ITT: redpills
ITT: redpills
Other urls found in this thread:
Hitler did nothing wrong
All classic PC games have ridiculously bad gameplay. Only reason they're praised is because it has loads of text
What does redpill even mean? I thought it was related to politics, how can there be vidya redpills?
Bioshock 2 is worthy of being a Bioshock title more so than Infinite.
If you have never played a video game that required you to read a manual before playing you are the cancer.
Why would I ever concern myself with fanboys? I own literally every console. I have a job and a girlfriend. What a waste of life you are to concern yourself with such trivialities.
its from the matrix, not politics
This sounds like a very bluepilled individual
Just potheads trying to get accepted when nobody wants their dumb druggie asses.
please read
Looks like an anti-drug commercial from the 90s
The more Yea Forums tries to convince you a popular & highly rated game is bad, the better it will end up being
I know for a fact that if BOTW was a standalone game I'd still love it, I don't give much of a shit about Zelda to begin with.
>still anti-shilling botw in 2019
sorry i'm not retarded?
theres no other nintendiaper games to talk about.
Found the corporate cocksucker
I've got a major redpill for you.
>story does not belong in a video game. A fun product shouldn't need context or character development to justify having fun. Any game that spends hour after hour trying to keep you interested in the "plot" is objectively bad because it couldn't be bothered keeping you interested via the GAMEPLAY. Ask any cinematic movie game fan why they like watching cutscenes, and their response will always be the same. "we hate videogamey stuff, so we want more cutscenes in games."
Story heavy games shouldn't even be called games.
Brand recognition is a hell of a selling point.
Why are *his* games so good then?
>console wars
gaming in general has been absolute shit for years and youre still trying to shit talk like its cool
I don't know. I haven't seen him in a game yet.
Sony fans are literally shit eats.
Hard to swallow truths
What other open world games uses fire as a tool like that? Hell any game. Surely you have an answer for just one point, particularly the one made in this image you posted.
thus sprake the mexican
>can ignite TNT and other explosives
>can light enemies on fire, who can light other enemies on fire
>can actually be distilled and used in recipes
Truly /ourgame/
Even fucking farcry had fire as a tool. You fucking nitenkiddies literally dont play any game thats not Nintendo, do you? Is that why your standards are so low?
>Seconds since Yea Forums last cried about BOTW.png
>user in charge of reading
Far Cry 2
Sony jabronies need more fuel especially after the VR support
Why do you hate weed?
>i must constantly obsess over nintendo games
Rent free
How lazy can Hollywood get? Now they're stealing ideas that the internet invented first.
Now my buzz is gone bro
Whoever drew this needs to smoke up and chill
Quentin, is that you?
Didn’t he kill like a couple Jews?
Based junkies
Why is the anti-weed fag posting this cringe shit?
it was, unequivocally, unquestionably, undoubtedly the jews
That’s literally not how potheads act
can anyone post an actual instance of this happening?
this. But also if BoTW were a stand alone game it probably wouldnt have been as good.
You can clearly see by the pins that they are brown poople
the more focus a game has on a female character, the lower quality the game is going to be
Bayonetta, Nier Automata, Catherine and Berseria were fucking great games so kill yourself.
It just means you're a bitter virgin who blames society and trannies for your failure at life. Also something something communism Hitler did nothing wrong
Tranny detected
hold up, didn't somebody got V&'d for this?
Fuck no stfu it’s getting good this shit is god-tier.
But your point of view is invalidated by people who enjoy both. I think a choice has to made when a game is in production as to what it's focus is, but there's room for variation.
Any form of entertainment has variety, books aren't all fiction or even all narrative but there's a swathe of worthwhile entries nonetheless.
Some movies have a goal of imparting a complex theme or communicating emotionally purely through visuals but a tight story and good dialogue can shine in a very visual medium.
A comic can be nearly literary and impart some wisdom or it can be purely a piece of entertainment.
Music doesn't NEED lyrics and has been effective for ages without it but would you say you enjoy one far over the other exclusively?
It's all in execution, intent, and sincerity.
Underages maybe, just as that guy is.
>People think that Matrix was the first to use "Red pill"
Blue-pill, yeah, but not the red pill
This redpills sucks. Take this one. Is better.
>4 cinematic experiences
Wow, Farcry has fire that works like botw, even though fire isn't that an important to the game and both games are played for completely different vibes you really showed us the way user, now could you give just one example of a game that succeeds in being what botw but better.
>Guy with shit taste turns out to be a frogposter.
Why did I expect any different?
those are action and puzzle games you stooge, go back to work and tell your boss what you did in the supply room.
you’ll never be a woman you faggot
I would prefer if you would stop posting until the comic has finished being posted
>frogposter posts the new flavor of the week frog meme
cool clown frog man ur really epic trolling these guys haha keep it up bro
Yes, he went to war with Russia and allied with the retarded Japanese imperialists
Thank you all.
the hard truth
Seriously, who made these comics? Is this based on a real story?
>men and flat women
>I like games with 50+ hours of cutscenes and dialogue boxes, where nobody likes the gameplay and just talks about their favorite waifu
Yeah, some "games" you got there.
Nier is hot garbage, though.
Join the 40% now
dont reply to me
How do I give the author money?
Stupid ignorant user.
>Bayonetta is a cinematic experienc-
It's been 2 years user. 2 YEARS. Get. OVER IT.
seriously? source?
Hurry up with the posting or I’ll have to look it up online
Technically it means hard to swallow truths, in actual usage it just means stupid alt right shit.
lurk moar newfag
but I'm partial to JRPG and I like both?
the OP one? I see nintendofans doing that daily so, yes. based on reality
>Snoys actually believe this
Have sex incel
>mash buttons mindlessly while the game shows off a bunch of cinematics and the enemy does nothing to fight back
we aren't talking about your intimate relationships user we're talking about bayonetta, which grades your combos on complexity and timing.
Your waifu is a slut
>Bayonetta is good because it grades you on mindlessly mashing buttons
>and yet it doesn't punish you no matter what rank you get
It's the participation trophy of video games.
You get a lot less upgrade currency and if you mindlessly mash it notices and lowers your grade. Also look up a grace and glory encounter.
Also I've never gotten a participation trophy can you tell me what it's like?
Pro-tip, don't reply to ACfag.
Can I get a link to the thread
That's fucked up, but what game is that?
The franchise name argument is retarded
BOTW relies on being both an open world game and a Zelda game that became what it was.
You're probably right, thank you for reminding me. I hope you have a pleasant evening.
Artificial Academy 2
>You get a lot less upgrade currency
In a game where you barely even need it? How about actively stopping me from playing the next level unless I get a certain rank? That would be far more damaging to the stupid casuals, and incentivize me to want to get better. As it stands, I have no reason to when I can button mash to victory.
I never tolerate games that allow casuals to play them.
That's kind of like playing baseball and only bunting to get balls instead of actually tying to bat.
Which would be sad, and I'd prefer not to be sad. As such I'm gonna make something to eat, You have a good night user!
That's why I prefer games that actively punish you for doing that. I hate even the concept of an easy mode, as casuals have ruined the industry for years. I say let them suffer, even if it means less sales and less popularity. Gatekeeping was there for a reason.
>suddenly stops posting
U fukkin faggot
go on please
the real redpill
XCom is a meme
You can’t stop now, you cheeky bugger!
just check the comic's website then
What is it then?
Dude it’s too difficult to navigate to the part where you left off. Was that the current chapter?
>still dismissing all criticism of botw as "anti-shilling" in 2019
here is an actual redpill, acfag: terraria is a garbage "game" like all indie shit.
>all indie games are trash
absolutely bluepilled.
He took the easy way out
Thats the latest one? fuck
>japan insults the cucks
>japan loves netorare
Oh, the irony
Doc, uhh...what uhh...what are ya tryin to sell me here?
yeah brooooo he needs to smoke a bowl am i right? weed4lyfe!