How did the twist make you feel?

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Yea Forums gives this game a lot of shit but because of that I had garbage expectations and knew in advance it was just an interactive movie, and I ended up actually getting engrossed.

Soundtrack is comfy, and the last chapter honestly freaked me out a bit. One of those "scary moments in non horror games" thing.

It's really not that bad.

it's very well foreshadowed
in fact, jefferson basically spoils the entire plot of the game in the first 10 minutes of the game


Would've been better if there was any sort of foreshadowing behind it. Mind you I only played through once so maybe I missed something?

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Who do I trust here?

he basically says that he could take any of the students and put them in their lowest/worst point in life and capture a picture of them or something
which is what he does

The twist was good, but the execution of his character was pretty bad. He immediately transformed into a crazy person without any subtlety in performance and script.

did anyone even play lis2 or did they just go "nah" because it's not about cute lesbians

You trust . He gives a good amount of hints about being a demented weirdo. His obsession with Max winning the contest and him telling people Kate is being an attention whore kind of gives it away.

Happy that he killed Chloe and was likely gonna rape Max, since I never played past episode 4 and consider that my headcanon.

But how does that foreshadow what he does? All we know for a while is that a student went missing. That really doesn't have anything to do with what he said initially, which can be taken in multiple ways. It's just a hindsight thing

Yea Forums the character. sick fuck incels

Game went down hill fast. You're better off with that ending.

I haven't played it yet but I'm reluctant to admittedly because of the obvious politics. LIS is good because while people expect the politics and tumblrisms it does a pretty good job of avoiding it while just focusing on the narrative. The second game makes it the focus pretty clearly

I can't remember exactly since it's been a while since I played lis, but from what I remember there's other hints throughout the game that when combined with what I said it sort of acts like foreshadowing

I think the game should have had more red herring characters to make it more unexpected. There wasn't too many others capable of doing what he did

I'm an idiot so I didn't see it coming or expect it. It's a pretty decent twist and isn't a part of what makes the ending so shit so it's fine.

I just found it hilarious that Chloe's war veteran Stepdad gets his shit pushed in by this hipster faggot in almost conceivable timeline

>the last chapter honestly freaked me out a bit
I honestly thought one of the twists would be that Chloe was using you into manipulating your powers for some goal when they retreaded the scenes between you and her throughout the weird shit. I kind of wish that was true

i accidentally spoiled it for myself reading a forum post shortly before i saw it revealed in the game, but just reading it i still thought "whoa really?" i thought it was cool and surprising.

David literally did nothing wrong. The writers seemed to go out of their way to make him seem like the bad guy. I thought he might have been onto something with his security camera plan. I'm disappointed you couldn't take his side at any point.

i didn't play the first game for the dykes
the main thing holding me back from playing LIS2 is the price. it's like fucking $40 for the game still. i remember i got the original game for like $8 or something. don't even know if it's worth pirating 2bh.
another turn off is the wait times in between episodes. TWD's final season episode 1 was released around the same time as LIS 2 episode 1. TWD got cancelled, brought back from the grave and finished before fuckin LIS 2 episode 2 came out.