found herself because it might make someone get cold feet on what they're doing.
>Mitsuru senpai's feet
They were talking about Nyx, no one fucking knew about the "Let's just see what he did" option existed user. NO ONE except Metis who didn't bother to provide that info until AFTER everyone got their asses kicked.
That's what makes her likable, dum dum.
>tfw not warming her cold feet with your breath while she rubs them on your face
It's just to hide her Soejima neck.
>ywn play P3 for the first time ever again
Best boy.
>I've been playing P3 for the first time for like two years, I just can't bring myself to finish it.
How does he get away with it?
I wish Ui would
look after me and Yui while we laze around everyday together cuddling and fucking
weakest emotional payoffs out of any Persona game.
there's not many stakes in trying to solve the murders for the main party besides Yosuke, who had his crushed murdered, and eventually Naoto who's into it because it's her job. Whenever something does happen, like Nanoko being kidnapped then dying, they go back on it pretty quick. The twist for both the true murderer, regardless of how entertaining Adachi actually is when it's revealed, and the true final boss are weak as fuck. The ending is lame too, especially coming off of the heels of 3, and only limp wristed faggots get emotional over it.
P4 would be way more memorable and impressionable to people if Nanoko stayed dead, if a main party member, even if it was a temporary addition like Shinji and Goro, died, or someone more centrally linked to the main cast like Dojima or Yukiko ended up being the murderer like it was originally planned.
All of that being said P4 especially Golden is easily the funniest Persona game, thanks mostly to the efforts of Kanji.
Plenty memorable for me. I'd also argue memorable enough since it still gets mentioned on Yea Forums a lot.
why is 5 better than any persona except EP and IS?
3 > 4 > 5
Nigga, it's a video game.
>why is 5 better than any persona
It isn't.
Characters, Setting, Story, Themes all fall flat in P5.
persona 5 has the best girls
persona 4 has the best atmosphere
persona 3 has the best plot
P5 has the best story.
>persona 5 has the best girls
? ? ?
You mean shallow done by number waifus? Sure, if you mean as characters lol no
>P5 has the best story.
Makoto tops EVERY poll in Japan.
cutest girls is what I meant yes
persona 5 has the best girls
>popular = quality
l o l
Who's the biggest fapbait? It's Rise, isn't it
actual dungeons with light and dark attacks no longer being only insta-kill skills. The Confidants/S-links for non-party members is the best it's ever been.
everything else is worse.
>persona 4 has the best atmosphere
Tatsumi Port Island is far superior.
>persona 5 has the best girls
only if you like cakes, outside of Kawakami who's outright inferior to Toriumi if teachers are your weird fetish
I bet Adachi would be pissed that Kawakami got away with what Kamoshida got fired for
So CoD is good?
Anne and Rise together
>P4 having the best anything
Adachi is one of the people who would half jokingly, half seriously shitpost about it while ignoring the fact that Kamoshida was a rapist.
P4 had the best OST, t b h.
>only if you like cakes
>there are people who went into P5 without being interested in cakes
What fools
You are now in charge of a Persona 3 remake. What do you change?
why do the japanese call old people cakes?
the way female social links work where they can regress if you don't talk to them and you can't friendzone them. Other than that nothing
>what do you change
you can now choose the attacks of party members
that and better graphics is all I would want
yeah It really needed another 100 floors
>Models from P3D
>Tartarus reworked so it's less of slog
Nyx now has a whole new phase after the Death Arcana and before the sacrifice
lots of people responded to this post trying to defend yukari but they're missing the point: the answer is shitty fanfiction for toaster fuckers
every single character is rewritten to be a retard in order to make aigis look better, yukari gets it bad partially because whoever was writing it wanted to really take her down a peg after all the shipping the main game has between her and door-kun and partially because yukari's dub voice actress makes her sound like a huge bitch all the time
The ending hit me way too hard the first time I played P3.
>that spoiler
>deliberately withholding information because it might make them stop being child soldiers makes you likeable
the only party members in persona 3 that are likeable are yukari and junppei, everyone else is an autistic anime robot (sometimes literally) with 2 personality traits
That’s not an argument
I keep saving shinji's life from P3P but also make it more explicit that he still dies from persona cancer a few months later
It's an old Yea Forums rumor from some untranslated interview in 2008 but apparently they had initially planned for Dojima to be the killer and Nanako to actually die purposely and without remorse by Dojima but they in early stages went "Naw that's too fucked up for even us"
Yukari is easily the most dislikable character in the whole series and this is a series that has Teddie and Yosuke in it.
He was SO fucking uninteresting that it blew my mind when I saw how many people were saddened at his death. I was more upset for the white haired guy (whatever his name was) when he was at the theater room or whatever and reminiscing before he got his persona upgrade. But other than that, this hobo fag obsession is beyond me.
Reminder persona 3 is still the best in the series.
Reminder Mitsuru is the best Persona girl overall.
Reminder this is coming from a Persona5bab.
you're right it's not an argument, it's a statement that the answer (and FES as a whole) is a blatant money making scheme by atlus after they realized they had accidentally made a character with a gigantic otaku $$$ potential (saber but instead she's also a gynoid with cool headphones) and forgot to even make her a social link
so they quickly did everything they could (the JP version came all of 9 months after the original release, before the english version of the BASE game was even fucking out) to quickly shit out something to tap this market (see also: the aegis only mobile prequel game, the first big drama CD being about labrys, trinity soul having a similar character for no reason)
What are the chances of a p3 and p4 re-release, on ps4 around the time p5r comes out? asking before I bite the bullet and replace my broken ps2 so I can play them
>the best in the series.
Kimi no Kioku >>>>>>>>>>> Nevermore > Hoshi To Bokura To
any arguments people can make against yukari are either fanfic bullshit or stuff that applies equally to other party members but don't get as much focus because their dub voice actors don't suck at their job
Doubt it. Anything major would have been announced at the concert.
What the fuck was with this scene and why does nobody acknowledge how terrifying it is after it happens?
Nope. As a newfag who started with 5 I can tell you 5 was barely better than 4.
Based fuck p4
>the only party members in persona 3 that are likeable are yukari and junppei
Yukari is the most unlikable character, everyone else is fine, she just has zero redeeming qualities, she never has to deal with consequences for her actions and she takes just about every opportunity to be a cunt to Junpei.
>everyone is scared to their core after being told they're all going to die before next spring
>Yukari proceeds to make fun of Junpei for being scared of dying
Yeah, real likable character you got there.
>Popular thing bad
As a new fag who started with 5, p5 is much better than p4 barring adachi
>its okay when a guy wants to fuck his waifu more than anything
>but its not okay for a guy to want to fuck her husbando
Man I never even liked Yukari and I still think all the hate she gets is too undeserved.
I can understand not liking her because her character is pretty boring and other girls completely eclipse her, but hate? Come on.
get the guys who did P5's UI as soon as the project starts and make something that fits the games style as well as have them do the Dark Hour transition.
get a really good studio to remake the games anime cutscenes
friend zone routes for female s-links, male party member s-links now added. Mitsuru, Yukari, and Fuuka no longer have the harsh skill requirements needs to start their links, but still require them in order to date them.
Face lift Tartarus to have each floor be visually unique, each floor now has it's own unique theme with an overarching le motif. Greater enemy variety and design for Tartarus floors. Keep floor size small like it was in the original game and change nothing else about it.
Full Moon missions are now remade into entire dungeons. Going back to the entrance of a full moon dungeon refills sp and health but resets all enemies within
Add full party control but make it only useable on easy mode
Improve tactics and make it explicitly clear that it is the definitive way to play P3 in a tutorial
remix full moon missions and have every single arcana be included at some point
Nyx now has a phase for every single arcana. Fight starts at Fool, and at Death, and randomly shuffles through each other arcana on the way to death, like a deck being exhausted of it's cards
Answer is included and remade as well, refined to be an overall more enjoyable experience.
I still don't understand what did they mean by this, I don't mean it in a meme way
what the FUCK did they mean by this
more canon than fem mc
Yukari felt very human in the answer
Really the entire party except Mitsuru was written very well
What I don't understand is how anyone can say P4 is shit. Sure, it might not be the (subjective) best in the series but I can't see how anyone could enjoy 3 or 5 and not enjoy 4.
If they don't bring back FeMC, let the male protag partake in some of her social links as alternatives to his original ones. For example let you choose between having the magician social link be between Kenji or Junpei. Having the male party members have some fun scenes in their social links, even as it isn't tied to their development, was one of the best parts about FeMC.
Yukari’s voice actor is good though. Junpei’s autistic girlfriend has an actually bad voice. Oh and Fuuka as well.
I should add that I feel the same about 3 and 5 while I'm at it but I don't hear people shit talk them as much. Except for babies who can't handle the fact you can't control your party members in 3.
>its okay when a guy wants to fuck his waifu more than anything
Where are you even pulling this idea from? If Junpei were the one to want to go back because of Chidori, I'd be mad at him too, but no, instead he's the one who tells Yukari straight to her face exactly what the consequences there could be for going back, but she doesn't care because she never gets punished for any of her stupidity.
She's just a selfish bitch that wants to risk the world just to get some dick from a guy she only knew for barely even a year. Her character isn't boring, its annoying.
>she never has to deal with consequences for her actions
her first big scene with the protagonist (roughly an hour into the game) involves her apologizing at length and talking about how bad she felt that she couldnt actually protect MC, which is one of the main things that keeps her still wanting to be in SEES even though she hates it. she doesn't "deal with the consequences of her actions" because she's the only party member that doesn't majorly fuck up in some way while still being an actual character instead of a plot device like fuuka or aegis
>she takes just about every opportunity to be a cunt to Junpei.
and he does it right back to her. its the exact same dynamic ekichi and lisa from P2 have. they hang out together most days at the dorm and even go out on weekends sometimes to hang out at the shrine and stuff without (you), they're clearly friends. the problem is her shitty dub VA and a lot of the lines being rewritten to make things come off more harshly than intended.
yukiari is the ONLY person who actually tries to console junpei over chidori. even (you) don't give a fuck
It's called having standards.
Hey, I still like it. I'm just saying 3 >>> 5 > 4.
does fuka have autism?
> If Junpei were the one to want to go back because of Chidori, I'd be mad at him too
he doesn't have to face this situation because the same update that introduces the answer also lets chidori magically come back to life with no downsides because FES is fanfic bullshit made by people who are blatantly playing favorites
chidori and fuukas voices feel mostly on purpose given the kind of character they're supposed to be. jp yukari is wildly different from dub yukari and just sounds like a super regular girl
>yukiari is the ONLY person who actually tries to console junpei over chidori. even (you) don't give a fuck
Door-kun giving a fuck and being supportive of Junpei and his relationship with her is the reason why she can potentially survive in FES
It's too on the nose with the /r9k/ tier "EVERYONE LOVES YOU" combined with shitty scooby doo antics for like 6 months.
the whole stupei ace defective thing just seemed like friendly banter to me
The entire post is fucking retarded so I’m only going to respond to the last half.
>the aegis only mobile prequel game,
Where nothing important happens and you only know about because of google.
>the first big drama CD being about labrys
Wrong. The first big drama CD was a just a bunch of random events after the beach trip.
Neither are very good.
persona 4 made the dungeon crawling easier while also making it take way longer to get through individual levels and for that alone its the worst game in the entire franchise
persona 4 is an 80 hour game where 50 of those hours involves combat with even less going on than the other games in the series. I could go on with details about how badly the story is written/executed, all the features it doesn't have from persona 3 despite being so obviously made using the same assets that the entire soundtrack from the last game sits on the disk unused, or all the minor little details that make it obvious the game was given much less dev time than the game than both its sequel and prequel but the gameplay being even worse than the rest of the series is the fatal flaw
"first big drama CD" implies more than just fandisk "the voice actors are bullshitting together" tier shit
stay mad aigisfag
P4 neither has the plot and main cast of 3 to keep things going when the game becomes a slog nor the gameplay and dungeons of 5 to make it actually engaging at times.
considering I hate the larger, maze like randomly generated dungeon floors of P4 way more than I ever did Tartarus I genuinely view it as the worst of both worlds compared to 3 and 5. Only thing redeeming is the ost and Ai's S-link
>Rework tartarus significantly, make it more fun to explore while still keeping the mysterious atmosphere
>Revamp aesthetic so that it's more in tune with p5, but still keep it simple and easy on the eyes with a setting to turn the menus to the classic appearance
>Use new Fuuka VA
>Being able to choose navigators (Mitsuru, Fuuka, Elizabeth)
>FEMC remaster
>The Answer
>P3FES gets a full version in the OST
>Ryoji's true form actually having a unique look instead of just being Thanatos colored purple
>All costumes from P3D added
>Special music track for when the reaper is on your floor, as well as unique battle music
>Ability to pick either Liz or Theo with both MaleMC and FeMC
because the game spends 40 hours telling you naoto is a genius but then she's too fucking stupid to set up a camera before making herself bait for a kidnapper/suspected murderer so that they can keep the game going for several months (for no reason besides "persona 3 took place over a year so this game also has to")
persona 5 has a similar problem with a genius character who's actually a fucking dumbass, persona 3 gets it okay with mitsuru because the game makes it obvious that her mistakes are "on purpose" by the writers because people call her out on her bullshit and she actually changes, but characters with actual depth was only barely acceptable in persona 3 and very not acceptable in everything after.
You have to consider the situation.
That entire part where the party members fight each other only happens BECAUSE they each feel their own way about Minato.
If the guy was just some dude, then sure Yukari is retarded. But Minato literally saved humanity from certain death. So you have to consider that the dude she is trying to bring back is literally Jesus.
Still, later she realize that its a bad idea and they all get over it and move on with their life, so its not like Yukari became an antagonist and didnt back down eventually.
P3 fes or P3P?
Did Mitsuru even make any mistakes on the same level as Akechi/Naoto though? I thought her character flaw was hiding shit from SEES?
the answer and yukari's actions have only become more funny in retrospect as her entire argument largely boils down to "you're a bunch of quitters, you don't KNOW we can't beat horrifying moon god without him sacrificing himself, you're basically condeming him to die!". which at the time is a viewpoint you can almost understand if it wasn't made explicit via the kino ending of the main game how untouchable nyx is
but then in persona 4 and especially 5 the party members beat what appears to be equally as impressive beings basically because they just decide to never give up and also igor is helping out, which means either nyx is somehow infinitely more powerful than izanami and the fucking demiurge or the writers are gigantic hacks and just hope you won't notice that igor is playing favorites
>the entire soundtrack from the last game sits on the disk unused
Source? This sounds fucking hilarious
Something to keep in mind is that the party had absolutely not idea how Door defeated Nyx. They just assumed that he overexerted himself and died from exhaustion or something. I guess Yukari was hoping that they could go back in time and defeat Nyx "right" this time, without Door sacrificing himself. It's only after they actually saw what he did that Yukari realized the futility of her actions.
>Persone 3 : The question
>After the the answer, MC comes back with his physical body in the middle of nowhere
>The team is brought back
>Everyone is 20 years old expet MC who's got the same body as when he died
>The plot revolves around what brought him back and the fuck is going on with the door and Nyx
>Elisabeth is the final boss
>MC still dies at the end
If the compilation book is still canon than Nyx is on a different level than Izanami and Yabadabadoo. The latter are specifically made from human consciousness, but the former is literally an eldritch ayy lmao from deep space. I guess you could say Erebus is the concept you need to beat, but maybe the P3 cast just didn't know if you believe enough you can do anything!
I wasn't talking about akechi (all of his failures are pretty well set up by his mental issues or are things he has literally no way he could've known like PANCAKES), I was talking about makoto
with that said mitsuru fucks up all the time. she lies to her own teamates about all kinds of shit (both lies of ommission and straight up not telling the truth, like how she knew about yukaris father the whole time but just didn't tell her because learning about him was her main motivation for fighitng) and causes them to distrust her and assume her motives while telling everything to someone who turns out to be the main fucking human villain.
she also deliberately recruits ken and ignores the red flags involved because she needs more soliders. large parts of her becoming friends with yukari is her apologizing
>which means either nyx is somehow infinitely more powerful than izanami and the fucking demiurge
She is. The reason why Nyx is more powerful than either is because she's the whole of humanity's desire for death, the reason why it's impossible for her to be defeated without Door-kun just sealing her ass away is because humanity will never stop wishing for death
there's also the fact that she's a space alien and shit compared to P5 Yaldaboth and Izanami who are just really big thoughts about bad stuff
Her not getting any consequences and pretty much always having things go her way is why she's such an unlikable cunt. Everyone else gets consequences for their actions when they act childish or selfishly, but not Yukari, everything always goes just fine for her. She doesn't get any sense slapped into her.
The problem is that she's the reason that the party starts fighting each other in the first place. She's the only one who wants to go back to the past, everyone else is ready to accept it and move on, but Yukari is the one who starts picking a fight over it, even after Junpei tries to open her eyes to the consequences of going back.
After the arguments had already started, Mitsuru then teams with Yukari for literally no reason. The only sense I can make of it is that maybe she felt pity for Yukari or felt some sort of obligation to help her, but either way I lost some respect for her too.
did you ever realize that in P4 the blob "maya" enemies from P3 are still on the dungeon map as the things you attack to start random fights, but you never actually fucking fight one? they wouldn't have made that model fresh for P4, its just reused
>a book written before the later games came out still being canon
nope sorry, it's just a change in direction for the series
>>Everyone is 20 years old expet MC
I can't see Yukari not going to jail in this one.
Me too
Yasuda does not have a weakness. He draws appealing women that are easy on the eye, like a good manga artist does.
Beating Erebus is easy. Keeping him down is the hard part. Erebus is really just a mass of malice and despair. As long as humanity has those qualities, even if you beat Erebus, humanity will continue to be humanity and Erebus will be revived within a year.
Nyx isn't humanity's desire for death, that's Erebus. Nyx is basically an outer god whose consciousness is the antithesis of human life. If Nyx wakes up, the collective unconscious will get fucked up and everyone will get Apathy Syndrome. Human will seeks to exist, humanity becomes a bunch of lifeless husks and eventually everyone goes extinct within a week because no one can be assed to even drink a glass of water.
Isn't this is the anime with the OP by fredric
Nothing actually contradicts it though so we're still in limbo as to what's going on with Nyx. I do think they'll retcon it, but for now Nyx > Izanami and Yaba.
kys fuuka fag
I really hope you’re not talking about Makoto. Why is it so hard you retards to understand the context?
Are we ever going to get a big battle where all the Persona teams over the series band together to kill Nyarly or is the series just gonna go on forever with occasional throwbacks and spin-offs
If I take it off will she suck my cock openly?
And 5
You can't kill Nyarly without erasing a key part of the collective human psyche. Nyarlathotep exists because people exist. The only way for Nyarlathotep to stop existing is for humanity to either die off or ascend to enlightenment.
>need to be king of charm to get her to talk to a boy 1-1
kys NTR fag
>As long as humanity has those qualities, even if you beat Erebus, humanity will continue to be humanity and Erebus will be revived within a year.
Except P5 showed us you can literally change people's hearts.
Just announce the fucking P3 remake already Atlus. Theres no fucking way you went through the trouble of recreating nearly every single area from P3 just to only use them in the fucking dancing spinoff
It isn't. It's the worst
I was prepared to call you a faggot for posting cropped porn but then Tineye was able to find a match.
You're still a fucking faggot though.
Are you talking about when she used herself as bait for kaneshiro?
Makoto was stressed out after being called out by two retards and her sis yet calling her a leech and she actually helped the helped the PT by doing that. They couldn’t reach his palace before that because he didn’t see them as clients.
>writers because people call her out on her bullshit
Only one person and she’s treated mainly as the villain for doing it.
>like how she knew about yukaris father the whole time but just didn't tell her
For a good reason.
>and causes them to distrust her
That’s only Yukari. Everyone else doesn’t give a fuck.
>telling everything to someone who turns out to be the main fucking human villain.
That’s her dads fault.
Nyx is an being who exists physically and exists outside the collective unconscious and runs counter to it
Yaldaboth and Izanami are born FROM the collective unconscious. Nyx is stronger than both because her existence and the effect her presence has on the collective unconsciousness actively prevents Yaldaboth and Izanami from existing.
Nyarly can't be killed. On the other hand
>Elizabeth mentions that the power to change humanity's heart is the only way to stop Erebus
>Persona 5 is all about that
Wouldn't be surprised if we got Persona: FINAL at some point or just had that all in a shitty fighting game
>Confidants/S-links for non-party members is the best it's ever been.
No they aren't. They aren't even about the fucking characters anymore. All the SL's in 5 are pure shit.
it doesn't need one
>igor is playing favorites
>"that damn emo fuck kept going in and out of the velvet room without even saying hi. I'm not gonna help him"
>"My bro, the Brotagonist won't tell me about the bitches he fucked anymore if he dies"
>"Four-eyes Joker likes MILFS just like I do, I have to save men of culture when they are in need"
Yasuda is by and far the worst SMT artist to ever touch the series.
I'm convinced only waifufags and fervent weeaboos would defend his trash art.
It does.
Mementos is gone so that's no longer an option. Even if it were, do you really expect the Phantom Thieves to change the hearts of seven billion people?
I agree. I enjoyed seeing them fight for what they believed was right despite being at odds of each other.
>L to the J, say stay laced, here's my card, B
Royal flush and I'm the ace
>P5 has zero (0) lotus juice
Immediately puts it in the trash for me.
The only reason for a P3 remake is having the game simply go faster with better menu, UI control and not having the main dungeon be crap. But Atlus would casualized the fuck out of it so there's no point.
free my nigga Tatsuya
he doesn't deserve to be stuck in P2
It's a reference to Christmas cakes, which are cakes eaten around that time of year that often go unfinished and just end up as stale leftovers. They use it to refer to women that haven't ended up with anyone and are "past their prime" age for dating/marriage by Jap standards.
Rate the Persona Openings
P4=P3 > P3P = P5 > P3FES > P4G = PQ = PQ2 > P5 > P4D > P5D = P3D > P4AU > P4A
Am I missing any game?
>P4D added Lotus Juice to some of the remixes
>P5D did not add any at all
what happened?
I'm on a crusade to play every SMT game that's still available, and that includes Persona titles
I've already played 3FES and 4, but I want to play 1 and 2 and 2 2 next
My question is how should I go about playing them? I know there's some fuckery going on with PSP rereleases and localization tomfoolery so I don't know which version is the best version.
I'd prefer to play the one with uncensored Hitler
I mean who wouldn't want to watch the world burn just get dick'ed by Jesus
nuPersona fans are all teenagers who think all rap is gangster shit and Atlus realizes this.
Lotus Juice holds an odd place where he was big in P3, middling in P4 and non-existent in P5 and then the moment spin-off games like Arena and PQ came in, suddenly he's back in like he never left.
This. Literally just this and maybe some new personas for the hell of it. I'd also like to see another boss or something or an extension on the bad end so that the last fight you get if you play out the bad end isn't Chidori a couple months ago. Other than that this is the perfect list of changes for 3 if it were ever remade.
Radicool Hitler is cool though
I think Atlus keeps any of the singers close now because of Persona Live and such. Lotus Juice even got to sing a original song at the latest concert.
>I'm going to play evert SMT game and that includes non SMT games too
What the fuck did (You) mean by this?
Bad end fight can be solo boss battle with MC vs. the Death Arcana
Unpopular Opinion:
P3 doesn't need a remake
You'll want to get the translated version of PS1 Innocent Sin then, since the only proper release in the west for it was the PSP remake.
You're probably right but I really wanna see all those delicious models from P3D in an actual game with presentation on par with P5's
>beats Nyx and doesn't die
Add a extra hard mode and make tired more prevalent after midgame and this sounds good
>Revamp aesthetic so that it's more in tune with p5
fuck off faggot P3 aesthetic is kino. all it needs is sharper resolution
No, Nocturne's aesthetic is kino. P3 looks like a mobile game.
It doesn't, but I want to see the full-scale 3D models not used in a dancing game.
Yeah, uh-huh,
Uh-huh, been awhile,
It's good to see you, how you been?
Yeah, we're back!
>Nyx just comes back again anyway
Fucker didn't finish the job.
Lotsu Juice wasn't in the original P4 at all. Originally, it was
>P3: Yumi Kawamura, Lotus Juice
>P4: Shoko Hirata
>P5: Lyn Inaizumi
After that, though, they brought in Lotus Juice to sing for P4 The Animation's first ED and Kawamura to sing for the second OP. Hirata was brought in to sing most of the Heroine's tracks for P3P. Kawamura was also brought in to sing for P1 (PSP) and Lotus Juice and Hirata sang the OP for P2IS (PSP)'s OP.
Only the mc gets to experience just how unbeatable nyx is in the main game though.
However, it is strange why only the desire for death is the thing that can keep reviving itself as opposed to the desire for comforting lies or submission. Beating the associated god shouldn't actually change that part of human nature.
Name a better OP:
>durr its megaten the franchise is megaten !!!
FUCK you weeb
Is that the one where they gave all the characters american names and made the one kid black?
Would they get away with that in the year of our lord 2019?
Because unlike Erebus, most other gods have a will. They're able to submit to defeat and bow to the victors. Erebus doesn't have that. It has no personality or will. It acts purely on instinct. You can't talk it down, you can't prove it wrong, you can't offer a different viewpoint. It's just a beast who can only act based on its basest instincts.
Izanami admits defeat and bows out gracefully after losing. Her death is probably not absolute, but she won't act again because she realizes that there is hope for humanity yet. In the case of Yaldobaoth, it's not the ACTUAL Yaldobaoth. It was just the Holy Grail taking on the form of a god. After being defeated, it didn't die, but rather it was reverted to its original state of the Holy Grail. Morgana then took that Holy Grail and used it to restore the world.
I dont recall it ever being explicitly stated that they couldnt revive, it might just be on a long enough timescale that they arent a threat
>People constantly shit on 4 and 5 over time
>think 3 is the best one
Why? I think 3 is the best out of all them, but damn 4 and 5 aren't bad at all.
>Never played the original P3; only started with FES so this meme "BURN MY BREAD" shit does nothing for me
Feels good man
>what is frottage?
No, that was Persona 1 (Revelations Persona)
Really? I could’ve sworn that he had a song in the original P4 besides Tanaka’s theme.
I played 4 hours of Persona 4 before giving up on the franchise, waited 3 months to give it a second chance, this time with Persona 3 and was hooked instantly
Dude that's P1 or Revelations persona P2IS is on the PSP and P2EP is on the ps1.
That's the original American release for P1.
I don't think they'd even try it in this year.
>publicly wears a choker
>AND daddy issues
Slut confirmed
Will any Persona OP ever surpass Unbreakable Tie?
Wrong one.
But in our political climate Atlus would be praised for black washing a character for diversity purposes.
I just legitimately enjoy the song and the video itself is great without really giving away any of the plot ahead of time like the FES opening.
>I don't understand females
Brainlet confirmed.
The video is some intern's half baked sketches and nonsensical trash with vague symbolism thrown in to appear deeper than it really is.
The original opening plays on the title screen after maybe a minute dude. Were you avoiding it intentionally?
Yea Forums is still in denial that 5 is the best one.
I want to replay P5, but with the announcement of P5R, I'm conflicted over whether or not to just in case I get post-RPG fatigue and can't suffer the game again so soon. What do, Yea Forums? Risk it?
Posting 4K version
And? It's still visually appealing. Burn My Dread is a more enjoyable song to me than Soul Phrase and the accompanying visual beats out FES's which is mostly just in-game footage.
I bet you think ZTD was the best outta the Zero Escape trilogy too, huh.
The only good thing about that op is the rap parts
>he wouldn't follow his best friend down a horrible path out of loyalty
I tried hard but where did we go wrong?
I hope we could... but I won't start all over again
>The Mc's, Aigis, Junpei and Yukari never got to go out and have fun together in college.
While I vastly prefer 3 overall as a game, 4 has a great opening. If there's one thing this series does really well it's music and opening/endings.
The original opening also plays after a game over, is that user going to claim that he never died once?
>implying rap isn't some nigger mumbling nonsense
Fuck, that's two things.
I didn't really like P5's opening honestly. I felt like it was heavily lacking after what was presented in 4. I hope P5R can fix that though.
I played FES first too and the original opening plays when I started a new game. You're a buffoon.
I'd talk him out of it. My best friend has been suicidal before and I've told him he shouldn't think about stuff like that. It'd be pretty retarded to just say "yeah man do it, I'll join in with you"
Thing is I think they all went to different colleges so it never would have happened anyway. Junpei had the worst grades so he never would have gotten into the same college as the others in the first place. They all went their separate ways.
Yukari did invite Aigis to live with her at her college dorm, but I guess afterwards Aigis left to join the Shadow Operatives full time.
P5 OP felt like it was a different game and they never bothered redoing the intro. Not a fan of the skating either.
the gameplay and visual presentation of P5 are top notch
I'm not sure that its a top 5 jrpg but if royal can fix some of the most egregious writing mistakes it would have a strong case
Literally impossible to meet up outside of college. Yep.
>Ultimax and Arena that low
Garbage taste.
I don't even think they live near each other.
I prefer the original opening. The atmosphere sucks you right in, and the characters look great, and the garage door coming up with the music is hype as fuck.
That said, the PSP OP has grown on me and I love it almost as much -- especially that shot where Jun is walking down the hallway
>P3 Cast had mostly Greek Personas
>P4 Cast had Jap mythology Personas
>P5 Cast had Rogue/Thieves/Rebel Personas
What will the theme of the P6 Personas be?
What we have seen so far of P5R's OP looks quite good. It looks like it won't suffer from the same problem as the original with Makoto, Haru and Futaba literally being thrown into one scene.
I think one of the problems with P5 is that the animated scenes were completed well before the game was complete which is why you have stuff like Joker not wearing his glasses in most of them despite the game making a big deal about him ditching them at the end of the game.
Brainlets spotted.
God I hope that animation at the start of the P5R trailer isn't the actual opening for the game.
>game making a big deal about him ditching them at the end of the game.
Here's the PS1 Innocent Sin opening in 4K, although it doesn't look as good because of all the 3DCG.
I'm in the same boat. Royal dropped out of fucking nowhere for me, wasn't keeping up with the news. I've decided to wait.
Cryptids and nature gods.
Dominant color will be green and the theme of the game will be environmentalism.
Am I doing something wrong? I just can't fully appreciate the game as much as the other entries for some reason. I think the only thing I do like is the setting, premise, the music, and I'm already around Rise's dungeon.
>Persona designs are absolutely jarring compared to the ones in other entries
>Characters don't really sync with me, with the exception of Dojima, Nanako, and Yosuke
>Character development feels lifeless and thrown into their social links instead of growing as the game goes along
>Dungeons are mind numbingly boring hallways (at least they have their own specific themes now)
>Story is borderline boring and the mystery solving team isn't as engaging to follow
I've actually tried to like the game and give it a chance, but I'm not having fun.
It will be, it's just like the opening animation for P4G.
I believe most of his confidants during the last day will make some comment about Joker not wearing them anymore. The implication is that Joker has stopped wearing them because he doesn't need to hide his true self anymore.
neither did makoto either, he just put a big door in front of it and erebus
This is the best romance in the game and she even gets friendzoned.
Yes he does.
Fucker caused EP.
Was it the worst title screen?
>OP is about the characters breaking out of their shell and rising up against the colorless society with their colorful personalities
We get it user. It doesn't mean I have to like it though.
Oh no they're great. But fundamentally there isn't much in the opening compared to the others. The songs are pretty great though.
So happy the Gay Niggers on Ice homos are getting BTFO with a new superior OP.
>you enter the other world by stepping into fairy circles
I can dig it.
No, P4 is absolutely the weakest. People who say 1 and 2 are worse are just zoomers, and people who call it a better version of 3 are subhuman.
P4 is super shallow, completely lacks stakes, and it overall feels like it was thrown together by the B team to get one last use out of 3's assets before moving onto PS3 development.
I love Fuuka!
>Everyone likes the new OP for P5R because it looks like muh JoJo oh so fancy OP
You fucks need to go back to .
One of the best title screens of all time to be sure.
Yeah doesn't mean you have to act like a baby and kill people Adachi-san.
>overall feels like it was thrown together by the B team to get one last use out of 3's assets before moving onto PS3 development
I think that is pretty much P4 was. P3 caused the series to be revitalized again so they threw together another game while P3 was still hot.
>That bass
Absolute GOAT tier OST.
I don't know man it could just be that you don't like it?
As opposed to Adachi's problems, which are "can't get laid" and "has an easy job he still somehow can't handle."
A more permanent solution at least. Earring boy didn't accomplish jack in the SQQ except for cleaning up the mess that was made at the school and leave it to come back later.
Was Adachi the OG incel?
>completely lacks stakes,
shut the fuck up with this
yes it does have fucking stakes
since when does a serial killer that targets people in your town every month and eventually your little cousin followed by a big eyeball god that plans to kill every human on earth like something or god always fucking does in every single persona game not count as a stake?
Adachi is just as much of a brat as they are though. When he doesn't get his way he throws a fit, gets people killed, and then tries to push the blame onto other people while complaining that they don't understand. His problems are no bigger than theirs.
yamada-kun and the 7 witches, but it was for an ova, was a fucking banger as well
While Adachi wasn't wrong. I think it was more that they were mad at him having a tantrum that he can't have his way. Yeah life sucks, but doesn't mean you should be a fucking sociopathic serial killer. In Golden it's even shown Adachi had people for him but he's too blind by rage to see it.
Absolutely excellent taste.
Yukari's way of handling things is perfectly human if annoying. Aigis is literally the only one who could have been the protagonist for The Answer because she's the only one with a sense of reason to go with her newfound sense of heart.
I mean, okay, but. What the FUCK does ANY of this have to do with the issue at hand here? Nothing Adachi said really had anything to do with what was happening. They were investigating a MURDER CASE and Adachi's here talking about how shit life is for adults? Seriously? He's not even defending his actions, he's talking about something entirely unrelated.
>GOAT tier OST
>we have to have THIS discussion again
5's soundtrack is weaker than even 4's, because it lacks depth and theme beyond "the game is about phantom thieves."
Yeah, it sounds nice, but music is supposed to help tell the story, and 5's rarely does beyond a surface level.
No track in 5 compares to Heaven from 4
Rivers in the Desert can blow dick compared to Burn My Dread
And neither 4 nor 5 have dungeon music as good as Tartarus' slowboiling buildup as the game progresses
Only an utter pleb would call 5's the best soundtrack in the series
Not a fan of this at all
Except she was kind of the core issue. She was the biggest catalyst for what was going on. Her throwing away her humanity in order to escape her grief is what gave birth to Metis, and Metis was, like, 80% at fault for egging everyone on and manipulating them into doing what she wanted.
But 4 has better gameplay than 2 and a better story than 1.
>Muh demon negotiations!
Fine for the most part but the needed grinding of spell cards is pretty boring.
>Muh non procedurally generated dungeons
Are just as boring and tedious as the procedurally generated ones with the added bonus of constant random encounters.
>Muh darker atmosphere
Oh no. I spent most of my life in a hospital due to an illness and am incredibly jealous of my friends living their lives. Yeah cry me a river.
It's pretty great until you actually know what the lyrics are.
Two dungeons are straight up
>Untz untz untz
>Untz untz untz: Stripper ver.
only fags and woman watch romance shit
The shitposting will be endless
There were stakes but it sure as fuck didn't feel like it for 90% of the game
>oh fuck theres a murderer we gotta figure this shit out
>but first lets act out each and every anime trope known to man haha lol!
itsudatte itsudatte itsudatte
>since when does a serial killer that targets people in your town every month and eventually your little cousin
secondary who hasn't actually played the game confirmed. This is all completely wrong, the killer is never the one doing any of the kidnapping. He's literally just sitting back laughing at everyone because both the Investigation Team doesn't understand that the kidnapper and the serial killer aren't the same person and the kidnapper thinks that him shoving people into the TV world is helping since he doesn't realize the investigation team are the ones saving them.
This is a test
sugu yoku de warate itta
So who's the final boss?
>replaying a 100hr rpg just to replay it again in less than a year
I mean you do you dawg but i wouldnt, im playing though smt mainline instead personally
Yukari actually became best girl because of the answer
I'm convinced Meguro Shoji peaked at P4G, and is creatively bankrupt. In retrospect, P5's soundtrack fucking sucks. His style doesn't work well with Jazz, and his rearranged tracks are uninspired post 2015.
does it matter? every month someone is going to die
The EPA.
Since when has popularity ever been an actual measure of quality? A bunch of people liking something doesn't make it good.
To the Persona 1 and 2 fags here, what is it that makes those games better than 3 and later?
Not calling them shit games because they aren't, but I don't see how they don't lean towards the worse of the series. The gameplay is incredibly easy and simple and doesn't feel nice, and combine that with the boring dungeons and tedious encounter rate even with Estoma. Even SMT1 was more fun in that regard. The characters and writing are pretty enjoyable though I admit.
That's not really the point user was making though. The investigation team believed there was a serial killer targeting people every month and had reason to believe as much. There was no way for them to predict that the actual killer and the one kidnapping people after the first two deaths were entirely different people. You're just splitting hairs.
I love Persona 4. It's my favorite entry in the series overall. But the game doesn't have any dire stakes until the last 10 or so hours because the apocalyptic circumstances don't actually come to be until you force the killer's hand. If not for that, the circumstances would have remained isolated to Inaba alone. With Persona 3, they were dealing with a catch 22. Either let full moon enemies rampage and cause mayhem or defeat them which ultimately lured out Nyx. Either way, it probably would end up bad for the rest of the world. SEES didn't have a choice but to stop shit. So P4 doesn't lack stakes, it just doesn't really have anything dire until you push the killer over the edge.
honestly they fit the mood of P5 itself, but as actual songs to listen to they're really pretty dull for me compared to any prior games. people memes about NEVER SEE IT COMING and shit, but i don't get the dicksucking the soundtrack gets
it's like "it's persona so it gets a free pass"
>does getting a game's plot completely wrong and proving I haven't played it matter when I'm telling you your opinion about the game, having played it, is wrong?
I dunno
>P5's soundtrack fucking sucks
>Team figures out what time the kidnappings usually take place
>Because of this, they are able to maintain their normal lives while still looking for the muderer.
Let's not pretend everything in the first 9 months of Persona 3 was incredibly dire.
Dumb anime poster. KYS
>But 4 has better gameplay than 2
Yeah, that's not difficult. But that doesn't make 4's gameplay enjoyable, and 2's story makes up for its bad gameplay.
>and a better story than 1
More story=/=better story. 1 is a simple story told well which doesn't get in your way. 4's is intrusive and actively hampers the flow of the game without being good enough to justify it.
>the needed grinding of spell cards
>the added bonus of constant random encounters
Oh no. You actually have to play your video game and make choices regarding resource management, xp gain, and fusion materials. The horror.
>Muh darker atmosphere
>proceeds to talk about the story rather than atmosphere
The story itself is not dark. The dark atmosphere just gives the game stakes and tension. Beside the fact that the entire game revolves around Maki's psyche and it develops pretty well.
Persona 3 with 5s gameplay would be the best jrpg ever
I feel like Beneath the Mask is one of the more standout tracks in the OST, but its melancholic tone feels antithetical to the theme of the game. Even weirder are the boss themes: one heavy on synths, the other a shitty rock song. You'd think a game about rebellion would be more pompous and bombastic in its soundtrack. Not to mention consistent.
woof woof
bark bark
arf arf arf
>the best jrpg ever
I mean yeah it doesn't matter, the point still stands that someone is going to die every month regardless of what plot info i said surrounding the murders was technically wrong
P5 had a great soundtrack. The only problem a lot of it repeats itself. There was a lot less vocal tracks so I think it didn't leave too much of an impact on people. Alleycat and Whims of Fate were pretty high up there in my list.
How does he get away with this?
Just beat this recently. I can see why all the neckbeards love this boring ass slave to the MCs cock, but literally every other female character was better written. Even
I want them to fuck so bad
I bet you like hairlips you insufferably homosexual
Mascot characters need to fucking go.
>There was a lot less vocal tracks
That's unironically a good thing, though.
>Top 10 Anime Cliffhangers
Honestly a game doesn't even need super dire stakes to set a plot up. Persona 4 didn't really need a literal fog apocalypse to threaten ending the world. But the problem is that besides the dungeon plot lines, almost everything else is filler in between or setup for the next dungeon plot. And because the stakes are only really personal for Yusuke as everyone else in the cast is merely a target by circumstance, y(o)u have no direct personal investment in the plot besides gaining more party members until Nanako is involved; the protagonist literally stumbles into the TV world and investigating the murders because of coincidences and a string of evidence left dangling infront of their face to hook them in.
Persona 5 tried to make the dungeons tied to individual antagonists more, and make the main cast the instigators of what occurs up until late game turns that on its head, but they didn't really fix a large amount of that filler problem.
Smug poster BTFO
these are fun
I stand corrected.
P4 sucks for reasons other than it's poor story and I still disagree with you, but I hope you have a nice day
>Honestly a game doesn't even need super dire stakes to set a plot up.
Name one (1) good game with a low stakes plot.
The P3 menus are so painfully generic though, and don't do shit for the aesthetic. It has a ton of potential, especially now that it has more material because of P3D. Hell, just imagine if it's all fine and uniform normally and then shit goes off the wall during the Dark Hour; with everything all warped and greenish, the tartarus clocks being present with the giant green moon and the occasional bloodstains here and there, that would be perfect and 1000x better than generic rpg menu
>durr its not fappable so its shit
Kaneko's style is instantly recognizable and synonymous with the SMT series
Yasuda's art is literally more basic than the most beginner tier hentai artist's work.
For you maybe. I definitely loved the vocal tracks in P3 and P4. Your affection and heartbeat heartbreak was pretty great.
Well because I outwardly disagree with your points.
>The gameplay is incredibly easy and simple and doesn't feel nice
1's is more difficult and complex than 5's or 4's. Enemy positions and multiple personas for each party member makes it pretty variable based on your playstyle and what you happen to fuse. I don't think anyone will defend 2's gameplay, but 2fags tend to be in it for the story more than any other entry.
>boring dungeons and tedious encounter rate
I mean, again, it's not like the later games fix these things much. Encounter rate sure since you can pick your battles, but 5's dungeons are pretty weak despite being a step up from 4's for sure.
I mostly just don't care for how incredibly drawn out the more recent games are. I love 3 and always will, but that's mostly for thematic reasons. Thematic reasons that carry into gameplay, but still, I'm not going to claim that the games need to be 80 hours long. 1 and 2 got across pretty good thematic ideas in much, much less time.
GOD how I wish we could summon this guy in Persona 5 Royal. He would look absolutely lit in HD.
It still had a decent amount, it just had basically none for anything outside of palace romping and non-gameplay sections. It's a good thing Beneath the Mask is such a comfy song or else I'd have gotten sick of it compared to P4 which had 3 different vocalized social life songs.
He's right though. Low stakes can be grounds for a great story. Many of them are executed poorly, but I'd like to see a Persona game go for more local troubles that don't threaten to destroy the world or involve some kind of god for once. P4 would've been better without Izanami. Low stakes doesn't mean the plot doesn't matter. It just means it's more personal for the characters involved and driven by their desires and problems.
Go away you dumbfuck anime poster
This. I'll only accept another mascot character if it's a Jack Frost or another cute robot.
Well, she's a boring ass slave to cock alright if the doujins are anything to go by. Just maybe not MC's specifically.
Which Persona game lets me be a part time Doctor?
lmao what is fuuka doing
(p3p fag here)
any p5 version of this?
I fucking suck at SMT games and their spin-offs. I only ever beat Persona because it had a very easy mode. It's literally the only franchise I play for story.
>It's iconic ergo it's good
It's a fucking ugly, dumb style, their characters look like shit, his dress theory is shit (Strange Journey's battle suits were fucking retarded) and yeah now that you mention it the characters are fucking stupid and plastic looking and unfappable. Yes, characters being ugly is GENERALLY a bad mark when designing characters, ESPECIALLY if them being ugly isn't the point.
Suck my ass, dude.
That's a problem with the current trilogy of Persona games in general though. Everything feels episodic or very deliberate. You move through the year, you face off against something once a month, and then you just keep doing that until the big thing happens close to the end of your exchange trip.
>I can't understand characters that evolve gradually over the course of a game, shown primarily through dialogue subtleties: the post
Yeah. I mean I'm pretty sure a lot of people can recall I NEVER FELT LIKE or TIME ALL OUR DREAMS GO BY or TAKE A DEEP BREATH TAKE A DEEP BREATH, IM GONNA TAKE YOU FOR A TRANCE DONT WANT TO HURT NOBODY, but there wasn't much for P5.
Fuuka's trying to escape the jungle gym.
>It's iconic ergo it's good
This but unironically.
>P4 would've been better without Izanami.
Was there much hint towards Izanami or any kind of big bad throughout 4? I only played the game once so I don't remember but fuck did it feel like a sudden ass pull.
5 felt a bit better since there was Morgana and Mementos, but the depths and the ending felt so sudden like if they suddenly thought "shit this game has been going on for a while, we should probably end it now".
>Oh no. You actually have to play your video game and make choices regarding resource management, xp gain, and fusion materials. The horror.
In 2? Nah just spam fushion spells and you're good brah. I guess I should of mentioned I don't mind them in P1 or EP, just in the Psp version of IS.
Also, I'm fine worh negotiations just don't make me repeat them over and over to get one Persona.
>The story itself is not dark. The dark atmosphere just gives the game stakes and tension. Beside the fact that the entire game revolves around Maki's psyche and it develops pretty well.
The game itself still felt pretty light in tone. Maybe that was the PSP soundtrack at work.
On the bright side, I can legitimately recall the entirety of the lyrics for Beneath the Mask compared to the other ones since it was the only social/school life vocal track.
>Was there much hint towards Izanami or any kind of big bad throughout 4?
Yes, the gas station attendant only appears when it's raining.
Kaneko's distinct way of designing humans is fucking great you disgusting weeb
The Demi-Fiend is badass and all the pseudo-fiend forms of your friends work great too.
Not to mention he designs god tier demons (one of the focal points of megaten games)
Just because you can't play DDS with your dick in your hand says nothing about the quality of his art you braindead anime drone
>Was there much hint towards Izanami or any kind of big bad throughout 4
No, that’s why Marie exists.
>if they suddenly thought "shit this game has been going on for a while, we should probably end it now".
Not really the game had two big moments back to back so it felt like it was just dragging on.
I liked Izanami because there was the whole "okay how the fuck did Adachi get his powers" and while I understand why Shido > Momentos was suppose to be disappointing, it left such a bad taste in my mouth. I hardly remember anything about the ending other than a few plot points. Hell Okumura's onwards was a huge disappointment. The game was a 9/10 for me but the last two arcs went to a 6-7/10
I coming up on the end of IS -- are you saying P1's gameplay is actually more engaging than 2's? I was hesitant to go that far back because I assumed the characters would be relatively flat AND the combat/navigation would be janky. If I enjoyed 2 for the Persona progression and light strategy, would I find 1 even more rewarding?
>Anime drone
You keep making
with no proof. I just like people that generally don't look like shit.
The writing ain't that deep. She has zero personality till the last 3rd of the game. She was a failure of a machine and wanted to fuck doorkun out of guilt for essentially giving him a death sentence.
She should've been dismantled before she fucked up again.
They intentionally made any hint at a big bad so small compared to everything else throughout the game, but it's really not that small at all if you think about it. Yu is obviously shocked to see he can do wacky TV shit, which means that was a new development for him. So all you'd have to do is mentally backtrack like three steps to figure out who even got the ball rolling. A lot of people consider figuring it out a guide dang it moment, but it is actually not that hard if you didn't zone out for the first hour.
was there literally any reason at all to go to the gas station that people would ever even notice that? I dont recall any social links or stores or anything in that map area that you would be of any interest for the player to go over there
>Kaneko's human designs are shi-
If by worst you mean best yeah
I think the main problem was they needed breathing room after Shido. They should've had a couple of days of a week of celebrating and being happy and then all of a sudden having everyone be "who the fuck are the phantom thieves?" then have a mini arc over WTF is happening then finally go to momentos.
That's a good awful design. If he was the MC for a game releases today Yea Forums would shit all over him.
>Just some normal kid with a hairlip and stupid blue sneakers
Uh huh. I don't think you realize just what your argument looks like but I can guarantee you it's not what you think it is.
It's obvious. No one who isn't a braindead weeb would like Yasuda's art
But it don't matter, that hack's not coming within a mile of the main series of games and kaneko's projected to return for 5. I'd even be happy with Doi
There wasn't really much buildup to Izanami. The gas station attendant and the weird feeling Y(o)u gets when they shake hands is the moment of his awakening and then he has a couple dream sequences where Izanami's silhouette appears, but then she's largely forgotten about for most of the game. Like the other user said, she only appears on rainy days in-game which is a neat detail, but I still don't think she was necessary to the plot. She pretty much only exists to explain how Yu, Adachi, and Namatame get their powers at the beginning.
It's kind of neat how Izanami is so unimportant more most of the game though. You have to go out of your way to track down the loose end on the very last day of the game because it's never really explained and you're rewarded with an extra dungeon and a new final boss for your trouble. I would've just made Izanami a more local phenomenon that was just playing around and didn't really have any plans to drown humanity in fog.
>broad torso
>no muscle on his legs
>small feet
>shitty shoes
But Shido had nothing to do with the actual inception of Mementos. He just took advantage of it. And he wasn't even able to do it himself since he already had a palace. Mementos was just brought about by the will of society. Also he casino was top tier, fuck you.
Newsflash, fucko, if you're playing fucking persona of all things, you're already a braindead weeb. The series is for maximum faglords. I played Devil Survivor 1 and 2, and also Strange Journey because they were good games. Helps that the artstyle for two of them wasn't completely terrible.
You're fighting for ghosts my man.
Oh fuck I forgot the casino was after Okumura. Nah that definitely was a 9/10. I know he didn't have any control over momentos. It was just the whole shifting of the arcs was massively jarring.
Yasuda is a god tier artist, pleb.
>Innocent Sin
>persona progression
Oh you poor fool. You actually bothered with fusion in Innocent Sin.
But yes, 2's gameplay is markedly less complex than 1's. 2 doesn't have the grid-based positioning system, or positioning-based spells, or 1's multitude of optional party members which their own persona affinities.
That street had a couple shops on it since it was one of the main hubs of Inaba. There was also a door to the Velvet Room near the gas station.
Kaneko cannot into feet.
unironically what did she mean by this? aigis has too little of a personality until the last couple months to do stuff for no benefit
Can you bang/date/end up with any of the girls in the DeSu series?
>go back in time
>use metaknowledge to get the Best End that requires NewGame+
I honestly see nothing wrong with this.
Yasuda is terrible. Fatlus only hired him because Soejima is too based to be wasted in DeSu.
In Devil Survivor 2's second campaign most of the girls aren't subtle about their affections for Autism Bunny. Fumi especially literally straddles you and clears the room when other girls enter.
Ah I see. You're right about that. The transition there didn't feel super natural. It's like Shido was just another villain of the week. Kinda upsetting after building him up to be a big bad nigga only to just shelve him with the rest after it's over. I mean, I kinda get that the anticlimactic ending to Shido's whole thing was due to Yaldabaoth fucking with people's heads to keep the PT humble, but I still wish it had greater repercussions. Like, Adachi wasn't the big bad in the end, but it still felt satisfying to finally catch the guy they were initially making out to be the big bad. Shido lacked that satisfaction and then it just hops straight into "Alright, gotta handle the REAL problem now."
I'd make the individual boss fights into actual dungeons, make tartarus not suck as much, make it so talking to a girl is different than dating and make it so the demons are the enemies instead of the dumb shadow recolor monsters. Story and characters same, but update the models like they look in Dancing Moon Night.
Virtually nothing happens in that shitty game until a month or two after the Beep Boop What are Emotions Teach Me to Love Data knockoff gets introduced. The MC is such a boring plank of wood too, wish I had gone with the FeMC option instead
Get some taste, weeb.
3 had a more engaging/interesting story overall (5 kind of lost steam by the time you reach Futaba or Haru's dungeon), but 5 had better cast of more likeable characters (3's cast is just plain in comparison and they feel more like your co-workers rather than friends), music wise both 3 and 5 is great, it just depends on what style of music you prefer.
4 is just way inferior to both of them though.
>3 5 good
>4 bad
No one said it was bad, it's just that 3 and 5 is better.
>persona 3 was my first persona game
>coming across gigas for the first time
I wasn't ready
You mean summoning? I had fun with it, but I'm also about ready to tap out and never play the game like that again.
>grid-based positioning system
I've only ever heard bad things about this, like how there's never any reason for a character like Maki to be in the front, you'll only ever use one formation, and so on. I'll try to vary it up for its own sake like I've done with P2.
>party members with their own persona affinities
Obviously P2 has this, but the part where they're optional is interesting
But there's no like relationship mechanic type thing, or scenes, or ending? Yes, I'm a huge personafag.
I like SRPGs so I'm down to give em a shit, but being able to end up with a character is always a huge bonus.
You did watch the P5 anime, right?
No. At the end of the day it's just implied flings and friendship.
He has a sameface problem and he tends to draw the same three expressions for all his characters. It's why they had Kaneko design the characters but Soejima was the one who drew all the actual in-game character portraits.
I miss arcana shadows already, they were so fucking stupid but the charming kind of stupid, demons don't feel the same to me
Wow I forgot how bad this looked.
the people that say that any of the games are bad are the true problem
I've only ever seen the two P3 movies on Netflix. Sucks they never put 3rd/4th on there. Is P5 worth watching? Also, how does Persona 4 The Animation and Golden anime work? Is Golden anime a retelling like what Brotherhood is to FMA, or something different entirely?
I dropped it the moment I saw that.
gotta love p3babbies getting all pretentious when their game's characters were a major downgrade from p2's.
Golden anime focuses more on the side shit you do in Persona while the original focuses on the story.
Golden animation is Yu and Marie feat. the Investigation Team sometimes.
Persona 4 Animation is a adaption of the game. It's actually pretty great if you excuse the QUALITY. Watch dubbed if you can.
P4G Anime is just Marie Events + more Adachi stuff. The Adachi stuff was pretty cool but the Marie stuff was kinda boring. I guess watch it if you like her and want more SoL stuff.
the general consensus is dont watch golden because its fucking garbage
finds a way
The sun confidant was so great
neither 3 nor 4 are memorable. 3 is boring as fuck for most of the game while 4 suffers from low stakes and the blandest characters in the series.
besides what the others said, the Golden anime is also literally New Game+, Yu outright starts out OP and can do events requiring high stats and shit. he pretty much bodies the Shadows himself like a NG+ player would do.
Ngl the Adachi flashback, accomplice ending, and the Adachi fight was pretty cool. It's kinda neat seeing Yu just fucking beat Adachi with his bare fists.
>want to play P3P to see what FeMC route is like
>going to miss moments like these
God I wish they waited for the Vita to make P3P
Temperance fucking WHEN
>low stakes
you know, cause humanity dying is a low stake
>3 isn't memorabl-
What about Nyx is memorable?
your letting nostalgia blind you
Literally how could you not remember the hot spring stealth segment or the babe hunt
What about Nyx isn't memorable?
This was the best part of the Golden anime for me. The way he just handles everything so smoothly is great.
never EVER
>P1 MC
Emperor Arcana confirmed for Chad Arcana
Thanks everyone. I'll watch em both.
Kaneko's art kinda peaked at P2, which was the last game where all his characters' faces didn't look like stiff porcelain and he could actually draw a variety of facial expressions. The more the years went on, the more his faces became stiffer and stiffer.
why is the door death, judgement, and world?
and why is yu world as well?
they receive those arcana but that's not what they are
More like Emperor confirmed for the Autism Arcana.
>Kaneko's art kinda peaked at P2
You misspelled DDS.
They're the Arcana their main Personas are associated with.
when does P3 get good? im at the first exams barely any confidants available, cant confidant yukari or junpei tf is this BS
I wanna get into SMT, should I start with 4 or Nocturne?
Nocturne, then all the other PS2 Atlus games.
Nocturne -> SMTIV -> SJ