Why does Yea Forums have such a obsession with hating Nintendo? Talking about their games is impossible without console war spam & empty buzzwords flinged in their direction.
Why does Yea Forums have such a obsession with hating Nintendo...
this is Yea Forumsintendogaf
Because Yea Forums has been saying for years that Nintendo was in its death throes and now that the Switch is doing well they're doubling down.
It's because out of all the consolefags nintendoyearold are the worst. They will defend their gimped system to the fucking death. And the thing is that they don't even use decent arguments, they all try and stand on point of "we got bing bing wahoo" and "our games more fun" instead of pointing out that Nintendo is the only company that's still attempting to be innovative when it comes to console building.
I don't hate nintendo or their games, but their fan base is a conglomerate of aging cunts who just can't accept that they are growing up and cling onto their childhood memories; blinded by them they can't even accept that Nintendo hasn't made a new innovative game in decades.
Jealousy, literally the only reason. If you go on Yea Forums and ask them about Nintendo they will all tell you how much they love it.
Most Sony Gaystation players are morally corrupt fags and trannies.
It's not all of Yea Forums. It's shitposting South Americans and Europeans.
You literally proved OP’s point. People are so obsessed that they cannot possibly critize Nintendo without using meaningless buzzwords
Jealousy would apply if we all were 12 years old and our parents would only allow us one console. I can go and buy switch right now but I don't because there is literally nothing on it apart from Mario Odyssey.
"Buzzwords" are synonymous with greater ideas and used to communicate said idea in a quick format. "
We love Nintendo here on nintendogaf
because nintendo fucked us with this shit console..
If animal crossing flops im selling it for a ps4. Zero games Had it for 2 years. Only own smash. Not buying indie shovelware garbage, rpg trash or ports.
I own a switch and the console is fucking trash. I got fucking robbed. Their online service is deplorable and I’m happy I haven’t actually spent any money on the fucking garbage. The games are fun but that’s it. There’s nothing to actually talk about but Yea Forums is trash and NEEDS something to be angry at hence console war bullshit.
However if you want to talk about games then there’s nothing to talk about. There bare bones fun games with very little depth. Wait for botw 2 to come out. The first was basically a tech demo so maybe they’ll be actual content in the game this time
Everyone shits on everyone else, nintendofags just take it personally. That's the only difference.
Have fun with Persona Musou btw.
No, it's just you toddlers feel more personally threatened. Grow up.
Yea Forums loves nintendo and can never shut up about BOTW
Because Nintendo is gay af
>Everyone shits on everyone else
This is true
>nintendofags just take it personally
This is bullshit almost all the fanboys here take shit seriously when it's something that they like, or you wouldn't get shit like movie games meme and the other stupid buzzwords we hear here constantly.
Because most Nintendo fans are obnoxious manchildren
>you wouldn't get shit like movie games meme and the other stupid buzzwords we hear here constantly.
the difference is there aren't unironic "why are people shitting on sony/xbox all the time??" threads like this nintendo one
The people who grew up during nintendo's dark ages whose first nintendo console was a wii are now old enough to post on this website.
I seriously doubt it. I was born in 2000 and even I had 2 Nintendo consoles (GameBoy Color and GameCube) before the Wii.
Welcome to Sonygaf
My first nintendo console was the 64, though I was a little too young for that to matter. Then around 12ish I spent the next generation playing mostly the PS2 but the Gamecube had my favorite games of that era.
I dislike Nintendo now because the Wii was baby garbage and they haven't even tried to be competitive since then. Also they killed real Metroid games, the only first party series I really cared about.
>It's because out of all the consolefags nintendoyearold are the worst. They will defend their gimped system to the fucking death.
I won't even read the rest but this sums it pretty nicely, why do nindies needs to defend their console? Because there is attack and hate, proving OPs point. Why do people who aren't into nintendo even care about switch specs? Nindies doesn't seem to care, it runs the latest zelda and mario good enough.
>I was born in 2000
opinion discarded
Not an argument.
>Nindies doesn't seem to care, it runs the latest zelda and mario good enough.
that's the literally the joke greentext strawman response a person would use to make all nintendofags sound like down syndrome children
You're literally too young to remember anything prior to 7th gen.
Your permission to reply to me has been terminated. Any further (You)s will be a violation of the non-aggression principle.
So le boomzoomdoomyoomgoomhoomkoomloompoomwoomqoom?
I literally grew up with a GameBoy Color and a GameCube though so you're wrong.
And yet we all know "bing bing wahoo" more than "boomzoomdoomyoomgoomhoomkoomloompoomwoomqoom" because it's so synonymous with nintendos inability to innovate anything other than their console.
>He thinks that's relevant
Most people here grew up with SNES, a whole 2 generations before gamecube.
I know you love it
>Get proven wrong
>Start backpedaling
Because Nintendo fans are pure unfiltered autism
you're joking, right?
That's not backpedalling, you are literally delusional thinking that being born in 2000 and having Gamecube somehow makes you knowledgeable on the OP's topic.
Yea Forums hates videogames and nintendo is the most videogamey company still competing
>nintendo is the most videogamey company still competing
yeah, just check out all those sweet new video games they've been releasing lately, such as cardboard and cardboard: vr edition.
Nice strawman argument. You really keep proving how retarded you are.
>Why does Yea Forums hate the apple business model?
Better than [insert video game console I don't like]
You need to go to /pol/ and read the sticky, you don't understand what "strawman" is.
>Nintendo is the only company that's still attempting to be innovative when it comes to console building.
>implying portability is a modern innovation
Alright then quote the post where I said that being born in 2000 and having a GameCube makes me knowledgeable on OP's topic, I'm waiting.
>You need to go to /pol/
I'd rather not go to a board that's even worse than this shithole.
is that the part where I list the games they released and you tell me they don't count? I like this part a lot, never gets old
Nintendo/Sony fans are incredibly easy to bait and they fall for it all the time. Simple answer.
The mods are Nintendogaf, the userbase is Snoy
Competing with what? They have no games, BoTW, Odyssey and Smash that's it, shit even WiiU had more games than than and it failed abysmally.
>He think /pol/ is bad, zoom zoom to 9gag
May as well list all 3 of them anyway just prove others right.
>Spouting memes instead of using actual arguments
I'm starting to think you're even younger than me.
Have you not seen the 50 daily smash threads?
No, I am starting to think you're even younger.
doom doom
You have to be fucking delusional to believe this.
Because this place is full of autistic manchildren.
Like Nintendo? Then you're a soi-chugging autist bing-bing wahooing in a Fisherprice tablet with no games since 2017.
Like Sony? Then you're black tranny libtard living in Commiefornia that watches "artistic" movies and enjoys censorship and is also a cuck.
There is no discussion to be had here, only a calm before someone flings the first piece of shit and then the shitstorm begins. You own both a PS4 Pro and a Switch? Well then you're a fence sitting faggot or a traitor. This place is full of high school dropouts and opium smoking retards. You're all stupid. You're stupid faggots. Get over it.
>Be longtime Nintendo fan
>have legitmate gripes with their newer games and the direction the company is going
>get branded as a sony fan who's just shitposting by the kids who eat everything up
Its been this way since the Wii U era.
Literally proving that nintendoyearold will atack anyone who disagrees with their toy company.
Did you post those gripes in a shitposty way?
join the club. nintendo's whole fanbase now are zoomers who are too young to remember when nintendo was actually good and too stupid to think critically about what's being marketed to them.
>baby garbage
There is no video game on anything meant for a literal baby that would have no motor skills. Learn something new to parrot.
Anybody who doesn't start the first word of a sentence with a capital letter should automatically have their opinion discarded.
They attacked Sony
You NEVER attack Sony, or else you'll pay...
I remember going into full detail why games like Star Fox Zero and Color Splash were bad and I got dogpiled on. I'm assuming these are children no older than 14-15 who could only afford 1 console and chose the Wii U.
Retards who post like that are either retarded foreigners or cancerous phoneposters.
Post the actual post.
>I can go and buy switch right now but I don't because there is literally nothing on it apart from Mario Odyssey.
What are other exclusives besides that ?
>asking me to fish out 1 post from a sea of posts from the fireden archive from 2016
The proof is all around you on a daily basis anyways. Cut through the sony falseflagging and you will see longtime fans criticizing BotW and Odyssey but then the other majority start seeing red and no meaningful discourse can begin.
shilling the wii u, labo and amiibos.
Go ahead and sell, you'll come crawling back for the next Zelda.