Is there any hope for Star Fox besides the porn?

Is there any hope for Star Fox besides the porn?
Like, should there be a movie or a new game?

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They need to chose between making it Ace Combat Nintendo edition or Halo Nintendo edition

They'd have better chances of success turning it into furry Mass Effect


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Star Fox Adventures Zero except it's a DMC clone with Zelda elements.

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You can't just add DMC gameplay to a series it make it good

>furry is shit
>mass effect is a character-driven rpg that's also shit
>star fox characters are simple and not that complex or well-thought out, not lending well to featuring in a character-driven rpg
That is literally the worst idea I've ever heard. I know you're just some horny furnigger who wants a star fox dating sim, but holy shit please kys for having such a horrible idea

You say that but...

I always wanted an action game with exploration and dungeons. I have yet to find a good one.


It’s not DMC-complex but still.

Well, the developers of Fire Emblem Warriors wanted to make a Star Fox musou after the success of Hyrule Warriors, before Nintendo said “No” and told them to shove more waifus into it. Taking things a step farther and making it DMC combat isn’t too much of a stretch.

>Is there any hope for Star Fox besides the porn?
no, the porn's the best part about it anyway

Except interest in the source material drives interest in making porn. Star Fox getting a good game would only be a good thing even if just for the porn it would help produce.

This is how you know starfox is bad game. The threads for it are literally never about gameplay, it's always porn.

It's not as good as I'd like it to be

Starfox needs a complete reboot.
And not by having starfox 64 remade for the 3rd or 4th time.

What's there to talk about?
It's a fun, flashy, rootin-tootin fly-n-shootin game. There isn't really any nuance too it, it's just arcade-y fun.


Is Beastars any good

It is great, you should read it.

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I still think that Nintendo should collaborate with CAVE/Konami/ZUN for a small-budget, $15-$20 Starfox Shmup.

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Why does Peppy look so young here? Isn't he old?

The porn is average at best

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It's a reaction pic gold mine.

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This, but it's still a decent read

Assault 2 with online multiplayer when, bros?

Just give the series to Project Aces, they obviously will know what to do.

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I have so many of them that I don't know if I will ever use half of them

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Ditch the on rails gameplay and make it like Wing Commander or Freespace.

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No. Star Fox was always mediocre and only good for porn.

A Fox in Space

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>Beastars thread
I fucking hate furfags but I really liked this. Nice mango

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Is Tails Gets Trolled any good?

Just think of the furry fandom as one big blemish on the anthro genre.

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>There are people who haven't read TGT
Stop everything you are doing and do it

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>implying the OP is from TGT

I know you lust penis. I am just answering user's question

OG XCOM-style game, half in-space and half on-land, using Arwings and Landmasters as hero units, also traditional Star Fox gameplay

I love the behind the scenes shit

Why does Miyamoto hate us, fellow Star Fox fans?

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This, this is what I do.

>"We don't listen to furries." He said shortly, before he had us escorted out of his home

Well that escalated quickly

I wish Command wasn't so shit.

>Latest chapter has the minister of (((Beast Harmony))) censor and hide information from the media of the dangers of mutt hybrids.

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Anyone ever heard of this guy called TGX on youtube? He did really good reviews on the Star Fox series. Just a heads up though, his jokes are bad, but his review of the game itself is very informative in each video.