Going home bros.....
Going home bros
Other urls found in this thread:
you should go to /vg/ your home is there
dumb homeposter
So, did World PVP die with the advent of Battlegrounds? I seem to recall there being something in the Eastern Plaguelands that was really similar to the PVP objectives in Hellfire, but I don't know how often people fought for them.
Based incelposter
i can't wait until it comes out. my retail guild just shit the bed after prog and honestly im glad. i unsubbed 10 minutes ago and am looking forward to the future.
it died because all of the people that were focused on pvp concentrated in the bg's after they came out, then by the time they burned out, there was no new interest to replace them. so they did arena's and rinse and repeat
Yea pretty much. Battlegrounds were more fun anyways in my opinion.
So World PVP was pretty much reduced to people ganking in STV and the occasional raid on low-level zones?
Guys, I dont know what the hell I'm gonna do! Rogue or hunter?! I want to do good deeps, main priority is body bagging scrubs in pvp, but I will want to do raiding at some point.
your opinion is wrong though
enjoy your 4acre capture the flag daycare for 2 years
I think you'd be fine with either. Rogues require less skill to get kills in PVP, though.
yeah basically if she farts in your face she's a keeper
Friendly reminder that trannies and faggots are NOT welcome in our perfect home. Stay away.
I will. Some of my best memories are WSG and Arathi with the boys. I have fond memories of wPvP as well which there will be plenty of in the beginning since battlegrounds aren't a thing for a while.
Enjoy being miserable or whatever you do.
We're never going home. Pantheon is the last chance I give MMORPG since it's a passion project created by the people behind Everquest and they said they want to bring back the social aspect to MMOs. Classic WoW is like putting a bandaid on a stab to the heart.
>tfw wanna go back but my life got fucked from wow addiction because I'm not a neet so I work 8 hours, sleep 6-7 and WoW 5-10hours a say
Can't wait for OG Deadmines to come back. My first ever Dungeon in WoW, so many fond and frustrating memories.
A reminder that feral tanks WILL be core members of the raid.
No it died when the community died. I remember loads of city raids and almost server wide large scale battles on different places in TBC and even early WotLK.
Horde > Alliance
Shaman > Paladin
Fury > Prot
Deep resto for shaman is bad
Warrior is best dps
Warlock > Mage
looks pretty soulless imo
2 > 1 > 3
world pvp was awesome during the leveling phases in a server and in that period before bg's.
my own opinion is that the honor patch sucked the soul out of the world, with dk's and honor grinds by queue dodger premades.
generally, the honor system was a mistake- instancing the wars away then creating a system that isolated everyone into containment zones, and finally using dishonor kills to discourage even basic bitch raids in populated quests hubs made everything boring and pve became this separate game. pve, for me and a lot of others, was more like a kind of interesting chore to gear better for more pvp. they split it down the middle. old av was fun though, i give it that
Unironically, why are people hyped for this? Classic WoW was hot fucking trash and the only reason it became le meme MMO was because it was arguably the first big one.
It's literally outclassed in every single way and mechanic by other MMOs on the market these days. If you buy this you are essentially just giving Activision money to rehash some shit that came out 20 years ago and does not hold up today at all.
The footage released is very early pre-alpha. An MMO takes 5-8 years average to develop and most of the time you won't see any news about it until the very year it goes into an alpha testing phase. These guys have been posting updates about the game ever since it was created in their minds which deserves some respect, so while it looks like shit right now I don't doubt that they will get that fixed once the actual gameplay mechanics are in place.
dishonorable kills made it really annoying to attack towns, as if infinite guard NPCs weren't deterrent enough.
those pvp objectives in EPL and silithus were a band-aid attempt to get world pvp ignited again, but i don't remember anyone ever caring about them.
Based retailcuck!
have sex
Bros I think I'm gonna roll a druid, I've played so many rogues I cant live without stealty
what does this even mean?
>half the replies in this thread
Is this an unironic actual shill thread? Most of the replies here read like they were generated by a fucking bot.
Shills btfo
These are the type of faggots that scream for fresh when everybody else leaves their stupid asses behind.
To these religious lunatics, it's everyone who doesn't agree that vanilla WoW was absolutely flawless in everyway.
On the other hand this entire process since the shutdown of Nostalrius has generated entire legions of people furious that this even exists at all. Could you imagine people being opposed to a remaster existing in literally any other genre?
have sex lol
>minmaxing will be the norm in the PAID vanilla
people are gonna play how they want simply due to the fact that they're paying for it
Not agreeing with it but Its the mindset nowadays
I don't think so, if you wanna see botposts check out Yea Forums right after a big movie trailer drops and you'll see blatant shilling. Sometimes I wonder if there are Blizzard shills in these Classic threads but vanilla server demand has existed consistently for a long time, so it's not really that weird to see people excited for it.
H-Hey classicbulls, i know this thread isn't our territory but w-will you guys at least give BFA a t-try since the subs are s-shared?
I'll even buy you guys as many e-exp pots you want to make your l-leveling experience enjoyable, p-please, my entire guild l-left and i'm all a-alone
I-I just want someone to s-show off my m-mount and pet collection to pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaseeeeeeeeeeeee
official severs will put an end to the FRESH bullshit
*blinks away*
*ports to org*
*takes off shoes*
Only the last is correct. Human Warlock is master race.
wow cool falseflag classicshill
now watch as everyone pretends to fall for it in the most epic and not at all predictable fashion ever
are people gonna bitch at me if I raid as an undead mage instead of a troll mage?
wow is stealing wildstar mounts now?
>first big one
>Being such a zoomercuck you don't know about based Everquest and Ultima Online
Any other answer is fucking wrong. DKs are the reason WPvP died: plain and simple. Getting a single DK could give a serious PvPer a heart attack, and set them back an entire week. It was much, much safer to just grind BGs and avoid the minefield that was Tarren Mill and Southshore.
>Orc Warrior - Mining/Enchanting
>Undead Rogue - Herbalism/Alchemy
What else? Gimmie some great combos.
How will Blizz stop the Devilsaur Mafia from popping up?
Can I play shaman and still do solo combat at lvl 60? I like to heal but I don’t want to be fucking helpless without anyone else outside of raiding.
Nope, even among minmax fags no one will care (in fact, minmax raiders will be playing alliance so that's a moot point), and an extra fear/sleep trinket is usually better than an extra ice bolt if you're going down that route
Just play whatever race you think is cooler
We have been screaming at Blizzard since Wrath to get a classic Vanilla server option. After Cata it was a constant demand. One of the producers took the petitions to Blizzard HQ himself so the could see how many people wanted to give them their money to have official servers. So yeah we are a passionate fanbase when it comes to OG Vanilla players. A lot of us cut our teeth on that Vanilla experience, and it's not unusual to want to go back to the way it was then.
So for levelling my shammy, I'm thinking that I'll start out enh for the first 39 levels:
Then once I ding 40, I'll respec and dump all my points into ele, then put the rest into resto as I make my way to 60:
That should set me up for healing all 5mans, right?
Tbh herbalism and alchemy are great for any class
What's worse is the Wild* one looks better
I'll call you a no shoes fucking piece of shit Horde nigger and order you to commit suicide. Fucking piece of subhuman shit.
Fuck off. This thread is only for based Alliance.
Hurry up and go, I'm sick of you cunts already
Horde niggers get the fuck out. Shirt AND SHOES required. Fuckin animals.
>Not going full ele from level 10 onwards
>not zeusing around in 5mans
casual as fuck
but especially great for vanilla rogues because of thistle tea and blinding powder
Should I fuck my wife or my GF? Or that slut from work? Choices.....
~me daddy
True, perhaps it's best for rogues as those herbs are must-haves and not luxuries
but as an example I once levelled a warrior with herb/alch and found it incredibly helpful as I had health pots on tap and was always rolling with str/defence/trollblood potions and whatnot
Get off my work laptop!
All this shitposting makes me want to join a guild where the rule is you can never wear shoes.
>casual as fuck
Correct honestly
>levelling as a human lock when nuhorde is going to be 60% undead without belfs
god speed user
No one made you click on the thread. No one made you click the link and reply to the thread. The thread is just here minding it's own business. You came in here seething like a frustrated incel and posted. You contributed due to being triggered by others having something they are genuinely excited for guaranteed to be coming and to make them happy. This triggers you the same way it does seeing another man being successful with a woman. It's just another kind of fulfillment the you will never experience, due to your inability to ever care for or appreciate anyone or anything other than yourself. This is why women are disgusted by you and why no one has ever or will ever love you. You are never going to know any sort of romantic, sexual, or even Vidya fulfillment as long as you exist. And I used exist on purpose, for how can one such as you actually live?
Shaman or priest more fun? Both healing and dps.
even with wotf rogues are still warlock food as soon as the lock is geared enough to survive the opener
Star Wars did it first.
Have sex.
>Thinking I will ever play on a PvP server
Fuck that. I have zero interest in PvP.
all up to if you like managing totem buffs 24/7
>Horde > Alliance
>Fury > Prot
>Warrior is best dps
also false
>Warlock > Mage
this is true
I’m a tranny and I intend to roll horde
In all seriousness, people want the grind and then theyll complain about end game like current wow. All blizz has to do is remove the lvl up purchase and nerf flying mounts and people would still play wow for the grind again. Everything in old wow is already in current wow
>horde without blood elves
I hope so. Sure, server launches are fun, but as soon as fresh start servers open up everything else becomes a graveyard. If people want to level again just make a fucking alt or join a private server.
This is going to be the best thing about Classic, I'm so fucking sick of those boring skinny fucks
congrats you are quite literally going the cookie cutter build. honestly you could be x/y/0 and you can still heal 5 mans. Hell you can tank all the preraid content as a shaman tank but that's memey.
>See Classic announcement
>Remember what a buggy, imbalanced mess Vanilla was, even through the fond memories
>Funpost about how most people getting hype about it are wrathbabbies and mostly because they never played it and hear it's the second coming of christ (it's not)
>Start to talk to friends about it, discuss old mechanics and nostalgic memories
>Read more things here and there
>Suddenly start to slowly become hype
W-whats happening to me? is this the fabled fun? i hear about?
you're right, character boosts and fast leveling fucking suck. having a geared max level character should be a difficult achievement.
pic related was fun though.
>fuck southshore and fuck alliance fags ganking our lowbies. first you die than server dies.
>congrats you are quite literally going the cookie cutter build.
This is what I want to hear. I'm just looking for validation.
>honestly you could be x/y/0 and you can still heal 5 mans.
Even at the highest-level 5mans? This doesn't appear to be a common opinion.
>Everything in old wow is already in current wow
This is literally wrong. Current wow is the ship of theseus, there's nothing left of vanilla.
Anyone who says World PvP dies when BGs came out is objectively wrong. You could find constant WPvP at Blackrock Mountain for hours a day, every single day of the week, right up until the end of the expansion.
City raids were a dumb meme anyway.
Places like Chillwind Camp and BRM always saw action.
>Even at the highest-level 5mans? This doesn't appear to be a common opinion.
It depends on equipment - make sure to always have a decent healing equipment up to your level.
It also depends on if you have "understanding" groups or not. If they want to rush dungeons then yeah, you might hit your limit but if they slow down just a little bit you can easily keep up.
>I'm going to make an undead rogue and gank in STV all day
Not into dudes. Sorry was fucking the gf.
wish the FUCKING youtube algorithyms would stop shoving his fuck ugly reaction videos into my reccomendations
Do we have a semi official release date?
Whats the general consensus on that?
to add to what I said here
Hope that you have fun playing a shaman, it really is the greatest class in Classic.
Sadly none of my friends are willing to compromise on playing Horde >.<
still on the fence if I want to play gnome mage or dwarf priest.
gotta farm those HKs bro nothing personelle
Thank your friends. Horde is basically the Muslim scum of Azeroth. We require shoes here.
Those level 30s give some sick honor.
>Horde is basically the Muslim scum of Azeroth.
Maybe so, but until we get BC they have the Monopol on Shamans
Should I druid in classic frens? I want pre-made PvP viability, but I also want a raid spot so i can get some gear even though I won't be playing like a hardcore min maxing berger autist. Other thing I've thought pretty hard about is Shadow Priest, because apparently they can heal 5 mans?? So leveling would be a breeze. Bro is going mage so that out of the question even though double mage would be disgusting af. I've thought about Holy Paladin too.
Ultimately, I wanna play a class that not many people are gonna be playing because I'm a special boy and I know i'll never be the best warrior or rogue.
Might be july, if there was any meaning to this character name
People who post this never have an answer for why classic private servers are so insanely popular. No naysayer will EVER respond to this post.
that would be such a MASSIVE fucking tease if not lol
>Do we have a semi official release date?
No. We have blue confirmation of summer, and "it will be a classic summer".
>What's the general consensus
July 16th is the tinfoil date that people toss around, it's based off a theory related to the blizzcon presentation - you can google "wow classic july osconty" and you'll find it fast. It fits, and a fun easter egg for a projected launch isn't that far fetched, but it's definitely not close to confirmed so grain of salt.
Going by anything official, it could be soon or it could be the literal last day of summer in September.
To add to rumor stuff, the theorycrafting discords which do have a few fags who interact with blizz fags, are pretty dead set on saying beta is coming like within the next 1-2 weeks. That isn't that wild of a guess, however, so who fucking knows.
TLDR: Theory says July, only "summer2019" is confirmed, rumors say beta soonish.
Where is my pally bros at? I am going main a holy paladin from the get to. Who will roll a ret or a... prot pala? Shamancucks should find their shoes before postinf
very concise and informative user thank you
>all these zoomers asking spec this spec that questions
Listen up you fortnite buttlords. While leveling, the gear you're wearing dictates your role in groups far more than any gay fuck talent points. This means the answer to "can i heal as x spec hybrid" is yes, assuming you collect appropriate int gear.
Further, you can't just put points somewhere and expect to be great at something. Ele shaman has an entire tree called "elemental" but you aren't going to be zapping shitfuck without spell damage gear, and you aren't going to get good spell damage gear without healing other faggots.
Don't put yourself in one box right out the gate. You need to work up to things. Learn the difference between "viable" and "optimal". Know that 40man is a lot of people and a lot of garbage can raid, but it also means that after the 2nd or 3rd month of carrying your worthless weight people are going to be sick of it. And then further realize that who you get along with and like having you around is far more important than anything else. You better have tits if you think anyone is going to not get tired of some dickfuck oomkin stealing their caster gear when they're contributing and you're busy being a gay.
You're welcome.
>Implying that class is anything other than pure shit compared to based Paladin.....
Fuck your witch doctor wiggity want bullshit. We have righteous warriors of light that destroy subhuman scum.
>fury can't compete without using an exploit, ow.....
Absolutely based
FUCK meter-padders.
Remember to stock up on snowballs and stunlock any faggot who pads his dps on Golemagg dogs
>still progging months after a tier's release
Stay shit.
Help me decide vee:
Gnome warlock
Dorf hunter
Human rogue
Orc warrior
Why does anyone listen to this garbage wrathbaby about classic? He didn't play vanilla.
For that matter, why do people listen to ANY of the wrath/catababies who claim to be "vanilla veterans"?
Tipsout, Kargoz, Asmon - none of them played vanilla. Alexensual at least LEVELED in vanilla but he's a proven liar about his raiding experience - some here may recall that during nost he claimed he cleared naxx when he was 11 or something ridiculous. Yet after changing his story 12 times, the "evidence" he posted on /vg/ and in his discord literally showed his main had no raiding related reps except hydraxian, and it was at neutral.
Seriously tho - i dont expect everyone to be 40 and have a wife/kids to be considered "legitimate" past players but the amount of liars is insane. When did "i was a big dork in middle school" become 2019 internet street cred?
Male Orc Rogue
Skinning/Herbalism at first
Maybe Alchemy later on
So, could a Ret Pally even get into MC raids? I really want to get sulphuron for a ret pally.
gnome warlock. its maximum rage if you get killed by a gnome warlock
You're going to have to suck some major GM dick to get a raid slot as ret, let alone getting Sulfuras.
Don't expect to raid in memespecs unless the guild master is a buddy of yours
>So, could a Ret Pally even get into MC raids?
Yes. You can clear MC with 40 breathing people.
To be clear, ret is complete garbage in there, but yes someone would let you. Pugs routinely take whoever the fuck as long as they get enough dps and healers since it's basically so the pug organizer can get bindings.
>I really want to get rag hammer
You can, in fact that hammer is a pvp hammer for paladins and shamans. Or more accurately, it's a pvp hammer for whoever collects the mats for it first and is committed.
You'll have to be in a guild for it, and you honestly should just heal in raids. If you express interest in it and get the rest of the mats on your own, it shouldn't be a big deal and it should go to you. Your raiding role doesn't have to be your farming/pvp role. If you're ret the 39 other people are literally carrying you.
If a GM isn't cool with being transparent about who's getting the hammer, it means he wants it or one of his friends. They also can't read your mind so make sure it's known and abandon ship if the GM is trying to raid as a memespec to justify getting the hammer. This goes double for horde and enhance GMs.
To be more clear, the answer is:
dont raid as ret, it's dumb and rude to your friends.
Yes you can get the hammer but you're going to have to get the shit that doesn't drop in raid your self and show that you're dedicated, this means being on time, bringing consumes, not being an assfuck, and HEALING. No one expects hybrids to stay holy/resto in their lives outside of raids (and ret gear will fall into your lap if you're a raiding paladin regardless of your spec).
>tfw I've made 3 Human Warriors lvl 1-12 already on private servers to practice
Help me I'm making another one right now
Thank you for a non-meme answer.
anyone can get into MC and get an Eye of Sulfuras, many guilds won't help you craft it though so prepare to farm 6000 gold
so druids are shit and i shouldn't roll one, thanks anons ur my true frens
>Your raiding role doesn't have to be your farming/pvp role
This is why I want duel spec so badly in Classic. A significant reason I'm going warlock is so I can pvp and raid in the same spec.
if you show up in a WSG as a druid and are the flag carrier people will literally suck your dick
Is there +dmg to Giants gear?
druids are fine my dude
So how am I going to be totem twisting?
Wouldn't that make me go oom in 10 seconds?
idk im very conflicted anons, i feel like druid would be the most fun to level and easiest, but no resurrect sounds fucking awful for 5 mans
There are going to be so many people leveling as ret/enhance/shadow/etc. that I highly, highly doubt there won't be at least one person in your group that can rez.
Just never die/let anyone die, bro.
the fear of death will keep dumbshit melee on their toes
People shouldn't die left and right in 5mans anyway.
Just get some shaman/paladin dps or a warlock (to summon people after they ran back).
ok so the important question is
chad or stacy nelf?
Stacy. You might get free stuff.
You can easily tank 5mans, feral is good for both leveling and tanking
>playing classic for PVE in 2019
dumb bitch
Chad, because lore.
druid nelfs should always be male
nah madlads from the 30s did it first, you philistine
Realistically, how many servers do you think classic will have the audience to support?
We already know we're getting PvE, PvP, RP-PvE, and RP-PvP, but I feel like 90% of players will play on the PvP server
I only listen to preach or esfand because they actually played during vanilla even thought it was 2005+. Tips out didnt even know how WotF worked in the classic demo
I'm currently doing it with a gnome mage 1-20, fuck getting stuck with all the zoomers
we'll both be home soon
Blizz said they don't want to make a RP-PVP realm
is that his full name?
I started playing WoW in TBC. Can I still play with you guys?
Did they say why?
I agree. I'm no longer a horny 13 year old boy that likes looking at female night elf ass and tiddies. It's time to grow up. I will roll male night elf druid.
>To practice
How pathetic is that?
Do you want to be mistaken as a tranny or a pretty cool dude?
Are we getting final Vanilla patch class/talent balance from day one in Classic?
>sorry we already have 5 going to have to boot you hunter
Will I get a lot of girlfriends if I roll Dwarf?
Yes but a very casual guild who dont give a fuck about anyones gear or spec, there will be plenty of them, just dont expect them to be min-maxers
I'm okay with that, I don't have the time/patience for hardcore min-max guilds.
apparently RP-PVP servers are too "niche", so at best me might get one later after launch if people express enough interest in it.
We're still getting regular RP-PVE servers though because that makes sense.
>4 mail wearing classes
That group was destined for failure the moment they started. They won't make it past the hunter ninjaing herod's shoulder.
Think there will be much of an RP community for Classic servers?
we might*
Yeah everything will be in the 1.12 state of balance. So will all the item drops so it changes bis items for a lot of classes.
Probably, yeah.
There is still a reasonably active RP community in retail, not sure why there wouldn't be for Classic too.
I like to RP on alt characters. Hardcore RP is gay and faggotpilled but sometimes when your bored, its fun to just roll a lvl 1 dwarf and go around selling bread and cheese in goldshire.
Recently went back to retail and most of the capital cities seemed abandoned.
i rolled on first classic rp pvp, had highest level warrior and decided that it was dumb by level 40. never looked back, the interactions were exactly the same, none of the expected hilarious super serious bullshit that i had hoped for.
No one plays the game anymore. They logged out in their garrisons and never logged back in, user.
What server?
In the US Moon Guard and Wyrmrest Accord are the main RP realms. They tend to be the active as far as outdoor/walk-up RP goes.
No, it's going to be an orc
I miss when you could go to an inn in any given city and find different people RPing. Could usually walk right in and find something to do in-character. It was pretty comfy.
Moonguard seems dead on Horde side. WRA seems okay on both.
i really don't understand garrisons. i never played any xpacs. the concept here is, give everyone their own instance and activities basically yes? maybe i don't know enough about it but it sounds counter to the mmo part of mmorpg
this is your tank for the evening. say something nice.
Most Horde RP moved to Wyrmrest.
Moon Guard is for Alliance.
I played a druid in vanilla. Good escape abilities but the gimpest class around
That was basically it and it killed whatever sense of community was left. If it was just player housing, that would be one thing, but so many quests and so much resource-gathering throughout the expansion required you to be at your garrison, so fuck being anywhere else.
Hey, thanks for tanking. You can pull whenever you're ready.
brd 5 mans and ubrs are kino warcraft. thank you for tanking.
Remember when they nerfed curse of elements and tried to compensate with a fucking soul shard bag. Way to ruin our best shot at DPS
Does Moonguard actually have any RP outside of Goldshire?
I'll tell you this, in BFA I played to max level, did a few heroics, a mythic or two, then never logged back into my main character.
Instead, I roleplayed a lvl 1 dwarf selling cheese and bread in Goldshire and took people on tours through Elwynn and it was the most fun I had the whole time I played the expansion. I made about 13,000 gold just from people that would pay me a few gold for some bread and cheese. Couldn't spend it on anything, but still. Retail fucking blows monumental donkey dick.
Last I checked, yeah.
That wasn't true on lower pop servers even on raid night
Glad you were able to find a way to get some enjoyment out of it, user. Bet those players appreciated what you do.
Haven't played WoW before. What's classic about?
Here's your tank, bro.
It's basically remaking the game as it was over a decade ago prior to various expansions and the core of the game being changed.
remember the website that tracked wow statistics like the mob that caused the most player deaths? I think it was something like Veaelastras, then "cat" (a hunter pet), then the defias pillager
it's a comfy experience and a good example of how themepark MMOs should be
>*Kick from group*
it sounds like some hyper facebook game now.
we better get a release date soon
Pretty sure a lot of warlock pets were in the top 20 as well.
>The absolute state of retail WoW
BIS pet? for me, it's smolderweb hatchling
Instead of the Horde being 2/3 Blood Elves, its going to be 2/3 Undead. Same old shit, fake Horde races attracting annoying teens
for me? it's library, the greatest of the scarlet monastery wings
At least the alliance will be free of futa draenei.
>people interrested from all around the world actively looking for vanilla means vanilla serv are popular guise
Even on nost you had a considerable chinese (farmer) population, in the grand scheme of things it's nothing. Spread out the pop on 4 serv (N PVP RP RPPVP) for each region/language for yuros and see for yourself, keeping in mind the game was optimised for ~2k pop without funserver tier respawn timzs
without blood elves and alien things, orc is the new hotness for horde. get educated
I wonder if alliance is more balanced with human/night elf
I have a feeling all current blood elf players will be rolling alliance. i am one of them
I lived the Graveyard.
look out bro he's about to post some private server data at you
>Climbing up on Solsbury Hill
>I could see the city light
>Wind was blowing, time stood still
>Eagle flew out of the night
>He was something to observe
>Came in close, I heard a voice
>Standing, stretching every nerve
>Had to listen, had no choice
>I did not believe the information
>Just had to trust imagination
>My heart going boom, boom, boom
>"Son", he said,
>"grab your things, I've come to take you home"
human will be the most populated, with how many warriors there will be looking for that +hit from swords
these threads are so fucking based, retailfags can't help themselves oh god please give me more salt i neeeeeeed it
Pretty sure Felhunter was gigahigh.
I think I want the full gank experience this time around. Maybe an undead rogue...
How come? To play as another "pretty" race, because you like the community, or because you like the questlines?
i can't wait to see how many warriors quit before lvl 16
>High inquisitor Whitemane
"Arise, my champion!"
It's because of the pretty part. I will be going Human. I'm a self insert fag.
>you have been removed from the group
[3. lfg] Looking for 1 more dps brd, can summon
when they get to 30 or 40 and get shit on without a pvp trinket and reduced intercept cd, then they will die out in droves. takes a masochist between 30ish and 50, you gotta want it
>*bubble up*
Bye bye hordie!
Were the whelplings in classic?
I always liked the green one.
That's why I usually make humans when I play DnD, I get it.
I remember farming the drakelings in that one human leveling zone for a pet but I never got it. For me it was the tabby cat.
troll mage or rogue...............
A Jubling's Tiny Home.
yeah. the hardest grind was parrot, killing pirates, but there were green and red dragon pets. the worg/hatchling pets would attack people for 1 damage. always had my spiderbro out
IF by some miracle the non neckbeards make it to 30-40 as a warrior.
I honestly think that people over estimate just how many people will play war at end game. Right now they are all going off of private server statistics which of course the absolute most dedicated people play. I just think classic is going to bring in an entirely new demographic.
what are the viable healers in vanilla? I hear resto druid is useless and priests are king.
It's the kitty with 1.0 attack speed, I believe.
Hunters used to camp him constantly. You think rogues camping is bad? Try dealing with autistic hunters who will come after you if you kill one of their pets
remember to sage and report shill general threads
Disgusting ooze or get out
Population-wise it's
Night Elf
The other 4
>A Jubling's Tiny Home.
If you want to go rogue pick undead.
I was thinking troll mage but I have more nostalgia for the alliance leveling zones.
The green and red dragon pets had like a 1 in 1000 drop rate, right?
I remember always being mad jelly of people who had that rare blue parrot.
shamans/pallies are force to heal
Paladin is easy mode healing
Priest is safe bet
Druid is situational/good for lesser geared raids
Shaman is excellent for top end/speedruns
>fishing tournaments
I can't wait. This was always comfy
dude i never fished, but with the pvp honor system taking some time to launch, cooking/fishing 300 for sure. i've caught like 4 fish in my wow career.
I am going undead warrior and there's nothing you can do to stop me
More like
Orc, Night Elf
Undead, Dwarf, Troll
Gnomes with names that aren't puns
every raid should have at least one drood for innervate and brez
Fucking spell ranks is my only complaint. But no I'm not playing disu shitto agen.
so uhh what are the chances I meet a girl if I play alliance?
girl(male) works too
>kino pvp music circa 2006
pinnacle. laintime vids>>>>>maydie memes
Any female gnome and dwarf is possibly legit
you'd be surprised how many girls play female trolls. i don't know why but they all fucking do.
I'm not missing spell ranks and class trainers to be honest, but fuck it. Lets keep it pure.
>any female gnome
You are a cruel, cruel man.
>Being forced to hearth like a continent away
Protip: Seeing a pally bubblehearth never upsets horde, it's hilarious.
Pretty good.
Talkin to one right now desu
Thiccbrap chicks play tauren female
Purple hair, face 3 (the one with the big lips)
Thread theme from the most underrated show of all time.
"Dark Lady watch over you."
Here's your viable classes bro
>implying I'm not always hearted to the local tavern
Who here always goes to the inn and logs out after /sleeping in bed
holy paladin are gods in PvE healing. shamans are great tier.
Warlocks and Shadow Priests are amazing in PvP and a good shadow priest will destroy anyone in a 1v1.
Ret is also good in PvP but straight up broken as Holy in PvP.
I can keep going but you're dumb.
>LVL 40 Hunter. INV me.
Serves you right "dps" pally/sham/hunt/dps war
Make your own group with a druid tank or do it yourself.
I used to during vanilla since I was like 12 and fully immersed.
>be warrior tank
>only invite clothies and leather wearers
>also have master loot on because there's no chance a hunter is getting my shoulders
>tfw no big titty edgelord undead rogue gf to gank alliance with
>Ret is also good
>that asshole that kites teremus/kazzak to sw
>be dat boi
>implying those are fire enchants and not edgelord +1 beastslayer just for the glow
>tfw thinking of making a female dwarf of every class
>LFM DPS lava runs IF/HOJ RES
you'll never find any casters because armory is all mail, it's retarded
Only in PvP. They are actually one of the best 1v1 classes. I would gladly invite a good Ret paladin into my PvP group because if they are actually good they will play like a correct hybrid class and toss out some support heals.
me and priest buddy used to kill the sw flight master. a lot.
Wasn't that patched out by the period of vanilla that classic servers are emulating?
Actually based.
There's gonna be so many mages warlocks and priests leveling that have no clue that doing dungeons actually slows down your leveling speed it will be fine.
No idea, I'm not playing. Hopes it's in the game to piss off people.
Do it.
Dwarves are based af
>""hybrid"" class
>can heal
>healer class
>can heal
>can dps
>tank class
>can tank
>can dps
? ? ?
Elemental shamans actually do good dps
You generally run cath with arm because arm is really quick
>trying to find Mankrik's Wife
>sounds of dismounts
>out of fucking no where
>shadow priest
>viable dps spec
pick one
Since like everyone else here I'm going to be a loner with no friends playing this should I be a Rogue to do solo content easily and wreck in PvP?
I believe the idea was that hybrid classes would be good in very specific niches but worse than a dedicated class
That got thrown out the window with the very first BC patch that made Paladins living gods
what is your playlist looking like for classic? are you going age appropriate playlist?
>tfw listening to linkin park on repeat in the barrens
You can thank some designers that hated hybrids and gimped them for 1.5 xpac in an autistic fit of rage and some people to gargle it 14 years later top lel m8
Until they go oom in 10 casts.
I've never had a real life friend who played World of Warcraft. Not a single one. Had plenty of friends in WoW though. All you gotta be is reliable and pull your weight in a fight and you make friends fast. Easy mode: Tank or Heals
This is definitely in there.
I've found classic rock like led zeppelin and the rolling stones to be rather appropriate for Tirisfal Glades
>be holy pally in bc
>spam fol rank 7
>clear sunwell
Mom was so proud
The beauty of classic is that everyone is desperate to get quests done so asking in chat if you want to group up is encouraged and welcomed. I met some friends when playing in vanilla through questing. We did a bunch together until we were ready for Wailing Caverns and we did that together also. Everyone added each other afterwards and the next day we continued the journey. I don't keep in touch with those people anymore but I hope it will happen again who knows.
>pick one
That's literally what raids do.
wtf that's more for a PvP montage
>living gods
You mean the Hyjal trash tanks or the heroic speedrunners when finally kitted out?
More of a Hl rank 5 fellow paladin. Haste was so good
dwarf grinding low areas in the snow
What's the best 1.12.1 server to try stuff out on until classic comes out? Light's Hope?
Early 2000s ska-rock.
And it is fucking amazing.
When the hell is this shit coming out
No, like the pre-expansion patch that gave them the AoE attack
Yep, Northdale server on Light's Hope in particular.
The best world pvp was removing world buffs from raidfags. So out side in black rock or plague lands. It's like a pack of wolves finding and picking off the calves.
Delaying raids another 30 minutes because 10 members couldn't make it to the entrance was the best.
I just turn game sound up and make the background music loop.
I think a guy in my guild did a critical build or some shit. I don't know what was best I stacked mp5 and spammed one button and cleared everything, though the later gear did t have much mp5.
Barely any lyrics, just 45 minutes of pure goodness.
don't worry, they get buffed even more in wotlk, and stay like that for 5 years, probably the most consistently good class in the game
>tfw two rl friends are going to be playing
feels good man. one of them has been playing for a decade and it will be the other ones first time
I keep remaking warriors on private servers send help
fucking love this song. not just for busting up funerals. making a playlist with Misfits and the Cramps. hit me with more if you got it.
Stop it user you'll get burnt out
Hi from Tauri MoP serb
The game is not coming out before early fall anyways, he will be fine.
>be holy pally in world
>see new ds spell during zombie event
>go get
>be a bitch and go back holy for nax
I promised myself that I would stop as soon as they announce a release date. I figure once they announce it, it will be like 2-3 months.
When is launch? Is it "soon"?
if they don't publish a release date in the next week, start panicking
welcome back brother
It's a bit frustrating not knowing yet.
I need to plan for the launch week.
can someone post a quick image for how to make noose
thats a fine choice my man. i wish you luck in your quest
I will cuss and scream and shout. I might play but probably lose the drive after the initial dopamine rush wears off.
dude there's like 100-200k people trying to schedule their pto based on release week. it's dumb af that they can't commit yet, in may..
druid is great and not that gear dependent. without gear you're decent, and then all you have to do is get the blue pvp set that requires rank 7/10 to get and you've got it made in the shade.
Druid criminally underrated desu
Blind Guardian
Iirc you spammed FoL downranked through t4/5 then switched to HL downranked to at least 4 + haste for the coefficient and the BoL
Consecration made pallies gods in tbc prepatch? I'm calling bs
yeah i have a ton of PTO saved up and ready to pull the trigger on, just need a fucking date.
gnome lock or orc warrior. human rogue ok, dorf hunter is ass
Gnome warrior
domestic gdp for the week will tank, highly likely trump may cancel classic
>yfw Classic is stealth dropped out of nowhere
8 days
why does Yea Forums hate undead players?
it's going to be difficult balancing between classic and shadowbringers, but I'll try
their opinions are garbage, i've always gone undead and i've also had sex before.
bear tanks are based. the sound effects of a bear tanking damage and getting crits are sick
Constantly starting shit in wpvp and generally immature for the maymayz
True if big. I was even spamming fol all the way into wotlk, everyone else was using hl but I couldn't do it man
because they won't be my gf
i would watch this anime
>not choosing armory
>Classic was fun while it lasted but I domt wanna go back
>Retail sucks
>No middleground of just fucking moving forward your just arguing with retail casuals and nostalgia cucks
>WoW will never have a CHANCE to be good again
Your all cancer honestly.
Let's take a look at his arm- holy shit...
Can anyone comment on druid pvp viability? particularly that hybrid druid with all three trees.
was an undead priest as my main throughout all of live. did 1-40 on a pserver, was good. currently 10 on a femtaur drood, because I was thinking shifting might be fun. I like healing in raids, damage in pvp, and playing underplayed things.
>...druid pvp viability?
completely viable and a lot of twitch. arguably as much as rogue if you shift a lot. watch stormx vids for about as far as that class can be pushed
just dont try to fight any pallys
Balance/resto will kill almost any class in a 1v1. But you need a large brain to handle it.
crushing blows breh
>caring about which class is in your group in a lvl 20 dungeon
BearResto is an amazing PvP healing spec, and Feral is also one of the best PvP specs. BearResto is kind of an all-in-one spec because it can heal, tank in raids, and PvP all in one spec.
warriors aren't even good lowbie tanks, they suck at everything until geared
remember to not roll on a popular streamers server
It's to keep all the gear to himself, clothies won't compete with the tank
Only an issue for non tanks
Everyone gonna quit by the time they get smacked around by harvest watchers or ganked by dust devil's. Screen cap pls
Reminder to chill on the private server bullshit and to go back and play warcraft 1, 2, and 3 to enjoy some quality games and great lore.
Honestly I'm happy if we see more tanks other than Warriors. It will keep things fresh in classic
yeah you're right, alliance will have zero players beyond level 17
>going to westfall
>Playing Blizzard games in 2019
I just can't play 1&2 anymore.
You won't. Maybe some token DPS but no one is gonna fuck around and waste their time raiding with a tank that can't even taunt lmao
>Not going to westfall
Coming home bros
>"how dare you not play fortnite like the rest of us!"
>FPS: 10
Can you say SOUL?
>10.7 fps
>sneak up to alliance firing line in ss/tm
>arcane power+flamestrike
>blink in and spam ae
*tips turban*
Is this a dig on the hitboxes of DS2? If so I like it.
>bubble hearth back to ss inn
>die anyway
Playing Female Undead Priest, listening to Beastie Boys
god damn i forgot the sm loading screen had an orc looking at it whilst whipping out her tits
im fucking dying
Nice game can't wait
nice 20% threat reduction for 40 players you got there. you should complain about a passive racial and have that nerfed
You can't click off di in classic or I was just a noob?
>tfw no upright orcs
Fem orcs are upright
>FPS: 12.4
ah yes, t-those were the days!
this is unironically true
My computer was so shit then.
gpu's back then came with garbage china fans too, odds are your shit was running at +90c. not to mention capacitor plague and low cpu clocks. tm/ss could straight up kill a fan in two days
I might unironically play on a crt monitor for Max comfy
I agree, lack of taunt is why we won't see prot pallies. Now, why won't we see druid tanks?
>tfw secret AH strats to dominate market on some hot commodities
because farming gnomer for 20 memes per raid is retarded and shameful
Easier to farm than most consumables brought to raid.
>Teleport directly to instance
>Clear in 5 minutes
>50% drop chance
sure but i'm not gonna farm consumes for mc/bwl. aq sure, but fuck a flask bro
Friendly reminder that horde is gonna be fucked in classic, since alliance has more content
>imb4 half the playerbase gets stuck in goldshire arguing about who is or isn't a newfag
yeah i remember this dude
he was always human, and danced in the bubble. always.
>Guild progressing through AQ40
>cursed loot, never got T2 warrior chest from Nef
>still have to go back to clear BWL every week to try and get the chest, even though all the rest of the loot is wasted
>hear that our rival guild wiped a lot on Nef and gave up
>they're always talking shit, time to get hit
>invite a random member, promote them to leader, sneak into the instance and then leave group, effectively stealing their lockout
>we go in and 1 shot Nef, taking all their loot for the week
>troll them about it
>the site is STILL FUCKING UP
Have you ever trolled so hard that the evidence remained 13 years later?
>trolled so hard that the evidence remained 13 years later?
nice 4 views per decade there, i wouldn't call that "remained." we will never forgive you. after 13 years i have 80% of your home addresses
>Xmuting Arcanite bars, your mats!
>Tips appreciated!
>You don't give a tip
>They don't confirm trade
What the fuck do i do!?!
european spotted. i bet you summer in spain you absolute faggot
Your penis is missing because your over lords take them for fun while forcing you to pay extra for food you already payed for.
Why are you trying to pretend you are better?
I remember back at the start of vanilla, Goldshire's populous slowly crawled up in numbers, and the frames sprinted downwards.
Some how me hitting my spacebar over shadows your missing iq and penis?
I rolled hunter and pretty much only played hunter in vanilla. This time i'm thinking of going with a warrior.
So should we give up on summer launch? I know they've repeatedly said it's still summer, but here it is about to be May and no beta and no launch date.
I'm not trying to concern troll, it just seems like cutting it close. Or am I 100% mistaken and this is normal? Maybe it's being treated more like a patch and less a product launch?
I don't want to waste time on a private server so I'm sure that's influencing my negativity.
>tfw gear swapping in fights.
As the dedicated GoA/WF Twister in melee groups you wont be spending mana otherwise outside of clearcasting procs. Try to nominate yourself as Nightfall bro
amerimutt memes are 2017, it's probably time to update your 56% folder
t.Tyquan D'fawn
I know you guys think it's super funny, but without sounding too corny vanilla WoW can bring us together. I've spent probably far too much time on private server and while I got insanely frustrated with sweaty lisping euros and how impossible it was to interact with them at times, if nothing else it was a great example of how much americans and europe have in common compared to china and russia.
Once you've faced the faceless yellow horde or the nonstop ivans shitting up pugs and wpvp, and bgs, or both of them spamming the auction house with underpriced mats to force you to buy gold from them, you start to consider europe as the ally they should be.
Besides, it hardly matters as due to regional servers in classic, the euros never have to listen to americans drop dank trump memes and americans never have to listen to some tranny lisping euroneet in discord arguing about warlock talent points.
And I think we can all agree that regional servers destroying /vg/ vanilla guilds as we know it is a good thing as the discord trannies are 100% godawful at life and the game.
Fucking faggot here trying to kiss everyones asshole
Fuck you retard
maybe i'll be a rogue
>on a shaman
oh god LOL
i sincerely hope you're having him toss out heals in between the twisting gcds because what you're describing is near worthless. That is something a GM assigns for himself because he wants a hand of rag.
If you could choose one feature to transfer from modern WoW to Classic what would it be?
For me it's transmog. At low tier everyone looks silly with mismatching armor. And at high tier everyone looks the same. Maybe add barbers too. I just want the simple cosmetic stuff.
reminder: non of you will even hit 60, let alone raid.
tmog was a mistake
except auto loot toggle
i blame merkel. eu players are demonstrably obnoxious, ru are annoyingly loud, and cn is a curse on the internet. aus is bro tier, with the occasional exception of dudes from finland. this reply is actually the truthiest of all possible replies.
Sounds like you're projecting. I hit level cap on 50 characters, also cap, during BC. Got a second account just because I love making characters and leveling.
I hit 60 on northdale.
I know this is bait but transmog ruins wpvp instantly.
And not sure what server you were on in 2005 but no one looked the same and getting full tier was rare and only happened late after running the same tier over and over. Even on pservers it doesn't happen because rarely is the full tier considered worth it.
there are exceptions like most healers wearing the blue dress from baron, and every shaman ending up using the same 3 piece from t2, btu again that's after months and months.
Barbers are relatively benign but still far safer to just, you know, NOT add shit.
They've left open the possibility for changing things up later on if classic is successful, and other retro legacy mmos like OSRS and EQ have precedents for that. That is good enough.
this will definitely change by release. that is garbage
titanforging to trigger all classicfags out of existence
can you tell me what im looking at here?
I don't know any youtube stuff, it feels impossible to wade through various 10minute long nonsense to find actual worthwhile info.
Better looking trees
Not bait. Blood Furnace.
It's max graphics on the Alpha client. I think foilage is fucked.
dual spec. give it an outrageous unlock cost like 2-5k gold so it still functions as an effective gold sink and make it so it can only be used in major cities/faction "safe" locations, and i think it would be alright.
>Undead Mage - Tailoring and Engineering.
Nets for snaring outside of frost nova cooldowns (and nets can't be resisted), grenades to help with cc, reflectors and mind control caps for shenanigans.
Nice. Putting this on the list.
Fuck you. I played dark age of camelot before wow came out.
hover over the thumbnail, click the 3 dots for more options, "not interested" "stop showing me this channel"
>Everything in old wow is already in current wow
No, they ruined mauradon, sunken temple, scarlett monestary, shadowfang keep, ubrs, lbrs, actually almost every instance has been made brainlet-safe, and shit tons of shit is fucked up and ruined. Especially Stratholme. Tons of abiltities and skills removed from the game, classes play entirely differently. World pvp / PvP in general millions of changes, PvE / Raids / Instances millions of changes, and what if you wanted to level up in ashenvale or feralas? Sorry they're fucking gone now, basically.
Thanks you too.
Female gnome models. They're really hot.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Did swipe use to have a cooldown?
balance the classes so theyre all good in pvp
>implying they won't add dungeon finder
t. fucking scrub
Extremely high.
My second gf was a draenei paladin.
warrior. channel your abundance of rage into something good
So how bad is retail? I thought Legion was a little better than WOD. Is BFA as shit as everyone is saying? Pls no bully.
I just want nonshit class design in a game
I like this.
This list is trash and belongs in the trash
that's BFA shit graphics you can turn them all off and have it just be classic graphics
See you at endgame BFAG
See you at the lowest part of the meters and only used around early naxx outside of cookie and port bitch.
Keep pretending otherwise.
>t. Pandaeran main
>Chinks Hope
Let's get this shit started, Lightniggers:
>Corruption on GM/admin level
>You can get PERMABANNED at any time if the client's anticheat thinks your ping is too high and yes this literally happened to me. You need the GMs to manually take 48+ hours to look at your appeal and reverse it (Kronos3 does this except its only a disconnect, not a ban)
>At any moment, the pop number is hyperinflated because 30%+ of the playerbase is chinese
>China gold spam messages every ten minutes
>Chinese spamming /yell chat in every major city
>The most edgy griefers in RR/Duskwood/Hillsbrad who are surprisingly absent on other pservers
>competing with 5-10 people on any quest because of overpopulation
>b-but youre projecting!
I leveled a 28, 21, 20, 50, and 55 on Lights Hope all within the past few months. I know exactly what I'm talking about. Kronos3 has none of these, and its own downside is its slightly underpopulated.
what's stopping the chinks from invading blizz classic? paywall right?
Males can go kill themselves, again. Females should have sex with me.
they will have their own servers
>already got dreadsteed at 60 before you even have your mount gold at 40
>already unkillable at pre-bis while the rest are stuck in rock paper scissors
>already overtaking the shitter classes in DPS by tier 2
>acquiring gear twice as fast as melee classes
>all as you just ding 60
>Being poor in classic
>Being handy capped because you're a snowflake
Shut up taxi and summon me like the bitch you are.
holy shit did they intentionally make vanilla warlocks fucking baby easy mode so aspergerlords had a class they could role
My understanding is that they were garbage until Roguecraft pointed it out and by 1.12 they became pretty decent
>already unkillable at pre-bis
t. has no idea what Warlock pre-raid BiS is. Pro tip, you have like 1.7k HP because most of it is level 40 greens. They last until BWL. Warlocks are free kills until they're geared as shit because there's very little shadow damage gear pre-raid.
>and its own downside is its slightly underpopulated
It has other downsides. The GMs are notoriously bad and most of them are in the same guild as well. GMs being GMs solely to help their particular guild isn't new, it's just taken to the extreme on kronos.
They're also ban happy since they have no working anti cheat and while you can get a ban overturned it takes time and unless you're a known person it's going to take a LOT of time.
I'm not saying it's not a better alternative than northdale which literally profits off of gold selling and is even more corrupt. But the sad truth is GMs being fags is how pservers work, period. Just varying degrees of faggotry. Think about it - what kind of person volunteers to deal with ESL euros and memester americans and their shitty tickets? They aren't getting paid. Some do it because they like to boss people around, but most do it to facilitate their guild's tickets ASAP. Misloot in your run? Hold on, relogging. Your best healer in shit for botting the AH to snipe auctions? Hold on, i can get that fixed. etc etc.
Honestly I'd resist the temptation if I were you. Private servers are not going to be what classic is like. If you have to go, go with kronos, or better yet you can use their ptr and spawn levels/items/whatever to test things if you feel like you have to. But what is there to test?
Most vanilla servers are either vanishing completely or will be primarily chinese/russian when classic launches.
If you just want to look at animations, you can do that on wowhead classic.
A harsh truth: the few dudes remaining right now on private servers with classic beta and launch around the corner are exactly the type of people you don't want to play with.
Very interesting to see the horde's side of leveling. Seems a lot more boring and tedius than alliance.
At level 25 for allies it's way easier than what horde have to do, lol.
World PvP was garbage
you either get ganked and have no chance to fight back
or you gank and they have no chance to fight back either
Try to imagine that you're some failed attempt at a internet personality with a whiny high pitch voice.
You go to Yea Forums to try to shill your pathetically bad content and personality.
Being some fat arse with swole in your name.
Being so unliked in threads you shill in that everyone wants you dead.
You come to every thread attempting to even grasp at views on your already nonexistent channel.
You reply to yourself as a way to get eyes on what you say. And you say retarded shit just to have people call you a retard.
Your channel is full of "Alpha Male" but you're a Beta squeaky voice faggot that no one cares about.
You go to any wow classic related threads on any board shilling your dead channel while trying to push you're a alpha redpilled "male" that once trolled a minecraft server.
this feel
My new favorite pasta
Yes. It was the first massive blow as it introduced 1) a better way of getting honor and 2) dishonorable kills. One encouraged you to do pvp in BGs, the other discouraged you from doing pvp near towns or cities. The second blow was the next patch that introduced battlemasters. Instead of having horde and alliance right next to each other (WSG or AV entrances), people got the option to just stand in the capital. And that's what they chose.
After that, large scale WPvP was essentially dead. The only cases it happening on my server(s) were when it was actually organized by people (was an rp pvp server). The pvp objectives in 1.12 didn't help, and were just a huge joke in the community about how out of touch blizzard was.
That said, I remember there being a bunch of wpvp before 2.0.1 (tbc prepatch) hit, simply for the fact that the honor system was getting revamped. Did some city raids with my guild too, gathering a ton of DHKs in the process because they no longer mattered.
i was gonna say southpark but you win
a 22 mage is going to do a shitload more damage than an 18 warrior who's probably using a level 14 weapon
>other than Warriors
It'll literally only be druids, and only the most tryhard autists who are willing to farm gnomer 10 hours a week on top of all the farming a warrior tank has to do, and only on alliance
i really really like this webm
Wait a second...I believe there are still a few more weeks left on that ban. MOOOOODS
I'm gonna play a hybrid class and stay DPS/Tank at max level and there's nothing you can do to stop me because raiding is gay as fuck and a waste of time; I'll be roleplaying instead.
Human females are worse. The most disgustingly wrathful people you will ever encounter as Horde, and from the stories I have heard on Alliance seem like genuinely terrible people you should avoid (at least in the private servers where the casual moms that play them don't exist). Every extreme corpse camping questing war incident I can recall has had a female human provoking it the hardest. They were ALWAYS the most pitifully, obsessively, aggressive players to encounter, and always had emotes ready to humiliate you if they killed you. I remember several times actually getting shit done around other normal Alliance players casual questing, till a human female came in and riled everyone up into shitty "who has a level 60 raidlogger nearby" turf wars. Even if you try your hardest to leave them alone after killing them when they start shit, they still seem completely fine with sacrificing hours of their time to waste minutes of yours and bringing everybody down in flames with them. I generalize this hard because my opinion has been scarred for over a decade
WPVP will be great when everybody is still leveling up, but STV in every private server was fucking cancer and you have to be a saddist with a sugar daddy to enjoy that shit as much as those trannies. The males that play as females seem like the Alliance's mirror to the Orc/Undead tryhard PVP stereotype as Horde.
This list looks like it was made by a mage. >Overall top caster DPS
Warlocks do more dps once geared unless you're lucky enough to be the designated ignite mage
>Fastest gold farming
>Potentially fastest levellers
Hunters have them beat in both areas, and are also great in all types of PvP.
yes but no one except zoomers cares about that because thye know it literally makes no difference.
the point was you dictate who is in the group based on not wanting competition for drops, has fuckall to do with dps in leveling 5mans. Mysteriously bear tanks are 100% ok with retlols joining their 5man and it's not because they have some memespec bond of brotherhood. It's because of no gear overlap and the bear doesn't give a shit what plate that paladin wants, while the warrior is going to tell the ret to fuck off and get some clothies.
You don't need pummeler unless you want massive threat, which isn't necessary for most bosses in most builds. A bear without a pummeler will outthreat a warrior in mitigation gear easy. Warriors need to wear threat gear just to match a bear with no pummeler.
This poster was dabbed and camped by BASED human female players.
You can just feel the seething from this post.
>in most builds
Meant to write in most guilds.
>You don't need pummeler unless you want massive threat
Feral tanks do great average threat throughout a fight, but it's the beginning of a fight where it matters most, and warriors are better at frontloading threat than a pummelerless druid.
Feel free to explain your actual reasoning for that.
Based stream. Ganks paladins 6 levels higher than him. Very informative stream.
MOOOOODS Swolebenji's still advertising
Mages are still more valuable than locks at every tier until Nax.
Hunters can compete with Mage farm if you're a pump and dump chink with no actual intention of getting gear.
Based on my memories playing Alliance, you are absolutely spot on about Human females.
>Too busy to ever be this again...
oh fuck its true
i was going to roll druid/hunter till i read this
the private server statistics still read that their populations are fine, what are the chances that this has a noticeable affect on classic?
Where my Chadlocks at?