Mahjong Soul thread
Am I a lesbian yet?
Mahjong Soul thread
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Whenever I complete a 1-2k hand I can just feel the rage from the other players
Should we move to /vg/?
Please no
>lemme call a kan while the other guy is in riichi and I'm not tenpai and ahead in points
What goes through the minds of these retards?
Not yet, honestly. The game just came out and so far half the thread has been new people checking it out. If we go to /vg/ now the general will die in a day. Let's get more players interested first.
Not until the mods start deleting threads
No, that would be me
please be gentle i'm a beginner
NO. I needed an excuse to make myself learn this game. I had no clue I could shitpost with westerners about Mahjong and don't frequent. /vg/ so I wouldn't have learned about it otherwise. Yea Forums is free advertisement.
They don't know how to play, they only got the game because there's a waifu
If you're not focusing on getting the most points possible out of every hand, you're playing wrong.
>get the tile I need
>server craps itself and I'm forced to discard
holy shit this is fun, always wanted a good english mahjong game.
come on
Check out this non-believer.
Forever 2nd place. 7 times in a row now. why is it so fucking hard to get lucky hand erhhrhgh
me see shiny button
>Game drags out a billion fucking rounds on east 3
>At this point I just want it to end so I can go eat
>Manage to slowly claw myself up to 2nd and finally move on to last
>Please god just me end this quickly and take my 2nd place
>3rd place gets a mangan and pushes me to 3rd after an hour of hell
That's enough for me today
1 more, friends
All ponchi vermin must die under my mighty blows
I want to play, someone make a room
explain what's wrong with this for a retard please
if u win a hand with riichi u get to check ura dora
more kans = more ura
literally nothing wrong with pon rushing
If someone is in riichi it means they need only one more tile to win. If you need more than one tile to win it means that they're more likely to win first. By calling a kan you increase the number of dora in the game so you increase the average value of a winning hand. It means you're likely to be directly giving your opponent more points, which is the opposite of what you want to be doing when you're winning.
>SPD 5
>ATK 5
Have you finished only 1 hand so far and was it a yakuman?
>opponent kans while another player has already declared riichi
I meant ATK 100 but am dumb
just rinshan kaihou bro lol
My first seven games feel like I am playing defensive 90% of the time cause I see no way to turn my hand into a winner, and I maintain 3rd by losing less than the guy in 4th. Is this basically what I should expect to happen most of the time, or play more pon chi madness.
>left player riichi
>right player kan off you and won a yakuman
>you pay for everything
wew good game
58134 2/4
East only? East is pure luck and speed, whoever win faster is going to win.
how did i won the last hand? i had 3 dora but no other yaku
Sorry, something fucked up
Have patience and wait until you sink deep enough into hell to reach magical sand
Not gonna lie I didn't pay attention to your hand lol
>who else is /top 100/?
don't forget to take a shit man
The last game I played was south and I got kind of unlucky still, won one hand while everyone else managed to tsumo super quick, but I can see how its better. I was able to come back from dead last while getting fuck all the whole game with a haneman in south 2 or something.
>couldn't get any tiles I wanted
>tsumo'd left and right
>had to play aggressive and got ron'd into a haneman
>lost 4k coppers
>tfw gonna take 4 games to get all that back
>tfw just wanna gacha
What are the uma bonuses?
Come for a game guys.
If you win a hand you get a Dora bonus
If you win by calling a riichi on top of the Dora bonus, you get a hidden Dora bonus that's below (Uma) the visible dora
Also if someone dropped a tile you have 3 copies of and it passed, calling kan means you've just given up 3 guaranteed safe tiles to discard.
Can i reroll for bigger reward?
Uma are bonuses at the end of the game
It;s only $30 bruv
that's ura dora, not uma
I made a mahjong for retards guide that ended up being more work and more complicated than I expected. Put it in the OP if you want.
look at this fag
uma are a bonus points you get based on your placement at the end of the game
normally its +15/+5/-5/-15 for 1st/2nd/3d/4th
but I think its different for this game
But I was so close to 15k. I just needed to get 2nd place!
3/4 pls join
>he doesn't all last sumo the double dora red 5 for a dealer haneman to jump from 3rd to 1st
you're never going to make it to gold if you don't
Just FUCKING kill me please
You can claim over 50k copper. open your mail.
>I failed
Is anyone else not getting the quests each day?
Majsoul Friends Room 82772(4-Player East):
newbie room
wow that's a shitty quest, i got 2.1k for just playing 3 games.
>suu an kou mind
ggs jun and anons, that game went pretty fucking long
>first game in silver
>finish last with 200 points
Is this my life now?
i was typing up something similar last night and it made me realize how little i know about the game
good stuff, user
man why do I suck at ranked compared to friendly matches?
>Last place, last round
>Kan into 4 dora,
>Ron on triplet
>Ura Dora is the triplet I stole
>Drops to negative with a baiman
That felt good.
need two more people
everyone in these threads are scrubs
One of you go stream on twitch. I've played too many games today and just wanna watch some mahjong. too low iq for this game
People ITT still don't even know yaku yet.
people in ranked play fast
No because I'll get laughed at
How do you even learn how to play this? I can't figure out how to play card games like Solitaire or Poker. But I know how to play Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh.
The people in these threads play with common sense whereas the chinks online just drop trou and shit all over the table with their constant chiiponron bullshit.
Live tutorial with chat to git gud.
Starting from Silver South, it gets better. They're still shit scrub at defending, but at least they play normal mahjong.
>Can play with AI
It's almost like I'm participating in this thread!
GG, you got tsumod
get zerg rushed lol
57444, game still open
awww I was in tenpai, ready to keep winning with fast hands as dealer
bros quick how do i know which wind I am
below the points
at the left of your score on the center of the table
lmao you fucking idiot
>2 Rons at the same time
that gourdon dude was hacking
I feel you bro
First 10 mahjong games not against my family or the computer. Howd I do?
imagine discarding your green into red and white pon come on man
pon rush = easy life
You should've been Adept already with that chart.. Were all your wins close and your losses big?
Repostan my yaku sheet
Unless you can put together something in the top section, don't call any tiles
I was the one who did it. I felt like a retard but at least got to see that yakuman for the first time lmao
fuckoff to /vg/ retards
2 slots friends
My wins are usually close, yeah. That one fourth place game I got was one of the worst match's I've ever played though. Every single discard I made was called and pretty much everyone ronned off me with the fucking weirdest hands.
go speculate on smash dlc
ichihime is in bros
Reminder that you can check your opponents' profiles during games by clicking their avatar.
one (1) slot!!
>my twitter screencap thread died for THIS?!
>match in this room has already started
why must you lie to me
Im a chipon shitter but I never go for 1 han hands unless Im just trying to keep someone from winning.
Why is this catching on so hard? Is it just because anime girls or is mahjong finally relevant?
Japanese mahjong is the best tabletop game and it's nice seeing people here get into it
I think the surge in the popularity of the Yakuza series has a hand to play in this.
it's very new player friendly compared to other mahjong players
I already did and spent them on gifts to turn into dust.
I need literally ONE more dust and just 2 bad games set me back 8k. It's way easier to lose copper than to gain it.
Can players do whatever action they want to do and get penalized (forgot the term) for choosing an action while in certain conditions in this game or does the game prevent players from getting penalties?
I'm comming niggas. MTGA was boring the shit out of me anyway.
native english
snazzy presentation
tooltips to help noobs
anime girls
>dude what the fuck is a yaku???
Chinese mahjong is easier
Are you talking furiten? You're going into furiten.
>3+3+pair mahjong hands
imagine this shit, how would you even defend from riichis like this?
>start that tut
>lmao this is easy
>start bringing in dragons and winds and cardinal directions according to what rhe beyblade stadium is set to
damn what the fuck there was still like 20 pages after this goddamn
No, it's all context sensitive buttons that pop up. You can't do anything unless it's a legal move.
Yaku are in the tutorial and there's a full list of them in the ? button on the main page. It's not their fault people just skip to the gameplay.
It's more than that. It's a term used for players who are violating the rules of Riichi Mahjong. Calling Ron while under Furiten is an example of a violation. I was asking if players could do such things.
am i gonna have to ask my mom to teach me how to play mahjong to get anime tiddies
you can't chombo in online mahjong
What tile is this?
Always worth something.
Round wind = Round wind
Seat wind = Your seat wind (turn order)
Only these are worth something.
Your mom doesn't play riichi
3 of characters i guess.
who would be bothered with kanji with more than 5 strokes in a cartoon.
how do you know how many rounds are left?
Just read this
and look at this yaku sheet
American mahjong is the funniest thing I've ever read about.
The round name (i.e. east 3, south 1) is in the center of the table, each round being 4 hands (east 1-4, south 1-4). East-only games are the first 4, south games are all 8. The game goes until you've finished all the rounds or when someone hits 0 points
My mom does. Because I taught her
any recomendations for this open hand brainlet?
>mongoloid scrabble
the dumbos could just go with 力
well then why do you need her to teach you?
Stop going open.
don't open your hand
tanyao is the best yaku
1 han is enough
Try going for a chanta if you're going open hand
How the fuck do you all understand how to play this shit?
If this guy can reach Novice 3, you can too!
because >he knows
5.5% chance to get kokushi from 9 kokushi tiles from the very starting hand
get 5 pairs of whatever tile and keep doing pon
instant 1st if you get any dragons, valid wind tiles or better yet a dora
isn't posting that picture illegal in the united states? better shell out for a mahjong license, goyim
By becoming a lesbian
from playing it a bunch and watching beginner guides
Because it only looks daunting from the outside and it sticks really quickly once you start playing. Reading isn't that hard.
Same for me. I understand why Yea Forums rages so hard at the chinaman.
Only got 1st place in that last one cause 2 guys left.
Once you understand the concept the yaku, the rest just takes time
Extreme levels of weeaboo. Being able to get completion in Yakuza and understand what was happening in Akagi was enough motivation for me to learn, but it turns out the game is actually fun.
from rewatching akagi seven times and playing against bots for a few weeks
Only go tanyao if you've got one or more dora. It's not worth it otherwise.
whats the best log in method? getting a log in code every day or linking, say, a gmail account?
I've been playing for 10 years since the first Saki anime was airing.
I linked my twatter and it just works
chanta is the biggest meme yaku in the game, it's even worse than chiitoitsu
You need to input an email to get the code, don't you? That's the same as linking an email address. The game should stay logged in automatically through cookies.
I did that but then saw that it wants access to your timeline/followed accounts and permission to post tweets for some fucking reason.
>not going chanta honitsu shousangen
Closed chanta is two han, stop destroying your hand just because you got a penchan in your starting tiles
What should I know going into this game? I rarely play browser games and it doesn't look like a gacha.
any rooms open?
>He doesn't go for the occasional chanta yakuhai san shoku dou
Stay in bronze, pleb
Just link your twitter account that you use to follow hentai artists.
People dislike Chanta?
I've been viewing it as some counterpart to Tanyou which is really cool.
Well, I riichi on my kokushi
Watch Saki and Akagi.
It is gacha but only for cosmetics, no p2w. If you don't know how to play mahjong you're in for a bad time.
The gacha is entirely cosmetic stuff. Gameplay is pure riichi mahjong. There's going to be a learning curve, more like a wall at first, but once you memorize some easy yaku, combinations your hand needs to earn points, it's one of the most fun traditional games.
It's not that difficult of a game. It just seems impenetrable from the outside. Read this guide and watch Akagi for motivation to learn more.
I personally use my Twitter so I don't have to enter my email or a password every time.
It's disliked because it's difficult to form and yet is only worth 2 han, 1han if it's open. It's one of those yaku that you don't go for unless your hand really pushes you into it.
I've been wanting to play, but I couldn't find any real online mahjong and settled for playing the old PC98 games with stripping.
It looks like they're planning to go mobile. I assume you bind it to twitter and you can transfer from the browser to your phone?
Any mahjong games with a story mode
And optionally not waifu bait
>It's one of those yaku that you don't go for unless your hand really pushes you into it.
That's almost all yakus though.
I get your point but it's not something you should force. It's situational.
It's a lot harder to get since terminal tiles have half the potential of forming sequences, but it's worth an extra han if your hand is closed and you can combine it with yakuhai which is cool.
dealer sanbaiman is a pretty depressing sight
>the virgin tanyao nomi
>the Chad chanta, iipeiko sanshoku
I just used my twitter account
Yeah I guess. But it still feels harder to get than similar yaku like itsu and sanshoku.
how the fuck do I play this game?
the CHADDEST riichi ippatsu chuuren potou
Is the browser region locked? Can I play with nips?
there is a tutorial and it's pretty new player friendly
If you can actually get that hand then you deserve the measly 5 han it's worth.
and watch Akagi
these fucking chinks I swear, I just had a concealed daisangen setup going after shit draws all day and they literally throw out 1k and then 2k hands
only in Gold room
dora tanyao is a high level hand
git gud
each turn you draw and discard a tile, there are tile combos that are worth points and you have to call when you have a tile combo that can result in a win- "tsumo"
also you can call riichi which means you are 1 tile away from a winning hand and will discard any drawn tile until you get that winning tile
google winning hands and just play against random AI until you kinda get it
end your life
It's balance. What if you hope for a comeback but got 8 terminals in your last dealer starting hand? You are going to gather that chanta. What if your kokushi choked? You remake it as a chanta. What if you want some extra han to your already open 123 sanshoku? what if you have two otakaze honitsu you can afford to fatten up? etc
>tanyao chitoitsu chiniisou
Check this Also this helped me as well when I began learning a few years ago.
Sure but "new player friendly" in mahjong is still a totally different ballpark than most games. It's not like chess or poker where you can learn all the essential rules in 5 minutes. It takes effort to learn.
Aka dora were a mistake
chi nya!
pon nya!
pon nya!
ron nya!
tanyao, that'll be 1000 points nya
Where is this?
What game is this
Does it have waifus
How jewish is it
The level of players in this is ridiculously low, it's much much worse than tenhou ippan even when it was popular. I know it's a waifu gacha but I'm impressed it gathered so many complete beginners.
>tfw no yaku
Mahjong Soul.
Extremely jewish if you want to roll gacha, not jewish if you're just here to play mahjong.
Seven pairs and a poor bastard got double ron'd
*laughs in mahjong cat*
Luck is a skill line any other
NA server, 5 days since up
same but hard mode: JP server
old and busted CN server which is up for several months -
any serverfag can play with bros
riichi without reds is more fun
source? or is that an edit
only jewish for cosmetics
Unless you really care about dressing up your waifu you can easily ignore the gacha
EMAfag go home
Tetsunaki no Kirinji
it's about a 10 Dan online mahjong addict
yeah good games thanks for playing, just wanted to take a break been playing since 8 AM, I'm getting addicted to this
cute but short mango
Lots of jp organisations cut out red Dora. A few even take out ura dora and iipatsu.
Fuck aka dora. Kan dora and ura dora alone are enough to make cheap shit hands get really crazy really fast, and there's plenty of situational yaku you can luck into too. Adding in even more dora is the last thing the game needs.
Yakuza teaches you. Always Riichi.
Tip for newfriends
Folding is not a sin
>Riichi on crappy closed wait
>Some poor fucker deals in to me
>Double Ron, he gets dumped straight into the negatives and loses on the spot
This game is fucking terrifying. I'm sorry, whoever that was. Nobody deserves that.
this game is so easy
There's a longer sequel, dude.
I always wondered what's stopping people from drawing their last kokushi tile, discarding the pair, taking the furiten, and waiting to draw one of their 13 waits for the double
is there like some sort of rule against it
>have 78
>get 6 instead of 9
>have 23
>get 4
>aim for chanta he said
>No riichi for style points
yes the rule is called not being dumb and greedy when its yakuman already
Even a single yakuman is usually enough to win you the game. Greed can backfire on you.
>it's even worse than chiitoitsu
Chitoitsu is the best yaku in the game. You just can't comprehend it's potential yet.
>Chitoitsu is the best yaku in the game
Heh, sorry bud, but that'd be toitoi.
I'll always do that for RISING SUN
Do they play riichi in Yakuza? Like some trash mini-game or REAL riichi? I've never played this game.
>I always wondered what's stopping people from drawing their last kokushi tile, discarding the pair, taking the furiten, and waiting to draw one of their 13 waits for the double
Nothing, that risk is what makes it worth double
It's literally never worth doing, just take the single yakuman
I bet half you plebs haven't even won with the best yaku
Haitei is whatever, houtei is God.
i have a few times but not on majsoul yet
>use login with facebook
>forget about everything and just click one button every time i want to play
pon palace for life
It's real mahjong but I've heard in some of the games the tile draws are manipulated by the CPU to favour one player or another.
watch this:
From what I've played of this and Yakuza Mahjong then it is identical.
Pretty sure it is exactly the same rules.
One of these days i'll turn her off forever.
someone will defend this
Rinshan Kaihou?
Why do japs get the good shit?
I'm curious. I want to see if anyone here got a Heavenly Hand (Winning using the initial tiles while being the dealer) before this thread dies. Probably not possible because of how rare it is.
Every Day PON
Every Time is PON
Keep being cheeky, cunt
See where it gets you
True but I'd look at (YOU) after Saturday and Sunday worth of 10 hanchans of this nofunallowed slog trying to actually overcompete riichis + not any less luckbased yaku on a tournament. It's less balanced without the doras and you only really feel it if playing roughly the same people for more than one game.
I'll just chiipon tanyao my way to a sloppy first place with a tiny lead.
only to get wrecked by a haneman tsumo in the last round
>one consecutive win
>Lots of jp organisations play chinese mahjong instead of riichi
But I have
>discard 4
>keep waiting
It's that easy.
How's the Saki manga compared to the anime?
It actually adds to your defense because you know more about the hand you try to defend against just simply due to reds exist. You will appreciate them once in higher room you dolt.
>still hiding names
Any rooms?
>lose first place lead from entire game at the last round by a cat with double riichi
It's something, alright
Slow paced, but still fun.
Ritz does not give a fuck and I love it.
Chinese mahjong doesn't have dora at all, nor does it have furiten or even a requirement for yaku.
how shit
I did yesterday, it gave me a sweet mangan and second place in orasu.
Megurine Luka
I thought the fanservice was an anime only thing.
Picked up!
>Chinese mahjong doesn't have dora at all
That's the point. You make it chinese version by removing all kinds of doras. I can only tolerate the game without red fives.
so many sluts
Okay guys. ONE more game and then I'll go study for finals. I promise.
East only games are played by subhumans
I fucking hate the manga because it wastes 70% of the pages on tits and asses and the story goes at an unbearably slow pace due to that (~15 pages and the manga is not even montlhy because they skip it all the time, and even then most of the pages are just tiddies like I said)
The mahjong is still really good, though, so I unfortunately can't drop it forever.
>tfw you wasted a hand that started with 3 pairs of winds
>caring this much about discarding safe tiles so you don't lose instead of trying to win
you'll never descend into darkness like this
The one thing that always bugs me. Why do they have different skirt length? Especially Hisa, she doesn't reveal ANYTHING. Why is this allowed? I am still confused.
The biggest of them all for the last 4 years
Why are mahjong mangos so good?
>The legend of Koizumi
>Saki series (for other reasons of course)
Some wants to feel the wind between her legs I assume
It is long originally. Then the sluts roll it once or twice at the waist.
Hisa is the best girl with the potential to destroy all those fucking bitches at mahjong, so she doesn't need to be a gross slut.
WHy do people keep forgetting about Tetsuya?
How many han do you need for a yakuman? Could you get a yakuman from a common winning hand composed with Dora tiles?
#13849 +1
>Hisa is the best girl
Close but wrong
13, and yes, that's called a counted yakuman
You guys should watch this
13 and yes, it's called a Counted Yakuman.
Probably cystitis pains is the blood vials discard analog in Saki.
Yes, and 14.
too old for saki zoomers
I always riichi
need that free sex
Why wouldn't you go for a honitsu
The thing I am hating about the score screen is how it covers up everything. You have to wait until the replay to see the opponent's hand to verify whether you were right about their waits, or do it in the SPLIT SECOND it's visible.
what is the sphere of courage for?
>that tiddy dimple
I just had to try and go for it
Can I legit learn mahjong with this game?
Cute girls always motivate a real man
Aw who the fuck would donate East tile to the riiching dealer? Unless they have two or three of them. What are the odds?
It's a magic that turns dreams into reality
Yeah, get in now since there's a lot of literal beginners who don't know shit.
Question! I'm about to start AI games.
Why does the dora indicator in MS not just show the current dora tile, rather than needing you to know its the tile above it. What if the dora is 1 of the man suit. Will the game show me the 9 instead and I have to know it loops around?
ALSO if someone declars Kan does that change the durrent dora tile or simply add another?
>don't get directly hit even once
>lose in third because one dude hit tsumo 3 times (one was a yakuman and one was a baiman) and two of those times I was sitting on east trying to do quick hands to attempt to catch up
I fucking hate mahjong
This was the first round, everyone probably had good hands since we were riichi at least I did. Last place then won with like 5 dora tanyao tsumo at the very last round due to another player's early closed kan and they had no riichi or anything. Sasuga ranked.
just draw it yourself then
>no chinese
>actual good players
mahjong soul
>games take a literal hour
>literally all chinese
Is there a tutorial mode that explain everything?
I'm seriously gonna get it
Normal dora are fine since they are known from the very start of the match, everyone is aware of them and can strategize around them. Kandora are kind of okay since choosing to reveal them by making a kan is risky. Uradora are pure luck.
Honestly if anything uradora are more fucked up than akadora because at least everyone is aware of the akadora and incorporating them into a hand does require some decision making. Uradora are just straight up free bonus points on top of the extra han you get for riichi.
It's a really good game to learn since it helps you see if your hand is going to be furiten or if it doesn't have any yaku, and it has quick access to the yaku and stuff.
i think you meant to make this a pro
I will, it's now as a fuck up of a nip kimono as the cat's not-chinese dress. They rhyme.
Please. I'm actually happy to have never come in 4th yet thanks to clueless shitters and chinamen. This really doesn't dampen my motivation like tenhou tends to.
It's a free browser game user just check it out
Bros. This game has too many fucken rules for me to handle.
>Why does the dora indicator in MS not just show the current dora tile
Because if this were a physical table with physical tiles, you would only ever get 2 dora from any indicator.
Yes, it loops around.
Kan adds a dora indicator.
Yes, two days ago I started playing. Before I watched Akagi without understanding shit, today I make everyone I play with salty by just going for 1k hands and the retarded daisangen once in a while.
Any tiles that get dora bonus are highlighted automatically with a shine animation so you don't have to know shit. And a kan simply adds another dora
The only game who does the dora fuck up just like you want is FF16 and I know people who dropped that riichi JUST because of it. I'm sorry just get used to the system.
>Any tiles that get dora bonus are highlighted automatically with a shine animation so you don't have to know shit
Love this feature, I can never remember how the wind dora goes.
Remember not to furiten.
Make no calls unless you're going for toitoi or you're calling for a 3rd dora.
MS makes it easier to be defensive by showing you which tiles have been discarded and possibly safe.
You should get the hang of things after a couple dozens games
do the jap server tough boi, report back.
As funny as that is, the actual scene is honestly the single best scene in all of Saki.
Wait, there's no regional crossplay?
So why am I dealing with chinks every fucking ranked match?
Dora indicators are used because if the indicator was also the dora itself, there would only be three copies of that tile in the wall, even less if additional copies are in the dead wall, so less opportunity to include the dora in your hand.
The reason why games tend to display the indicators instead of just telling you which tiles are dora is because showing the indicators makes it easier to tell how many of a particular tile is visible. If there is 1 green dragon in the discard pile and 1 is the dora indicator, I know that a pon of the green dragons is now impossible. If the game instead displayed the actual dora, in this case the red dragon, I would have to think backwards to what the dora indicator would be to determine how many of that tile are out.
And yes, if the indicator is a 9 then the dora is the 1 of the corresponding suit. The order for wind dora indicators is E > S > W > N and for dragons it's White > Green > Red
Declaring Kan adds a new dora indicator.
its still slow
its regional but jp is in their own rooms until gold and above
It would have been just one dora. I wasn't even winning just at 2nd, due to another player's lucky big tsumo the round before. I thought the tiles finally responded to me after all day.
those aren't chinks, those are chink wannabes. They're just roleplaying because it allows whatever the fuck characters
How little is that 60 bonding points you get in silver matches?
I've got it thrice now but my onee-san is ignoring me and not getting any progress at all in the heart meter
we are ghetto'd till the third room and it's pretty obvious why
They are items you give to the girls to unlock their alt costume once they're at max bond.
but no anime titty
It's real mahjong, there are almost no player assist features either
post room
Shut up you fucking chink, as if anyone would like to pretend to be one of your kind.
Oh, well that makes sense.
I hope this copper coin bullshit doesn't impede me too much when I make adept.
I'm not sure I'll even last that long since I've been playing only two days and I'm already sick of the default waifus.
The amount of points you need to fill each heart increases with every heart you fill. The 5th heart requires some bullshit like 20k.
its 50k, embrace the gacha
>I'm already sick of the default waifus.
Should really have given you either 3 or 1 to start. 2 is the worst option.
its easy
Can you make private rooms?
How many bond points does a gift give you?
absolute madman
so how do i play with you guys?
>its a some smurf with a premium girl absolutely crushes all the noobs in a south bronze room episode
why would you do that
Click Friendly Match, Create Room, and then post the room number here
The gacha design and pricing for this game is retarded considering it's just cosmetics. It's 3.33 dollars for 1 roll and 30 dollars for 10 rolls, with a 5% chance of getting a character, and you can get dupes. Rolling gives you currency which you can use to buy characters outright, but you need something like 200-400 dollars worth of rolls to get enough to do that.
Most gacha games will at least drip feed you rewards at a reasonable rate to keep you playing even if you don't pay. But with this one the free rewards from normal play are so pitiful you essentially have no choice but to pay if you want to unlock anything.
ok! room 62243!
And a better waifu will eventually get released in the later updates. the current ones besides Nadeshiko suck!
What divine being did I piss off to get luck this bad?
If it's all cosmetic why is that bad? Let them make money off whales.
by learning some basic rules
They did it to inflate the score so you receive more damage, scrub. git gud on your defense.
what is this
and is it multiplayer
Because cosmetics are fun for normal non-retarded people too and they'd get better player retention and spending rates if their prices were fairer and their free rewards were more generous.
Riichi mahjong with a gacha for waifu avatars.
>drop some scary tile late game
>it pause
>oh shit oh shit
>some guy called kan off it
>oh wew
>then other guy then ron it and robbing a kan
jesus fuck
I thought chankan only applied to late kans.
I hope you're prepared to open your wallet, because this is not f2p friendly for the gacha. Playing is free.
Why is there no chat function? Nuke this kusoge already.
post your tenpei theme
>chink player spamming tanyao
>he is actually getting doras so he is pretty far ahead
>South 2
>ron the chink
>it's dealer's honiitsu with a a few dora making a baiman
>kick him down to fourth
>he starts drawing out the timer for ever draw after
I should have spammed some emotes to piss him off even more.
>in a two way wait for three concealed pon with three dora
>have to get a tsumo for it
>despair mounting as I watch people discard my winning tiles
I know the chances were slim in the first place but it still hurts
He won't be allowed in bronze once he is gold-tier
It just had to be the dora indicator.
That's hilarious.
You deserved it for deliberately putting yourself into a hell wait anyway.
your Kan gave them more Dora too
shoot me already I'm going back to my puzzles
How do i see current and/or seat wind, whats the one displayed in middle
the one in middle is table wind
the one below it is seat wind
how the fuck does majong work and whats so fun about it? Also wtf is even the goal. Ff14 added it as a mini game
Thanks for disconnecting, Youkai! Very cool!
I fucking hate tanyou
let me have my yakuman
just make a new room i'll join :)
>5 dora got beaten by a 2k
I'm mad
>the chinese saved mahjong
why do we hate them again?
thanks dood
Saved. Thank you very much.
>east 1 game 2
shimocha gets fucked by a dealer sanbaiman
stop being slow
Reminder that if your hand isn't at least a mangan it's basically not worth winning. You can't have a fast hand all the time and often people will get fast hanemans and smack you in the face, instantly erasing your painstaking tanyao nomi win streak.
Obviously you should win whenever you can but if you're winning nothing but cheapshit hands all it takes is one guy getting slightly lucky to erase all that progress.
they ate all the rhinos
ggs Nipah and Not!. fuck you youkai for dcing after getting ron'd off twice!
>Reminder that if your hand isn't at least a mangan it's basically not worth winning.
Straight up false. 3 han is an acceptable amount to aim for but even then there are plenty of situations where aiming for a cheap nothing hand is an acceptable play.
The butthurt about fast hands in these threads is really getting ridiculous.
What are some good mahjong anime\manga\drama about mahjong or even gambing in general that isn't made by Fukumoto and translated to english?
Any rooms open?
Too many kans.
East only 5+20
Fast dumb hands are the worst. Its the last round and someone wins 1k to go up from their pathetic 5k score to you guessed it still last place and just ends the match in the most anti climatic boring way with no comebacks from anyone. Or the very first round.
Pon nya
Ehhm what?
I feel blueballed.
gg, it was fun man.
>Can't find this room number!
WebGL keeps freaking out and causing the whole window to go black, forcing me to refresh and sometimes even restart the whole browser.
How often do you aim for yakuman?
shiver me ballsack
You either have the chance or you don't, it's not really something you intentionally build for unless you're really good at reading and think you can get a suu ankou. If the chance is there, go for it unless you're in the lead and can't afford to take a direct hit.
can I go for it with this hand?
My internet died you fucking retard, why would I disconnect when I had like 29k points.
Always felt this rule was kind of dumb, I don't see the point of it. Just make it so additional kans are illegal and let the game keep going.
There's nothing to go for there. At best you might be able to get 7 pairs.
>You will never have a nekomata gf that claims desperately to be human
Be careful guys, you fuck her once, she'll leave you with a litter of 8 kids. I hope your mahjong addiction is profitable enough to support that.
The point is to nope the fuck out of it. Same with suucha riichi.
At least it's over
never, in case report all niggers crying for it
nah I decide to just go for pon palace instead
Well, second place is good enough for me considering that bullshit hand even happened.
gg, going to go eat.
Room for 1 more.
Happened twice, Jesus Christ.
Nothing wrong with 4 player riichi either. Other rules which voluntarily end the game right away like kyushu kyuhai and same wind tiles are fine, but ones which just nullify the hand right as it reaches a climax are lame. A player might have a legitimate reason to make a 4th kan or be the 4th riichi beyond just wanting to end the game, so the fact that it's forced is stupid.
>ご主人おかえりにゃ :3
Just make the threads less frequent if it gets to that point. The instant it moves to /vg/ is the instant most people drop it and it turns into a gay circlejerk
Weekend threads like UNIST and the like would probably be best once the threads start to die.
Threads in /vg/ are going to be dead as hell. Even games that get constant updates die there and this shit is the same old game from 100 years ago.
might as well skip /vg/ and go straight to discord
What anime is this guy you keep posting from
>might have a legitimate reason
Absolutely no.
That's an interesting tile you drew, user. Fits right into your hand, doesn't it? Go ahead and throw away that other tile that flowed out. Sure it's the only one of its kind on the table but it's fine, I'm probably not in tenpai anyway. It's only the ninth discard and I haven't even called riichi. There's pretty much no risk, so you can just throw it out without thinking if you want.
>in 1st round some chink gets double ronned and falls to 1000 points
why is this so damn funny
Well there already is an official Discord plus several other mahjong-related Discords. Then there's the general on /jp/.
can you guys at least reply to room post if its already full?
it also help bump the thread too
>move to /vg/
>thread becomes discord erping, namedropping, mobage wars, sexual fantasy dumps, tranny heavens
I am ok with thirsting over cute girls but everything else is not.
read the filename.jpg
Hello Goo.
rent free
Okay guys but look at this Chinese dog.
>Chink A pons white and red dragons
>Chink B draws and discards green dragon
>Can almost hear the scream through my monitor when the inevitable happens
You clearly don't understand the ROMANCE of being a deadbeat mahjong addict dad
so this is the power of china...
>be in last with 0 (ZERO) points
>still go for open tanyao
Why are chinks like this?
I'd rather go for /jp/ than /vg/ or discord
That said the threads are fine for now, we're still hitting post cap and jannies don't care yet
>tfw want to goon out to mahjong but my friends want to goon out to ror2
Sweet revenge after being bullied 2 straight matches.
It's gonna hurt when I get 4th, isn't it. I only hope it's not to china.
>Last place chink with single digit score and negative IQ rons someone for 1600 points while you're in first place
why does it walk on two feet?
>Mahjong getting popular on Yea Forums
Why just not do like with UNIST threads? It's a niche game that has a thread up one day a week.
get in here, bros
just think about what China is usually like you dont need to be creative
Will this teach me how to play mahjong or do i have to already know how to play? I only know the barest basics of the game.
I'm almost out of Novice. Are players competent in Silver?
well, it's jap mahjong not real mahjong
My past few games have been Chinese players who actually know how to play for Han.
why do dora adjacent tiles shine like the red tiles?
>it's the mahjong everybody plays, not chink mahjong only chinks play
that doesn't actually answer my question though.
GG im out
1 more open in this room
Those ARE the dora tiles. Tile in the corner of the screen INDICATES what the dora is.
I just cant figure out the win condition is for Pinfu. someone please enlighten me.
how do we recover from this Mikibros
You're gonna get like 5 replies to this.
Is there a way to sign up without using twitter/facebook/google+?
heres the second reply
All melds are sequences (like 1-2-3 etc), pair can't be honors (winds or dragons) and wait needs to be open (like you're waiting for 1 or 4 because you have a 2 and 3 not waiting on 2 because you have a 1 and 3) and your wait can't be the pair
yeah, press log in, put your mail, press send code, open your mail, copy the code, paste it below your mail and log in.
it's like generating a password for your e-mail each time you log in
for me my dora is say a 2 of bamboo top left, the 3 of bamboo shines in my hand and in the discards
>he fell for the closed hand meme
oh yikes good LUCK with that haha
I had that issue a bit ago, you can just write in your e-mail then hit verify code or whatever, then input the code you receive in your inbox. So you don't need twitter/google/facebook.
pic related
It was pure luck, I was reach'ing on an open wait for 2 and 5 sou, both had 3 tiles to be discarded, and faggot gourdon tsumos. It was meant to be.
That's the dora indicator, not the dora itself.
My instinct is to feel like red 5s are bullshit but then I cant really justify it when normal doras are basically just as bullshit. I guess it just irritates me that they reward tanyao chinks.
Fuck okay
i hope i didnt ruin anyone's insane hands with my 2 shitty ones lol
>All Last
What did they mean by this?
Means post a room number, fegget.
How does the Dora indicator work for Wind and Dragon Tiles?
It's just the last hand of the match. East can keep it going longer if they're not in 1st place and win.
Wrong. Your pair can be winds as long as they arent your seat or the prevailing wind.
Hey that's what you're playing for, cucking people out of their yakuman.
Alphabetical order for dragons, standard compass order for winds (E->S->W->N->E).