This flopped harder than anyone could've expected. I mean people at least made fun of days gone, but dreams...

This flopped harder than anyone could've expected. I mean people at least made fun of days gone, but dreams? It's fucking dead.

Attached: Dreams_ps4.jpg (1919x1080, 451K)

Other urls found in this thread:

it came out already?

early access two weeks ago

Early access

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cool dreams thread

I'm impressed with the little that is available. I played the PT remake, and it was pretty damn good.
But making stuff is still too intimidating for me, just like LBP. I can't see this being as popular or having nearly as big of a community as LBP or Mario Maker.

What the fuck are you on about?

They've only released the creator toolset and a barebones level browser to look at other people's stuff.

The actual game they're making isn't out for months.
This is basically a release just for the fans who want the creation engine, and it benefits the devs because they get an army of free testers and there will be mountains of community content already there for the game's launch later on


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>they released the big selling point, unless the shitty side stuff is out it's not really out
Great argument there. The point is that YOU make something, not that you play their shitty tutorial levels. 90% of the shit that's out is just low quality models or music, there are very little actual games out.

Early access on Playstation? I thought they didnt allow that shit?

I think the tools are there to make it really easy, they're just not explained very well.

There are already thousands of assets free to use so you can just use those instead of making assets from scratch. Its best to use other people's stuff at first and only do the odd small component fully custom.

If you try to sculpt everything, do all of your own animation and music, plus the gameplay logic yourself it will take tens of hours to make a half decent level.

Days gone didnt flop :)

Media Molecule gets an exception. This is also for creators really. They're giving us the full game on release either way. I'm happy to see the game literally evolve as time goes on

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Looks like generic indie trash.

That's PR bullshit, they do whatever the fuck they want at the time.

Who made fun of Days Gone besides the tranny critics that can't stand that fact the game stars a white guy? And nintendies I guess but literally nobody gives a shit about those autismos

Great concept but unfortunately it will never really amount to anything beyond all of the "Someone is making X game in UE4", the most "complete" project will be a 2-3 room walkthrough and that's about it, probably PT remake as well.

It's a shame as well that's it's exclusive, I have a PS4 but would never for the life of me would consider using dreams because for something like that M/KB is far more suited.

>Creation engine with almost as much depth as pro game making toolkits
>Hurr why aren't any AAA games made after 2 weeks??!1
The tools take time to learn, there's already tonnes of super high quality assets out there but the thing is nobody is an expert in all of the disciplines yet.

The person who has spent 100 hours learning to sculpt characters really well doesn't know how to rig or animate their creation yet, or how to make gameplay logic, or how to create environments, music, etc.
There are already some great collaborative efforts out there, over time more people will get to grips with the tools too and high quality assets can be remixed or reused in other people's levels

More like
>why aren't there ANY games made after 2 weeks + betas

God damn sculpting is hard to take in. This will definitely take most people a long time to get decent at

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>More like
>>why aren't there ANY games made after 2 weeks + betas

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A bunch have, there's several decent original 2d and 3d platformers, loads of walking simulators (being the easiest shit to make) and a whole bunch of minigames/demos
>Inb4 but those don't count!

Again, the max amount of time anybody could have possibly had the game is 8 weeks (beta+early access), and the collaboration tools are only half baked so creators can't even collaborate that effectively yet

I'm waiting for a physical release/isn't it in early access right now?

It's only in early access but you are right, it's not gonna be successful because consolefags don't want to fiddle around trying to make things they just want pretty things served up to them on a silver platter

Yeah OP is a fag

Its an interesting concept, but all this is going to amount to is

>game hasn't released yet
>says it flopped

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But... We had two threads yesterday. With porn commissions.

>make early access with limited amounts of copies
>2 weeks later game is still available
Great success, bro.

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>B-but its early access
Not an excuse when Risk of Rain 2 completely exploded

It's still being rolled out in other territories.

They said that the cap for the early access was large.

Dreams thread?

Dreams thread

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Big patch coming next month, adding new assets, tutorials and templates, plus other stuff. They also confirmed they are working on a non-motion control setup, possibly mouse a kb support, so no more wagglin.

Digital sculpting is far too big brain for me. Jesus I underestimated it

Hey man, Dreams is honestly one of the only exclusives the PS4 has that I'm actually interested in.
It still doesn't have enough good looking games for me to buy one yet, but when I eventually get a PS4 dreams is definitely something I'll be picking up.

I genuinely consider it to be one of the consoles only killer apps. I don't expect it to be a big seller since normies are fucking retarded and just want their yearly CoD, FIFA and Ass Creed, but this game is honestly looking really great.

t.Someone that has been almost exclusively Nintendo/PC for the last two gens

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show us what have you done

But Days Gone is a good game, user.

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Why are you trying so hard to shill against Dreams? It's weird.

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Ah, there's your problem. You actually think this is a game engine because people kept saying "games". I knew this would happen.
Dreams is a complex level editor, not a true game making tool. Your issues strongly imply you expected it to be like a console's version of Unity when in reality it's supposed to be a more complex LittleBigPlanet.

I kept telling people not to call it a gamemaker but here we are.

It went entirely unadvertised. Have you never participated in a real Early Access before?

Post your imp.
I'm proud of my sad boy

You can find a pic of your imp on Go to the "You" tab and then "My Profile".

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I think a lot of people are legit salty about it being a Sony exclusive, not even meme'ing

Nah, I don't dislike the Playstation because its a Playstation. I dislike it because it has no fucking games.
Dreams is the kind of shit the PS4 has been needing. Its just silly to get upset about 1st/2nd party exclusives like this, if Media Molecule normally made multiplats and Sony money hatted them to not release it on other shit then yeah, I'd be kinda pissed since it'd be nicer on PC. But this shits a real Playstation exclusive from the ground up, which is what Sony has been failing to produce this entire gen.
Absolutely nothing to be upset about here, they're finally getting some shit done and giving the PS4 some value.

So far it's all about blend from what I can tell. Turn up the blend but make the shape small, and you can get contours and fullness in the shape.

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Yeah, I agree, the console which has been stomping everything else to shit could really use the help.

If you're trying to make a person, start with a skeleton. That is, pipe cleaner limbs, boxy body. Then start adding/removing shape with blend.

Yep I'm feeling a little better seeing how blend works with snap placements. I'm definitely going to keep my goals simple. Thank god for theae tutorials too. The narrator is a bro at this point

T. Hasn't used dreams

Also don't forget to mirror. Cut your work LITERALLY in half. As a matter of fact, your model will look more how you imagine because more of it will be filled so there's less wondering if things seem proportioned/positioned well.

>tfw was going to buy Labo VR for the create mode but dreams early access got announced for a release immediately after

Yeah yeah i know. I was just fucking around in the tutorial after i discovered the feature. I'm really taking my time with them. I see why that streamer was playing for 24 hours straight now

LittleBigPlanet turned ten last year. Makes me wonder if theres any plans for a proper return to form next gen, even if Media Molecule isn't directly involved. Maybe Tarsier Studios could do it.

I honestly don't give a fuck how well its selling with normies. The best selling games on the PS4 are things like FIFA, CoD and AssCreed, that means nothing to me.
Who gives a fuck if its selling like hotcakes when 99% of those sales are because Chad wants to play GTA V?
I care about exclusives and the PS4 loses them to faster than it gains them, and most of them look so generic that I just don't care anyway.
I have no interest in shit like Uncharted or Last of Us, Days Gone looks fucking boring too.
I loved my PSP and PS3 for shit like Patapon, Loco Roco, Jeanne D'arc, Little Big Planet, 3D Dot Game Heroes etc. The PS4 has had fuck all to offer that I can't just get on my PC at a lower price and with better performance.

Dreams is exactly the kind of thing the PS4 has been needing, and I'm glad its finally getting it.
After getting burned by the Xbox 360 and PS3 being kinda shit for most of the gen, I decided to wait on the PS4 and Xbone. Thank god I did because its taken them almost an entire gen to finally get started, but at least they are actually starting to release shit. Better late than never I guess.

We'll probably spend an entire month making ugly sculptures before we get anything nice

It's not out yet, idiot. This is the creator release. They flat out tell you not to buy unless you mostly want to build. I'll buy it when the full release hits.

Do basic research before sounding stupid.

Did it flop? Really? From what I know the people using it are really enjoying it for its ease of use and near limitless freedom. I think it may not be an instant hit but it'll last over time if they keep adding more things, which seems like they're doing.

I keep forgetting to ask. Anyone know how to get/make these little fellas? Level related unlocks?
We're gonna make it senpai
It's in early access but, I saw the average rating in the 2 week old purchase is 5 stars with almost 700 reviews. That's not bad at all right now. It hasnr even been advertised hard yet. Its been getting known by word of mouth

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the game isn't even out yet

you get new imps by doing quests which you can view in your profile page. hopefully they add better imp customisation in the full release because it's barebones right now
based drag queen molecule

What? I love the game. It's just literally a level editor game. There's no shame in that, but people can't keep pretending they're going to make full games in this. It may be the least limiting ingame level editor ever made but that doesn't change what it is. When you pretend otherwise you just raise the expectations of people who can't tell the difference between a real, programmed video game and a highly complex level made IN a video game.

I think they said a long time ago we'd have full customization over them. I was hoping to make mine look like the face of this plushie

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>game full of great content
>trillions of babbies destroy the content quality for a few months
>Sony gets hacked
>gives out Dreams as a consolation
>mm stops running contests so zero curation occurs
>quality dies and never returns
I'm calling it

>People made fun of days gone
>Still outsold MK11

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>>Still outsold MK11
Didn't it only outsell MK11 in the UK?
Thats not really anything weird considering how popular Sony is in the UK. Its where the vast majority of sales comes from for Sony, in the US the PS4 is generally tied with the XBone msot of the time and the PS4 was beaing beaten by the Wii U for a long time in Japan and I can't imagine the Switch isn't beating it there now.


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In for a scare

UK top sales are similar to global sales

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How do I beat the boss for 1-2?

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So what even is this dreams game anyways? I know it’s supposed to be Ana engines d you can sort of create your own mini game type thing in it but how is that done on a PS4? How the hell do you make music or 3d models or textures on a PS4 with a PS4 controller? How the fuck are you supposed to program on a PS4 controller?

how 'bout you inform yourself by watching some videos or streams of it

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>ghorm the pillar starts spamming a wind attack with no downtime halfway through the fight
Fucking artificial difficulty

the ps4 controller has a motion censor so it kinda works like a mouse when you are creating and navegating the menu

you just do

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Gork 2 when

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What game will Yea Forums make?

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This but copy pasted along with a white guy 1000 times

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I just give up trying to do stuff because of the garbage controls and I think a lot of people that got it did the same.

The controls aren't garbage at all, they're just not complete beginner friendly. Ever did modelling on a computer?

>motion controls
>not bad

motion controls have come a long way since the wii waggle days

It definitely helps with more precise movement. What's the problem?

Is the full game really only gonna be $30? Or is just the early access price? I assume we get the full game regardless on release correct?

Game will be $60 at launch, if you get early access you get the full version on launch.

May update
May update
May update

Fuck it, I'll buy it then, already have move controllers. $30 is a lot cheaper than I'd expect to pay for this right now

anyone made any anime tiddies yet

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a couple people have been working on it, from what I know

Not him but did they actually say it'd be 60 usd? Early access being half off sounds way too generous
I'm putting in practice to one day deliver. I'm wondering how would the flesh blend and stretch around the joints though. There's so much to learn

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To be fair they probably want there to be content already when they sell you the full game. People would be just too disappointed if this was the full release.

This is the first decent running animation I've seen in Dreams. I was getting worried their IK system wasn't capable of making something that didn't look goofy.

Check out the last thread. There's some great movement and anime titties.

you can use keyframes and timelines for animations, i just assume that people are still figuring things out

did a quick brush through and didnt see another. It might not be worth going through fireden so oh well

thanky for trying though

>saw two OoT and SM64 levels each already
Why are they like this

Sadly it's not multiplayer so I don't care.


But you can make multiplayer games?

it'll be multiplayer at release, they said 4 player but want to do up to 8

>Sadly it's not multiplayer
But it is.

>Precise movement on a PS4 controller.
They should just do something for people to use the normal controls instead of trying to sell that Move controller.

absolute garbage marketing

Looks like shit

>sphere and "curve" are seemingly the same thing
I don't get it
Amerishart btw

They aren't marketing it on purpose, that's why they're doing this limited early access stuff.
They want the game to be released with heaps of pre-made community content and then they'll sell and market it.

>blocking other users
That's pretty gay, especially in a game centered around sharing user generated content.

That's hilarious. There's something devious and elitist about it on the surface.

Not exactly. It's probably a precaution for trolling. I don't think I have ever blocked someone, playing lbp for years. Btw for you fucks who actually own the game
Don't give up on sculpting to be a loser. These threads are comfy af talking in while trying to learning

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Dreams thread?

Hover over it for instructions

Really neat. Thanks

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Lmao last thread you autists were complaing about people hating on the game when you just want to discuss it but then when someone asks for details about it you tell them to look it up? Fucking amazing.

I hope this game fails.

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Here is a video you can get started with

No one is going to write you up an essay on how the various systems in the game works when plenty of videos around the internet explain it.

>surrounded by examples of game working
>how does it work?
>look it up
That wasn't going to be a discussion, it'd just be the 500th time someone answered the question of "what is it?" when all it takes is a cursory glance. Normally I get pissed when people refuse to "spoonfeed" but this one was a ridiculous question. Any and all creation gameplay seen would answer the question.

Slowly making prog. I'm starting to get used to the 3d space movement using L1/R1 etc

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Doing anything good will take awhile, and finding someone who can spend 10 hours making a good running animation will probably take a bit. I am more impressed on how smooth the attack animations look.

The Jedi stuff that has actual dismemberment depending on where the lightsaber hits is pretty promising too.

Same thing happened with No Man's Sky when it came out
>What do you do?
>Look it up, bro!
Look how the game turned out.

Hello games =/= media molecule

Didn't even imply that. The obvious point was that the communities are similar which is a clear reflection of the game and how it will turn out.

Look at the goalposts move

Yeah and he gave a different clear example to tell you why you're wrong.

MM says you can do literally anything in this game with your creative mind and they meant it. Sean from HG was dodging questions left and right. NMS and Dreams are two games that are extremely different
Dreams is literally
Play, create and share.

One is a creation tool and the other is an open world game. They're apples and oranges.

It's like saying a programming language is a meme because you can't cover everything it's capable of in one Yea Forums post.

Just like microsoft's shitty game that shilled conker

This "game" would've been better on PC/XB1/Switch. It would have crossplay and actual controls.

>no new ip
Chill and move on son

Post anime

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>Dreams and No Man's Sky are the only communities that won't spoonfeed me

Yup, exactly the same you talentless hack.

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