3 by 3 thread

post, rate, and guess their age

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trying too hard to fit in. diablo 2 proves your underage


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I'd say ur around the same age

oops linked the wrong post

Core 3x3 in the middle in purple.

You can't be older than 20. Nothing against your taste (outside of DOTA because MOBAs all suck) but that's the vibe I get from this set of games.
Late 20s, was into media that came out during your infancy/few years before you were born when you were a kid. Also nice taste overall.

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couldn't decide if Abe's Oddysee should be on here
also I'm hyped for Bloodlines 2 and nobody can stop me

3/6 + P5, NV, BB - MGS3, BioShock, Witcher 3
24 y/o? who knows, could be a zoomer or a boomer but Diablo 2 throws it all off

3/4 + AoE II, DeS, Oblivion, - Metal Slug 3
I don't know if I played a shitty version or not but it didn't feel special
late 20s or early 30s

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Why do you believe that MOBAs all suck?

They do.

+DOOM, F:NV, VtM:B, LISA, Bloodborne
>also I'm hyped for Bloodlines 2 and nobody can stop me
Me too.
+MGS3, Bioshock, F:NV, Bloodborne
-Persona 5

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Give your reasoning, though.

I grew up playing a pretty wide range of games and I find that they're probably one of the only genres that require a good balance of skill, knowledge, and reflexes alongside FPS and fighting games

They're stagnant and passive in a way that just isn't at all interesting to me. I get the appeal of all other competitive multiplayer genres, even those I don't like to play, but nothing about the gameplay loop MOBAs are built around seem fun or interesting at all. I've known a good few people that have been into LoL and have watched several games by osmosis, even trying it out a handful of times. I've had similar exposure to Starcraft and I got the appeal of RTS from that even if I knew it wasn't for me.

They are literally RTSs for retards.
>I grew up playing a pretty wide range of games


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Which would you say is better strange journey or apoc?

I think MOBAs can seem very boring to watch if you have no knowledge of the game. It’s definitely not like FPS or fighting games where your uninformed viewer can follow the play by play even if they have no idea how the intricacies of the game works; a guy getting shot in the head kind of speaks for itself, and in FGs there are 2 massive health bars to indicate performance. Never got into LoL so I can’t speak for it but competitive DOTA is pretty much the only eSport I follow mainly because I understand the game well enough to know how much it means to win or lose lanes and item acquisitions. I wouldn’t judge a game genre by watching people play it though.

Do i look that old? Jesus fuck. i'm 24
Also, forgot to rate.
8/9 hate MOBAs
22/22 didn't play fighterZ and the transformers one
i'd say 26.
9/9 loved LISA.
9/9 25?
9/9 Silent hill 1 is my favourite.

Not really. I got to Diamond in SC2 and 6k MMR in DotA they’re pretty different games. It’s a lot more macro vs micro management with MOBAs. Plus DotA is a team based game.

how can i take you seriously.


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I prefer SJ on everything but gameplay and music but I was seriously worn out by SJ by the time I finished the game and I have no plans to replay it for a long while while I would still replay IV:A out of boredom.

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how do you guys create this things? is there a template/web page or something?

You're supposed to pick specific games, not just series.

you can quite literally do this shit on paint

7/9 25? times splitters nice
3/9 27?
2/9 29?

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MW, SotN
+Max Payne, SH3
-God Hand

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SC2 is an RTS. Your original point compared MOBAs to RTS games and had no mention of the perceived quality of the RTS in question. Your opinion of whatever example I use isn’t really relevant here.

yeah, but maybe there is an easier way

There is a web page, but I don't remember it's name


I did. It should be painfully obvious which title my images represent if you ever so much as saw a promo for the game.

S'what it is.
Oh hey, the Warriors game! That was a good one. Battle for Dune and Zeus are classics, too, as is Metal Slug.
I actually haven't played many of the core nine. Would you recommend them?
Hard to pick one I haven't enjoyed. Time Splitters 2 is particularly solid.
I remember watching a playthrough of Max Payne recently - I'd forgotten the hilarious, nasally death screams. How's SMTIV?
Grimrock 2 is excellent - shame it didn't do so well.

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p-please be gentle

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>das 3
>grim dawn

haha holy fuck


black flag is on the fence for me. had some really good parts but really repetitive missions overall

30? Good picks. Dungeon Keeper is nice.

>I actually haven't played many of the core nine. Would you recommend them?
I obviously love all nine, but for you I would say you'd most enjoy Dragon's Dogma and Transformers Devastation out of my 3x3.

Dragon's Dogma is an RPG that excels at pretty much everything but the traditional RPG elements. Its world is relatively small with maybe a dozen worthwhile locations, the stat growth and damage calculation are oddly-designed, romance is esoteric without looking up how it works, and the sidequests are mostly menial with 2-3 exceptions. Despite that, the game is still incredible for its combat. Most of the 9 vocations are a ton of fun to utilize since their skills are creative and interesting, feeling more like they came from an action game than an RPG (makes sense, given the director was known for Devil May Cry and fighting games prior to it). The story is pretty barren until the endgame and postgame, but the story you get there is actually really cool and unique for a high fantasy setting. It's a game that got almost half of its planned content cut but still delivers on its core gameplay and uniqueness alone and I think that's why it's so enjoyable.

TF Devastation is a game by the Revengeance director that has Bayonetta's basic gameplay but with a bunch of Transformers-specific combat mechanics, Third Person Shooter and Diablo-esque Loot RPG systems added on to it. Despite how odd that sounds it comes together seamlessly and has a fuckload of replay value. 5 characters with unique stat spreads, varying numbers of passive TECH slots, weapon types they can use (there's dozens of weapon types between Melee & Ranged), and unique cooldown and super abilities. It's also a massive love letter to G1 Transformers aesthetically and in terms of voice acting/story, with an insanely good buttrock/techno OST.

I'm actually only 22. I'll take the older guesses as compliments.

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Close, undershot a year. How are the Tales games? Haven't really gotten into them.

Forgot to mention: Metal Arms & R&C are fucking nice choices. R&C is part of the reason I think you'll like Devastation, since the gun variety is pretty good and many of them have status effects like Freeze, Rust, Stun, and Slow.

Man, I played a ton of Generals with my brother. 27?

34 in 2 days

Solid JRPGs with more world and lore building than most out there. The last few ones have been kinda meh, Vesperia or Abyss are good games to start with

Just old enough to have played FFVII right around the time you started forming vivid memories and no older. 0/2 but I hear Black Flag and is pretty good and I've liked the Castlevanias I have played, I just haven't played OoE.

Just have a 4x4 so take it like this.

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Well, happy early birthday, user! Hope it's a good one!

i use befunky select layouts>patterns then create

wow looks super cool! thanks!

Black Flag isn't a bad AC but it's a way better pirate game, the most immersive one out there. Besides 3 hub cities there are no loading screens in the open world: slowly walking from the tavern of a shitty fishing village all the way to your ship and sailing away uninterrupted is pure kino. Naval battles, raiding sunken ships, smuggler's caves, Mayan ruins...

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Play Sid Meier's Pirates you swine

More people should play both. They're really good games.

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Props for including Dota 2. Insane how butthurt people get over that game. It's mostly just Starcraft 2 fags butthurt that Blizzard completely botched that game.

It's announcement in 2009 was probably the most hyped I got for a game outside of Smash Brawl, and while Brawl ended up a huge disappointment, Dota 2 exceeded my expectations. Shame Valve doesn't really give a shit about it anymore, but they don't really give a shit about videogames overall really.

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I've already played it, that's why I talked about the uninterrupted immersion. You can't beat a fully realized third person world

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Bottom row completely throws off the first three and I kinda like that. I'm going to say 28. What's the game on the moon above Mario Strikers?

Mass Effect 1

How do I improve friends

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Replace pokeyman with a fun video game instead

I don't think most people who hate on DotA has actually played it; if they have they definitely didn't get into many games.

Not really their fault most of the time, I imagine DotA 2 is really hard to get into. When I first played the original I didn't like it either.

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so why's 0 your favorite RE

t. someone who hasn't played it

I've tried Dota variants since WC3. Was always my least favorite experience when playing custom games.

8/8 based
8/8 also based

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to be honest, it's because it was the first RE I ever played
I understand logically that there are better RE games, but it just has a special place in my heart

Fair enough. Hard to forget your first.

Its technically cheating but whatever, here's my 4x4. I'm too indecisive.


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12 y/o trying too hard
29 you fucking almost boomer
Would be 12 years old half a decade ago
Very unwell 23 year old
Since GCN era nostalgia is getting more popular, that image of The Hobbit is making me wary. 17.
Fucking S H I T
You're probably 24 or so though
10 year old
12 year old
Go take a shower, you smell bad.

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22, but I can definitely see how my tastes would skew the guess younger.

Seeing IHNM&IMS and Danganronpa V3 next to each other on a chart is part of the reason I love these threads. Two games that had never shared a thought in my head before but I look at your image knowing what I do about them and completely understand why somebody who likes one would like the other. It's little connections like that that make the less-standard 3x3s so interesting.

I just like puzzle-adventure games with some horror in them.
My original 3x3 made much less sense as it just had more RE and SH games, but Cat in the Hat for PS2 was just sitting in it

I remember that. I respect the weird licensed game pulls. If mine was based on raw nostalgia I might have Digimon Rumble Arena on there. Decent Smash clone, but I fucking loved Digimon at the time, and by god was the OST fucking incredible.

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>Witcher 3
>all in the same 3x3

Pick one, faggot
