Reminder that these are the kind of people who play mortal kombat

reminder that these are the kind of people who play mortal kombat

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mad cuz bad

How do you stop from getting salty when losing online in fighting games, bros?

just accept it and keep grinding matches til you learn and aren't shit

If you're focused on learning from your mistakes you don't have the time to get mad.
The only faggots who get mad are those that have stopped learning and feel like they're owed a win.

just post a picture of bacon to shut them up

What games do I play if I wanna enjoy a combo circus

Why would you get mad or upset? Are you really so delusional that you think you're the best? Well, you aren't. You should expect to lose to those better than you and when you do ask why you lost if you have any interest in getting better. Getting mad at failure is what failures do.

Make sure you are continuously learning the game and having fun, that's all that matters. It's entirely possible to have fun even in defeat.

Love how hoodrats hide behind emoji spam now like everyone doesn't know they're seething when they do it.

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hit them with the god of war wallpaper

who's the best zoner in the game if I want to annoy these retards when I pick it up?

but user, you're a person that plays mortal kombat!

Probably Erron Black

>Dive kicks
>Leg sweeps
>Projectile spam
Now THAT is some good MK

>these retards

say it, user. i know what you want to say.

Bet he plays Scorpion

why would you black his name out?

You can do combos in MK?

>that part right there

Yea Forums does this shit all the time with laughing reaction images

Wow the incels are really desperate arent they? Just reaching for anything now that they've realized nobody gives a shit about their insane crying about the women not being naked. You lose :)

yeah but it's similar to dbz fighter where the combos kinda play themselves and require no actual timing
fun though

I don't understand how people get salty in the first place. What kind of mindset are you going in with? Are you assuming you're already really good and you're just going online to prove it? You should just have the mindset that you're bad and you're trying to improve, that way when you're playing it doesn't matter if you win or lose as long as you can feel yourself improving. If you're playing against someone way better than you and you manage to win neutral or to escape from pressure then that's an accomplishment itself, why do you need to win the match as a whole?

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you are lower than an ape if you get seriously heated after losing any competition instead of learning from your loss

live and learn

except Yea Forums is doing it ironically and the nignogs do it seriously.

Not only are NRS games braindead, their normalfag fans are some of the saltiest shitters on the planet. I had a guy invite me to voice chat once after an Injustice set because he failed to beat my Superman with every zoner in the game.

Incredibly based user

But Mortal Kombat is literally just throwing out jabs until one lands and mashing out your combo

Sure, buddy.

>except Yea Forums is doing it ironically

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