>dude remember Final Fantasy Tactics, lmao
why are indie games obsessed with referencing garbage?
>dude remember Final Fantasy Tactics, lmao
why are indie games obsessed with referencing garbage?
tactics is a masterpiece. indieshit is inherently trash
God there's a serious art style clash between that portrait and his sprite. It's atrocious.
Have you ever played OP's game
That's looks more like diet sprite American Disgaea than Tactics
Hey, thanks for the game recommendation OP.
why do indieshits hate 3D?
are they too dumb for it?
I don't remember being THAT soi infused.
Seriously what the fuck, I don't mind either style but mixing them looks awful
Wait, why are you guys bashing on games that take good design? I love FFT and would love more games like it. Why hate are you guys stupid?
people pretend to hate things because that's the only way to get replies on Yea Forums, user. especially for an obscure indie game.
Shill, no one is going to buy your you indie shit """inspired""" by a true classic, I'd rather play one of the dozen of FFT mods.
Didn't say it was shit. But it looks like Disgaea with worse art no cute girls and tiny numbers. They've even using decimals to make their numbers appear smaller.
Why the fuck is Reiner/Rainer such a popular name in shounen shit?
add soi boi glasses
>no character creation
fuck this trash
Shitting on a canvas and saying it's 'inspired' by the Sistine Chapel doesn't make it anything other than shit on a canvas
Final Fantasy Tactics is one of my favorite games. Fuck you OP, you wouldn't know good taste if it fucked you in the ass, you would just think your dad is back home already.
FFT is a masterpiece, and, dare I say, the best game ever made. You're not even getting a (You) for such weak bait.
even ramza with his twink body and ass pants is less of a fag than this reiner cuck lmao
because muh visuals
this board is infested with zoomers now, you should know that
The sad truth. I once thought this place liked to talk about video games so I made several threads showing genuine love. They all died with maybe 5 posts at best. I made one shitposting thread and it got over 300 replies.
This place is 100% trash and only useful for learning about new shit.