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With no fucking games. What were they thinking?

What does this offer over the Vive Pro?
What makes it even worth it over the original Vive?
Ignoring the others because Lighthouse is the ultimate tracking

>What does this offer over the Vive Pro?
Wider fov and a screen with better fill rate and lower response time

>What makes it even worth it over the original Vive?
resolution, headphones

I'm a little underwhelmed but the $500 they're selling it for is reasonable and I'm replacing my vive with it.

I pre-ordered already. This is a game changer

3 subpixels per pixel
130 fov
Knuckles which offers 5 finger tracking rather than 3 (or in the case of vive dildos like 2)

I'm getting it too but it's hardly a game changer; it's just a (supposedly) nice screen and another 20 degrees of fov.

The controllers will work fine with vive/vive pro/pimax and aren't a feature of the headset itself.

Um hello... HELLO... MC FLY? HELLO? 120hz, 144 hz

Nothing is going to reliably run that fast on current hardware except beat saber maybe.

> Index Speakers do not touch the ears, allowing sound to freely flow

How Am I going to fap to my 4k 3d JAV if they can hear me on the next room? those japanese schoolgirls scream a lot

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At that price just buy a fucking pimax 5k, FOV>meme high refresh rate
90hz is all you need. Fuck even the 70 whatever the quest has, I've tried it, felt almost the same as 90.
1000 bucks is insane. If it were 600 it'd be a great deal. 700 it'd be good enthusiast VR. 1000 is getting fucked in the ass for being an early adopter.

It seems to have a headphone jack, so you probably can swap out.

>Watching porn unmuted
Do people really do this? I can't remember the last thing I watched that didn't kill my boner with JAV ear rape or some disgusting western slag trying too hard to sound slutty.

Agreed, maybe only 1/10th of porn actually sounds okay, and that's mostly due to Abby Winters, so you're mostly fucked if Aussie accents don't do it for you.

tell everyone you're watching formula 1 racing. you all know which video i mean

For the headset alone, Pimax 5k is $200 more than Index, and given the complaints about the overall quality of the screen and lenses it's not at all a forgone conclusion it's worth more per dollar.

Surely they'll be detachable
I know they're releasing gameless hardware for 1k but they can't be THAT mad

>tfw I have a rift, cant use the lighthouses and I need to buy the 1000€ bundle


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I'm actually mad I've got no reason to replace this thing
Like it's fucking great but I bought it as a holdover
But there's no eye tracking, no hlvr, no reason for me to get it
I didn't think it would end like this Sam

That's the thing, in a year the pimax will be cheaper and quality will be improved. I've tried their early 5k version at a tech conference, FOV is the future of VR, I wish I could accurately describe it because like your first time with vr it's just something you have to try. Way more worth it though.

>wider FOV
Cool, kinda a top priority for me even if the current FoV on the Vive is fine
>screen with better fill rate
>lower response time
Don’t see the point right now when most PCs struggle to run VR at even above 90FPS on average to sync with the 90Hz screens

Allright but just like the Pro, is it worth the $200 extra?
I got the ADS which I am very satisfied with but I guess it’s slightly better on the Pro and Index.

I might just order the Knuckles instead for now. If my ERC-20 shitcoin goes 1000% overnight I might consider buying it, unless Vive makes another Pro with better features

Just go all in and get one of those bass emitters that make your floor rumble

SteamVR is backwards compatible. The only difference in the Lighthouse iterations are just minor stuff like simplifying them, increasing coverage range and make them not affect other IR appliances like TVs. Just buy some old Lighthouses

doesn't the pimax have nearly unusable distortion near the edges?

I didn't see it on the unit I used, it wasn't exactly perfect out there but it was perfectly usable and as it's so far out it serves more of a purpose of immersion than actually looking there. Hurts your eyes more to stare all the way over there than moving your head to see the thing closer to the center.
I really don't want to seem that I'm shilling Pimax cause I don't think buying their shit right now is smart. But they're the only ones so far to do high FOV and we need other headsets to adopt that, because once you try it it sucks to go back.


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sperg, these headsets are always made for hardware that doesn't exist yet. Besides I'm pretty sure the 2080ti can push 144hz

Not on 150 degrees mode
Haven't actually tried the large mode, presumably that's where problems start but it's enabling a tiny bit right at the peripherals which seems like a complete waste of performance

m8 pentile died 5 years ago

Both vive and vive pro use them.

Yeah and VR took the remains of it and tried using it again, it sucked